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  1. /*******************************************************************************
  2. uMatrix - a browser extension to block requests.
  3. Copyright (C) 2014-2016 The uMatrix/uBlock Origin authors
  4. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  6. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  7. (at your option) any later version.
  8. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11. GNU General Public License for more details.
  12. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  13. along with this program. If not, see {}.
  14. Home:
  15. */
  16. /* jshint bitwise: false, esnext: true */
  17. /* global self, Components, punycode */
  18. // For background page
  19. /******************************************************************************/
  20. (function() {
  21. 'use strict';
  22. /******************************************************************************/
  23. // Useful links
  24. //
  25. //
  26. //
  27. /******************************************************************************/
  28. const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
  29. const {Services} = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm', null);
  30. /******************************************************************************/
  31. var vAPI = self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {};
  32. vAPI.firefox = true;
  33. vAPI.modernFirefox = Services.appinfo.ID === '{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}' &&
  34., '44') > 0;
  35. /******************************************************************************/
  36. = {
  37. name: 'uMatrix',
  38. version: location.hash.slice(1)
  39. };
  40. /******************************************************************************/
  41. = function() {
  42. };
  43. /******************************************************************************/
  44. = function() {
  45. };
  46. /******************************************************************************/
  47. = function() {
  48. // Listening in bootstrap.js
  49. Cc[';1']
  50. .getService(Ci.nsIMessageSender)
  51. .sendAsyncMessage( + '-restart');
  52. };
  53. /******************************************************************************/
  54. // List of things that needs to be destroyed when disabling the extension
  55. // Only functions should be added to it
  56. var cleanupTasks = [];
  57. // This must be updated manually, every time a new task is added/removed
  58. // Fixed by
  59. //
  60. // 7 instances of cleanupTasks.push, but one is unique to fennec, and one to desktop.
  61. var expectedNumberOfCleanups = 7;
  62. window.addEventListener('unload', function() {
  63. if ( typeof === 'function' ) {
  65. }
  66. // IMPORTANT: cleanup tasks must be executed using LIFO order.
  67. var i = cleanupTasks.length;
  68. while ( i-- ) {
  69. cleanupTasks[i]();
  70. }
  71. if ( cleanupTasks.length < expectedNumberOfCleanups ) {
  72. console.error(
  73. 'uMatrix> Cleanup tasks performed: %s (out of %s)',
  74. cleanupTasks.length,
  75. expectedNumberOfCleanups
  76. );
  77. }
  78. // frameModule needs to be cleared too
  79. var frameModuleURL = vAPI.getURL('frameModule.js');
  80. var frameModule = {};
  81. Cu.import(frameModuleURL, frameModule);
  82. frameModule.contentObserver.unregister();
  83. Cu.unload(frameModuleURL);
  84. });
  85. /******************************************************************************/
  86. // For now, only booleans.
  87. vAPI.browserSettings = {
  88. originalValues: {},
  89. rememberOriginalValue: function(path, setting) {
  90. var key = path + '.' + setting;
  91. if ( this.originalValues.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
  92. return;
  93. }
  94. var hasUserValue;
  95. var branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(path + '.');
  96. try {
  97. hasUserValue = branch.prefHasUserValue(setting);
  98. } catch (ex) {
  99. }
  100. if ( hasUserValue !== undefined ) {
  101. this.originalValues[key] = hasUserValue ? this.getValue(path, setting) : undefined;
  102. }
  103. },
  104. clear: function(path, setting) {
  105. var key = path + '.' + setting;
  106. // Value was not overriden -- nothing to restore
  107. if ( this.originalValues.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) {
  108. return;
  109. }
  110. var value = this.originalValues[key];
  111. //
  112. // Forget the value immediately, it may change outside of
  113. // uBlock control.
  114. delete this.originalValues[key];
  115. // Original value was a default one
  116. if ( value === undefined ) {
  117. try {
  118. Services.prefs.getBranch(path + '.').clearUserPref(setting);
  119. } catch (ex) {
  120. }
  121. return;
  122. }
  123. // Reset to original value
  124. this.setValue(path, setting, value);
  125. },
  126. getValue: function(path, setting) {
  127. var branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(path + '.');
  128. var getMethod;
  129. //
  130. switch ( branch.getPrefType(setting) ) {
  131. case 64: // PREF_INT
  132. getMethod = 'getIntPref';
  133. break;
  134. case 128: // PREF_BOOL
  135. getMethod = 'getBoolPref';
  136. break;
  137. default: // not supported
  138. return;
  139. }
  140. try {
  141. return branch[getMethod](setting);
  142. } catch (ex) {
  143. }
  144. },
  145. setValue: function(path, setting, value) {
  146. var setMethod;
  147. switch ( typeof value ) {
  148. case 'number':
  149. setMethod = 'setIntPref';
  150. break;
  151. case 'boolean':
  152. setMethod = 'setBoolPref';
  153. break;
  154. default: // not supported
  155. return;
  156. }
  157. try {
  158. Services.prefs.getBranch(path + '.')[setMethod](setting, value);
  159. } catch (ex) {
  160. }
  161. },
  162. setSetting: function(setting, value) {
  163. var prefName, prefVal;
  164. switch ( setting ) {
  165. case 'prefetching':
  166. this.rememberOriginalValue('network', 'prefetch-next');
  167. //
  168. //
  169. // Sigh.
  170. this.rememberOriginalValue('network.http', 'speculative-parallel-limit');
  171. //
  172. // "true" means "do not disable", i.e. leave entry alone
  173. if ( value ) {
  174. this.clear('network', 'prefetch-next');
  175. this.clear('network.http', 'speculative-parallel-limit');
  176. } else {
  177. this.setValue('network', 'prefetch-next', false);
  178. this.setValue('network.http', 'speculative-parallel-limit', 0);
  179. }
  180. break;
  181. case 'hyperlinkAuditing':
  182. this.rememberOriginalValue('browser', 'send_pings');
  183. this.rememberOriginalValue('beacon', 'enabled');
  184. //
  185. // "true" means "do not disable", i.e. leave entry alone
  186. if ( value ) {
  187. this.clear('browser', 'send_pings');
  188. this.clear('beacon', 'enabled');
  189. } else {
  190. this.setValue('browser', 'send_pings', false);
  191. this.setValue('beacon', 'enabled', false);
  192. }
  193. break;
  194. //
  195. // Do not disable completely WebRTC if it can be avoided. FF42+
  196. // has a `` pref which
  197. // purpose is to prevent local IP address leakage.
