µMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests.
Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix
/* global chrome, µMatrix */
/* jshint boss: true */
// Start isolation from global scope
µMatrix.webRequest = (function() {
// The `id='uMatrix'` is important, it allows µMatrix to detect whether a
// specific data URI originates from itself.
var rootFrameReplacement = [
'Blocked by μMatrix',
{{hostname}} blocked by μMatrix
var subFrameReplacement = [
'Blocked by μMatrix',
// If it is HTTP Switchboard's root frame replacement URL, verify that
// the page that was blacklisted is still blacklisted, and if not,
// redirect to the previously blacklisted page.
var onBeforeChromeExtensionRequestHandler = function(details) {
var requestURL = details.url;
// console.debug('onBeforeChromeExtensionRequestHandler()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// rhill 2013-12-10: Avoid regex whenever a faster indexOf() can be used:
// here we can use fast indexOf() as a first filter -- which is executed
// for every single request (so speed matters).
var matches = requestURL.match(/url=([^&]+)&hostname=([^&]+)/);
if ( !matches ) {
var µm = µMatrix;
var pageURL = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]);
var pageHostname = decodeURIComponent(matches[2]);
// Blacklisted as per matrix?
if ( µm.mustBlock(µm.scopeFromURL(pageURL), pageHostname, 'doc') ) {
'gotoURL-' + details.tabId,
{ tabId: details.tabId, url: pageURL },
// Intercept and filter web requests according to white and black lists.
var onBeforeRootFrameRequestHandler = function(details) {
var µm = µMatrix;
var requestURL = details.url;
var tabId = details.tabId;
µm.tabContextManager.push(tabId, requestURL);
var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.mustLookup(tabId);
var pageStore = µm.bindTabToPageStats(tabId, 'weak');
// Disallow request as per matrix?
var block = µm.mustBlock(tabContext.rootHostname, details.hostname, 'doc');
pageStore.recordRequest('doc', requestURL, block);
// Not blocked
if ( !block ) {
// rhill 2013-11-07: Senseless to do this for behind-the-scene requests.
// rhill 2013-12-03: Do this here only for root frames.
// Blocked
// If it's a blacklisted frame, redirect to frame.html
// rhill 2013-11-05: The root frame contains a link to noop.css, this
// allows to later check whether the root frame has been unblocked by the
// user, in which case we are able to force a reload using a redirect.
var html = rootFrameReplacement;
html = html.replace('{{cssURL}}', µm.noopCSSURL);
html = html.replace(/{{hostname}}/g, encodeURIComponent(requestHostname));
html = html.replace('{{originalURL}}', encodeURIComponent(requestURL));
html = html.replace('{{now}}', String(Date.now()));
var dataURI = 'data:text/html;base64,' + btoa(html);
return { 'redirectUrl': dataURI };
// Intercept and filter web requests according to white and black lists.
var onBeforeRequestHandler = function(details) {
var µm = µMatrix;
var µmuri = µm.URI.set(details.url);
var requestScheme = µmuri.scheme;
// rhill 2014-02-17: Ignore 'filesystem:': this can happen when listening
// to 'chrome-extension://'.
if ( requestScheme === 'filesystem' ) {
// console.debug('onBeforeRequestHandler()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
var requestType = requestTypeNormalizer[details.type] || 'other';
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/303
// Wherever the main doc comes from, create a receiver page URL: synthetize
// one if needed.
if ( requestType === 'doc' && details.parentFrameId < 0 ) {
return onBeforeRootFrameRequestHandler(details);
var requestURL = details.url;
// Is it µMatrix's noop css file?
if ( requestType === 'css' && requestURL.lastIndexOf(µm.noopCSSURL, 0) === 0 ) {
return onBeforeChromeExtensionRequestHandler(details);
// Ignore non-http schemes
if ( requestScheme.indexOf('http') !== 0 ) {
// Do not block myself from updating assets
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/202
if ( requestType === 'xhr' && requestURL.lastIndexOf(µm.projectServerRoot, 0) === 0 ) {
// Re-classify orphan HTTP requests as behind-the-scene requests. There is
// not much else which can be done, because there are URLs
// which cannot be handled by µMatrix, i.e. `opera://startpage`,
// as this would lead to complications with no obvious solution, like how
// to scope on unknown scheme? Etc.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/191
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/91#issuecomment-37180275
var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.mustLookup(details.tabId);
var tabId = tabContext.tabId;
var requestHostname = µmuri.hostname;
// Disallow request as per temporary matrix?
