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6517 lines
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6517 lines
233 KiB
"""Test the keycloak admin object."""
import copy
import os
import uuid
from inspect import iscoroutinefunction, signature
from typing import Tuple
from unittest.mock import ANY, patch
import freezegun
import pytest
from dateutil import parser as datetime_parser
from packaging.version import Version
import keycloak
from keycloak import (
from keycloak.connection import ConnectionManager
from keycloak.exceptions import (
CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Client not found".*}\''
CLIENT_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Client scope not found".*}\''
COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Could not find role".*}\''
COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_WITH_ID_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Could not find role with id".*}\''
HTTP_404_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"HTTP 404 Not Found".*}\''
ILLEGAL_EXECUTION_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Illegal execution".*}\''
NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client scope".*}\''
UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX = 'b\'{"error":"unknown_error".*}\''
USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX = '404: b\'{"error":"User not found".*}\''
def test_keycloak_version():
"""Test version."""
assert keycloak.__version__, keycloak.__version__
def test_keycloak_admin_init(env):
"""Test keycloak admin init.
:param env: Environment fixture
:type env: KeycloakTestEnv
admin = KeycloakAdmin(
assert admin.connection.server_url == f"http://{env.KEYCLOAK_HOST}:{env.KEYCLOAK_PORT}", (
assert admin.connection.realm_name == "master", admin.connection.realm_name
assert isinstance(admin.connection, ConnectionManager), type(admin.connection)
assert admin.connection.client_id == "admin-cli", admin.connection.client_id
assert admin.connection.client_secret_key is None, admin.connection.client_secret_key
assert admin.connection.verify, admin.connection.verify
assert admin.connection.username == env.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN, admin.connection.username
assert admin.connection.password == env.KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD, admin.connection.password
assert admin.connection.totp is None, admin.connection.totp
assert admin.connection.token is None, admin.connection.token
assert admin.connection.user_realm_name is None, admin.connection.user_realm_name
assert admin.connection.custom_headers is None, admin.connection.custom_headers
admin = KeycloakAdmin(
assert admin.connection.token is None
admin = KeycloakAdmin(
assert admin.connection.token is None
token = admin.connection.token
admin = KeycloakAdmin(
assert admin.connection.token == token
admin.create_realm(payload={"realm": "authz", "enabled": True})
admin.connection.realm_name = "authz"
"name": "authz-client",
"clientId": "authz-client",
"authorizationServicesEnabled": True,
"serviceAccountsEnabled": True,
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
"directAccessGrantsEnabled": False,
"enabled": True,
"implicitFlowEnabled": False,
"publicClient": False,
secret = admin.generate_client_secrets(client_id=admin.get_client_id("authz-client"))
adminAuth = KeycloakAdmin(
assert adminAuth.connection.token is not None
assert (
custom_headers={"custom": "header"},
is None
keycloak_connection = KeycloakOpenIDConnection(
keycloak_admin = KeycloakAdmin(connection=keycloak_connection)
assert keycloak_admin.connection.token
def test_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
# Get realms
realms = admin.get_realms()
assert len(realms) == 1, realms
assert realms[0]["realm"] == "master"
# Create a test realm
res = admin.create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"})
assert res == b"", res
# Create the same realm, should fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
res = admin.create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Conflict detected. See logs for details"}\'')
# Create the same realm, skip_exists true
res = admin.create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"}, skip_exists=True)
assert res == {"msg": "Already exists"}, res
# Get a single realm
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res["realm"] == "test"
# Get non-existing realm
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*\'')
# Update realm
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name="test", payload={"accountTheme": "test"})
assert res == dict(), res
# Check that the update worked
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res["realm"] == "test"
assert res["accountTheme"] == "test"
# Update wrong payload
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_realm(realm_name="test", payload={"wrong": "payload"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
# Check that get realms returns both realms
realms = admin.get_realms()
realm_names = [x["realm"] for x in realms]
assert len(realms) == 2, realms
assert "master" in realm_names, realm_names
assert "test" in realm_names, realm_names
# Delete the realm
res = admin.delete_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res == dict(), res
# Check that the realm does not exist anymore
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
# Delete non-existing realm
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
def test_changing_of_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test changing of realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
assert admin.get_current_realm() == "master"
assert admin.get_current_realm() == realm
def test_import_export_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test import and export of realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
realm_export = admin.export_realm(export_clients=True, export_groups_and_role=True)
assert realm_export != dict(), realm_export
admin.realm_name = "master"
res = admin.import_realm(payload=realm_export)
assert res == b"", res
# Test bad import
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
assert err.match(
'500: b\'{"error":"unknown_error"}\'|400: b\'{"errorMessage":"Realm name cannot be empty"}\'', # noqa: E501
def test_partial_import_realm(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test partial import of realm configuration.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
test_realm_role = str(uuid.uuid4())
test_user = str(uuid.uuid4())
test_client = str(uuid.uuid4())
client_id = admin.create_client(payload={"name": test_client, "clientId": test_client})
realm_export = admin.export_realm(export_clients=True, export_groups_and_role=False)
client_config = [
client_entry for client_entry in realm_export["clients"] if client_entry["id"] == client_id
# delete before partial import
payload = {
"ifResourceExists": "SKIP",
"id": realm_export["id"],
"realm": realm,
"clients": [client_config],
"roles": {"realm": [{"name": test_realm_role}]},
"users": [{"username": test_user, "email": f"{test_user}@test.test"}],
# check add
res = admin.partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["added"] == 3
# check skip
res = admin.partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["skipped"] == 3
# check overwrite
payload["ifResourceExists"] = "OVERWRITE"
res = admin.partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["overwritten"] == 3
def test_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Check no users present
users = admin.get_users()
assert users == list(), users
# Test create user
user_id = admin.create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
assert user_id is not None, user_id
# Test create the same user
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
assert err.match(".*User exists with same.*")
# Test create the same user, exists_ok true
user_id_2 = admin.create_user(
payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"}, exist_ok=True,
assert user_id == user_id_2
# Test get user
user = admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)
assert user["username"] == "test", user["username"]
assert user["email"] == "test@test.test", user["email"]
# Test update user
res = admin.update_user(user_id=user_id, payload={"firstName": "Test"})
assert res == dict(), res
user = admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)
assert user["firstName"] == "Test"
# Test update user fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_user(user_id=user_id, payload={"wrong": "payload"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
# Test disable user
res = admin.disable_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == {}, res
assert not admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["enabled"]
# Test enable user
res = admin.enable_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == {}, res
assert admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["enabled"]
# Test get users again
users = admin.get_users()
usernames = [x["username"] for x in users]
assert "test" in usernames
# Test users counts
count = admin.users_count()
assert count == 1, count
# Test users count with query
count = admin.users_count(query={"username": "notpresent"})
assert count == 0
# Test user groups
groups = admin.get_user_groups(user_id=user["id"])
assert len(groups) == 0
# Test user groups bad id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test logout
res = admin.user_logout(user_id=user["id"])
assert res == dict(), res
# Test logout fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test consents
res = admin.user_consents(user_id=user["id"])
assert len(res) == 0, res
# Test consents fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test delete user
res = admin.delete_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
def test_enable_disable_all_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test enable and disable all users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
user_id_1 = admin.create_user(
payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test", "enabled": True},
user_id_2 = admin.create_user(
payload={"username": "test2", "email": "test2@test.test", "enabled": True},
user_id_3 = admin.create_user(
payload={"username": "test3", "email": "test3@test.test", "enabled": True},
assert admin.get_user(user_id_1)["enabled"]
assert admin.get_user(user_id_2)["enabled"]
assert admin.get_user(user_id_3)["enabled"]
assert not admin.get_user(user_id_1)["enabled"]
assert not admin.get_user(user_id_2)["enabled"]
assert not admin.get_user(user_id_3)["enabled"]
assert admin.get_user(user_id_1)["enabled"]
assert admin.get_user(user_id_2)["enabled"]
assert admin.get_user(user_id_3)["enabled"]
def test_users_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test users roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
user_id = admin.create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
# Test all level user roles
client_id = admin.create_client(payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"})
admin.create_client_role(client_role_id=client_id, payload={"name": "test-role"})
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client_id, role_name="test-role")],
all_roles = admin.get_all_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
realm_roles = all_roles["realmMappings"]
assert len(realm_roles) == 1, realm_roles
client_roles = all_roles["clientMappings"]
assert len(client_roles) == 1, client_roles
# Test all level user roles fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
err.match('404: b\'{"error":"User not found"')
def test_users_pagination(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test user pagination.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
for ind in range(admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50):
username = f"user_{ind}"
admin.create_user(payload={"username": username, "email": f"{username}@test.test"})
users = admin.get_users()
assert len(users) == admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50, len(users)
users = admin.get_users(query={"first": 100})
assert len(users) == 50, len(users)
users = admin.get_users(query={"max": 20})
assert len(users) == 20, len(users)
def test_user_groups_pagination(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test user groups pagination.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
user_id = admin.create_user(
payload={"username": "username_1", "email": "username_1@test.test"},
for ind in range(admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50):
group_name = f"group_{ind}"
group_id = admin.create_group(payload={"name": group_name})
admin.group_user_add(user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id)
groups = admin.get_user_groups(user_id=user_id)
assert len(groups) == admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50, len(groups)
groups = admin.get_user_groups(user_id=user_id, query={"first": 100, "max": -1, "search": ""})
assert len(groups) == 50, len(groups)
groups = admin.get_user_groups(user_id=user_id, query={"max": 20, "first": -1, "search": ""})
assert len(groups) == 20, len(groups)
def test_idps(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test IDPs.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Create IDP
res = admin.create_idp(
providerId="github", alias="github", config=dict(clientId="test", clientSecret="test"),
assert res == b"", res
# Test create idp fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_idp(payload={"providerId": "does-not-exist", "alias": "something"})
assert err.match("Invalid identity provider id"), err
# Test listing
idps = admin.get_idps()
assert len(idps) == 1
assert idps[0]["alias"] == "github"
# Test get idp
idp = admin.get_idp("github")
assert idp["alias"] == "github"
assert idp.get("config")
assert idp["config"]["clientId"] == "test"
assert idp["config"]["clientSecret"] == "**********"
# Test get idp fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Test IdP update
res = admin.update_idp(idp_alias="github", payload=idps[0])
assert res == {}, res
# Test adding a mapper
res = admin.add_mapper_to_idp(
"identityProviderAlias": "github",
"identityProviderMapper": "github-user-attribute-mapper",
"name": "test",
assert res == b"", res
# Test mapper fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.add_mapper_to_idp(idp_alias="does-no-texist", payload=dict())
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Test IdP mappers listing
idp_mappers = admin.get_idp_mappers(idp_alias="github")
assert len(idp_mappers) == 1
# Test IdP mapper update
res = admin.update_mapper_in_idp(
# For an obscure reason, keycloak expect all fields
"id": idp_mappers[0]["id"],
"identityProviderAlias": "github-alias",
"identityProviderMapper": "github-user-attribute-mapper",
"name": "test",
"config": idp_mappers[0]["config"],
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete
res = admin.delete_idp(idp_alias="github")
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
def test_user_credentials(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test user credentials.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
res = admin.set_user_password(user_id=user, password="booya", temporary=True)
assert res == dict(), res
# Test user password set fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.set_user_password(user_id="does-not-exist", password="")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
credentials = admin.get_credentials(user_id=user)
assert len(credentials) == 1
assert credentials[0]["type"] == "password", credentials
# Test get credentials fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = admin.delete_credential(user_id=user, credential_id=credentials[0]["id"])
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_credential(user_id=user, credential_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Credential not found".*}\'')
def test_social_logins(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test social logins.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
res = admin.add_user_social_login(
user_id=user, provider_id="gitlab", provider_userid="test", provider_username="test",
assert res == dict(), res
user_id=user, provider_id="github", provider_userid="test", provider_username="test",
assert res == dict(), res
# Test add social login fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = admin.get_user_social_logins(user_id=user)
assert res == list(), res
# Test get social logins fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = admin.delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="gitlab")
assert res == {}, res
res = admin.delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="github")
assert res == {}, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="instagram")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Link not found".*}\''), err
def test_server_info(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test server info.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
info = admin.get_server_info()
assert set(info.keys()).issubset(
), info.keys()
def test_groups(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test groups.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
# Test get groups
groups = admin.get_groups()
assert len(groups) == 0
# Test create group
group_id = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "main-group"})
assert group_id is not None, group_id
# Test group count
count = admin.groups_count()
assert count.get("count") == 1, count
# Test group count with query
count = admin.groups_count(query={"search": "notpresent"})
assert count.get("count") == 0
# Test create subgroups
subgroup_id_1 = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id)
subgroup_id_2 = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-2"}, parent=group_id)
# Test create group fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id)
assert err.match("409"), err
# Test skip exists OK
subgroup_id_1_eq = admin.create_group(
payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id, skip_exists=True,
assert subgroup_id_1_eq is None
# Test get groups again
groups = admin.get_groups()
assert len(groups) == 1, groups
assert len(groups[0]["subGroups"]) == 2, groups[0]["subGroups"]
assert groups[0]["id"] == group_id
assert {x["id"] for x in groups[0]["subGroups"]} == {subgroup_id_1, subgroup_id_2}
# Test get groups query
groups = admin.get_groups(query={"max": 10})
assert len(groups) == 1, groups
assert len(groups[0]["subGroups"]) == 2, groups[0]["subGroups"]
assert groups[0]["id"] == group_id
assert {x["id"] for x in groups[0]["subGroups"]} == {subgroup_id_1, subgroup_id_2}
# Test get group
res = admin.get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_1)
assert res["id"] == subgroup_id_1, res
assert res["name"] == "subgroup-1"
assert res["path"] == "/main-group/subgroup-1"
# Test get group fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
# Create 1 more subgroup
subsubgroup_id_1 = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "subsubgroup-1"}, parent=subgroup_id_2)
main_group = admin.get_group(group_id=group_id)
# Test nested searches
subgroup_2 = admin.get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
res = admin.get_subgroups(group=subgroup_2, path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
# Test nested search from main group
res = admin.get_subgroups(
group=admin.get_group(group_id=group_id, full_hierarchy=True),
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
# Test nested search from all groups
res = admin.get_groups(full_hierarchy=True)
assert len(res) == 1
assert len(res[0]["subGroups"]) == 2
assert len([x for x in res[0]["subGroups"] if x["id"] == subgroup_id_1][0]["subGroups"]) == 0
assert len([x for x in res[0]["subGroups"] if x["id"] == subgroup_id_2][0]["subGroups"]) == 1
# Test that query params are not allowed for full hierarchy
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
admin.get_group_children(group_id=group_id, full_hierarchy=True, query={"max": 10})
# Test that query params are passed
if os.environ["KEYCLOAK_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG"] == "latest" or Version(
) >= Version("23"):
res = admin.get_group_children(group_id=group_id, query={"max": 1})
assert len(res) == 1
assert err.match("Cannot use both query and full_hierarchy parameters")
main_group_id_2 = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "main-group-2"})
assert len(admin.get_groups(full_hierarchy=True)) == 2
# Test empty search
res = admin.get_subgroups(group=main_group, path="/none")
assert res is None, res
# Test get group by path
res = admin.get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-1")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subgroup_id_1, res
res = admin.get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1/test")
assert res["error"] == "Group path does not exist"
res = admin.get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
res = admin.get_group_by_path(path="/main-group")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == group_id, res
# Test group members
res = admin.get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert len(res) == 0, res
# Test fail group members
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\'')
res = admin.group_user_add(user_id=user, group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
res = admin.get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["id"] == user
# Test get group members query
res = admin.get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2, query={"max": 10})
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["id"] == user
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.group_user_remove(user_id="does-not-exist", group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX), err
res = admin.group_user_remove(user_id=user, group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
# Test set permissions
res = admin.group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled=True)
assert res["enabled"], res
res = admin.group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled=False)
assert not res["enabled"], res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled="blah")
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
# Test update group
res = admin.update_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2, payload={"name": "new-subgroup-2"})