  198. case 'webrtcIPAddress':
  199. if ( this.getValue('media.peerconnection', 'ice.default_address_only') !== undefined ) {
  200. prefName = 'ice.default_address_only';
  201. prefVal = true;
  202. } else {
  203. prefName = 'enabled';
  204. prefVal = false;
  205. }
  206. this.rememberOriginalValue('media.peerconnection', prefName);
  207. if ( value ) {
  208. this.clear('media.peerconnection', prefName);
  209. } else {
  210. this.setValue('media.peerconnection', prefName, prefVal);
  211. }
  212. break;
  213. default:
  214. break;
  215. }
  216. },
  217. set: function(details) {
  218. for ( var setting in details ) {
  219. if ( details.hasOwnProperty(setting) === false ) {
  220. continue;
  221. }
  222. this.setSetting(setting, !!details[setting]);
  223. }
  224. },
  225. restoreAll: function() {
  226. var pos;
  227. for ( var key in this.originalValues ) {
  228. if ( this.originalValues.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) {
  229. continue;
  230. }
  231. pos = key.lastIndexOf('.');
  232. this.clear(key.slice(0, pos), key.slice(pos + 1));
  233. }
  234. }
  235. };
  236. cleanupTasks.push(vAPI.browserSettings.restoreAll.bind(vAPI.browserSettings));
  237. /******************************************************************************/
  238. // API matches that of
  239. //
  240. = (function() {
  241. var db = null;
  242. var vacuumTimer = null;
  243. var close = function() {
  244. if ( vacuumTimer !== null ) {
  245. clearTimeout(vacuumTimer);
  246. vacuumTimer = null;
  247. }
  248. if ( db === null ) {
  249. return;
  250. }
  251. db.asyncClose();
  252. db = null;
  253. };
  254. var open = function() {
  255. if ( db !== null ) {
  256. return db;
  257. }
  258. // Create path
  259. var path = Services.dirsvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile);
  260. path.append('extension-data');
  261. if ( !path.exists() ) {
  262. path.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, parseInt('0774', 8));
  263. }
  264. if ( !path.isDirectory() ) {
  265. throw Error('Should be a directory...');
  266. }
  267. path.append( + '.sqlite');
  268. // Open database
  269. try {
  270. db =;
  271. if ( db.connectionReady === false ) {
  272. db.asyncClose();
  273. db = null;
  274. }
  275. } catch (ex) {
  276. }
  277. if ( db === null ) {
  278. return null;
  279. }
  280. // Database was opened, register cleanup task
  281. cleanupTasks.push(close);
  282. // Setup database
  283. db.createAsyncStatement('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "settings" ("name" TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "value" TEXT);')
  284. .executeAsync();
  285. if ( vacuum !== null ) {
  286. vacuumTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(vacuum, 60000);
  287. }
  288. return db;
  289. };
  290. //
  291. // Vacuum only once, and only while idle
  292. var vacuum = function() {
  293. vacuumTimer = null;
  294. if ( db === null ) {
  295. return;
  296. }
  297. var idleSvc = Cc[';1']
  298. .getService(Ci.nsIIdleService);
  299. if ( idleSvc.idleTime < 60000 ) {
  300. vacuumTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(vacuum, 60000);
  301. return;
  302. }
  303. db.createAsyncStatement('VACUUM').executeAsync();
  304. vacuum = null;
  305. };
  306. // Execute a query
  307. var runStatement = function(stmt, callback) {
  308. var result = {};
  309. stmt.executeAsync({
  310. handleResult: function(rows) {
  311. if ( !rows || typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  312. return;
  313. }
  314. var row;
  315. while ( (row = rows.getNextRow()) ) {
  316. // we assume that there will be two columns, since we're
  317. // using it only for preferences
  318. result[row.getResultByIndex(0)] = row.getResultByIndex(1);
  319. }
  320. },
  321. handleCompletion: function(reason) {
  322. if ( typeof callback === 'function' && reason === 0 ) {
  323. callback(result);
  324. }
  325. },
  326. handleError: function(error) {
  327. console.error('SQLite error ', error.result, error.message);
  328. // Caller expects an answer regardless of failure.
  329. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  330. callback(null);
  331. }
  332. }
  333. });
  334. };
  335. var bindNames = function(stmt, names) {
  336. if ( Array.isArray(names) === false || names.length === 0 ) {
  337. return;
  338. }
  339. var params = stmt.newBindingParamsArray();
  340. var i = names.length, bp;
  341. while ( i-- ) {
  342. bp = params.newBindingParams();
  343. bp.bindByName('name', names[i]);
  344. params.addParams(bp);
  345. }
  346. stmt.bindParameters(params);
  347. };
  348. var clear = function(callback) {
  349. if ( open() === null ) {
  350. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  351. callback();
  352. }
  353. return;
  354. }
  355. runStatement(db.createAsyncStatement('DELETE FROM "settings";'), callback);
  356. };
  357. var getBytesInUse = function(keys, callback) {
  358. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  359. return;
  360. }
  361. if ( open() === null ) {
  362. callback(0);
  363. return;
  364. }
  365. var stmt;
  366. if ( Array.isArray(keys) ) {
  367. stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('SELECT "size" AS "size", SUM(LENGTH("value")) FROM "settings" WHERE "name" = :name');
  368. bindNames(keys);
  369. } else {
  370. stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('SELECT "size" AS "size", SUM(LENGTH("value")) FROM "settings"');
  371. }
  372. runStatement(stmt, function(result) {
  373. callback(result.size);
  374. });
  375. };
  376. var read = function(details, callback) {
  377. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  378. return;
  379. }
  380. var prepareResult = function(result) {
  381. var key;
  382. for ( key in result ) {
  383. if ( result.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) {
  384. continue;
  385. }
  386. result[key] = JSON.parse(result[key]);
  387. }
  388. if ( typeof details === 'object' && details !== null ) {
  389. for ( key in details ) {
  390. if ( result.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) {
  391. result[key] = details[key];
  392. }
  393. }
  394. }
  395. callback(result);
  396. };
  397. if ( open() === null ) {
  398. prepareResult({});
  399. return;
  400. }
  401. var names = [];
  402. if ( details !== null ) {
  403. if ( Array.isArray(details) ) {
  404. names = details;
  405. } else if ( typeof details === 'object' ) {
  406. names = Object.keys(details);
  407. } else {
  408. names = [details.toString()];
  409. }
  410. }
  411. var stmt;
  412. if ( names.length === 0 ) {
  413. stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('SELECT * FROM "settings"');
  414. } else {
  415. stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('SELECT * FROM "settings" WHERE "name" = :name');
  416. bindNames(stmt, names);
  417. }
  418. runStatement(stmt, prepareResult);
  419. };
  420. var remove = function(keys, callback) {
  421. if ( open() === null ) {
  422. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  423. callback();
  424. }
  425. return;
  426. }
  427. var stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('DELETE FROM "settings" WHERE "name" = :name');
  428. bindNames(stmt, typeof keys === 'string' ? [keys] : keys);
  429. runStatement(stmt, callback);
  430. };
  431. var write = function(details, callback) {
  432. if ( open() === null ) {
  433. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  434. callback();
  435. }
  436. return;
  437. }
  438. var stmt = db.createAsyncStatement('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "settings" ("name", "value") VALUES(:name, :value)');
  439. var params = stmt.newBindingParamsArray(), bp;
  440. for ( var key in details ) {
  441. if ( details.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) {
  442. continue;
  443. }
  444. bp = params.newBindingParams();
  445. bp.bindByName('name', key);
  446. bp.bindByName('value', JSON.stringify(details[key]));
  447. params.addParams(bp);
  448. }
  449. if ( params.length === 0 ) {
  450. return;
  451. }
  452. stmt.bindParameters(params);
  453. runStatement(stmt, callback);
  454. };
  455. // Export API
  456. var api = {
  457. QUOTA_BYTES: 100 * 1024 * 1024,
  458. clear: clear,
  459. get: read,
  460. getBytesInUse: getBytesInUse,
  461. remove: remove,
  462. set: write
  463. };
  464. return api;
  465. })();
  466. /******************************************************************************/
  467. // This must be executed/setup early.
  468. var winWatcher = (function() {
  469. var chromeWindowType = vAPI.thunderbird ? 'mail:3pane' : 'navigator:browser';
  470. var windowToIdMap = new Map();
  471. var windowIdGenerator = 1;
  472. var api = {
  473. onOpenWindow: null,
  474. onCloseWindow: null
  475. };
  476. api.getWindows = function() {
  477. return windowToIdMap.keys();
  478. };
  479. api.idFromWindow = function(win) {
  480. return windowToIdMap.get(win) || 0;
  481. };
  482. api.getCurrentWindow = function() {
  483. return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(chromeWindowType) || null;
  484. };
  485. var addWindow = function(win) {
  486. if ( !win || windowToIdMap.has(win) ) {
  487. return;
  488. }
  489. windowToIdMap.set(win, windowIdGenerator++);
  490. if ( typeof api.onOpenWindow === 'function' ) {
  491. api.onOpenWindow(win);
  492. }
  493. };
  494. var removeWindow = function(win) {
  495. if ( !win || windowToIdMap.delete(win) !== true ) {
  496. return;
  497. }
  498. if ( typeof api.onCloseWindow === 'function' ) {
  499. api.onCloseWindow(win);
  500. }
  501. };
  502. //
  503. //
  504. //
  505. // Use nsIWindowMediator for being notified of opened/closed windows.
