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  1. """Connection test module."""
  2. import pytest
  3. from keycloak.connection import ConnectionManager
  4. from keycloak.exceptions import KeycloakConnectionError
  5. def test_connection_proxy():
  6. """Test proxies of connection manager."""
  7. cm = ConnectionManager(
  8. base_url="http://test.test", proxies={"http://test.test": "localhost:8080"}
  9. )
  10. assert cm._s.proxies == {"http://test.test": "localhost:8080"}
  11. def test_headers():
  12. """Test headers manipulation."""
  13. cm = ConnectionManager(base_url="http://test.test", headers={"H": "A"})
  14. assert cm.param_headers(key="H") == "A"
  15. assert cm.param_headers(key="A") is None
  16. cm.clean_headers()
  17. assert cm.headers == dict()
  18. cm.add_param_headers(key="H", value="B")
  19. assert cm.exist_param_headers(key="H")
  20. assert not cm.exist_param_headers(key="B")
  21. cm.del_param_headers(key="H")
  22. assert not cm.exist_param_headers(key="H")
  23. def test_bad_connection():
  24. """Test bad connection."""
  25. cm = ConnectionManager(base_url="http://not.real.domain")
  26. with pytest.raises(KeycloakConnectionError):
  27. cm.raw_get(path="bad")
  28. with pytest.raises(KeycloakConnectionError):
  29. cm.raw_delete(path="bad")
  30. with pytest.raises(KeycloakConnectionError):
  31. cm.raw_post(path="bad", data={})
  32. with pytest.raises(KeycloakConnectionError):
  33. cm.raw_put(path="bad", data={})