var block = µm.mustBlock(tabContext.rootHostname, requestHostname, requestType);
// Record request.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/342
// The way requests are handled now, it may happen at this point some
// processing has already been performed, and that a synthetic URL has
// been constructed for logging purpose. Use this synthetic URL if
// it is available.
var pageStore = µm.mustPageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId);
pageStore.recordRequest(requestType, requestURL, block);
// whitelisted?
if ( !block ) {
// console.debug('onBeforeRequestHandler()> ALLOW "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// blacklisted
// console.debug('onBeforeRequestHandler()> BLOCK "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// If it's a blacklisted frame, redirect to frame.html
// rhill 2013-11-05: The root frame contains a link to noop.css, this
// allows to later check whether the root frame has been unblocked by the
// user, in which case we are able to force a reload using a redirect.
if ( requestType === 'frame' ) {
var html = subFrameReplacement
.replace(/{{hostname}}/g, requestHostname)
.replace('{{frameSrc}}', requestURL)
.replace(/{{subframeColor}}/g, µm.userSettings.subframeColor)
.replace('{{subframeOpacity}}', (µm.userSettings.subframeOpacity / 100).toFixed(1));
return { 'redirectUrl': 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent(html) };
return { 'cancel': true };
// Sanitize outgoing headers as per user settings.
var onBeforeSendHeadersHandler = function(details) {
var µm = µMatrix;
// console.debug('onBeforeSendHeadersHandler()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// Re-classify orphan HTTP requests as behind-the-scene requests. There is
// not much else which can be done, because there are URLs
// which cannot be handled by HTTP Switchboard, i.e. `opera://startpage`,
// as this would lead to complications with no obvious solution, like how
// to scope on unknown scheme? Etc.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/191
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/91#issuecomment-37180275
var pageStore = µm.mustPageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId);
var tabId = pageStore.tabId;
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/342
// Is this hyperlink auditing?
// If yes, create a synthetic URL for reporting hyperlink auditing
// in request log. This way the user is better informed of what went
// on.
// http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#hyperlink-auditing
// Target URL = the href of the link
// Doc URL = URL of the document containing the target URL
// Ping URLs = servers which will be told that user clicked target URL
// `Content-Type` = `text/ping` (always present)
// `Ping-To` = target URL (always present)
// `Ping-From` = doc URL
// `Referer` = doc URL
// request URL = URL which will receive the information
// With hyperlink-auditing, removing header(s) is pointless, the whole
// request must be cancelled.
var requestURL = details.url;
var requestType = requestTypeNormalizer[details.type] || 'other';
if ( requestType === 'ping' ) {
var linkAuditor = details.requestHeaders.getHeader('ping-to');
if ( linkAuditor !== '' ) {
var block = µm.userSettings.processHyperlinkAuditing;
pageStore.recordRequest('other', requestURL + '{Ping-To:' + linkAuditor + '}', block);
if ( block ) {
µm.hyperlinkAuditingFoiledCounter += 1;
return { 'cancel': true };
// If we reach this point, request is not blocked, so what is left to do
// is to sanitize headers.
var reqHostname = µm.hostnameFromURL(requestURL);
if ( µm.mustBlock(pageStore.pageHostname, reqHostname, 'cookie') ) {
if ( details.requestHeaders.setHeader('cookie', '') ) {
if ( µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('referrer-spoof', pageStore.pageHostname) ) {
foilRefererHeaders(µm, reqHostname, details);
if ( µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('ua-spoof', pageStore.pageHostname) ) {
details.requestHeaders.setHeader('user-agent', µm.userAgentReplaceStr);
var foilRefererHeaders = function(µm, toHostname, details) {
var referer = details.requestHeaders.getHeader('referer');
if ( referer === '' ) {
var µmuri = µm.URI;
if ( µmuri.domainFromHostname(toHostname) === µmuri.domainFromURI(referer) ) {
//console.debug('foilRefererHeaders()> foiled referer for "%s"', details.url);
//console.debug('\treferrer "%s"', header.value);
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/222#issuecomment-44828402
µmuri.schemeFromURI(details.url) + '://' + toHostname + '/'
// To prevent inline javascript from being executed.