  506. var listeners = {
  507. onOpenWindow: function(aWindow) {
  508. var win;
  509. try {
  510. win = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  511. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
  512. } catch (ex) {
  513. }
  514. addWindow(win);
  515. },
  516. onCloseWindow: function(aWindow) {
  517. var win;
  518. try {
  519. win = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  520. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
  521. } catch (ex) {
  522. }
  523. removeWindow(win);
  524. },
  525. observe: function(aSubject, topic) {
  526. //
  527. // "aSubject - the window being opened or closed, sent as an
  528. // "nsISupports which can be ... QueryInterfaced to an
  529. // "nsIDOMWindow."
  530. var win;
  531. try {
  532. win = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  533. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
  534. } catch (ex) {
  535. }
  536. if ( !win ) { return; }
  537. if ( topic === 'domwindowopened' ) {
  538. addWindow(win);
  539. return;
  540. }
  541. if ( topic === 'domwindowclosed' ) {
  542. removeWindow(win);
  543. return;
  544. }
  545. }
  546. };
  547. (function() {
  548. var winumerator, win;
  549. //
  550. winumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
  551. while ( winumerator.hasMoreElements() ) {
  552. win = winumerator.getNext();
  553. if ( !win.closed ) {
  554. windowToIdMap.set(win, windowIdGenerator++);
  555. }
  556. }
  557. //
  558. winumerator = Services.ww.getWindowEnumerator();
  559. while ( winumerator.hasMoreElements() ) {
  560. win = winumerator.getNext()
  561. .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  562. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
  563. if ( !win.closed ) {
  564. windowToIdMap.set(win, windowIdGenerator++);
  565. }
  566. }
  567. Services.wm.addListener(listeners);
  568. Services.ww.registerNotification(listeners);
  569. })();
  570. cleanupTasks.push(function() {
  571. Services.wm.removeListener(listeners);
  572. Services.ww.unregisterNotification(listeners);
  573. windowToIdMap.clear();
  574. });
  575. return api;
  576. })();
  577. /******************************************************************************/
  578. var getTabBrowser = function(win) {
  579. return win && win.gBrowser || null;
  580. };
  581. /******************************************************************************/
  582. var getOwnerWindow = function(target) {
  583. if ( target.ownerDocument ) {
  584. return target.ownerDocument.defaultView;
  585. }
  586. return null;
  587. };
  588. /******************************************************************************/
  589. vAPI.isBehindTheSceneTabId = function(tabId) {
  590. return tabId.toString() === '-1';
  591. };
  592. vAPI.noTabId = '-1';
  593. /******************************************************************************/
  594. vAPI.tabs = {};
  595. /******************************************************************************/
  596. vAPI.tabs.registerListeners = function() {
  597. tabWatcher.start();
  598. };
  599. /******************************************************************************/
  600. // Firefox:
  601. //
  602. //
  603. // browser --> ownerDocument --> defaultView --> gBrowser --> browsers --+
  604. // ^ |
  605. // | |
  606. // +-------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. //
  608. // browser (browser)
  609. // contentTitle
  610. // currentURI
  611. // ownerDocument (XULDocument)
  612. // defaultView (ChromeWindow)
  613. // gBrowser (tabbrowser OR browser)
  614. // browsers (browser)
  615. // selectedBrowser
  616. // selectedTab
  617. // tabs (tab.tabbrowser-tab)
  618. //
  619. // Fennec: (what I figured so far)
  620. //
  621. // tab --> browser windows --> window --> BrowserApp --> tabs --+
  622. // ^ window |
  623. // | |
  624. // +---------------------------------------------------------------+
  625. //
  626. // tab
  627. // browser
  628. // [manual search to go back to tab from list of windows]
  629. vAPI.tabs.get = function(tabId, callback) {
  630. var browser;
  631. if ( tabId === null ) {
  632. browser = tabWatcher.currentBrowser();
  633. tabId = tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(browser);
  634. } else {
  635. browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tabId);
  636. }
  637. // For internal use
  638. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  639. return browser;
  640. }
  641. if ( !browser ) {
  642. callback();
  643. return;
  644. }
  645. var win = getOwnerWindow(browser);
  646. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  647. //
  648. // The `index` property is nowhere used by uMatrix at this point, so we
  649. // will refrain from returning this information for the time being.
  650. callback({
  651. id: tabId,
  652. index: undefined,
  653. windowId: winWatcher.idFromWindow(win),
  654. active: tabBrowser !== null && browser === tabBrowser.selectedBrowser,
  655. url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec,
  656. title: browser.contentTitle
  657. });
  658. };
  659. /******************************************************************************/
  660. vAPI.tabs.getAllSync = function(window) {
  661. var win, tab;
  662. var tabs = [];
  663. for ( win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  664. if ( window && window !== win ) {
  665. continue;
  666. }
  667. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  668. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  669. continue;
  670. }
  671. // This can happens if a tab-less window is currently opened.
  672. // Example of a tab-less window: one opened from clicking
  673. // "View Page Source".
  674. if ( !tabBrowser.tabs ) {
  675. continue;
  676. }
  677. for ( tab of tabBrowser.tabs ) {
  678. tabs.push(tab);
  679. }
  680. }
  681. return tabs;
  682. };
  683. /******************************************************************************/
  684. vAPI.tabs.getAll = function(callback) {
  685. var tabs = [], tab;
  686. for ( var browser of tabWatcher.browsers() ) {
  687. tab = tabWatcher.tabFromBrowser(browser);
  688. if ( tab === null ) {
  689. continue;
  690. }
  691. if ( tab.hasAttribute('pending') ) {
  692. continue;
  693. }
  694. tabs.push({
  695. id: tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(browser),
  696. url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec
  697. });
  698. }
  699. callback(tabs);
  700. };
  701. /******************************************************************************/
  702. // properties of the details object:
  703. // url: 'URL', // the address that will be opened
  704. // tabId: 1, // the tab is used if set, instead of creating a new one
  705. // index: -1, // undefined: end of the list, -1: following tab, or after index
  706. // active: false, // opens the tab in background - true and undefined: foreground
  707. // select: true // if a tab is already opened with that url, then select it instead of opening a new one
  708. = function(details) {
  709. if ( !details.url ) {
  710. return null;
  711. }
  712. // extension pages
  713. if ( /^[\w-]{2,}:/.test(details.url) === false ) {
  714. details.url = vAPI.getURL(details.url);
  715. }
  716. var tab;
  717. if ( ) {
  718. var URI =, null, null);
  719. for ( tab of this.getAllSync() ) {
  720. var browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTarget(tab);
  721. // Or simply .equals if we care about the fragment
  722. if ( URI.equalsExceptRef(browser.currentURI) === false ) {
  723. continue;
  724. }
  726. // Update URL if fragment is different
  727. if ( URI.equals(browser.currentURI) === false ) {
  728. browser.loadURI(URI.asciiSpec);
  729. }
  730. return;
  731. }
  732. }
  733. if ( === undefined ) {
  734. = true;
  735. }
  736. if ( details.tabId ) {
  737. tab = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(details.tabId);
  738. if ( tab ) {
  739. tabWatcher.browserFromTarget(tab).loadURI(details.url);
  740. return;
  741. }
  742. }
  743. // Open in a standalone window
  744. if ( details.popup === true ) {
  745. Services.ww.openWindow(
  746. self,
  747. details.url,
  748. null,
  749. 'location=1,menubar=1,personalbar=1,resizable=1,toolbar=1',
  750. null
  751. );
  752. return;
  753. }
  754. var win = winWatcher.getCurrentWindow();
  755. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  756. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  757. return;
  758. }
  759. if ( details.index === -1 ) {
  760. details.index = tabBrowser.browsers.indexOf(tabBrowser.selectedBrowser) + 1;
  761. }
  762. tab = tabBrowser.loadOneTab(details.url, { inBackground: ! });
  763. if ( details.index !== undefined ) {
  764. tabBrowser.moveTabTo(tab, details.index);
  765. }
  766. };
  767. /******************************************************************************/
  768. // Replace the URL of a tab. Noop if the tab does not exist.