assert res == dict(), res
assert admin.get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2)["name"] == "new-subgroup-2"
# test update fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_group(group_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
# Test delete
res = admin.delete_group(group_id=group_id)
assert res == dict(), res
res = admin.delete_group(group_id=main_group_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
assert len(admin.get_groups()) == 0
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
def test_clients(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test clients.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test get clients
clients = admin.get_clients()
assert len(clients) == 6, clients
assert {x["name"] for x in clients} == set(
), clients
# Test create client
client_id = admin.create_client(payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"})
assert client_id, client_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_client(payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Client test-client already exists"}\''), err
client_id_2 = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_id == client_id_2, client_id_2
# Test get client
res = admin.get_client(client_id=client_id)
assert res["clientId"] == "test-client", res
assert res["name"] == "test-client", res
assert res["id"] == client_id, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert len(admin.get_clients()) == 7
# Test get client id
assert admin.get_client_id(client_id="test-client") == client_id
assert admin.get_client_id(client_id="does-not-exist") is None
# Test update client
res = admin.update_client(client_id=client_id, payload={"name": "test-client-change"})
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_client(client_id="does-not-exist", payload={"name": "test-client-change"})
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test client mappers
res = admin.get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.add_mapper_to_client(client_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = admin.add_mapper_to_client(
"name": "test-mapper",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
assert res == b""
assert len(admin.get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id)) == 1
mapper = admin.get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id)[0]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, mapper_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
mapper["config"]["user.attribute"] = "test"
res = admin.update_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, mapper_id=mapper["id"], payload=mapper)
assert res == dict()
res = admin.remove_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, client_mapper_id=mapper["id"])
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.remove_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, client_mapper_id=mapper["id"])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
# Test client sessions
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert admin.get_client_all_sessions(client_id=client_id) == list()
assert admin.get_client_sessions_stats() == list()
# Test authz
auth_client_id = admin.create_client(
"name": "authz-client",
"clientId": "authz-client",
"authorizationServicesEnabled": True,
"serviceAccountsEnabled": True,
res = admin.get_client_authz_settings(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res["allowRemoteResourceManagement"]
assert res["decisionStrategy"] == "UNANIMOUS"
assert len(res["policies"]) >= 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Authz resources
res = admin.get_client_authz_resources(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Resource"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
res = admin.create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"},
assert res["name"] == "test-resource", res
test_resource_id = res["_id"]
res = admin.get_client_authz_resource(client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=test_resource_id)
assert res["_id"] == test_resource_id, res
assert res["name"] == "test-resource", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"invalid_request"')
assert admin.create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"}, skip_exists=True,
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
res = admin.get_client_authz_resources(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 2
assert {x["name"] for x in res} == {"Default Resource", "test-resource"}
res = admin.create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "temp-resource"},
assert res["name"] == "temp-resource", res
temp_resource_id: str = res["_id"]
# Test update authz resources
payload={"name": "temp-updated-resource"},
res = admin.get_client_authz_resource(client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id)
assert res["name"] == "temp-updated-resource", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
payload={"name": "temp-updated-resource"},
assert err.match("404: b''"), err
admin.delete_client_authz_resource(client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id)
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_authz_resource(client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id)
assert err.match("404: b''")
# Authz policies
res = admin.get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Policy"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
role_id = admin.get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")["id"]
res = admin.create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-rb-policy", res
role_based_policy_id = res["id"]
role_based_policy_name = res["name"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert admin.create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(admin.get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 2
res = admin.create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy-delete", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
res2 = admin.get_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
assert res["id"] == res2["id"]
admin.delete_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
assert err.match("404: b''")
res = admin.create_client_authz_policy(
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-policy", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert admin.create_client_authz_policy(
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(admin.get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 3
# Test authz permissions
res = admin.get_client_authz_permissions(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Permission"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = admin.create_client_authz_resource_based_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
assert res, res
assert res["name"] == "test-permission-rb"
assert res["resources"] == [test_resource_id]
resource_based_permission_id = res["id"]
resource_based_permission_name = res["name"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert admin.create_client_authz_resource_based_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(admin.get_client_authz_permissions(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 2
# Test associating client policy with resource based permission
res = admin.update_client_authz_resource_permission(
"id": resource_based_permission_id,
"name": resource_based_permission_name,
"type": "resource",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [test_resource_id],
"scopes": [],
"policies": [role_based_policy_id],
# Test getting associated policies for a permission
associated_policies = admin.get_client_authz_permission_associated_policies(
client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=resource_based_permission_id,
assert len(associated_policies) == 1
assert associated_policies[0]["name"].startswith(role_based_policy_name)
# Test authz scopes
res = admin.get_client_authz_scopes(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 0, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
res = admin.create_client_authz_scopes(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-scope", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
client_id="invalid_client_id", payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert admin.create_client_authz_scopes(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
res = admin.get_client_authz_scopes(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1
assert {x["name"] for x in res} == {"test-authz-scope"}
# Test service account user
res = admin.get_client_service_account_user(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res["username"] == "service-account-authz-client", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert ('b\'{"error":"Service account not enabled for the client' in str(err)) or err.match(
# Test delete client
res = admin.delete_client(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test client credentials
"name": "test-confidential",
"enabled": True,
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"publicClient": False,
"redirectUris": ["http://localhost/*"],
"webOrigins": ["+"],
"clientId": "test-confidential",
"secret": "test-secret",
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
secrets = admin.get_client_secrets(
assert secrets == {"type": "secret", "value": "test-secret"}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = admin.generate_client_secrets(
assert res
assert (
== res
def test_realm_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test realm roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test get realm roles
roles = admin.get_realm_roles()
assert len(roles) == 3, roles
role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in role_names, role_names
assert "offline_access" in role_names, role_names
# Test get realm roles with search text
searched_roles = admin.get_realm_roles(search_text="uma_a")
searched_role_names = [x["name"] for x in searched_roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in searched_role_names, searched_role_names
assert "offline_access" not in searched_role_names, searched_role_names
# Test empty members
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
members = admin.get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access")
assert members == list(), members
# Test create realm role
role_id = admin.create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True)
assert role_id, role_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-realm-role"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Role with name test-realm-role already exists"}\'')
role_id_2 = admin.create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True)
assert role_id == role_id_2
# Test get realm role by its id
role_id = admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role")["id"]
res = admin.get_realm_role_by_id(role_id)
assert res["name"] == "test-realm-role"
# Test update realm role
res = admin.update_realm_role(
role_name="test-realm-role", payload={"name": "test-realm-role-update"},
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
role_name="test-realm-role", payload={"name": "test-realm-role-update"},
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test realm role user assignment
user_id = admin.create_user(payload={"username": "role-testing", "email": "test@test.test"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.assign_realm_roles(user_id=user_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_realm_roles(
assert res == dict(), res
assert admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["username"] in [
x["username"] for x in admin.get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access")
assert admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["username"] in [
x["username"] for x in admin.get_realm_role_members(role_name="test-realm-role-update")
roles = admin.get_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 3
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.delete_realm_roles_of_user(
user_id=user_id, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
assert admin.get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access") == list()
roles = admin.get_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" not in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
roles = admin.get_available_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
# Test realm role group assignment
group_id = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "test-group"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.assign_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_group_realm_roles(
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX)
res = admin.delete_group_realm_roles(
group_id=group_id, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id)
assert len(roles) == 1
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
# Test composite realm roles
composite_role = admin.create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-composite-role"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.add_composite_realm_roles_to_role(role_name=composite_role, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.add_composite_realm_roles_to_role(
role_name=composite_role, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update")],
assert res == dict(), res
res = admin.get_composite_realm_roles_of_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert len(res) == 1
assert "test-realm-role-update" in res[0]["name"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
res = admin.get_composite_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(res) == 4
assert "offline_access" in {x["name"] for x in res}
assert "test-realm-role-update" in {x["name"] for x in res}
assert "uma_authorization" in {x["name"] for x in res}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX), err
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.remove_composite_realm_roles_to_role(role_name=composite_role, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.remove_composite_realm_roles_to_role(
role_name=composite_role, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update")],
assert res == dict(), res
res = admin.get_composite_realm_roles_of_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert len(res) == 0
# Test realm role group list
res = admin.get_realm_role_groups(role_name="test-realm-role-update")
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]["id"] == group_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test with query params
res = admin.get_realm_role_groups(role_name="test-realm-role-update", query={"max": 1})
assert len(res) == 1
# Test delete realm role
res = admin.delete_realm_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
"testcase, arg_brief_repr, includes_attributes",
("brief True", {"brief_representation": True}, False),
("brief False", {"brief_representation": False}, True),
("default", {}, False),
def test_role_attributes(
admin: KeycloakAdmin,
realm: str,
client: str,
arg_brief_repr: dict,
includes_attributes: bool,
testcase: str,
"""Test getting role attributes for bulk calls.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param arg_brief_repr: Brief representation
:type arg_brief_repr: dict
:param includes_attributes: Indicator whether to include attributes
:type includes_attributes: bool
:param testcase: Test case
:type testcase: str
# setup
attribute_role = "test-realm-role-w-attr"
test_attrs = {"attr1": ["val1"], "attr2": ["val2-1", "val2-2"]}
role_id = admin.create_realm_role(
payload={"name": attribute_role, "attributes": test_attrs}, skip_exists=True,
assert role_id, role_id
cli_role_id = admin.create_client_role(
client, payload={"name": attribute_role, "attributes": test_attrs}, skip_exists=True,
assert cli_role_id, cli_role_id
if not includes_attributes:
test_attrs = None
# tests
roles = admin.get_realm_roles(**arg_brief_repr)
roles_filtered = [role for role in roles if role["name"] == role_id]
assert roles_filtered, roles_filtered
role = roles_filtered[0]
assert role.get("attributes") == test_attrs, testcase
roles = admin.get_client_roles(client, **arg_brief_repr)
roles_filtered = [role for role in roles if role["name"] == cli_role_id]
assert roles_filtered, roles_filtered
role = roles_filtered[0]
assert role.get("attributes") == test_attrs, testcase
# cleanup
res = admin.delete_realm_role(role_name=attribute_role)
assert res == dict(), res
res = admin.delete_client_role(client, role_name=attribute_role)
assert res == dict(), res
def test_client_scope_realm_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test client realm roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test get realm roles
roles = admin.get_realm_roles()
assert len(roles) == 3, roles
role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in role_names, role_names
assert "offline_access" in role_names, role_names
# create realm role for test
role_id = admin.create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True)
assert role_id, role_id
# Test realm role client assignment
client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.assign_realm_roles_to_client_scope(client_id=client_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_realm_roles_to_client_scope(
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "offline_access" in client_role_names, client_role_names
assert "test-realm-role" in client_role_names, client_role_names
assert "uma_authorization" not in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 1
assert "test-realm-role" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
res = admin.delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 0
def test_client_scope_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of other client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client roles
roles = admin.get_client_roles_of_client_scope(client_id, client)
assert len(roles) == 0, roles
# create client role for test
client_role_id = admin.create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_id, client_role_id
# Test client role assignment to other client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_client_roles_to_client_scope(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_client_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(roles) == 1
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "client-role-test" in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.delete_client_roles_of_client_scope(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = admin.get_client_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(roles) == 0
def test_client_scope_mapping_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client scope assignment of client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client owning roles
:type client: str
CLIENT_ROLE_NAME = "some-client-role"
client_name = admin.get_client(client)["name"]
client_scope = {
"name": "test_client_scope",
"description": "Test Client Scope",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
client_scope_id = admin.create_client_scope(client_scope, skip_exists=False)
# Test get client roles
client_specific_roles = admin.get_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
client_scope_id, client,
assert len(client_specific_roles) == 0, client_specific_roles
all_roles = admin.get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id)
assert len(all_roles) == 0, all_roles
# create client role for test
client_role_name = admin.create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": CLIENT_ROLE_NAME}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_name, client_role_name
# Test client role assignment to other client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.add_client_specific_roles_to_client_scope(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name=CLIENT_ROLE_NAME)],
assert res == dict(), res
# Test when getting roles for the specific owner client
client_specific_roles = admin.get_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(client_specific_roles) == 1
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in client_specific_roles]
assert CLIENT_ROLE_NAME in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test when getting all roles for the client scope
all_roles = admin.get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id=client_scope_id)
assert "clientMappings" in all_roles, all_roles
all_roles_clients = all_roles["clientMappings"]
assert client_name in all_roles_clients, all_roles_clients
mappings = all_roles_clients[client_name]["mappings"]
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in mappings]
assert CLIENT_ROLE_NAME in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.remove_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name=CLIENT_ROLE_NAME)],
assert res == dict(), res
all_roles = admin.get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id=client_scope_id)
assert len(all_roles) == 0
def test_client_default_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of default client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client default scopes
# keycloak default roles: web-origins, acr, profile, roles, email
default_client_scopes = admin.get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [6, 5], default_client_scopes
# Test add a client scope to client default scopes
default_client_scope = "test-client-default-scope"
new_client_scope = {
"name": default_client_scope,
"description": f"Test Client Scope: {default_client_scope}",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
new_client_scope_id = admin.create_client_scope(new_client_scope, skip_exists=False)
new_default_client_scope_data = {
"realm": realm,
"client": client_id,
"clientScopeId": new_client_scope_id,
client_id, new_client_scope_id, new_default_client_scope_data,
default_client_scopes = admin.get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [6, 7], default_client_scopes
# Test remove a client default scope
admin.delete_client_default_client_scope(client_id, new_client_scope_id)
default_client_scopes = admin.get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [5, 6], default_client_scopes
def test_client_optional_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of optional client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client optional scopes
