/******************************************************************************* uMatrix - a browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ var µMatrix = (function() { // jshint ignore:line /******************************************************************************/ var oneSecond = 1000; var oneMinute = 60 * oneSecond; var oneHour = 60 * oneMinute; var oneDay = 24 * oneHour; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ var _RequestStats = function() { this.reset(); }; _RequestStats.prototype.reset = function() { this.all = this.doc = this.frame = this.script = this.css = this.image = this.media = this.xhr = this.other = this.cookie = 0; }; /******************************************************************************/ var RequestStats = function() { this.allowed = new _RequestStats(); this.blocked = new _RequestStats(); }; RequestStats.prototype.reset = function() { this.blocked.reset(); this.allowed.reset(); }; RequestStats.prototype.record = function(type, blocked) { // Remember: always test against **false** if ( blocked !== false ) { this.blocked[type] += 1; this.blocked.all += 1; } else { this.allowed[type] += 1; this.allowed.all += 1; } }; var requestStatsFactory = function() { return new RequestStats(); }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ return { onBeforeStartQueue: [], userSettings: { autoUpdate: false, clearBrowserCache: true, clearBrowserCacheAfter: 60, cloudStorageEnabled: false, collapseBlocked: false, colorBlindFriendly: false, deleteCookies: false, deleteUnusedSessionCookies: false, deleteUnusedSessionCookiesAfter: 60, deleteLocalStorage: false, displayTextSize: '13px', externalHostsFiles: '', iconBadgeEnabled: false, maxLoggedRequests: 1000, popupCollapseAllDomains: false, popupCollapseBlacklistedDomains: false, popupScopeLevel: 'domain', processHyperlinkAuditing: true, processReferer: false }, clearBrowserCacheCycle: 0, updateAssetsEvery: 11 * oneDay + 1 * oneHour + 1 * oneMinute + 1 * oneSecond, firstUpdateAfter: 11 * oneMinute, nextUpdateAfter: 11 * oneHour, assetsBootstrapLocation: 'assets/assets.json', pslAssetKey: 'public_suffix_list.dat', // list of live hosts files liveHostsFiles: { }, // urls stats are kept on the back burner while waiting to be reactivated // in a tab or another. pageStores: {}, pageStoresToken: 0, pageStoreCemetery: {}, // page url => permission scope tMatrix: null, pMatrix: null, ubiquitousBlacklist: null, // various stats requestStatsFactory: requestStatsFactory, requestStats: requestStatsFactory(), cookieRemovedCounter: 0, localStorageRemovedCounter: 0, cookieHeaderFoiledCounter: 0, refererHeaderFoiledCounter: 0, hyperlinkAuditingFoiledCounter: 0, browserCacheClearedCounter: 0, storageUsed: 0, // record what the browser is doing behind the scene behindTheSceneScope: 'behind-the-scene', noopFunc: function(){}, // so that I don't have to care for last comma dummy: 0 }; /******************************************************************************/ })(); /******************************************************************************/