  769. vAPI.tabs.replace = function(tabId, url) {
  770. var targetURL = url;
  771. // extension pages
  772. if ( /^[\w-]{2,}:/.test(targetURL) !== true ) {
  773. targetURL = vAPI.getURL(targetURL);
  774. }
  775. var browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tabId);
  776. if ( browser ) {
  777. browser.loadURI(targetURL);
  778. }
  779. };
  780. /******************************************************************************/
  781. vAPI.tabs._remove = function(tab, tabBrowser) {
  782. if ( tabBrowser ) {
  783. tabBrowser.removeTab(tab);
  784. }
  785. };
  786. /******************************************************************************/
  787. vAPI.tabs.remove = function(tabId) {
  788. var browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tabId);
  789. if ( !browser ) {
  790. return;
  791. }
  792. var tab = tabWatcher.tabFromBrowser(browser);
  793. if ( !tab ) {
  794. return;
  795. }
  796. this._remove(tab, getTabBrowser(getOwnerWindow(browser)));
  797. };
  798. /******************************************************************************/
  799. vAPI.tabs.reload = function(tabId) {
  800. var browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tabId);
  801. if ( !browser ) {
  802. return;
  803. }
  804. browser.webNavigation.reload(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE);
  805. };
  806. /******************************************************************************/
  807. = function(tab) {
  808. if ( typeof tab !== 'object' ) {
  809. tab = tabWatcher.tabFromBrowser(tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tab));
  810. }
  811. if ( !tab ) {
  812. return;
  813. }
  814. //
  815. var win = getOwnerWindow(tab);
  816. win.focus();
  817. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  818. if ( tabBrowser ) {
  819. tabBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
  820. }
  821. };
  822. /******************************************************************************/
  823. vAPI.tabs.injectScript = function(tabId, details, callback) {
  824. var browser = tabWatcher.browserFromTabId(tabId);
  825. if ( !browser ) {
  826. return;
  827. }
  828. if ( typeof details.file !== 'string' ) {
  829. return;
  830. }
  831. details.file = vAPI.getURL(details.file);
  832. browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(
  833. + ':broadcast',
  834. JSON.stringify({
  835. broadcast: true,
  836. channelName: 'vAPI',
  837. msg: {
  838. cmd: 'injectScript',
  839. details: details
  840. }
  841. })
  842. );
  843. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  844. vAPI.setTimeout(callback, 13);
  845. }
  846. };
  847. /******************************************************************************/
  848. var tabWatcher = (function() {
  849. // TODO: find out whether we need a janitor to take care of stale entries.
  850. //
  851. // Use only weak references to hold onto browser references.
  852. var browserToTabIdMap = new WeakMap();
  853. var tabIdToBrowserMap = new Map();
  854. var tabIdGenerator = 1;
  855. var indexFromBrowser = function(browser) {
  856. if ( !browser ) {
  857. return -1;
  858. }
  859. var win = getOwnerWindow(browser);
  860. if ( !win ) {
  861. return -1;
  862. }
  863. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  864. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  865. return -1;
  866. }
  867. // This can happen, for example, the `view-source:` window, there is
  868. // no tabbrowser object, the browser object sits directly in the
  869. // window.
  870. if ( tabBrowser === browser ) {
  871. return 0;
  872. }
  873. return tabBrowser.browsers.indexOf(browser);
  874. };
  875. var indexFromTarget = function(target) {
  876. return indexFromBrowser(browserFromTarget(target));
  877. };
  878. var tabFromBrowser = function(browser) {
  879. var i = indexFromBrowser(browser);
  880. if ( i === -1 ) {
  881. return null;
  882. }
  883. var win = getOwnerWindow(browser);
  884. if ( !win ) {
  885. return null;
  886. }
  887. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  888. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  889. return null;
  890. }
  891. if ( !tabBrowser.tabs || i >= tabBrowser.tabs.length ) {
  892. return null;
  893. }
  894. return tabBrowser.tabs[i];
  895. };
  896. var browserFromTarget = function(target) {
  897. if ( !target ) {
  898. return null;
  899. }
  900. if ( target.linkedPanel ) { // target is a tab
  901. target = target.linkedBrowser;
  902. }
  903. if ( target.localName !== 'browser' ) {
  904. return null;
  905. }
  906. return target;
  907. };
  908. var tabIdFromTarget = function(target) {
  909. var browser = browserFromTarget(target);
  910. if ( browser === null ) {
  911. return vAPI.noTabId;
  912. }
  913. var tabId = browserToTabIdMap.get(browser);
  914. if ( tabId === undefined ) {
  915. tabId = '' + tabIdGenerator++;
  916. browserToTabIdMap.set(browser, tabId);
  917. tabIdToBrowserMap.set(tabId, Cu.getWeakReference(browser));
  918. }
  919. return tabId;
  920. };
  921. var browserFromTabId = function(tabId) {
  922. var weakref = tabIdToBrowserMap.get(tabId);
  923. var browser = weakref && weakref.get();
  924. return browser || null;
  925. };
  926. var currentBrowser = function() {
  927. var win = winWatcher.getCurrentWindow();
  928. //
  929. // getTabBrowser() can return null at browser launch time.
  930. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  931. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  932. return null;
  933. }
  934. return browserFromTarget(tabBrowser.selectedTab);
  935. };
  936. var removeBrowserEntry = function(tabId, browser) {
  937. if ( tabId && tabId !== vAPI.noTabId ) {
  938. vAPI.tabs.onClosed(tabId);
  939. delete vAPI.toolbarButton.tabs[tabId];
  940. tabIdToBrowserMap.delete(tabId);
  941. }
  942. if ( browser ) {
  943. browserToTabIdMap.delete(browser);
  944. }
  945. };
  946. var removeTarget = function(target) {
  947. onClose({ target: target });
  948. };
  949. var getAllBrowsers = function() {
  950. var browsers = [], browser;
  951. for ( var [tabId, weakref] of tabIdToBrowserMap ) {
  952. browser = weakref.get();
  953. // TODO:
  954. // Maybe call removeBrowserEntry() if the browser no longer exists?
  955. if ( browser ) {
  956. browsers.push(browser);
  957. }
  958. }
  959. return browsers;
  960. };
  961. //
  962. //var onOpen = function({target}) {
  963. // var tabId = tabIdFromTarget(target);
  964. // var browser = browserFromTabId(tabId);
  965. // vAPI.tabs.onNavigation({
  966. // frameId: 0,
  967. // tabId: tabId,
  968. // url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec,
  969. // });
  970. //};
  971. //
  972. var onShow = function({target}) {
  973. tabIdFromTarget(target);
  974. };
  975. //
  976. var onClose = function({target}) {
  977. // target is tab in Firefox, browser in Fennec
  978. var browser = browserFromTarget(target);
  979. var tabId = browserToTabIdMap.get(browser);
  980. removeBrowserEntry(tabId, browser);
  981. };
  982. //
  983. // This is an entry point: when creating a new tab, it is not always
  984. // reported through onLocationChanged... Sigh. It is "reported" here
  985. // however.
