package main
import ( "bufio" "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/glog" "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/operation" "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/util" "fmt" "io" "math" "math/rand" "os" "strings" "sync" "time" )
type BenchmarkOptions struct { server *string concurrency *int numberOfFiles *int fileSize *int idListFile *string write *bool read *bool sequentialRead *bool collection *string vid2server map[string]string //cache for vid locations
var ( b BenchmarkOptions )
func init() { cmdBenchmark.Run = runbenchmark // break init cycle
cmdBenchmark.IsDebug = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Bool("debug", false, "verbose debug information") b.server = cmdBenchmark.Flag.String("server", "localhost:9333", "weedfs master location") b.concurrency = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Int("c", 7, "number of concurrent write or read processes") b.fileSize = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Int("size", 1024, "simulated file size in bytes") b.numberOfFiles = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Int("n", 1024*1024, "number of files to write for each thread") b.idListFile = cmdBenchmark.Flag.String("list", os.TempDir()+"/benchmark_list.txt", "list of uploaded file ids") b.write = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Bool("write", true, "enable write") b.read = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Bool("read", true, "enable read") b.sequentialRead = cmdBenchmark.Flag.Bool("readSequentially", false, "randomly read by ids from \"-list\" specified file") b.collection = cmdBenchmark.Flag.String("collection", "benchmark", "write data to this collection") }
var cmdBenchmark = &Command{ UsageLine: "benchmark -server=localhost:9333 -c=10 -n=100000", Short: "benchmark on writing millions of files and read out", Long: `benchmark on an empty weed file system. Two tests during benchmark: 1) write lots of small files to the system 2) read the files out The file content is mostly zero, but no compression is done. By default, write 1 million files of 1KB each with 7 concurrent threads, and randomly read them out with 7 concurrent threads. You can choose to only benchmark read or write. During write, the list of uploaded file ids is stored in "-list" specified file. You can also use your own list of file ids to run read test. Write speed and read speed will be collected. The numbers are used to get a sense of the system. But usually your network or the hard drive is the real bottleneck.
`, }
var ( wait sync.WaitGroup writeStats *stats readStats *stats )
func runbenchmark(cmd *Command, args []string) bool { finishChan := make(chan bool) fileIdLineChan := make(chan string) b.vid2server = make(map[string]string)
if *b.write { writeStats = newStats() idChan := make(chan int) wait.Add(*b.concurrency) go writeFileIds(*b.idListFile, fileIdLineChan, finishChan) for i := 0; i < *b.concurrency; i++ { go writeFiles(idChan, fileIdLineChan, writeStats) } writeStats.start = time.Now() go writeStats.checkProgress("Writing Benchmark", finishChan) for i := 0; i < *b.numberOfFiles; i++ { idChan <- i } close(idChan) wait.Wait() writeStats.end = time.Now() wait.Add(1) finishChan <- true finishChan <- true wait.Wait() writeStats.printStats() }
if *b.read { readStats = newStats() wait.Add(*b.concurrency) go readFileIds(*b.idListFile, fileIdLineChan) readStats.start = time.Now() go readStats.checkProgress("Randomly Reading Benchmark", finishChan) for i := 0; i < *b.concurrency; i++ { go readFiles(fileIdLineChan, readStats) } wait.Wait() finishChan <- true readStats.end = time.Now() readStats.printStats() }
return true }
func writeFiles(idChan chan int, fileIdLineChan chan string, s *stats) { for { if id, ok := <-idChan; ok { start := time.Now() fp := &operation.FilePart{Reader: &FakeReader{id: uint64(id), size: int64(*b.fileSize)}, FileSize: int64(*b.fileSize)} if assignResult, err := operation.Assign(*b.server, 1, "", *b.collection); err == nil { fp.Server, fp.Fid, fp.Collection = assignResult.PublicUrl, assignResult.Fid, *b.collection fp.Upload(0, *b.server) writeStats.addSample(time.Now().Sub(start)) fileIdLineChan <- fp.Fid s.transferred += int64(*b.fileSize) s.completed++ if *cmdBenchmark.IsDebug { fmt.Printf("writing %d file %s\n", id, fp.Fid) } } else { s.failed++ println("writing file error:", err.Error()) } } else { break } } wait.Done() }
func readFiles(fileIdLineChan chan string, s *stats) { for { if fid, ok := <-fileIdLineChan; ok { if len(fid) == 0 { continue } if fid[0] == '#' { continue } if *cmdBenchmark.IsDebug { fmt.Printf("reading file %s\n", fid) } parts := strings.SplitN(fid, ",", 2) vid := parts[0] start := time.Now() if server, ok := b.vid2server[vid]; !ok { if ret, err := operation.Lookup(*b.server, vid); err == nil { if len(ret.Locations) > 0 { server = ret.Locations[0].PublicUrl b.vid2server[vid] = server } } } if server, ok := b.vid2server[vid]; ok { url := "http://" + server + "/" + fid if bytesRead, err := util.Get(url); err == nil { s.completed++ s.transferred += int64(len(bytesRead)) readStats.addSample(time.Now().Sub(start)) } else { s.failed++ println("!!!! Failed to read from ", url, " !!!!!") } } else { s.failed++ println("!!!! volume id ", vid, " location not found!!!!!") } } else { break } } wait.Done() }
func writeFileIds(fileName string, fileIdLineChan chan string, finishChan chan bool) { file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644) if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("File to create file %s: %s\n", fileName, err) } defer file.Close()
for { select { case <-finishChan: wait.Done() return case line := <-fileIdLineChan: file.Write([]byte(line)) file.Write([]byte("\n")) } } }
func readFileIds(fileName string, fileIdLineChan chan string) { file, err := os.Open(fileName) // For read access.