# keycloak optional roles: microprofile-jwt, offline_access, address, --> for versions < 26.0.0
# starting with Keycloak version 26.0.0 a new optional role is added: organization
optional_client_scopes = admin.get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [4, 5], optional_client_scopes
# Test add a client scope to client optional scopes
optional_client_scope = "test-client-optional-scope"
new_client_scope = {
"name": optional_client_scope,
"description": f"Test Client Scope: {optional_client_scope}",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
new_client_scope_id = admin.create_client_scope(new_client_scope, skip_exists=False)
new_optional_client_scope_data = {
"realm": realm,
"client": client_id,
"clientScopeId": new_client_scope_id,
client_id, new_client_scope_id, new_optional_client_scope_data,
optional_client_scopes = admin.get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [5, 6], optional_client_scopes
# Test remove a client optional scope
admin.delete_client_optional_client_scope(client_id, new_client_scope_id)
optional_client_scopes = admin.get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [4, 5], optional_client_scopes
def test_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, client: str):
"""Test client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
# Test get client roles
res = admin.get_client_roles(client_id=client)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test create client role
client_role_id = admin.create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_client_role(client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Role with name client-role-test already exists"}\'')
client_role_id_2 = admin.create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_id == client_role_id_2
# Test get client role
res = admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")
assert res["name"] == client_role_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
res_ = admin.get_client_role_id(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")
assert res_ == res["id"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_role_id(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
assert len(admin.get_client_roles(client_id=client)) == 1
# Test update client role
res = admin.update_client_role(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test", payload={"name": "client-role-test-update"},
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res = admin.update_client_role(
payload={"name": "client-role-test-update"},
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test user with client role
res = admin.get_client_role_members(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_role_members(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
user_id = admin.create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.assign_client_role(user_id=user_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_client_role(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")],
assert res == dict()
assert (
len(admin.get_client_role_members(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"))
== 1
roles = admin.get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 1, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
roles = admin.get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 1, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
roles = admin.get_available_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 0, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")],
assert len(admin.get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)) == 0
# Test groups and client roles
res = admin.get_client_role_groups(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_role_groups(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
group_id = admin.create_group(payload={"name": "test-group"})
res = admin.get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.assign_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.assign_group_client_roles(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")],
assert res == dict()
assert (
len(admin.get_client_role_groups(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"))
== 1
assert len(admin.get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client)) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.delete_group_client_roles(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")],
assert res == dict()
# Test composite client roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update", roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.add_composite_client_roles_to_role(
assert res == dict()
assert admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")[
# Test removal of composite client roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update", roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = admin.remove_composite_client_roles_from_role(
assert res == dict()
assert not admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")[
# Test delete of client role
res = admin.delete_client_role(client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_client_role(client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test of roles by id - Get role
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test"}, skip_exists=True,
role = admin.get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-by-id-test")
res = admin.get_role_by_id(role_id=role["id"])
assert res["name"] == "client-role-by-id-test"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
# Test of roles by id - Update role
res = admin.update_role_by_id(
role_id=role["id"], payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test-update"},
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res = admin.update_role_by_id(
role_id="bad", payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test-update"},
# Test of roles by id - Delete role
res = admin.delete_role_by_id(role_id=role["id"])
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
def test_enable_token_exchange(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test enable token exchange.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:raises AssertionError: In case of bad configuration
# Test enabling token exchange between two confidential clients
# Create test clients
source_client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "Source Client", "clientId": "source-client"},
target_client_id = admin.create_client(
payload={"name": "Target Client", "clientId": "target-client"},
for c in admin.get_clients():
if c["clientId"] == "realm-management":
realm_management_id = c["id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing realm management client")
# Enable permissions on the Superset client
payload={"enabled": True}, client_id=target_client_id,
# Fetch various IDs and strings needed when creating the permission
token_exchange_permission_id = admin.get_client_management_permissions(
scopes = admin.get_client_authz_policy_scopes(
client_id=realm_management_id, policy_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
for s in scopes:
if s["name"] == "token-exchange":
token_exchange_scope_id = s["id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing token-exchange scope")
resources = admin.get_client_authz_policy_resources(
client_id=realm_management_id, policy_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
for r in resources:
if r["name"] == f"client.resource.{target_client_id}":
token_exchange_resource_id = r["_id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing client resource")
# Create a client policy for source client
policy_name = "Exchange source client token with target client token"
client_policy_id = admin.create_client_authz_client_policy(
"type": "client",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"name": policy_name,
"clients": [source_client_id],
policies = admin.get_client_authz_client_policies(client_id=realm_management_id)
for policy in policies:
if policy["name"] == policy_name:
assert policy["clients"] == [source_client_id]
raise AssertionError("Missing client policy")
# Update permissions on the target client to reference this policy
permission_name = admin.get_client_authz_scope_permission(
client_id=realm_management_id, scope_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
"id": token_exchange_permission_id,
"name": permission_name,
"type": "scope",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [token_exchange_resource_id],
"scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id],
"policies": [client_policy_id],
# Create permissions on the target client to reference this policy
"id": "some-id",
"name": "test-permission",
"type": "scope",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [token_exchange_resource_id],
"scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id],
"policies": [client_policy_id],
permission_name = admin.get_client_authz_scope_permission(
client_id=realm_management_id, scope_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
assert permission_name.startswith("token-exchange.permission.client.")
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
payload={"name": "test-permission", "scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id]},
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
def test_email(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test email.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
# Emails will fail as we don't have SMTP test setup
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.send_update_account(user_id=user, payload=dict())
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
admin.update_user(user_id=user, payload={"enabled": True})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
assert err.match('500: b\'{"errorMessage":"Failed to send .*"}\'')
def test_get_sessions(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test get sessions.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
sessions = admin.get_sessions(user_id=admin.get_user_id(username=admin.connection.username))
assert len(sessions) >= 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
def test_get_client_installation_provider(admin: KeycloakAdmin, client: str):
"""Test get client installation provider.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
admin.get_client_installation_provider(client_id=client, provider_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Unknown Provider".*}\'')
installation = admin.get_client_installation_provider(
client_id=client, provider_id="keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json",
assert set(installation.keys()) == {
def test_auth_flows(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test auth flows.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
res = admin.get_authentication_flows()
assert len(res) <= 8, res
default_flows = len(res)
assert {x["alias"] for x in res}.issubset(
"reset credentials",
"http challenge",
"docker auth",
"direct grant",
"first broker login",
assert set(res[0].keys()) == {
assert {x["alias"] for x in res}.issubset(
"reset credentials",
"docker auth",
"direct grant",
"first broker login",
"http challenge",
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find flow with id".*}\'')
browser_flow_id = [x for x in res if x["alias"] == "browser"][0]["id"]
res = admin.get_authentication_flow_for_id(flow_id=browser_flow_id)
assert res["alias"] == "browser"
# Test copying
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.copy_authentication_flow(payload=dict(), flow_alias="bad")
assert ('b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)) or err.match("404: b''")
res = admin.copy_authentication_flow(payload={"newName": "test-browser"}, flow_alias="browser")
assert res == b"", res
assert len(admin.get_authentication_flows()) == (default_flows + 1)
# Test create
res = admin.create_authentication_flow(
payload={"alias": "test-create", "providerId": "basic-flow"},
assert res == b""
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_authentication_flow(payload={"alias": "test-create", "builtIn": False})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Flow test-create already exists"}\'')
assert admin.create_authentication_flow(
payload={"alias": "test-create"}, skip_exists=True,
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
# Test flow executions
res = admin.get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="browser")
assert len(res) in [8, 12], res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert ('b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)) or err.match("404: b''")
exec_id = res[0]["id"]
res = admin.get_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id=exec_id)
assert set(res.keys()).issubset(
), res.keys()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_authentication_flow_execution(payload=dict(), flow_alias="browser")
assert err.match('400: b\'{"error":"It is illegal to add execution to a built in flow".*}\'')
res = admin.create_authentication_flow_execution(
payload={"provider": "auth-cookie"}, flow_alias="test-create",
assert res == b""
assert len(admin.get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create")) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
payload={"required": "yes"}, flow_alias="test-create",
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
payload = admin.get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create")[0]
payload["displayName"] = "test"
res = admin.update_authentication_flow_executions(payload=payload, flow_alias="test-create")
assert res or (res == {})
exec_id = admin.get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create")[0]["id"]
res = admin.delete_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id=exec_id)
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
# Test subflows
res = admin.create_authentication_flow_subflow(
"alias": "test-subflow",
"provider": "basic-flow",
"type": "something",
"description": "something",
assert res == b""
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
payload={"alias": "test-subflow", "providerId": "basic-flow"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"New flow alias name already exists"}\'')
res = admin.create_authentication_flow_subflow(
"alias": "test-subflow",
"provider": "basic-flow",
"type": "something",
"description": "something",
assert res == {"msg": "Already exists"}
# Test delete auth flow
flow_id = [x for x in admin.get_authentication_flows() if x["alias"] == "test-browser"][0][
res = admin.delete_authentication_flow(flow_id=flow_id)
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert ('b\'{"error":"Could not find flow with id"' in str(err)) or (
'b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)
def test_authentication_configs(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test authentication configs.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test list of auth providers
res = admin.get_authenticator_providers()
assert len(res) <= 38
res = admin.get_authenticator_provider_config_description(provider_id="auth-cookie")
assert res == {
"helpText": "Validates the SSO cookie set by the auth server.",
"name": "Cookie",
"properties": [],
"providerId": "auth-cookie",
# Test authenticator config
# Currently unable to find a sustainable way to fetch the config id,
# therefore testing only failures
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_authenticator_config(payload=dict(), config_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
def test_sync_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test sync users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Only testing the error message
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.sync_users(storage_id="does-not-exist", action="triggerFullSync")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
def test_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test get client scopes
res = admin.get_client_scopes()
scope_names = {x["name"] for x in res}
assert len(res) in [10, 11, 13]
assert "email" in scope_names
assert "profile" in scope_names
assert "offline_access" in scope_names
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
scope = admin.get_client_scope(client_scope_id=res[0]["id"])
assert res[0] == scope
scope = admin.get_client_scope_by_name(client_scope_name=res[0]["name"])
assert res[0] == scope
# Test create client scope
res = admin.create_client_scope(
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=True,
assert res
res2 = admin.create_client_scope(
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=True,
assert res == res2
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=False,
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Client Scope test-scope already exists"}\'')
# Test update client scope
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_client_scope(client_scope_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
res_update = admin.update_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, payload={"name": "test-scope-update"},
assert res_update == dict()
assert admin.get_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)["name"] == "test-scope-update"
# Test get mappers
mappers = admin.get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)
assert mappers == list()
# Test add mapper
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.add_mapper_to_client_scope(client_scope_id=res, payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"ProtocolMapper provider not found".*}\'')
res_add = admin.add_mapper_to_client_scope(
"name": "test-mapper",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
assert res_add == b""
assert len(admin.get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)) == 1
# Test update mapper
test_mapper = admin.get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)[0]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
client_scope_id="does-not-exist", protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"], payload=dict(),
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
test_mapper["config"]["user.attribute"] = "test"
res_update = admin.update_mapper_in_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"], payload=test_mapper,
assert res_update == dict()
assert (
== "test"
# Test delete mapper
res_del = admin.delete_mapper_from_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"],
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"],
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
# Test default default scopes
res_defaults = admin.get_default_default_client_scopes()
assert len(res_defaults) in [6, 7, 8]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res_add = admin.add_default_default_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_add == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_default_client_scopes()) in [7, 8, 9]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
res_del = admin.delete_default_default_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_default_client_scopes()) in [6, 7, 8]
# Test default optional scopes
res_defaults = admin.get_default_optional_client_scopes()
assert len(res_defaults) in [4, 5]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res_add = admin.add_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_add == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_optional_client_scopes()) in [5, 6]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
res_del = admin.delete_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_optional_client_scopes()) in [4, 5]
# Test client scope delete
res_del = admin.delete_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
def test_components(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test components.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test get components
res = admin.get_components()
assert len(res) == 12
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
res_get = admin.get_component(component_id=res[0]["id"])
assert res_get == res[0]
# Test create component
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.create_component(payload={"bad": "dict"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
res = admin.create_component(
"name": "Test Component",
"providerId": "max-clients",
"providerType": ""
+ "policy.ClientRegistrationPolicy",
"config": {"max-clients": ["1000"]},
assert res
assert admin.get_component(component_id=res)["name"] == "Test Component"
# Test update component
component = admin.get_component(component_id=res)
component["name"] = "Test Component Update"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.update_component(component_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
res_upd = admin.update_component(component_id=res, payload=component)
assert res_upd == dict()
assert admin.get_component(component_id=res)["name"] == "Test Component Update"
# Test delete component
res_del = admin.delete_component(component_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
def test_keys(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test keys.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
assert set(admin.get_keys()["active"].keys()) == {"AES", "HS256", "RS256", "RSA-OAEP"} or set(
) == {"RSA-OAEP", "RS256", "HS512", "AES"}
assert {k["algorithm"] for k in admin.get_keys()["keys"]} == {
} or {k["algorithm"] for k in admin.get_keys()["keys"]} == {
def test_admin_events(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test events.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
admin.create_client(payload={"name": "test", "clientId": "test"})
events = admin.get_admin_events()
assert events == list()
def test_user_events(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test events.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
events = admin.get_events()
assert events == list()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
admin.set_events(payload={"bad": "conf"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
res = admin.set_events(payload={"adminEventsDetailsEnabled": True, "adminEventsEnabled": True})
assert res == dict()
admin.create_client(payload={"name": "test", "clientId": "test"})
events = admin.get_events()
assert events == list()
@freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:00:00")
def test_auto_refresh(admin_frozen: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test auto refresh token.