  986. var onSelect = function({target}) {
  987. var browser = browserFromTarget(target);
  988. var tabId = browserToTabIdMap.get(browser);
  989. if ( tabId === undefined ) {
  990. tabId = tabIdFromTarget(target);
  991. vAPI.tabs.onNavigation({
  992. frameId: 0,
  993. tabId: tabId,
  994. url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec
  995. });
  996. }
  997. vAPI.setIcon(tabId, getOwnerWindow(target));
  998. };
  999. var locationChangedMessageName = + ':locationChanged';
  1000. var onLocationChanged = function(e) {
  1001. var vapi = vAPI;
  1002. var details =;
  1003. // Ignore notifications related to our popup
  1004. if ( details.url.lastIndexOf(vapi.getURL('popup.html'), 0) === 0 ) {
  1005. return;
  1006. }
  1007. var browser =;
  1008. var tabId = tabIdFromTarget(browser);
  1009. if ( tabId === vapi.noTabId ) {
  1010. return;
  1011. }
  1012. // LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT = "did not load a new document"
  1013. if ( details.flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT ) {
  1014. vapi.tabs.onUpdated(tabId, {url: details.url}, {
  1015. frameId: 0,
  1016. tabId: tabId,
  1017. url: browser.currentURI.asciiSpec
  1018. });
  1019. return;
  1020. }
  1021. //
  1022. // Allow any kind of pages
  1023. vapi.tabs.onNavigation({
  1024. frameId: 0,
  1025. tabId: tabId,
  1026. url: details.url
  1027. });
  1028. };
  1029. var attachToTabBrowserLater = function(details) {
  1030. details.tryCount = details.tryCount ? details.tryCount + 1 : 1;
  1031. if ( details.tryCount > 8 ) {
  1032. return false;
  1033. }
  1034. vAPI.setTimeout(function(details) {
  1035. attachToTabBrowser(details.window, details.tryCount);
  1036. },
  1037. 200,
  1038. details
  1039. );
  1040. return true;
  1041. };
  1042. var attachToTabBrowser = function(window, tryCount) {
  1043. // Let's just be extra-paranoiac regarding whether all is right before
  1044. // trying to attach outself to the browser window.
  1045. var document = window && window.document;
  1046. var docElement = document && document.documentElement;
  1047. var wintype = docElement && docElement.getAttribute('windowtype');
  1048. if ( wintype !== 'navigator:browser' ) {
  1049. attachToTabBrowserLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount });
  1050. return;
  1051. }
  1052. //
  1053. // This might have been the cause. Will see.
  1054. if ( document.readyState !== 'complete' ) {
  1055. attachToTabBrowserLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount });
  1056. return;
  1057. }
  1058. // On some platforms, the tab browser isn't immediately available,
  1059. // try waiting a bit if this happens.
  1060. //
  1061. // Not getting a tab browser should not prevent from attaching ourself
  1062. // to the window.
  1063. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(window);
  1064. if (
  1065. tabBrowser === null &&
  1066. attachToTabBrowserLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount })
  1067. ) {
  1068. return;
  1069. }
  1070. if ( typeof vAPI.toolbarButton.attachToNewWindow === 'function' ) {
  1071. vAPI.toolbarButton.attachToNewWindow(window);
  1072. }
  1073. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  1074. return;
  1075. }
  1076. var tabContainer;
  1077. if ( tabBrowser.deck ) { // Fennec
  1078. tabContainer = tabBrowser.deck;
  1079. } else if ( tabBrowser.tabContainer ) { // Firefox
  1080. tabContainer = tabBrowser.tabContainer;
  1081. vAPI.contextMenu.register(document);
  1082. }
  1083. //
  1084. // Ignore `TabShow` events: unfortunately the `pending` attribute is
  1085. // not set when a tab is opened as a result of session restore -- it is
  1086. // set *after* the event is fired in such case.
  1087. if ( tabContainer ) {
  1088. //tabContainer.addEventListener('TabOpen', onOpen);
  1089. tabContainer.addEventListener('TabShow', onShow);
  1090. tabContainer.addEventListener('TabClose', onClose);
  1091. // when new window is opened TabSelect doesn't run on the selected tab?
  1092. tabContainer.addEventListener('TabSelect', onSelect);
  1093. }
  1094. };
  1095. var onWindowLoad = function(win) {
  1096. attachToTabBrowser(win);
  1097. };
  1098. var onWindowUnload = function(win) {
  1099. vAPI.contextMenu.unregister(win.document);
  1100. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  1101. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  1102. return;
  1103. }
  1104. var tabContainer = tabBrowser.tabContainer;
  1105. if ( tabContainer ) {
  1106. //tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabOpen', onOpen);
  1107. tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabShow', onShow);
  1108. tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabClose', onClose);
  1109. tabContainer.removeEventListener('TabSelect', onSelect);
  1110. }
  1111. //
  1112. // To keep in mind: not all windows are tab containers,
  1113. // sometimes the window IS the tab.
  1114. var tabs;
  1115. if ( tabBrowser.tabs ) {
  1116. tabs = tabBrowser.tabs;
  1117. } else if ( tabBrowser.localName === 'browser' ) {
  1118. tabs = [tabBrowser];
  1119. } else {
  1120. tabs = [];
  1121. }
  1122. var browser, URI, tabId;
  1123. var tabindex = tabs.length, tab;
  1124. while ( tabindex-- ) {
  1125. tab = tabs[tabindex];
  1126. browser = browserFromTarget(tab);
  1127. if ( browser === null ) {
  1128. continue;
  1129. }
  1130. URI = browser.currentURI;
  1131. // Close extension tabs
  1132. if ( URI.schemeIs('chrome') && === ) {
  1133. vAPI.tabs._remove(tab, getTabBrowser(win));
  1134. }
  1135. tabId = browserToTabIdMap.get(browser);
  1136. if ( tabId !== undefined ) {
  1137. removeBrowserEntry(tabId, browser);
  1138. tabIdToBrowserMap.delete(tabId);
  1139. }
  1140. browserToTabIdMap.delete(browser);
  1141. }
  1142. };
  1143. // Initialize map with existing active tabs
  1144. var start = function() {
  1145. var tabBrowser, tabs, tab;
  1146. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  1147. onWindowLoad(win);
  1148. tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  1149. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  1150. continue;
  1151. }
  1152. for ( tab of tabBrowser.tabs ) {
  1153. if ( !tab.hasAttribute('pending') ) {
  1154. tabIdFromTarget(tab);
  1155. }
  1156. }
  1157. }
  1158. winWatcher.onOpenWindow = onWindowLoad;
  1159. winWatcher.onCloseWindow = onWindowUnload;
  1160. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  1161. locationChangedMessageName,
  1162. onLocationChanged
  1163. );
  1164. };
  1165. var stop = function() {
  1166. winWatcher.onOpenWindow = null;
  1167. winWatcher.onCloseWindow = null;
  1168. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener(
  1169. locationChangedMessageName,
  1170. onLocationChanged
  1171. );
  1172. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  1173. onWindowUnload(win);
  1174. }
  1175. browserToTabIdMap = new WeakMap();
  1176. tabIdToBrowserMap.clear();
  1177. };
  1178. cleanupTasks.push(stop);
  1179. return {
  1180. browsers: getAllBrowsers,
  1181. browserFromTabId: browserFromTabId,
  1182. browserFromTarget: browserFromTarget,
  1183. currentBrowser: currentBrowser,
  1184. indexFromTarget: indexFromTarget,
  1185. removeTarget: removeTarget,
  1186. start: start,
  1187. tabFromBrowser: tabFromBrowser,
  1188. tabIdFromTarget: tabIdFromTarget
  1189. };
  1190. })();
  1191. /******************************************************************************/
  1192. vAPI.setIcon = function(tabId, iconId, badge) {
  1193. // If badge is undefined, then setIcon was called from the TabSelect event
  1194. var win;
  1195. if ( badge === undefined ) {
  1196. win = iconId;
  1197. } else {
  1198. win = winWatcher.getCurrentWindow();
  1199. }
  1200. var tabBrowser = getTabBrowser(win);
  1201. if ( tabBrowser === null ) {
  1202. return;
  1203. }
  1204. var curTabId = tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(tabBrowser.selectedTab);
  1205. var tb = vAPI.toolbarButton;
  1206. // from 'TabSelect' event
  1207. if ( tabId === undefined ) {
  1208. tabId = curTabId;
  1209. } else if ( badge !== undefined ) {
  1210. tb.tabs[tabId] = { badge: badge, img: iconId };
  1211. }
  1212. if ( tabId === curTabId ) {
  1213. tb.updateState(win, tabId);
  1214. }
  1215. };
  1216. /******************************************************************************/
  1217. vAPI.messaging = {
  1218. get globalMessageManager() {
  1219. return Cc[';1']
  1220. .getService(Ci.nsIMessageListenerManager);
  1221. },
  1222. frameScript: vAPI.getURL('frameScript.js'),
  1223. listeners: {},
  1224. defaultHandler: null,
  1225. NOOPFUNC: function(){},
  1226. UNHANDLED: 'vAPI.messaging.notHandled'
  1227. };
  1228. /******************************************************************************/
  1229. vAPI.messaging.listen = function(listenerName, callback) {
  1230. this.listeners[listenerName] = callback;
  1231. };
  1232. /******************************************************************************/
  1233. vAPI.messaging.onMessage = function({target, data}) {
  1234. var messageManager = target.messageManager;
  1235. if ( !messageManager ) {
  1236. // Message came from a popup, and its message manager is not usable.
