# Contributing Welcome to the Python Keycloak contributing guidelines. We are all more than happy to receive any contributions to the repository and want to thank you in advance for your contributions! This document outlines the process and the guidelines on how contributions work for this repository. ## Setting up the dev environment The development environment is mainly up to the developer. Our recommendations are to create a python virtual environment and install the necessary requirements. Example ```sh # Install and upgrade pip & poetry python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry # Create virtualenv python -m poetry env use <PATH_TO_PYTHON_VERSION> # install package dependencies including dev dependencies python -m poetry install # Activate virtualenv python -m poetry shell ``` ## Running checks and tests We're utilizing `tox` for most of the testing workflows. However we also have an external dependency on `docker`. We're using docker to spin up a local keycloak instance which we run our test cases against. This is to avoid a lot of unnecessary mocking and yet have immediate feedback from the actual Keycloak instance. All of the setup is done for you with the tox environments, all you need is to have both tox and docker installed (`tox` is included in the `dev-requirements.txt`). To run the unit tests, simply run ```sh tox -e tests ``` The project is also adhering to strict linting (flake8) and formatting (black + isort). You can always check that your code changes adhere to the format by running ```sh tox -e check ``` If the check fails, you'll see an error message specifying what went wrong. To simplify things, you can also run ```sh tox -e apply-check ``` which will apply isort and black formatting for you in the repository. The flake8 problems however need to be resolved manually by the developer. Additionally we require that the documentation pages are built without warnings. This check is also run via tox, using the command ```sh tox -e docs ``` The check is also run in the CICD pipelines. We require that the documentation pages built from the code docstrings do not create visually "bad" pages. ## Conventional commits Commits to this project must adhere to the [Conventional Commits specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) that will allow us to automate version bumps and changelog entry creation. After cloning this repository, you must install the pre-commit hook for conventional commits (this is included in the `dev-requirements.txt`) ```sh # Create virtualenv python -m poetry env use <PATH_TO_PYTHON_VERSION> # Activate virtualenv python -m poetry shell pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t pre-push -t commit-msg ``` ## How to contribute 1. Fork this repository, develop and test your changes 2. Make sure that your changes do not decrease the test coverage 3. Make sure your commits follow the conventional commits 4. Submit a pull request ## How to release The CICD pipelines are set up for the repository. When a PR is merged, a new version of the library will be automatically deployed to the PyPi server, meaning you'll be able to see your changes immediately.