:param admin_frozen: Keycloak Admin client with time frozen in place
:type admin_frozen: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
admin = admin_frozen
# Test get refresh
admin.connection.custom_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer bad",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["realm"] == realm
# Freeze time to simulate the access token expiring
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:05:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:05:00")
assert admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:05:00")
# Test bad refresh token, but first make sure access token has expired again
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:10:00"):
admin.connection.custom_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
admin.connection.token["refresh_token"] = "bad"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
assert err.match(
'400: b\'{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid refresh token"}\'',
# Test post refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:15:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:15:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert admin.create_realm(payload={"realm": "test-refresh"}) == b""
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:15:00")
# Test update refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:25:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:25:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert (
admin.update_realm(realm_name="test-refresh", payload={"accountTheme": "test"})
== dict()
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:25:00")
# Test delete refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:35:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:35:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert admin.delete_realm(realm_name="test-refresh") == dict()
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:35:00")
def test_get_required_actions(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test required actions.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
ractions = admin.get_required_actions()
assert isinstance(ractions, list)
for ra in ractions:
for key in [
assert key in ra
def test_get_required_action_by_alias(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test get required action by alias.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
ractions = admin.get_required_actions()
ra = admin.get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
assert ra in ractions
assert ra["alias"] == "UPDATE_PASSWORD"
assert admin.get_required_action_by_alias("does-not-exist") is None
def test_update_required_action(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test update required action.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
ra = admin.get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
old = copy.deepcopy(ra)
ra["enabled"] = False
admin.update_required_action("UPDATE_PASSWORD", ra)
newra = admin.get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
assert old != newra
assert newra["enabled"] is False
def test_get_composite_client_roles_of_group(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, group: str, composite_client_role: str,
"""Test get composite client roles of group.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param group: Keycloak group
:type group: str
:param composite_client_role: Composite client role
:type composite_client_role: str
role = admin.get_client_role(client, composite_client_role)
admin.assign_group_client_roles(group_id=group, client_id=client, roles=[role])
result = admin.get_composite_client_roles_of_group(client, group)
assert role["id"] in [x["id"] for x in result]
def test_get_role_client_level_children(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, composite_client_role: str, client_role: str,
"""Test get children of composite client role.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param composite_client_role: Composite client role
:type composite_client_role: str
:param client_role: Client role
:type client_role: str
child = admin.get_client_role(client, client_role)
parent = admin.get_client_role(client, composite_client_role)
res = admin.get_role_client_level_children(client, parent["id"])
assert child["id"] in [x["id"] for x in res]
def test_upload_certificate(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, selfsigned_cert: tuple):
"""Test upload certificate.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param selfsigned_cert: Selfsigned certificates
:type selfsigned_cert: tuple
cert, _ = selfsigned_cert
cert = cert.decode("utf-8").strip()
admin.upload_certificate(client, cert)
cl = admin.get_client(client)
assert cl["attributes"]["jwt.credential.certificate"] == "".join(cert.splitlines()[1:-1])
def test_get_bruteforce_status_for_user(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = admin.get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = admin.get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
# Cleanup
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
def test_clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_user(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = admin.get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = admin.get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
res = admin.clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_user(user_id)
bruteforce_status = admin.get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 0
# Cleanup
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
def test_clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_all_users(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = admin.get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = admin.get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
res = admin.clear_all_bruteforce_attempts()
bruteforce_status = admin.get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 0
# Cleanup
res = admin.update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = admin.get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
def test_default_realm_role_present(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test that the default realm role is present in a brand new realm.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
assert f"default-roles-{realm}" in [x["name"] for x in admin.get_realm_roles()]
assert (
len([x["name"] for x in admin.get_realm_roles() if x["name"] == f"default-roles-{realm}"])
== 1
def test_get_default_realm_role_id(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test getter for the ID of the default realm role.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
assert (
== [x["id"] for x in admin.get_realm_roles() if x["name"] == f"default-roles-{realm}"][0]
def test_realm_default_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str) -> None:
"""Test getting, adding and deleting default realm roles.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
# Test listing all default realm roles
roles = admin.get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(roles) == 2
assert {x["name"] for x in roles} == {"offline_access", "uma_authorization"}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
# Test removing a default realm role
res = admin.remove_realm_default_roles(payload=[roles[0]])
assert res == {}
assert roles[0] not in admin.get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(admin.get_realm_default_roles()) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.remove_realm_default_roles(payload=[{"id": "bad id"}])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find composite role".*}\'')
# Test adding a default realm role
res = admin.add_realm_default_roles(payload=[roles[0]])
assert res == {}
assert roles[0] in admin.get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(admin.get_realm_default_roles()) == 2
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
admin.add_realm_default_roles(payload=[{"id": "bad id"}])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find composite role".*}\'')
def test_clear_keys_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the keys cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
res = admin.clear_keys_cache()
assert res == {}
def test_clear_realm_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the realm cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
res = admin.clear_realm_cache()
assert res == {}
def test_clear_user_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the user cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
res = admin.clear_user_cache()
assert res == {}
def test_initial_access_token(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str],
) -> None:
"""Test initial access token and client creation.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
res = admin.create_initial_access_token(2, 3)
assert "token" in res
assert res["count"] == 2
assert res["expiration"] == 3
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
client = str(uuid.uuid4())
secret = str(uuid.uuid4())
res = oid.register_client(
"name": "DynamicRegisteredClient",
"clientId": client,
"enabled": True,
"publicClient": False,
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"secret": secret,
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
assert res["clientId"] == client
new_secret = str(uuid.uuid4())
res = oid.update_client(res["registrationAccessToken"], client, payload={"secret": new_secret})
assert res["secret"] == new_secret
def test_refresh_token(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test refresh token on connection even if it is expired.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
assert admin.connection.token is not None
# async function start
async def test_a_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
# Get realms
realms = await admin.a_get_realms()
assert len(realms) == 1, realms
assert realms[0]["realm"] == "master"
# Create a test realm
res = await admin.a_create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"})
assert res == b"", res
# Create the same realm, should fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
res = await admin.a_create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Conflict detected. See logs for details"}\'')
# Create the same realm, skip_exists true
res = await admin.a_create_realm(payload={"realm": "test"}, skip_exists=True)
assert res == {"msg": "Already exists"}, res
# Get a single realm
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res["realm"] == "test"
# Get non-existing realm
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name="non-existent")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*\'')
# Update realm
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name="test", payload={"accountTheme": "test"})
assert res == dict(), res
# Check that the update worked
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res["realm"] == "test"
assert res["accountTheme"] == "test"
# Update wrong payload
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name="test", payload={"wrong": "payload"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
# Check that get realms returns both realms
realms = await admin.a_get_realms()
realm_names = [x["realm"] for x in realms]
assert len(realms) == 2, realms
assert "master" in realm_names, realm_names
assert "test" in realm_names, realm_names
# Delete the realm
res = await admin.a_delete_realm(realm_name="test")
assert res == dict(), res
# Check that the realm does not exist anymore
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name="test")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
# Delete non-existing realm
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_realm(realm_name="non-existent")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
async def test_a_changing_of_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test changing of realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
assert await admin.a_get_current_realm() == "master"
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
assert await admin.a_get_current_realm() == realm
async def test_a_import_export_realms(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test import and export of realms.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
realm_export = await admin.a_export_realm(export_clients=True, export_groups_and_role=True)
assert realm_export != dict(), realm_export
await admin.a_delete_realm(realm_name=realm)
admin.realm_name = "master"
res = await admin.a_import_realm(payload=realm_export)
assert res == b"", res
# Test bad import
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_import_realm(payload=dict())
assert err.match(
'500: b\'{"error":"unknown_error"}\'|400: b\'{"errorMessage":"Realm name cannot be empty"}\'', # noqa: E501
async def test_a_partial_import_realm(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test partial import of realm configuration.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
test_realm_role = str(uuid.uuid4())
test_user = str(uuid.uuid4())
test_client = str(uuid.uuid4())
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(payload={"name": test_client, "clientId": test_client})
realm_export = await admin.a_export_realm(export_clients=True, export_groups_and_role=False)
client_config = [
client_entry for client_entry in realm_export["clients"] if client_entry["id"] == client_id
# delete before partial import
await admin.a_delete_client(client_id)
payload = {
"ifResourceExists": "SKIP",
"id": realm_export["id"],
"realm": realm,
"clients": [client_config],
"roles": {"realm": [{"name": test_realm_role}]},
"users": [{"username": test_user, "email": f"{test_user}@test.test"}],
# check add
res = await admin.a_partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["added"] == 3
# check skip
res = await admin.a_partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["skipped"] == 3
# check overwrite
payload["ifResourceExists"] = "OVERWRITE"
res = await admin.a_partial_import_realm(realm_name=realm, payload=payload)
assert res["overwritten"] == 3
async def test_a_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Check no users present
users = await admin.a_get_users()
assert users == list(), users
# Test create user
user_id = await admin.a_create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
assert user_id is not None, user_id
# Test create the same user
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
assert err.match(".*User exists with same.*")
# Test create the same user, exists_ok true
user_id_2 = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"}, exist_ok=True,
assert user_id == user_id_2
# Test get user
user = await admin.a_get_user(user_id=user_id)
assert user["username"] == "test", user["username"]
assert user["email"] == "test@test.test", user["email"]
# Test update user
res = await admin.a_update_user(user_id=user_id, payload={"firstName": "Test"})
assert res == dict(), res
user = await admin.a_get_user(user_id=user_id)
assert user["firstName"] == "Test"
# Test update user fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_user(user_id=user_id, payload={"wrong": "payload"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
# Test disable user
res = await admin.a_disable_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == {}, res
assert not (await admin.a_get_user(user_id=user_id))["enabled"]
# Test enable user
res = await admin.a_enable_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == {}, res
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id=user_id))["enabled"]
# Test get users again
users = await admin.a_get_users()
usernames = [x["username"] for x in users]
assert "test" in usernames
# Test users counts
count = await admin.a_users_count()
assert count == 1, count
# Test users count with query
count = await admin.a_users_count(query={"username": "notpresent"})
assert count == 0
# Test user groups
groups = await admin.a_get_user_groups(user_id=user["id"])
assert len(groups) == 0
# Test user groups bad id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_user_groups(user_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test logout
res = await admin.a_user_logout(user_id=user["id"])
assert res == dict(), res
# Test logout fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_user_logout(user_id="non-existent-id")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test consents
res = await admin.a_user_consents(user_id=user["id"])
assert len(res) == 0, res
# Test consents fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_user_consents(user_id="non-existent-id")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
# Test delete user
res = await admin.a_delete_user(user_id=user_id)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_user(user_id=user_id)
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_user(user_id="non-existent-id")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
async def test_a_enable_disable_all_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test enable and disable all users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
user_id_1 = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test", "enabled": True},
user_id_2 = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "test2", "email": "test2@test.test", "enabled": True},
user_id_3 = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "test3", "email": "test3@test.test", "enabled": True},
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_1))["enabled"]
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_2))["enabled"]
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_3))["enabled"]
await admin.a_disable_all_users()
assert not (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_1))["enabled"]
assert not (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_2))["enabled"]
assert not (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_3))["enabled"]
await admin.a_enable_all_users()
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_1))["enabled"]
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_2))["enabled"]
assert (await admin.a_get_user(user_id_3))["enabled"]
async def test_a_users_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test users roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
user_id = await admin.a_create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
# Test all level user roles
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"},
await admin.a_create_client_role(client_role_id=client_id, payload={"name": "test-role"})
await admin.a_assign_client_role(
roles=[admin.get_client_role(client_id=client_id, role_name="test-role")],
all_roles = await admin.a_get_all_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
realm_roles = all_roles["realmMappings"]
assert len(realm_roles) == 1, realm_roles
client_roles = all_roles["clientMappings"]
assert len(client_roles) == 1, client_roles
# Test all level user roles fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_all_roles_of_user(user_id="non-existent-id")
err.match('404: b\'{"error":"User not found"')
await admin.a_delete_user(user_id)
await admin.a_delete_client(client_id)
async def test_a_users_pagination(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test user pagination.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
for ind in range(admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50):