  1237. // So instead we broadcast to the parent window.
  1238. messageManager = getOwnerWindow(
  1239. target.webNavigation.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell).chromeEventHandler
  1240. ).messageManager;
  1241. }
  1242. var channelNameRaw = data.channelName;
  1243. var pos = channelNameRaw.indexOf('|');
  1244. var channelName = channelNameRaw.slice(pos + 1);
  1245. var callback = vAPI.messaging.NOOPFUNC;
  1246. if ( data.requestId !== undefined ) {
  1247. callback = CallbackWrapper.factory(
  1248. messageManager,
  1249. channelName,
  1250. channelNameRaw.slice(0, pos),
  1251. data.requestId
  1252. ).callback;
  1253. }
  1254. var sender = {
  1255. tab: {
  1256. id: tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(target)
  1257. }
  1258. };
  1259. // Specific handler
  1260. var r = vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  1261. var listener = vAPI.messaging.listeners[channelName];
  1262. if ( typeof listener === 'function' ) {
  1263. r = listener(data.msg, sender, callback);
  1264. }
  1265. if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) {
  1266. return;
  1267. }
  1268. // Default handler
  1269. r = vAPI.messaging.defaultHandler(data.msg, sender, callback);
  1270. if ( r !== vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED ) {
  1271. return;
  1272. }
  1273. console.error('uMatrix> messaging > unknown request: %o', data);
  1274. // Unhandled:
  1275. // Need to callback anyways in case caller expected an answer, or
  1276. // else there is a memory leak on caller's side
  1277. callback();
  1278. };
  1279. /******************************************************************************/
  1280. vAPI.messaging.setup = function(defaultHandler) {
  1281. // Already setup?
  1282. if ( this.defaultHandler !== null ) {
  1283. return;
  1284. }
  1285. if ( typeof defaultHandler !== 'function' ) {
  1286. defaultHandler = function(){ return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED; };
  1287. }
  1288. this.defaultHandler = defaultHandler;
  1289. this.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  1290. + ':background',
  1291. this.onMessage
  1292. );
  1293. this.globalMessageManager.loadFrameScript(this.frameScript, true);
  1294. cleanupTasks.push(function() {
  1295. var gmm = vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager;
  1296. gmm.removeDelayedFrameScript(vAPI.messaging.frameScript);
  1297. gmm.removeMessageListener(
  1298. + ':background',
  1299. vAPI.messaging.onMessage
  1300. );
  1301. });
  1302. };
  1303. /******************************************************************************/
  1304. vAPI.messaging.broadcast = function(message) {
  1305. this.globalMessageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage(
  1306. + ':broadcast',
  1307. JSON.stringify({broadcast: true, msg: message})
  1308. );
  1309. };
  1310. /******************************************************************************/
  1311. // This allows to avoid creating a closure for every single message which
  1312. // expects an answer. Having a closure created each time a message is processed
  1313. // has been always bothering me. Another benefit of the implementation here
  1314. // is to reuse the callback proxy object, so less memory churning.
  1315. //
  1316. //
  1317. // "Creating a closure is significantly slower then creating an inner
  1318. // function without a closure, and much slower than reusing a static
  1319. // function"
  1320. //
  1321. //
  1322. // "the dreaded 'uniformly slow code' case where every function takes 1%
  1323. // of CPU and you have to make one hundred separate performance optimizations
  1324. // to improve performance at all"
  1325. //
  1326. //
  1327. var CallbackWrapper = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) {
  1328. this.callback = this.proxy.bind(this); // bind once
  1329. this.init(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId);
  1330. };
  1331. CallbackWrapper.junkyard = [];
  1332. CallbackWrapper.factory = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) {
  1333. var wrapper = CallbackWrapper.junkyard.pop();
  1334. if ( wrapper ) {
  1335. wrapper.init(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId);
  1336. return wrapper;
  1337. }
  1338. return new CallbackWrapper(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId);
  1339. };
  1340. CallbackWrapper.prototype.init = function(messageManager, channelName, listenerId, requestId) {
  1341. this.messageManager = messageManager;
  1342. this.channelName = channelName;
  1343. this.listenerId = listenerId;
  1344. this.requestId = requestId;
  1345. };
  1346. CallbackWrapper.prototype.proxy = function(response) {
  1347. var message = JSON.stringify({
  1348. requestId: this.requestId,
  1349. channelName: this.channelName,
  1350. msg: response !== undefined ? response : null
  1351. });
  1352. if ( this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage ) {
  1353. this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(this.listenerId, message);
  1354. } else {
  1355. this.messageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage(this.listenerId, message);
  1356. }
  1357. // Mark for reuse
  1358. this.messageManager =
  1359. this.channelName =
  1360. this.requestId =
  1361. this.listenerId = null;
  1362. CallbackWrapper.junkyard.push(this);
  1363. };
  1364. /******************************************************************************/
  1365. var httpRequestHeadersFactory = function(channel) {
  1366. var entry = httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard.pop();
  1367. if ( entry ) {
  1368. return entry.init(channel);
  1369. }
  1370. return new HTTPRequestHeaders(channel);
  1371. };
  1372. httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard = [];
  1373. var HTTPRequestHeaders = function(channel) {
  1374. this.init(channel);
  1375. };
  1376. HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.init = function(channel) {
  1377. = channel;
  1378. return this;
  1379. };
  1380. HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.dispose = function() {
  1381. = null;
  1382. httpRequestHeadersFactory.junkyard.push(this);
  1383. };
  1384. HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.getHeader = function(name) {
  1385. try {
  1386. return;
  1387. } catch (e) {
  1388. }
  1389. return '';
  1390. };
  1391. HTTPRequestHeaders.prototype.setHeader = function(name, newValue, create) {
  1392. var oldValue = this.getHeader(name);
  1393. if ( newValue === oldValue ) {
  1394. return false;
  1395. }
  1396. if ( oldValue === '' && create !== true ) {
  1397. return false;
  1398. }
  1399., newValue, false);
  1400. return true;
  1401. };
  1402. /******************************************************************************/
  1403. var httpObserver = {
  1404. classDescription: 'net-channel-event-sinks for ' +,
  1405. classID: Components.ID('{5d2e2797-6d68-42e2-8aeb-81ce6ba16b95}'),
  1406. contractID: '@' + + '/net-channel-event-sinks;1',
  1407. REQDATAKEY: + 'reqdata',
  1408. ABORT: Components.results.NS_BINDING_ABORTED,
  1409. ACCEPT: Components.results.NS_SUCCEEDED,