if err != nil { glog.Fatalf("File to read file %s: %s\n", fileName, err) } defer file.Close()
r := bufio.NewReader(file) if *b.sequentialRead { for { if line, err := Readln(r); err == nil { fileIdLineChan <- string(line) } else { break } } } else { lines := make([]string, 0, *b.numberOfFiles) for { if line, err := Readln(r); err == nil { lines = append(lines, string(line)) } else { break } } for i := 0; i < *b.numberOfFiles; i++ { fileIdLineChan <- lines[rand.Intn(len(lines))] } }
close(fileIdLineChan) }
const ( benchResolution = 10000 //0.1 microsecond
benchBucket = 1000000000 / benchResolution )
type stats struct { data []int completed int failed int transferred int64 start time.Time end time.Time }
var percentages = []int{50, 66, 75, 80, 90, 95, 98, 99, 100}
func newStats() *stats { return &stats{data: make([]int, benchResolution)} }
func (s *stats) addSample(d time.Duration) { s.data[int(d/benchBucket)]++ }
func (s *stats) checkProgress(testName string, finishChan chan bool) { fmt.Printf("\n------------ %s ----------\n", testName) ticker := time.Tick(time.Second) for { select { case <-finishChan: break case <-ticker: fmt.Printf("Completed %d of %d requests, %3d%%\n", s.completed, *b.numberOfFiles, s.completed*100 / *b.numberOfFiles) } } }
func (s *stats) printStats() { timeTaken := float64(int64(s.end.Sub(s.start))) / 1000000000 fmt.Printf("Concurrency Level: %d\n", *b.concurrency) fmt.Printf("Time taken for tests: %.3f seconds\n", timeTaken) fmt.Printf("Complete requests: %d\n", s.completed) fmt.Printf("Failed requests: %d\n", s.failed) fmt.Printf("Total transferred: %d bytes\n", s.transferred) fmt.Printf("Requests per second: %.2f [#/sec]\n", float64(s.completed)/timeTaken) fmt.Printf("Transfer rate: %.2f [Kbytes/sec]\n", float64(s.transferred)/1024/timeTaken) n, sum := 0, 0 min, max := 10000000, 0 for i := 0; i < len(s.data); i++ { n += s.data[i] sum += s.data[i] * i if s.data[i] > 0 { if min > i { min = i } if max < i { max = i } } } avg := float64(sum) / float64(n) varianceSum := 0.0 for i := 0; i < len(s.data); i++ { if s.data[i] > 0 { d := float64(i) - avg varianceSum += d * d * float64(s.data[i]) } } std := math.Sqrt(varianceSum / float64(n)) fmt.Printf("\nConnection Times (ms)\n") fmt.Printf(" min avg max std\n") fmt.Printf("Total: %2.1f %3.1f %3.1f %3.1f\n", float32(min)/10, float32(avg)/10, float32(max)/10, std/10) //printing percentiles
fmt.Printf("\nPercentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)\n") percentiles := make([]int, len(percentages)) for i := 0; i < len(percentages); i++ { percentiles[i] = n * percentages[i] / 100 } percentiles[len(percentiles)-1] = n percentileIndex := 0 currentSum := 0 for i := 0; i < len(s.data); i++ { currentSum += s.data[i] if s.data[i] > 0 && percentileIndex < len(percentiles) && currentSum >= percentiles[percentileIndex] { fmt.Printf(" %3d%% %5.1f ms\n", percentages[percentileIndex], float32(i)/10.0) percentileIndex++ for percentileIndex < len(percentiles) && currentSum >= percentiles[percentileIndex] { percentileIndex++ } } } }
// a fake reader to generate content to upload
type FakeReader struct { id uint64 // an id number
size int64 // max bytes
func (l *FakeReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if l.size <= 0 { return 0, io.EOF } if int64(len(p)) > l.size { n = int(l.size) } else { n = len(p) } for i := 0; i < n-8; i += 8 { for s := uint(0); s < 8; s++ { p[i] = byte(l.id >> (s * 8)) } } l.size -= int64(n) return }
func Readln(r *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) { var ( isPrefix bool = true err error = nil line, ln []byte ) for isPrefix && err == nil { line, isPrefix, err = r.ReadLine() ln = append(ln, line...) } return ln, err }