username = f"user_{ind}"
admin.create_user(payload={"username": username, "email": f"{username}@test.test"})
users = await admin.a_get_users()
assert len(users) == admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50, len(users)
users = await admin.a_get_users(query={"first": 100})
assert len(users) == 50, len(users)
users = await admin.a_get_users(query={"max": 20})
assert len(users) == 20, len(users)
async def test_a_user_groups_pagination(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test user groups pagination.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
user_id = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "username_1", "email": "username_1@test.test"},
for ind in range(admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50):
group_name = f"group_{ind}"
group_id = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": group_name})
await admin.a_group_user_add(user_id=user_id, group_id=group_id)
groups = await admin.a_get_user_groups(user_id=user_id)
assert len(groups) == admin.PAGE_SIZE + 50, len(groups)
groups = await admin.a_get_user_groups(
user_id=user_id, query={"first": 100, "max": -1, "search": ""},
assert len(groups) == 50, len(groups)
groups = await admin.a_get_user_groups(
user_id=user_id, query={"max": 20, "first": -1, "search": ""},
assert len(groups) == 20, len(groups)
async def test_a_idps(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test IDPs.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Create IDP
res = await admin.a_create_idp(
providerId="github", alias="github", config=dict(clientId="test", clientSecret="test"),
assert res == b"", res
# Test create idp fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_idp(payload={"providerId": "does-not-exist", "alias": "something"})
assert err.match("Invalid identity provider id"), err
# Test listing
idps = await admin.a_get_idps()
assert len(idps) == 1
assert idps[0]["alias"] == "github"
# Test get idp
idp = await admin.a_get_idp("github")
assert idp["alias"] == "github"
assert idp.get("config")
assert idp["config"]["clientId"] == "test"
assert idp["config"]["clientSecret"] == "**********"
# Test get idp fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_idp("does-not-exist")
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Test IdP update
res = await admin.a_update_idp(idp_alias="github", payload=idps[0])
assert res == {}, res
# Test adding a mapper
res = await admin.a_add_mapper_to_idp(
"identityProviderAlias": "github",
"identityProviderMapper": "github-user-attribute-mapper",
"name": "test",
assert res == b"", res
# Test mapper fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_mapper_to_idp(idp_alias="does-no-texist", payload=dict())
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Test IdP mappers listing
idp_mappers = await admin.a_get_idp_mappers(idp_alias="github")
assert len(idp_mappers) == 1
# Test IdP mapper update
res = await admin.a_update_mapper_in_idp(
# For an obscure reason, keycloak expect all fields
"id": idp_mappers[0]["id"],
"identityProviderAlias": "github-alias",
"identityProviderMapper": "github-user-attribute-mapper",
"name": "test",
"config": idp_mappers[0]["config"],
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete
res = await admin.a_delete_idp(idp_alias="github")
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_idp(idp_alias="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
async def test_a_user_credentials(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test user credentials.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
res = await admin.a_set_user_password(user_id=user, password="booya", temporary=True)
assert res == dict(), res
# Test user password set fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_set_user_password(user_id="does-not-exist", password="")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
credentials = await admin.a_get_credentials(user_id=user)
assert len(credentials) == 1
assert credentials[0]["type"] == "password", credentials
# Test get credentials fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_credentials(user_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_delete_credential(user_id=user, credential_id=credentials[0]["id"])
assert res == dict(), res
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_credential(user_id=user, credential_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Credential not found".*}\'')
async def test_a_social_logins(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test social logins.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
res = await admin.a_add_user_social_login(
user_id=user, provider_id="gitlab", provider_userid="test", provider_username="test",
assert res == dict(), res
await admin.a_add_user_social_login(
user_id=user, provider_id="github", provider_userid="test", provider_username="test",
assert res == dict(), res
# Test add social login fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_user_social_login(
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_get_user_social_logins(user_id=user)
assert res == list(), res
# Test get social logins fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_user_social_logins(user_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="gitlab")
assert res == {}, res
res = await admin.a_delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="github")
assert res == {}, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_user_social_login(user_id=user, provider_id="instagram")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Link not found".*}\''), err
async def test_a_server_info(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test server info.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
info = await admin.a_get_server_info()
assert set(info.keys()).issubset(
), info.keys()
async def test_a_groups(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test groups.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
# Test get groups
groups = await admin.a_get_groups()
assert len(groups) == 0
# Test create group
group_id = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "main-group"})
assert group_id is not None, group_id
# Test group count
count = await admin.a_groups_count()
assert count.get("count") == 1, count
# Test group count with query
count = await admin.a_groups_count(query={"search": "notpresent"})
assert count.get("count") == 0
# Test create subgroups
subgroup_id_1 = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id)
subgroup_id_2 = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-2"}, parent=group_id)
# Test create group fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id)
assert err.match("409"), err
# Test skip exists OK
subgroup_id_1_eq = await admin.a_create_group(
payload={"name": "subgroup-1"}, parent=group_id, skip_exists=True,
assert subgroup_id_1_eq is None
# Test get groups again
groups = await admin.a_get_groups()
assert len(groups) == 1, groups
assert len(groups[0]["subGroups"]) == 2, groups[0]["subGroups"]
assert groups[0]["id"] == group_id
assert {x["id"] for x in groups[0]["subGroups"]} == {subgroup_id_1, subgroup_id_2}
# Test get groups query
groups = await admin.a_get_groups(query={"max": 10})
assert len(groups) == 1, groups
assert len(groups[0]["subGroups"]) == 2, groups[0]["subGroups"]
assert groups[0]["id"] == group_id
assert {x["id"] for x in groups[0]["subGroups"]} == {subgroup_id_1, subgroup_id_2}
# Test get group
res = await admin.a_get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_1)
assert res["id"] == subgroup_id_1, res
assert res["name"] == "subgroup-1"
assert res["path"] == "/main-group/subgroup-1"
# Test get group fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_group(group_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
# Create 1 more subgroup
subsubgroup_id_1 = await admin.a_create_group(
payload={"name": "subsubgroup-1"}, parent=subgroup_id_2,
main_group = await admin.a_get_group(group_id=group_id)
# Test nested searches
subgroup_2 = await admin.a_get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
res = await admin.a_get_subgroups(
group=subgroup_2, path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1",
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
# Test nested search from main group
res = await admin.a_get_subgroups(
group=await admin.a_get_group(group_id=group_id, full_hierarchy=True),
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
# Test nested search from all groups
res = await admin.a_get_groups(full_hierarchy=True)
assert len(res) == 1
assert len(res[0]["subGroups"]) == 2
assert len([x for x in res[0]["subGroups"] if x["id"] == subgroup_id_1][0]["subGroups"]) == 0
assert len([x for x in res[0]["subGroups"] if x["id"] == subgroup_id_2][0]["subGroups"]) == 1
# Test that query params are not allowed for full hierarchy
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
await admin.a_get_group_children(group_id=group_id, full_hierarchy=True, query={"max": 10})
# Test that query params are passed
if os.environ["KEYCLOAK_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG"] == "latest" or Version(
) >= Version("23"):
res = await admin.a_get_group_children(group_id=group_id, query={"max": 1})
assert len(res) == 1
assert err.match("Cannot use both query and full_hierarchy parameters")
main_group_id_2 = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "main-group-2"})
assert len(await admin.a_get_groups(full_hierarchy=True)) == 2
# Test empty search
res = await admin.a_get_subgroups(group=main_group, path="/none")
assert res is None, res
# Test get group by path
res = await admin.a_get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-1")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subgroup_id_1, res
res = await admin.a_get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1/test")
assert res["error"] == "Group path does not exist"
res = await admin.a_get_group_by_path(path="/main-group/subgroup-2/subsubgroup-1")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == subsubgroup_id_1
res = await admin.a_get_group_by_path(path="/main-group")
assert res is not None, res
assert res["id"] == group_id, res
# Test group members
res = await admin.a_get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert len(res) == 0, res
# Test fail group members
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_group_members(group_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\'')
res = await admin.a_group_user_add(user_id=user, group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
res = await admin.a_get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["id"] == user
# Test get group members query
res = await admin.a_get_group_members(group_id=subgroup_id_2, query={"max": 10})
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["id"] == user
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_group_user_remove(user_id="does-not-exist", group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_group_user_remove(user_id=user, group_id=subgroup_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
# Test set permissions
res = await admin.a_group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled=True)
assert res["enabled"], res
res = await admin.a_group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled=False)
assert not res["enabled"], res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_group_set_permissions(group_id=subgroup_id_2, enabled="blah")
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
# Test update group
res = await admin.a_update_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2, payload={"name": "new-subgroup-2"})
assert res == dict(), res
assert (await admin.a_get_group(group_id=subgroup_id_2))["name"] == "new-subgroup-2"
# test update fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_group(group_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
# Test delete
res = await admin.a_delete_group(group_id=group_id)
assert res == dict(), res
res = await admin.a_delete_group(group_id=main_group_id_2)
assert res == dict(), res
assert len(await admin.a_get_groups()) == 0
# Test delete fail
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_group(group_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find group by id".*}\''), err
async def test_a_clients(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test clients.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test get clients
clients = await admin.a_get_clients()
assert len(clients) == 6, clients
assert {x["name"] for x in clients} == set(
), clients
# Test create client
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"},
assert client_id, client_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client(payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Client test-client already exists"}\''), err
client_id_2 = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "test-client", "clientId": "test-client"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_id == client_id_2, client_id_2
# Test get client
res = await admin.a_get_client(client_id=client_id)
assert res["clientId"] == "test-client", res
assert res["name"] == "test-client", res
assert res["id"] == client_id, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert len(await admin.a_get_clients()) == 7
# Test get client id
assert await admin.a_get_client_id(client_id="test-client") == client_id
assert await admin.a_get_client_id(client_id="does-not-exist") is None
# Test update client
res = await admin.a_update_client(client_id=client_id, payload={"name": "test-client-change"})
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_client(
client_id="does-not-exist", payload={"name": "test-client-change"},
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test client mappers
res = await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_mapper_to_client(client_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = await admin.a_add_mapper_to_client(
"name": "test-mapper",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
assert res == b""
assert len(await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id)) == 1
mapper = (await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client(client_id=client_id))[0]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_client_mapper(
client_id=client_id, mapper_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict(),
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
mapper["config"]["user.attribute"] = "test"
res = await admin.a_update_client_mapper(
client_id=client_id, mapper_id=mapper["id"], payload=mapper,
assert res == dict()
res = await admin.a_remove_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, client_mapper_id=mapper["id"])
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_remove_client_mapper(client_id=client_id, client_mapper_id=mapper["id"])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
# Test client sessions
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_all_sessions(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert await admin.a_get_client_all_sessions(client_id=client_id) == list()
assert await admin.a_get_client_sessions_stats() == list()
# Test authz
auth_client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
"name": "authz-client",
"clientId": "authz-client",
"authorizationServicesEnabled": True,
"serviceAccountsEnabled": True,
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_settings(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res["allowRemoteResourceManagement"]
assert res["decisionStrategy"] == "UNANIMOUS"
assert len(res["policies"]) >= 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_settings(client_id=client_id)
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
# Authz resources
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_resources(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Resource"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_resources(client_id=client_id)
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"},
assert res["name"] == "test-resource", res
test_resource_id = res["_id"]
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=test_resource_id,
assert res["_id"] == test_resource_id, res
assert res["name"] == "test-resource", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"invalid_request"')
assert await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-resource"}, skip_exists=True,
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_resources(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 2
assert {x["name"] for x in res} == {"Default Resource", "test-resource"}
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "temp-resource"},
assert res["name"] == "temp-resource", res
temp_resource_id: str = res["_id"]
# Test update authz resources
await admin.a_update_client_authz_resource(
payload={"name": "temp-updated-resource"},
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id,
assert res["name"] == "temp-updated-resource", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_client_authz_resource(
payload={"name": "temp-updated-resource"},
assert err.match("404: b''"), err
await admin.a_delete_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id,
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_resource(
client_id=auth_client_id, resource_id=temp_resource_id,
assert err.match("404: b''")
# Authz policies
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Policy"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_policies(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
role_id = (await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access"))["id"]
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-rb-policy", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert await admin.a_create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(await admin.a_get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 2
role_based_policy_id = res["id"]
role_based_policy_name = res["name"]
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_role_based_policy(
payload={"name": "test-authz-rb-policy-delete", "roles": [{"id": role_id}]},
res2 = await admin.a_get_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
assert res["id"] == res2["id"]
await admin.a_delete_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_policy(client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=res["id"])
assert err.match("404: b''")
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_policy(
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-policy", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_policy(
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert await admin.a_create_client_authz_policy(
"name": "test-authz-policy",
"type": "time",
"config": {"hourEnd": "18", "hour": "9"},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(await admin.a_get_client_authz_policies(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 3
# Test authz permissions
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_permissions(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1, res
assert res[0]["name"] == "Default Permission"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_permissions(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource_based_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
assert res, res
assert res["name"] == "test-permission-rb"
assert res["resources"] == [test_resource_id]