  1410. // Request types:
  1411. //
  1412. frameTypeMap: {
  1413. 6: 'main_frame',
  1414. 7: 'sub_frame'
  1415. },
  1416. typeMap: {
  1417. 1: 'other',
  1418. 2: 'script',
  1419. 3: 'image',
  1420. 4: 'stylesheet',
  1421. 5: 'object',
  1422. 6: 'main_frame',
  1423. 7: 'sub_frame',
  1424. 10: 'ping',
  1425. 11: 'xmlhttprequest',
  1426. 12: 'object',
  1427. 14: 'font',
  1428. 15: 'media',
  1429. 16: 'websocket',
  1430. 21: 'image'
  1431. },
  1432. mimeTypeMap: {
  1433. 'audio': 15,
  1434. 'video': 15
  1435. },
  1436. get componentRegistrar() {
  1437. return Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
  1438. },
  1439. get categoryManager() {
  1440. return Cc[';1']
  1441. .getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager);
  1442. },
  1443. QueryInterface: (function() {
  1444. var {XPCOMUtils} = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm', null);
  1445. return XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
  1446. Ci.nsIFactory,
  1447. Ci.nsIObserver,
  1448. Ci.nsIChannelEventSink,
  1449. Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference
  1450. ]);
  1451. })(),
  1452. createInstance: function(outer, iid) {
  1453. if ( outer ) {
  1454. throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
  1455. }
  1456. return this.QueryInterface(iid);
  1457. },
  1458. register: function() {
  1459. this.pendingRingBufferInit();
  1460. //
  1461. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-modify-request', true);
  1462. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response', true);
  1463. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-cached-response', true);
  1464. // Guard against stale instances not having been unregistered
  1465. if ( this.componentRegistrar.isCIDRegistered(this.classID) ) {
  1466. try {
  1467. this.componentRegistrar.unregisterFactory(this.classID, Components.manager.getClassObject(this.classID, Ci.nsIFactory));
  1468. } catch (ex) {
  1469. console.error('uMatrix> httpObserver > unable to unregister stale instance: ', ex);
  1470. }
  1471. }
  1472. this.componentRegistrar.registerFactory(
  1473. this.classID,
  1474. this.classDescription,
  1475. this.contractID,
  1476. this
  1477. );
  1478. this.categoryManager.addCategoryEntry(
  1479. 'net-channel-event-sinks',
  1480. this.contractID,
  1481. this.contractID,
  1482. false,
  1483. true
  1484. );
  1485. },
  1486. unregister: function() {
  1487. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-modify-request');
  1488. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-response');
  1489. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'http-on-examine-cached-response');
  1490. this.componentRegistrar.unregisterFactory(this.classID, this);
  1491. this.categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry(
  1492. 'net-channel-event-sinks',
  1493. this.contractID,
  1494. false
  1495. );
  1496. },
  1497. PendingRequest: function() {
  1498. this.rawType = 0;
  1499. this.tabId = 0;
  1500. this._key = ''; // key is url, from URI.spec
  1501. },
  1502. // If all work fine, this map should not grow indefinitely. It can have
  1503. // stale items in it, but these will be taken care of when entries in
  1504. // the ring buffer are overwritten.
  1505. pendingURLToIndex: new Map(),
  1506. pendingWritePointer: 0,
  1507. pendingRingBuffer: new Array(256),
  1508. pendingRingBufferInit: function() {
  1509. // Use and reuse pre-allocated PendingRequest objects = less memory
  1510. // churning.
  1511. var i = this.pendingRingBuffer.length;
  1512. while ( i-- ) {
  1513. this.pendingRingBuffer[i] = new this.PendingRequest();
  1514. }
  1515. },
  1516. // Pending request ring buffer:
  1517. // +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------
  1518. // |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |...
  1519. // +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------
  1520. //
  1521. // URL to ring buffer index map:
  1522. // { k = URL, s = ring buffer indices }
  1523. //
  1524. // s is a string which character codes map to ring buffer indices -- for
  1525. // when the same URL is received multiple times by shouldLoadListener()
  1526. // before the existing one is serviced by the network request observer.
  1527. // I believe the use of a string in lieu of an array reduces memory
  1528. // churning.
  1529. createPendingRequest: function(url) {
  1530. var bucket;
  1531. var i = this.pendingWritePointer;
  1532. this.pendingWritePointer = i + 1 & 255;
  1533. var preq = this.pendingRingBuffer[i];
  1534. var si = String.fromCharCode(i);
  1535. // Cleanup unserviced pending request
  1536. if ( preq._key !== '' ) {
  1537. bucket = this.pendingURLToIndex.get(preq._key);
  1538. if ( bucket.length === 1 ) {
  1539. this.pendingURLToIndex.delete(preq._key);
  1540. } else {
  1541. var pos = bucket.indexOf(si);
  1542. this.pendingURLToIndex.set(preq._key, bucket.slice(0, pos) + bucket.slice(pos + 1));
  1543. }
  1544. }
  1545. bucket = this.pendingURLToIndex.get(url);
  1546. this.pendingURLToIndex.set(url, bucket === undefined ? si : bucket + si);
  1547. preq._key = url;
  1548. return preq;
  1549. },
  1550. lookupPendingRequest: function(url) {
  1551. var bucket = this.pendingURLToIndex.get(url);
  1552. if ( bucket === undefined ) {
  1553. return null;
  1554. }
  1555. var i = bucket.charCodeAt(0);
  1556. if ( bucket.length === 1 ) {
  1557. this.pendingURLToIndex.delete(url);
  1558. } else {
  1559. this.pendingURLToIndex.set(url, bucket.slice(1));
  1560. }
  1561. var preq = this.pendingRingBuffer[i];
  1562. preq._key = ''; // mark as "serviced"
  1563. return preq;
  1564. },
  1565. handleRequest: function(channel, URI, tabId, rawType) {
  1566. var type = this.typeMap[rawType] || 'other';
  1567. var onBeforeRequest =;
  1568. if ( onBeforeRequest.types === null || onBeforeRequest.types.has(type) ) {
  1569. var result = onBeforeRequest.callback({
  1570. hostname: URI.asciiHost,
  1571. parentFrameId: type === 'main_frame' ? -1 : 0,
  1572. tabId: tabId,
  1573. type: type,
  1574. url: URI.asciiSpec
  1575. });
  1576. if ( typeof result === 'object' ) {
  1577. channel.cancel(this.ABORT);
  1578. return true;
  1579. }
  1580. }
  1581. var onBeforeSendHeaders =;
  1582. if ( onBeforeSendHeaders.types === null || onBeforeSendHeaders.types.has(type) ) {
  1583. var requestHeaders = httpRequestHeadersFactory(channel);
  1584. onBeforeSendHeaders.callback({
  1585. hostname: URI.asciiHost,
  1586. parentFrameId: type === 'main_frame' ? -1 : 0,
  1587. requestHeaders: requestHeaders,
  1588. tabId: tabId,
  1589. type: type,
  1590. url: URI.asciiSpec
  1591. });
  1592. requestHeaders.dispose();
  1593. }
  1594. return false;
  1595. },
  1596. channelDataFromChannel: function(channel) {
  1597. if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag ) {
  1598. try {
  1599. return channel.getProperty(this.REQDATAKEY) || null;
  1600. } catch (ex) {
  1601. }
  1602. }
  1603. return null;
  1604. },
  1605. //
  1606. //
  1607. // Not sure `umatrix:shouldLoad` is still needed, uMatrix does not
  1608. // care about embedded frames topography.