// Prevent inline scripting using `Content-Security-Policy`:
// https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/content-security-policy/raw-file/tip/csp-specification.dev.html
// This fixes:
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/35
var onHeadersReceived = function(details) {
// console.debug('onHeadersReceived()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// Ignore schemes other than 'http...'
if ( details.url.lastIndexOf('http', 0) !== 0 ) {
var requestType = requestTypeNormalizer[details.type] || 'other';
if ( requestType === 'frame' ) {
return onSubDocHeadersReceived(details);
if ( requestType === 'doc' ) {
return onMainDocHeadersReceived(details);
var onMainDocHeadersReceived = function(details) {
var µm = µMatrix;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/145
// Check if the main_frame is a download
if ( headerValue(details.responseHeaders, 'content-disposition').lastIndexOf('attachment', 0) === 0 ) {
µm.tabContextManager.unpush(details.tabId, details.url);
var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.lookup(details.tabId);
if ( tabContext === null ) {
// console.debug('onMainDocHeadersReceived()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// rhill 2013-12-07:
// Apparently in Opera, onBeforeRequest() is triggered while the
// URL is not yet bound to a tab (-1), which caused the code here
// to not be able to lookup the page store. So let the code here bind
// the page to a tab if not done yet.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/75
// TODO: check this works fine on Opera
// Re-classify orphan HTTP requests as behind-the-scene requests. There is
// not much else which can be done, because there are URLs
// which cannot be handled by HTTP Switchboard, i.e. `opera://startpage`,
// as this would lead to complications with no obvious solution, like how
// to scope on unknown scheme? Etc.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/191
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/91#issuecomment-37180275
var pageStore = µm.mustPageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId);
var headers = details.responseHeaders;
// Maybe modify inbound headers
var csp = '';
// Enforce strict HTTPS?
var requestScheme = µm.URI.schemeFromURI(details.url);
if ( requestScheme === 'https' && µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('https-strict', tabContext.rootHostname) ) {
csp += "default-src chrome-search: data: https: wss: 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline';";
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/181
pageStore.pageScriptBlocked = µm.mustBlock(tabContext.rootHostname, tabContext.rootHostname, 'script');
if ( pageStore.pageScriptBlocked ) {
// If javascript not allowed, say so through a `Content-Security-Policy` directive.
// console.debug('onMainDocHeadersReceived()> PAGE CSP "%s": %o', details.url, details);
csp += " script-src 'none'";
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/181
if ( csp !== '' ) {
'name': 'Content-Security-Policy',
'value': csp.trim()
return { responseHeaders: headers };
var onSubDocHeadersReceived = function(details) {
// console.debug('onSubDocHeadersReceived()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
var µm = µMatrix;
// Do not ignore traffic outside tabs.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/91#issuecomment-37180275
var tabId = details.tabId;
var tabContext = µm.tabContextManager.lookup(tabId);
if ( tabContext === null ) {
// Evaluate
if ( µm.mustAllow(tabContext.rootHostname, µm.hostnameFromURL(details.url), 'script') ) {
// If javascript not allowed, say so through a `Content-Security-Policy`
// directive.
// For inline javascript within iframes, we need to sandbox.
// https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/73
// Now because sandbox cancels all permissions, this means
// not just javascript is disabled. To avoid negative side
// effects, I allow some other permissions, but...
// https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/27
// Need to add `allow-popups` to prevent completely breaking links on
// some sites old style sites.
// TODO: Reuse CSP `sandbox` directive if it's already in the
// headers (strip out `allow-scripts` if present),
// and find out if the `sandbox` in the header interfere with a
// `sandbox` attribute which might be present on the iframe.
// console.debug('onSubDocHeadersReceived()> FRAME CSP "%s": %o, scope="%s"', details.url, details, pageURL);
'name': 'Content-Security-Policy',
'value': "script-src 'none'"
return { responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders };
var headerValue = function(headers, name) {
var i = headers.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === name ) {
return headers[i].value.trim();
return '';
// Caller must ensure headerName is normalized to lower case.
var headerIndexFromName = function(headerName, headers) {
var i = headers.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === headerName ) {
return i;
return -1;
var requestTypeNormalizer = {
'font' : 'css',
'image' : 'image',
'main_frame' : 'doc',
'object' : 'plugin',
'other' : 'other',
'ping' : 'ping',
'script' : 'script',
'stylesheet' : 'css',
'sub_frame' : 'frame',
'xmlhttprequest': 'xhr'
vAPI.net.onBeforeRequest = {
urls: [
extra: [ 'blocking' ],
callback: onBeforeRequestHandler
vAPI.net.onBeforeSendHeaders = {
urls: [
extra: [ 'blocking', 'requestHeaders' ],
callback: onBeforeSendHeadersHandler
vAPI.net.onHeadersReceived = {
urls: [
types: [
extra: [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders' ],
callback: onHeadersReceived
var start = function() {
return {
blockedRootFramePrefix: 'data:text/html;base64,' + btoa(rootFrameReplacement).slice(0, 80),
start: start