resource_based_permission_id = res["id"]
resource_based_permission_name = res["name"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource_based_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"error":"Policy with name')
assert await admin.a_create_client_authz_resource_based_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission-rb", "resources": [test_resource_id]},
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
assert len(await admin.a_get_client_authz_permissions(client_id=auth_client_id)) == 2
# Test associating client policy with resource based permission
res = await admin.a_update_client_authz_resource_permission(
"id": resource_based_permission_id,
"name": resource_based_permission_name,
"type": "resource",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [test_resource_id],
"scopes": [],
"policies": [role_based_policy_id],
# Test getting associated policies for a permission
associated_policies = await admin.a_get_client_authz_permission_associated_policies(
client_id=auth_client_id, policy_id=resource_based_permission_id,
assert len(associated_policies) == 1
assert associated_policies[0]["name"].startswith(role_based_policy_name)
# Test authz scopes
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_scopes(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 0, res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_authz_scopes(client_id=client_id)
assert err.match(HTTP_404_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_create_client_authz_scopes(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
assert res["name"] == "test-authz-scope", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_scopes(
client_id="invalid_client_id", payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
assert await admin.a_create_client_authz_scopes(
client_id=auth_client_id, payload={"name": "test-authz-scope"},
res = await admin.a_get_client_authz_scopes(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert len(res) == 1
assert {x["name"] for x in res} == {"test-authz-scope"}
# Test service account user
res = await admin.a_get_client_service_account_user(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res["username"] == "service-account-authz-client", res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_service_account_user(client_id=client_id)
assert ('b\'{"error":"Service account not enabled for the client' in str(err)) or err.match(
# Test delete client
res = await admin.a_delete_client(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_client(client_id=auth_client_id)
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test client credentials
await admin.a_create_client(
"name": "test-confidential",
"enabled": True,
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"publicClient": False,
"redirectUris": ["http://localhost/*"],
"webOrigins": ["+"],
"clientId": "test-confidential",
"secret": "test-secret",
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_secrets(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
secrets = await admin.a_get_client_secrets(
client_id=await admin.a_get_client_id(client_id="test-confidential"),
assert secrets == {"type": "secret", "value": "test-secret"}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_generate_client_secrets(client_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
res = await admin.a_generate_client_secrets(
client_id=await admin.a_get_client_id(client_id="test-confidential"),
assert res
assert (
await admin.a_get_client_secrets(
client_id=await admin.a_get_client_id(client_id="test-confidential"),
== res
async def test_a_realm_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test realm roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test get realm roles
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles()
assert len(roles) == 3, roles
role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in role_names, role_names
assert "offline_access" in role_names, role_names
# Test get realm roles with search text
searched_roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles(search_text="uma_a")
searched_role_names = [x["name"] for x in searched_roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in searched_role_names, searched_role_names
assert "offline_access" not in searched_role_names, searched_role_names
# Test empty members
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_realm_role_members(role_name="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
members = await admin.a_get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access")
assert members == list(), members
# Test create realm role
role_id = await admin.a_create_realm_role(
payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True,
assert role_id, role_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-realm-role"})
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Role with name test-realm-role already exists"}\'')
role_id_2 = await admin.a_create_realm_role(
payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True,
assert role_id == role_id_2
# Test get realm role by its id
role_id = (await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role"))["id"]
res = await admin.a_get_realm_role_by_id(role_id)
assert res["name"] == "test-realm-role"
# Test update realm role
res = await admin.a_update_realm_role(
role_name="test-realm-role", payload={"name": "test-realm-role-update"},
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_realm_role(
role_name="test-realm-role", payload={"name": "test-realm-role-update"},
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test realm role user assignment
user_id = await admin.a_create_user(
payload={"username": "role-testing", "email": "test@test.test"},
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_realm_roles(user_id=user_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_realm_roles(
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access"),
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update"),
assert res == dict(), res
assert admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["username"] in [
x["username"] for x in await admin.a_get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access")
assert admin.get_user(user_id=user_id)["username"] in [
for x in await admin.a_get_realm_role_members(role_name="test-realm-role-update")
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 3
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
admin.delete_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_delete_realm_roles_of_user(
user_id=user_id, roles=[await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
assert await admin.a_get_realm_role_members(role_name="offline_access") == list()
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" not in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
roles = await admin.a_get_available_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
# Test realm role group assignment
group_id = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "test-group"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_group_realm_roles(
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access"),
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update"),
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
assert "offline_access" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_delete_group_realm_roles(
group_id=group_id, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_group_realm_roles(group_id=group_id)
assert len(roles) == 1
assert "test-realm-role-update" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
# Test composite realm roles
composite_role = await admin.a_create_realm_role(payload={"name": "test-composite-role"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_composite_realm_roles_to_role(role_name=composite_role, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_add_composite_realm_roles_to_role(
role_name=composite_role, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update")],
assert res == dict(), res
res = await admin.a_get_composite_realm_roles_of_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert len(res) == 1
assert "test-realm-role-update" in res[0]["name"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_composite_realm_roles_of_role(role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
res = await admin.a_get_composite_realm_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id)
assert len(res) == 4
assert "offline_access" in {x["name"] for x in res}
assert "test-realm-role-update" in {x["name"] for x in res}
assert "uma_authorization" in {x["name"] for x in res}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_composite_realm_roles_of_user(user_id="bad")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX), err
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_remove_composite_realm_roles_to_role(role_name=composite_role, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_remove_composite_realm_roles_to_role(
role_name=composite_role, roles=[admin.get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role-update")],
assert res == dict(), res
res = await admin.a_get_composite_realm_roles_of_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert len(res) == 0
# Test realm role group list
res = await admin.a_get_realm_role_groups(role_name="test-realm-role-update")
assert len(res) == 1
assert res[0]["id"] == group_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_realm_role_groups(role_name="non-existent-role")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test with query params
res = await admin.a_get_realm_role_groups(role_name="test-realm-role-update", query={"max": 1})
assert len(res) == 1
# Test delete realm role
res = await admin.a_delete_realm_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert res == dict(), res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_realm_role(role_name=composite_role)
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
"testcase, arg_brief_repr, includes_attributes",
("brief True", {"brief_representation": True}, False),
("brief False", {"brief_representation": False}, True),
("default", {}, False),
async def test_a_role_attributes(
admin: KeycloakAdmin,
realm: str,
client: str,
arg_brief_repr: dict,
includes_attributes: bool,
testcase: str,
"""Test getting role attributes for bulk calls.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param arg_brief_repr: Brief representation
:type arg_brief_repr: dict
:param includes_attributes: Indicator whether to include attributes
:type includes_attributes: bool
:param testcase: Test case
:type testcase: str
# setup
attribute_role = "test-realm-role-w-attr"
test_attrs = {"attr1": ["val1"], "attr2": ["val2-1", "val2-2"]}
role_id = await admin.a_create_realm_role(
payload={"name": attribute_role, "attributes": test_attrs}, skip_exists=True,
assert role_id, role_id
cli_role_id = await admin.a_create_client_role(
client, payload={"name": attribute_role, "attributes": test_attrs}, skip_exists=True,
assert cli_role_id, cli_role_id
if not includes_attributes:
test_attrs = None
# tests
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles(**arg_brief_repr)
roles_filtered = [role for role in roles if role["name"] == role_id]
assert roles_filtered, roles_filtered
role = roles_filtered[0]
assert role.get("attributes") == test_attrs, testcase
roles = await admin.a_get_client_roles(client, **arg_brief_repr)
roles_filtered = [role for role in roles if role["name"] == cli_role_id]
assert roles_filtered, roles_filtered
role = roles_filtered[0]
assert role.get("attributes") == test_attrs, testcase
# cleanup
res = await admin.a_delete_realm_role(role_name=attribute_role)
assert res == dict(), res
res = await admin.a_delete_client_role(client, role_name=attribute_role)
assert res == dict(), res
async def test_a_client_scope_realm_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test client realm roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test get realm roles
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles()
assert len(roles) == 3, roles
role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "uma_authorization" in role_names, role_names
assert "offline_access" in role_names, role_names
# create realm role for test
role_id = await admin.a_create_realm_role(
payload={"name": "test-realm-role"}, skip_exists=True,
assert role_id, role_id
# Test realm role client assignment
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_realm_roles_to_client_scope(client_id=client_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_realm_roles_to_client_scope(
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access"),
await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role"),
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 2
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "offline_access" in client_role_names, client_role_names
assert "test-realm-role" in client_role_names, client_role_names
assert "uma_authorization" not in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, roles=[await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 1
assert "test-realm-role" in [x["name"] for x in roles]
res = await admin.a_delete_realm_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, roles=[await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="test-realm-role")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_roles_of_client_scope(client_id=client_id)
assert len(roles) == 0
async def test_a_client_scope_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of other client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client roles
roles = await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_client_scope(client_id, client)
assert len(roles) == 0, roles
# create client role for test
client_role_id = await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_id, client_role_id
# Test client role assignment to other client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_client_roles_to_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_client_roles_to_client_scope(
roles=[await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(roles) == 1
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in roles]
assert "client-role-test" in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_client_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_delete_client_roles_of_client_scope(
roles=[await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")],
assert res == dict(), res
roles = await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_client_scope(
client_id=client_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(roles) == 0
async def test_a_client_scope_mapping_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client scope assignment of client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client owning roles
:type client: str
CLIENT_ROLE_NAME = "some-client-role"
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
client_obj = await admin.a_get_client(client)
client_name = client_obj["name"]
client_scope = {
"name": "test_client_scope",
"description": "Test Client Scope",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
client_scope_id = await admin.a_create_client_scope(client_scope, skip_exists=False)
# Test get client roles
client_specific_roles = await admin.a_get_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
client_scope_id, client,
assert len(client_specific_roles) == 0, client_specific_roles
all_roles = await admin.a_get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id)
assert len(all_roles) == 0, all_roles
# create client role for test
client_role_name = await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": CLIENT_ROLE_NAME}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_name, client_role_name
# Test client role assignment to other client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_client_specific_roles_to_client_scope(
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_add_client_specific_roles_to_client_scope(
roles=[await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name=CLIENT_ROLE_NAME)],
assert res == dict(), res
# Test when getting roles for the specific owner client
client_specific_roles = await admin.a_get_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client,
assert len(client_specific_roles) == 1
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in client_specific_roles]
assert CLIENT_ROLE_NAME in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test when getting all roles for the client scope
all_roles = await admin.a_get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id=client_scope_id)
assert "clientMappings" in all_roles, all_roles
all_roles_clients = all_roles["clientMappings"]
assert client_name in all_roles_clients, all_roles_clients
mappings = all_roles_clients[client_name]["mappings"]
client_role_names = [x["name"] for x in mappings]
assert CLIENT_ROLE_NAME in client_role_names, client_role_names
# Test remove realm role of client
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_remove_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
client_scope_id=client_scope_id, client_roles_owner_id=client, roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_remove_client_specific_roles_of_client_scope(
roles=[await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name=CLIENT_ROLE_NAME)],
assert res == dict(), res
all_roles = await admin.a_get_all_roles_of_client_scope(client_scope_id=client_scope_id)
assert len(all_roles) == 0
async def test_a_client_default_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of default client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client default scopes
# keycloak default roles: web-origins, acr, profile, roles, email
default_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [6, 5], default_client_scopes
# Test add a client scope to client default scopes
default_client_scope = "test-client-default-scope"
new_client_scope = {
"name": default_client_scope,
"description": f"Test Client Scope: {default_client_scope}",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
new_client_scope_id = await admin.a_create_client_scope(new_client_scope, skip_exists=False)
new_default_client_scope_data = {
"realm": realm,
"client": client_id,
"clientScopeId": new_client_scope_id,
await admin.a_add_client_default_client_scope(
client_id, new_client_scope_id, new_default_client_scope_data,
default_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [6, 7], default_client_scopes
# Test remove a client default scope
await admin.a_delete_client_default_client_scope(client_id, new_client_scope_id)
default_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_default_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(default_client_scopes) in [5, 6], default_client_scopes
async def test_a_client_optional_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str):
"""Test client assignment of optional client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "role-testing-client", "clientId": "role-testing-client"},
# Test get client optional scopes
# keycloak optional roles: microprofile-jwt, offline_access, address, --> for versions < 26.0.0
# starting with Keycloak version 26.0.0 a new optional role is added: organization
optional_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [4, 5], optional_client_scopes
# Test add a client scope to client optional scopes
optional_client_scope = "test-client-optional-scope"
new_client_scope = {
"name": optional_client_scope,
"description": f"Test Client Scope: {optional_client_scope}",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"attributes": {},
new_client_scope_id = await admin.a_create_client_scope(new_client_scope, skip_exists=False)
new_optional_client_scope_data = {
"realm": realm,
"client": client_id,
"clientScopeId": new_client_scope_id,
await admin.a_add_client_optional_client_scope(
client_id, new_client_scope_id, new_optional_client_scope_data,
optional_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [5, 6], optional_client_scopes
# Test remove a client optional scope
await admin.a_delete_client_optional_client_scope(client_id, new_client_scope_id)
optional_client_scopes = await admin.a_get_client_optional_client_scopes(client_id)
assert len(optional_client_scopes) in [4, 5], optional_client_scopes
async def test_a_client_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, client: str):
"""Test client roles.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
# Test get client roles
res = await admin.a_get_client_roles(client_id=client)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_roles(client_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
# Test create client role
client_role_id = await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Role with name client-role-test already exists"}\'')
client_role_id_2 = await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-test"}, skip_exists=True,
assert client_role_id == client_role_id_2
# Test get client role
res = await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")
assert res["name"] == client_role_id
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
res_ = await admin.a_get_client_role_id(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test")
assert res_ == res["id"]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_role_id(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
assert len(await admin.a_get_client_roles(client_id=client)) == 1
# Test update client role
res = await admin.a_update_client_role(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test", payload={"name": "client-role-test-update"},
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res = await admin.a_update_client_role(
payload={"name": "client-role-test-update"},
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test user with client role
res = await admin.a_get_client_role_members(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_role_members(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
user_id = await admin.a_create_user(payload={"username": "test", "email": "test@test.test"})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_client_role(user_id=user_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_client_role(
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"),
assert res == dict()
assert (
await admin.a_get_client_role_members(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
== 1
roles = await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 1, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
roles = await admin.a_get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 1, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
roles = await admin.a_get_available_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)
assert len(roles) == 0, roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_composite_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
await admin.a_delete_client_roles_of_user(
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"),
assert len(await admin.a_get_client_roles_of_user(user_id=user_id, client_id=client)) == 0
# Test groups and client roles
res = await admin.a_get_client_role_groups(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_role_groups(client_id=client, role_name="bad")
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
group_id = await admin.a_create_group(payload={"name": "test-group"})
res = await admin.a_get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client)
assert len(res) == 0
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id="bad")
assert err.match(CLIENT_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_assign_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_assign_group_client_roles(
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"),
assert res == dict()
assert (
await admin.a_get_client_role_groups(
client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
== 1
assert len(await admin.a_get_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client)) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_group_client_roles(group_id=group_id, client_id=client, roles=["bad"])
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_delete_group_client_roles(
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"),
assert res == dict()
# Test composite client roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_composite_client_roles_to_role(
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update", roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_add_composite_client_roles_to_role(
roles=[await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict()
assert (await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update"))[
# Test removal of composite client roles
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_remove_composite_client_roles_from_role(
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update", roles=["bad"],
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
res = await admin.a_remove_composite_client_roles_from_role(
roles=[await admin.a_get_realm_role(role_name="offline_access")],
assert res == dict()
assert not (
await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update")
# Test delete of client role
res = await admin.a_delete_client_role(
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_client_role(
client_role_id=client, role_name="client-role-test-update",
assert err.match(COULD_NOT_FIND_ROLE_REGEX)
# Test of roles by id - Get role
await admin.a_create_client_role(
client_role_id=client, payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test"}, skip_exists=True,
role = await admin.a_get_client_role(client_id=client, role_name="client-role-by-id-test")
res = await admin.a_get_role_by_id(role_id=role["id"])
assert res["name"] == "client-role-by-id-test"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_role_by_id(role_id="bad")
# Test of roles by id - Update role
res = await admin.a_update_role_by_id(
role_id=role["id"], payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test-update"},
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
res = await admin.a_update_role_by_id(
role_id="bad", payload={"name": "client-role-by-id-test-update"},
# Test of roles by id - Delete role
res = await admin.a_delete_role_by_id(role_id=role["id"])
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_role_by_id(role_id="bad")
async def test_a_enable_token_exchange(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test enable token exchange.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:raises AssertionError: In case of bad configuration
# Test enabling token exchange between two confidential clients
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Create test clients
source_client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "Source Client", "clientId": "source-client"},
target_client_id = await admin.a_create_client(
payload={"name": "Target Client", "clientId": "target-client"},
for c in await admin.a_get_clients():
if c["clientId"] == "realm-management":
realm_management_id = c["id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing realm management client")
# Enable permissions on the Superset client
await admin.a_update_client_management_permissions(
payload={"enabled": True}, client_id=target_client_id,
# Fetch various IDs and strings needed when creating the permission
token_exchange_permission_id = (
await admin.a_get_client_management_permissions(client_id=target_client_id)
scopes = await admin.a_get_client_authz_policy_scopes(
client_id=realm_management_id, policy_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
for s in scopes:
if s["name"] == "token-exchange":
token_exchange_scope_id = s["id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing token-exchange scope")
resources = await admin.a_get_client_authz_policy_resources(
client_id=realm_management_id, policy_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
for r in resources:
if r["name"] == f"client.resource.{target_client_id}":
token_exchange_resource_id = r["_id"]
raise AssertionError("Missing client resource")
# Create a client policy for source client
policy_name = "Exchange source client token with target client token"
client_policy_id = (
await admin.a_create_client_authz_client_policy(
"type": "client",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"name": policy_name,
"clients": [source_client_id],
policies = await admin.a_get_client_authz_client_policies(client_id=realm_management_id)
for policy in policies:
if policy["name"] == policy_name:
assert policy["clients"] == [source_client_id]
raise AssertionError("Missing client policy")
# Update permissions on the target client to reference this policy
permission_name = (
await admin.a_get_client_authz_scope_permission(
client_id=realm_management_id, scope_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
await admin.a_update_client_authz_scope_permission(
"id": token_exchange_permission_id,
"name": permission_name,
"type": "scope",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [token_exchange_resource_id],
"scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id],
"policies": [client_policy_id],
# Create permissions on the target client to reference this policy
await admin.a_create_client_authz_scope_permission(
"id": "some-id",
"name": "test-permission",
"type": "scope",
"logic": "POSITIVE",
"decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",
"resources": [token_exchange_resource_id],
"scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id],
"policies": [client_policy_id],
permission_name = (
await admin.a_get_client_authz_scope_permission(
client_id=realm_management_id, scope_id=token_exchange_permission_id,
assert permission_name.startswith("token-exchange.permission.client.")
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_authz_scope_permission(
payload={"name": "test-permission", "scopes": [token_exchange_scope_id]},
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find client".*}\'')
async def test_a_email(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test email.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
# Emails will fail as we don't have SMTP test setup
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_send_update_account(user_id=user, payload=dict())
assert err.match(UNKOWN_ERROR_REGEX), err
admin.update_user(user_id=user, payload={"enabled": True})
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_send_verify_email(user_id=user)
assert err.match('500: b\'{"errorMessage":"Failed to send .*"}\'')
async def test_a_email_query_param_handling(admin: KeycloakAdmin, user: str):
"""Test that the optional parameters are correctly transformed into query params.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param user: Keycloak user
:type user: str
with (
admin.connection.async_s, "put", side_effect=Exception("An expected error"),
) as mock_put,
await admin.a_send_update_account(
params={"client_id": "update-account-client-id", "redirect_uri": ""},
with (
admin.connection.async_s, "put", side_effect=Exception("An expected error"),
) as mock_put,
await admin.a_send_verify_email(
user_id=user, client_id="verify-client-id", redirect_uri="",
params={"client_id": "verify-client-id", "redirect_uri": ""},
async def test_a_get_sessions(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test get sessions.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
sessions = await admin.a_get_sessions(
assert len(sessions) >= 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_sessions(user_id="bad")
assert err.match(USER_NOT_FOUND_REGEX)
async def test_a_get_client_installation_provider(admin: KeycloakAdmin, client: str):
"""Test get client installation provider.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_installation_provider(client_id=client, provider_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Unknown Provider".*}\'')
installation = await admin.a_get_client_installation_provider(
client_id=client, provider_id="keycloak-oidc-keycloak-json",
assert set(installation.keys()) == {
async def test_a_auth_flows(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test auth flows.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
res = await admin.a_get_authentication_flows()
assert len(res) <= 8, res
default_flows = len(res)
assert {x["alias"] for x in res}.issubset(
"reset credentials",
"http challenge",
"docker auth",
"direct grant",
"first broker login",
assert set(res[0].keys()) == {
assert {x["alias"] for x in res}.issubset(
"reset credentials",
"docker auth",
"direct grant",
"first broker login",
"http challenge",
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_for_id(flow_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find flow with id".*}\'')
browser_flow_id = [x for x in res if x["alias"] == "browser"][0]["id"]
res = await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_for_id(flow_id=browser_flow_id)
assert res["alias"] == "browser"
# Test copying
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_copy_authentication_flow(payload=dict(), flow_alias="bad")
assert ('b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)) or err.match("404: b''")
res = await admin.a_copy_authentication_flow(
payload={"newName": "test-browser"}, flow_alias="browser",
assert res == b"", res
assert len(await admin.a_get_authentication_flows()) == (default_flows + 1)
# Test create
res = await admin.a_create_authentication_flow(
payload={"alias": "test-create", "providerId": "basic-flow"},
assert res == b""
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_authentication_flow(
payload={"alias": "test-create", "builtIn": False},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Flow test-create already exists"}\'')
assert await admin.a_create_authentication_flow(
payload={"alias": "test-create"}, skip_exists=True,
) == {"msg": "Already exists"}
# Test flow executions
res = await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="browser")
assert len(res) in [8, 12], res
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="bad")
assert ('b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)) or err.match("404: b''")
exec_id = res[0]["id"]
res = await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id=exec_id)
assert set(res.keys()).issubset(
), res.keys()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id="bad")
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_authentication_flow_execution(payload=dict(), flow_alias="browser")
assert err.match('400: b\'{"error":"It is illegal to add execution to a built in flow".*}\'')
res = await admin.a_create_authentication_flow_execution(
payload={"provider": "auth-cookie"}, flow_alias="test-create",
assert res == b""
assert len(await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create")) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_authentication_flow_executions(
payload={"required": "yes"}, flow_alias="test-create",
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
payload = (await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create"))[0]
payload["displayName"] = "test"
res = await admin.a_update_authentication_flow_executions(
payload=payload, flow_alias="test-create",
assert res or (res == {})
exec_id = (await admin.a_get_authentication_flow_executions(flow_alias="test-create"))[0]["id"]
res = await admin.a_delete_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id=exec_id)
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_authentication_flow_execution(execution_id=exec_id)
# Test subflows
res = await admin.a_create_authentication_flow_subflow(
"alias": "test-subflow",
"provider": "basic-flow",
"type": "something",
"description": "something",
assert res == b""
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_authentication_flow_subflow(
payload={"alias": "test-subflow", "providerId": "basic-flow"},
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"New flow alias name already exists"}\'')
res = await admin.a_create_authentication_flow_subflow(
"alias": "test-subflow",
"provider": "basic-flow",
"type": "something",
"description": "something",
assert res == {"msg": "Already exists"}
# Test delete auth flow
flow_id = [
x for x in await admin.a_get_authentication_flows() if x["alias"] == "test-browser"
res = await admin.a_delete_authentication_flow(flow_id=flow_id)
assert res == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_authentication_flow(flow_id=flow_id)
assert ('b\'{"error":"Could not find flow with id"' in str(err)) or (
'b\'{"error":"Flow not found"' in str(err)
async def test_a_authentication_configs(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test authentication configs.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
# Test list of auth providers
res = await admin.a_get_authenticator_providers()
assert len(res) <= 38
res = await admin.a_get_authenticator_provider_config_description(provider_id="auth-cookie")
assert res == {
"helpText": "Validates the SSO cookie set by the auth server.",
"name": "Cookie",
"properties": [],
"providerId": "auth-cookie",
# Test authenticator config
# Currently unable to find a sustainable way to fetch the config id,
# therefore testing only failures
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_authenticator_config(config_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_authenticator_config(payload=dict(), config_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_authenticator_config(config_id="bad")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find authenticator config".*}\'')
async def test_a_sync_users(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test sync users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Only testing the error message
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_sync_users(storage_id="does-not-exist", action="triggerFullSync")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
async def test_a_client_scopes(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test client scopes.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test get client scopes
res = await admin.a_get_client_scopes()
scope_names = {x["name"] for x in res}
assert len(res) in [10, 11, 13]
assert "email" in scope_names
assert "profile" in scope_names
assert "offline_access" in scope_names
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_client_scope(client_scope_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
scope = await admin.a_get_client_scope(client_scope_id=res[0]["id"])
assert res[0] == scope
scope = await admin.a_get_client_scope_by_name(client_scope_name=res[0]["name"])
assert res[0] == scope
# Test create client scope
res = await admin.a_create_client_scope(
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=True,
assert res
res2 = await admin.a_create_client_scope(
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=True,
assert res == res2
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_client_scope(
payload={"name": "test-scope", "protocol": "openid-connect"}, skip_exists=False,
assert err.match('409: b\'{"errorMessage":"Client Scope test-scope already exists"}\'')
# Test update client scope
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_client_scope(client_scope_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
res_update = await admin.a_update_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, payload={"name": "test-scope-update"},
assert res_update == dict()
assert (await admin.a_get_client_scope(client_scope_id=res))["name"] == "test-scope-update"
# Test get mappers
mappers = await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)
assert mappers == list()
# Test add mapper
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_mapper_to_client_scope(client_scope_id=res, payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"ProtocolMapper provider not found".*}\'')
res_add = await admin.a_add_mapper_to_client_scope(
"name": "test-mapper",
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"protocolMapper": "oidc-usermodel-attribute-mapper",
assert res_add == b""
assert len(await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)) == 1
# Test update mapper
test_mapper = (await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res))[0]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_mapper_in_client_scope(
client_scope_id="does-not-exist", protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"], payload=dict(),
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
test_mapper["config"]["user.attribute"] = "test"
res_update = await admin.a_update_mapper_in_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"], payload=test_mapper,
assert res_update == dict()
assert (await admin.a_get_mappers_from_client_scope(client_scope_id=res))[0]["config"][
] == "test"
# Test delete mapper
res_del = await admin.a_delete_mapper_from_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"],
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_mapper_from_client_scope(
client_scope_id=res, protocol_mapper_id=test_mapper["id"],
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Model not found".*}\'')
# Test default default scopes
res_defaults = await admin.a_get_default_default_client_scopes()
assert len(res_defaults) in [6, 7, 8]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_add_default_default_client_scope(scope_id="does-not-exist")
res_add = await admin.a_add_default_default_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_add == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_default_client_scopes()) in [7, 8, 9]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_default_default_client_scope(scope_id="does-not-exist")
res_del = await admin.a_delete_default_default_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
assert len(admin.get_default_default_client_scopes()) in [6, 7, 8]
# Test default optional scopes
res_defaults = await admin.a_get_default_optional_client_scopes()
assert len(res_defaults) in [4, 5]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_add_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id="does-not-exist")
res_add = await admin.a_add_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_add == dict()
assert len(await admin.a_get_default_optional_client_scopes()) in [5, 6]
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id="does-not-exist")
res_del = await admin.a_delete_default_optional_client_scope(scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
assert len(await admin.a_get_default_optional_client_scopes()) in [4, 5]
# Test client scope delete
res_del = await admin.a_delete_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_client_scope(client_scope_id=res)
assert err.match(NO_CLIENT_SCOPE_REGEX)
async def test_a_components(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test components.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test get components
res = await admin.a_get_components()
assert len(res) == 12
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_get_component(component_id="does-not-exist")
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
res_get = await admin.a_get_component(component_id=res[0]["id"])
assert res_get == res[0]
# Test create component
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_create_component(payload={"bad": "dict"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
res = await admin.a_create_component(
"name": "Test Component",
"providerId": "max-clients",
"providerType": ""
+ "policy.ClientRegistrationPolicy",
"config": {"max-clients": ["1000"]},
assert res
assert (await admin.a_get_component(component_id=res))["name"] == "Test Component"
# Test update component
component = await admin.a_get_component(component_id=res)
component["name"] = "Test Component Update"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_update_component(component_id="does-not-exist", payload=dict())
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
res_upd = await admin.a_update_component(component_id=res, payload=component)
assert res_upd == dict()
assert (await admin.a_get_component(component_id=res))["name"] == "Test Component Update"
# Test delete component
res_del = await admin.a_delete_component(component_id=res)
assert res_del == dict()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_delete_component(component_id=res)
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find component".*}\'')
async def test_a_keys(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test keys.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
assert set((await admin.a_get_keys())["active"].keys()) == {
} or set((await admin.a_get_keys())["active"].keys()) == {"RSA-OAEP", "RS256", "HS512", "AES"}
assert {k["algorithm"] for k in (await admin.a_get_keys())["keys"]} == {
} or {k["algorithm"] for k in (await admin.a_get_keys())["keys"]} == {
async def test_a_admin_events(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test events.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
await admin.a_create_client(payload={"name": "test", "clientId": "test"})
events = await admin.a_get_admin_events()
assert events == list()
async def test_a_user_events(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test events.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
events = await admin.a_get_events()
assert events == list()
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPutError) as err:
await admin.a_set_events(payload={"bad": "conf"})
assert err.match("Unrecognized field")
res = await admin.a_set_events(
payload={"adminEventsDetailsEnabled": True, "adminEventsEnabled": True},
assert res == dict()
await admin.a_create_client(payload={"name": "test", "clientId": "test"})
events = await admin.a_get_events()
assert events == list()
@freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:00:00")
async def test_a_auto_refresh(admin_frozen: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test auto refresh token.
:param admin_frozen: Keycloak Admin client with time frozen in place
:type admin_frozen: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
admin = admin_frozen
# Test get refresh
admin.connection.custom_headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer bad",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["realm"] == realm
# Freeze time to simulate the access token expiring
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:05:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:05:00")
assert await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:05:00")
# Test bad refresh token, but first make sure access token has expired again
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:10:00"):
admin.connection.custom_headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
admin.connection.token["refresh_token"] = "bad"
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name="test-refresh")
assert err.match(
'400: b\'{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid refresh token"}\'',
# Test post refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:15:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:15:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert await admin.a_create_realm(payload={"realm": "test-refresh"}) == b""
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:15:00")
# Test update refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:25:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:25:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert (
await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name="test-refresh", payload={"accountTheme": "test"})
== dict()
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:25:00")
# Test delete refresh
with freezegun.freeze_time("2023-02-25 10:35:00"):
assert admin.connection.expires_at < datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:35:00")
admin.connection.token = None
assert await admin.a_delete_realm(realm_name="test-refresh") == dict()
assert admin.connection.expires_at > datetime_parser.parse("2023-02-25 10:35:00")
async def test_a_get_required_actions(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test required actions.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
ractions = await admin.a_get_required_actions()
assert isinstance(ractions, list)
for ra in ractions:
for key in [
assert key in ra
async def test_a_get_required_action_by_alias(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test get required action by alias.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
ractions = await admin.a_get_required_actions()
ra = await admin.a_get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
assert ra in ractions
assert ra["alias"] == "UPDATE_PASSWORD"
assert await admin.a_get_required_action_by_alias("does-not-exist") is None
async def test_a_update_required_action(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str):
"""Test update required action.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
ra = await admin.a_get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
old = copy.deepcopy(ra)
ra["enabled"] = False
admin.update_required_action("UPDATE_PASSWORD", ra)
newra = await admin.a_get_required_action_by_alias("UPDATE_PASSWORD")
assert old != newra
assert newra["enabled"] is False
async def test_a_get_composite_client_roles_of_group(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, group: str, composite_client_role: str,
"""Test get composite client roles of group.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param group: Keycloak group
:type group: str
:param composite_client_role: Composite client role
:type composite_client_role: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
role = await admin.a_get_client_role(client, composite_client_role)
await admin.a_assign_group_client_roles(group_id=group, client_id=client, roles=[role])
result = await admin.a_get_composite_client_roles_of_group(client, group)
assert role["id"] in [x["id"] for x in result]
async def test_a_get_role_client_level_children(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, composite_client_role: str, client_role: str,
"""Test get children of composite client role.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param composite_client_role: Composite client role
:type composite_client_role: str
:param client_role: Client role
:type client_role: str
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
child = await admin.a_get_client_role(client, client_role)
parent = await admin.a_get_client_role(client, composite_client_role)
res = await admin.a_get_role_client_level_children(client, parent["id"])
assert child["id"] in [x["id"] for x in res]
async def test_a_upload_certificate(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str, client: str, selfsigned_cert: tuple,
"""Test upload certificate.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
:param client: Keycloak client
:type client: str
:param selfsigned_cert: Selfsigned certificates
:type selfsigned_cert: tuple
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
cert, _ = selfsigned_cert
cert = cert.decode("utf-8").strip()
admin.upload_certificate(client, cert)
cl = await admin.a_get_client(client)
assert cl["attributes"]["jwt.credential.certificate"] == "".join(cert.splitlines()[1:-1])
async def test_a_get_bruteforce_status_for_user(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = await admin.a_get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = await admin.a_get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
# Cleanup
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
async def test_a_clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_user(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = await admin.a_get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = await admin.a_get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
res = await admin.a_clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_user(user_id)
bruteforce_status = await admin.a_get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 0
# Cleanup
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
async def test_a_clear_bruteforce_attempts_for_all_users(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str], realm: str,
"""Test users.
:param admin: Keycloak Admin client
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
:param realm: Keycloak realm
:type realm: str
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Turn on bruteforce protection
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": True})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is True
# Test login user with wrong credentials
oid.token(username=username, password="wrongpassword")
except KeycloakAuthenticationError:
user_id = await admin.a_get_user_id(username)
bruteforce_status = await admin.a_get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 1
res = await admin.a_clear_all_bruteforce_attempts()
bruteforce_status = await admin.a_get_bruteforce_detection_status(user_id)
assert bruteforce_status["numFailures"] == 0
# Cleanup
res = await admin.a_update_realm(realm_name=realm, payload={"bruteForceProtected": False})
res = await admin.a_get_realm(realm_name=realm)
assert res["bruteForceProtected"] is False
async def test_a_default_realm_role_present(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test that the default realm role is present in a brand new realm.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
assert f"default-roles-{realm}" in [x["name"] for x in admin.get_realm_roles()]
assert (
for x in await admin.a_get_realm_roles()
if x["name"] == f"default-roles-{realm}"
== 1
async def test_a_get_default_realm_role_id(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test getter for the ID of the default realm role.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
assert (
await admin.a_get_default_realm_role_id()
== [
for x in await admin.a_get_realm_roles()
if x["name"] == f"default-roles-{realm}"
async def test_a_realm_default_roles(admin: KeycloakAdmin, realm: str) -> None:
"""Test getting, adding and deleting default realm roles.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test listing all default realm roles
roles = await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(roles) == 2
assert {x["name"] for x in roles} == {"offline_access", "uma_authorization"}
with pytest.raises(KeycloakGetError) as err:
await admin.a_change_current_realm("doesnotexist")
await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Realm not found.".*}\'')
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
# Test removing a default realm role
res = await admin.a_remove_realm_default_roles(payload=[roles[0]])
assert res == {}
assert roles[0] not in await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()) == 1
with pytest.raises(KeycloakDeleteError) as err:
await admin.a_remove_realm_default_roles(payload=[{"id": "bad id"}])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find composite role".*}\'')
# Test adding a default realm role
res = await admin.a_add_realm_default_roles(payload=[roles[0]])
assert res == {}
assert roles[0] in await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()
assert len(await admin.a_get_realm_default_roles()) == 2
with pytest.raises(KeycloakPostError) as err:
await admin.a_add_realm_default_roles(payload=[{"id": "bad id"}])
assert err.match('404: b\'{"error":"Could not find composite role".*}\'')
async def test_a_clear_keys_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the keys cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
res = await admin.a_clear_keys_cache()
assert res == {}
async def test_a_clear_realm_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the realm cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
res = await admin.a_clear_realm_cache()
assert res == {}
async def test_a_clear_user_cache(realm: str, admin: KeycloakAdmin) -> None:
"""Test clearing the user cache.
:param realm: Realm name
:type realm: str
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
await admin.a_change_current_realm(realm)
res = await admin.a_clear_user_cache()
assert res == {}
async def test_a_initial_access_token(
admin: KeycloakAdmin, oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str],
) -> None:
"""Test initial access token and client creation.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
:param oid_with_credentials: Keycloak OpenID client with pre-configured user credentials
:type oid_with_credentials: Tuple[KeycloakOpenID, str, str]
res = await admin.a_create_initial_access_token(2, 3)
assert "token" in res
assert res["count"] == 2
assert res["expiration"] == 3
oid, username, password = oid_with_credentials
client = str(uuid.uuid4())
secret = str(uuid.uuid4())
res = await oid.a_register_client(
"name": "DynamicRegisteredClient",
"clientId": client,
"enabled": True,
"publicClient": False,
"protocol": "openid-connect",
"secret": secret,
"clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
assert res["clientId"] == client
new_secret = str(uuid.uuid4())
res = await oid.a_update_client(
res["registrationAccessToken"], client, payload={"secret": new_secret},
assert res["secret"] == new_secret
async def test_a_refresh_token(admin: KeycloakAdmin):
"""Test refresh token on connection even if it is expired.
:param admin: Keycloak admin
:type admin: KeycloakAdmin
assert admin.connection.token is not None
await admin.a_user_logout(await admin.a_get_user_id(admin.connection.username))
def test_counter_part():
"""Test that each function has its async counter part."""
admin_methods = [func for func in dir(KeycloakAdmin) if callable(getattr(KeycloakAdmin, func))]
sync_methods = [
for method in admin_methods
if not method.startswith("a_") and not method.startswith("_")
async_methods = [
method for method in admin_methods if iscoroutinefunction(getattr(KeycloakAdmin, method))
for method in sync_methods:
async_method = f"a_{method}"
assert (async_method in admin_methods) is True
sync_sign = signature(getattr(KeycloakAdmin, method))
async_sign = signature(getattr(KeycloakAdmin, async_method))
assert sync_sign.parameters == async_sign.parameters
for async_method in async_methods:
if async_method[2:].startswith("_"):
assert async_method[2:] in sync_methods