  1609. // Also:
  1610. //
  1611. tabIdFromChannel: function(channel) {
  1612. var aWindow;
  1613. if ( channel.notificationCallbacks ) {
  1614. try {
  1615. var loadContext = channel
  1616. .notificationCallbacks
  1617. .getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
  1618. if ( loadContext.topFrameElement ) {
  1619. return tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(loadContext.topFrameElement);
  1620. }
  1621. aWindow = loadContext.associatedWindow;
  1622. } catch (ex) {
  1623. //console.error(ex);
  1624. }
  1625. }
  1626. try {
  1627. if ( !aWindow && channel.loadGroup && channel.loadGroup.notificationCallbacks ) {
  1628. aWindow = channel
  1629. .loadGroup
  1630. .notificationCallbacks
  1631. .getInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext)
  1632. .associatedWindow;
  1633. }
  1634. if ( aWindow ) {
  1635. return tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(
  1636. aWindow
  1637. .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
  1638. .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell)
  1639. .rootTreeItem
  1640. .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  1641. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow)
  1642. .gBrowser
  1643. .getBrowserForContentWindow(aWindow)
  1644. );
  1645. }
  1646. } catch (ex) {
  1647. //console.error(ex);
  1648. }
  1649. return vAPI.noTabId;
  1650. },
  1651. rawtypeFromContentType: function(channel) {
  1652. var mime = channel.contentType;
  1653. if ( !mime ) {
  1654. return 0;
  1655. }
  1656. var pos = mime.indexOf('/');
  1657. if ( pos === -1 ) {
  1658. pos = mime.length;
  1659. }
  1660. return this.mimeTypeMap[mime.slice(0, pos)] || 0;
  1661. },
  1662. observe: function(channel, topic) {
  1663. if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel === false ) {
  1664. return;
  1665. }
  1666. var URI = channel.URI;
  1667. var channelData = this.channelDataFromChannel(channel);
  1668. if ( topic.lastIndexOf('http-on-examine-', 0) === 0 ) {
  1669. if ( channelData === null ) {
  1670. return;
  1671. }
  1672. var type = this.frameTypeMap[channelData[1]];
  1673. if ( !type ) {
  1674. return;
  1675. }
  1676. topic = 'Content-Security-Policy';
  1677. var result;
  1678. try {
  1679. result = channel.getResponseHeader(topic);
  1680. } catch (ex) {
  1681. result = null;
  1682. }
  1683. result ={
  1684. hostname: URI.asciiHost,
  1685. parentFrameId: type === 'main_frame' ? -1 : 0,
  1686. responseHeaders: result ? [{name: topic, value: result}] : [],
  1687. tabId: channelData[0],
  1688. type: type,
  1689. url: URI.asciiSpec
  1690. });
  1691. if ( result ) {
  1692. channel.setResponseHeader(
  1693. topic,
  1694. result.responseHeaders.pop().value,
  1695. true
  1696. );
  1697. }
  1698. return;
  1699. }
  1700. // http-on-modify-request
  1701. // The channel was previously serviced.
  1702. if ( channelData !== null ) {
  1703. this.handleRequest(channel, URI, channelData[0], channelData[1]);
  1704. return;
  1705. }
  1706. // The channel was never serviced.
  1707. var tabId;
  1708. var pendingRequest = this.lookupPendingRequest(URI.asciiSpec);
  1709. var rawType = 1;
  1710. var loadInfo = channel.loadInfo;
  1711. //
  1712. if ( loadInfo ) {
  1713. rawType = loadInfo.externalContentPolicyType !== undefined ?
  1714. loadInfo.externalContentPolicyType :
  1715. loadInfo.contentPolicyType;
  1716. if ( !rawType ) {
  1717. rawType = 1;
  1718. }
  1719. }
  1720. if ( pendingRequest !== null ) {
  1721. tabId = pendingRequest.tabId;
  1722. //
  1723. // Use the request type from the HTTP observer point of view.
  1724. if ( rawType !== 1 ) {
  1725. pendingRequest.rawType = rawType;
  1726. } else {
  1727. rawType = pendingRequest.rawType;
  1728. }
  1729. } else {
  1730. tabId = this.tabIdFromChannel(channel);
  1731. }
  1732. if ( this.handleRequest(channel, URI, tabId, rawType) ) {
  1733. return;
  1734. }
  1735. if ( channel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag === false ) {
  1736. return;
  1737. }
  1738. // Carry data for behind-the-scene redirects
  1739. channel.setProperty(this.REQDATAKEY, [tabId, rawType]);
  1740. },
  1741. // contentPolicy.shouldLoad doesn't detect redirects, this needs to be used
  1742. asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback) {
  1743. // If error thrown, the redirect will fail
  1744. try {
  1745. var URI = newChannel.URI;
  1746. if ( !URI.schemeIs('http') && !URI.schemeIs('https') ) {
  1747. return;
  1748. }
  1749. if ( newChannel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag === false ) {
  1750. return;
  1751. }
  1752. var channelData = this.channelDataFromChannel(oldChannel);
  1753. if ( channelData === null ) {
  1754. return;
  1755. }
  1756. // Carry the data on in case of multiple redirects
  1757. newChannel.setProperty(this.REQDATAKEY, channelData);
  1758. } catch (ex) {
  1759. // console.error(ex);
  1760. } finally {
  1761. callback.onRedirectVerifyCallback(this.ACCEPT);
  1762. }
  1763. }
  1764. };
  1765. /******************************************************************************/
  1766. = {};
  1767. /******************************************************************************/
  1768. = function() {
  1769. this.onBeforeRequest.types = this.onBeforeRequest.types ?
  1770. new Set(this.onBeforeRequest.types) :
  1771. null;
  1772. this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types = this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types ?
  1773. new Set(this.onBeforeSendHeaders.types) :
  1774. null;
  1775. var shouldLoadListenerMessageName = + ':shouldLoad';
  1776. var shouldLoadListener = function(e) {
  1777. var details =;
  1778. var pendingReq = httpObserver.createPendingRequest(details.url);
  1779. pendingReq.rawType = details.rawType;
  1780. pendingReq.tabId = tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(;
  1781. };
  1782. //
  1783. // We need this only for Firefox 34 and less: the tab id is derived from
  1784. // the origin of the message.
  1785. if ( !vAPI.modernFirefox ) {
  1786. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  1787. shouldLoadListenerMessageName,
  1788. shouldLoadListener
  1789. );
  1790. }
  1791. httpObserver.register();
  1792. cleanupTasks.push(function() {
  1793. if ( !vAPI.modernFirefox ) {
  1794. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener(
  1795. shouldLoadListenerMessageName,
  1796. shouldLoadListener
  1797. );
  1798. }
  1799. httpObserver.unregister();
  1800. });
  1801. };
  1802. /******************************************************************************/
  1803. /******************************************************************************/
  1804. vAPI.toolbarButton = {
  1805. id: + '-button',
  1806. type: 'view',
  1807. viewId: + '-panel',
  1808. label:,
  1809. tooltiptext:,
  1810. tabs: {/*tabId: {badge: 0, img: boolean}*/},
  1811. init: null,
  1812. codePath: ''
  1813. };
  1814. /******************************************************************************/
  1815. // Non-Fennec: common code paths.
  1816. (function() {
  1817. if ( vAPI.fennec ) {
  1818. return;
  1819. }
  1820. var tbb = vAPI.toolbarButton;
  1821. var popupCommittedWidth = 0;
  1822. var popupCommittedHeight = 0;
  1823. tbb.onViewShowing = function({target}) {
  1824. popupCommittedWidth = popupCommittedHeight = 0;
  1825. target.firstChild.setAttribute('src', vAPI.getURL('popup.html'));
  1826. };
  1827. tbb.onViewHiding = function({target}) {
  1828. = '';
  1829. target.firstChild.setAttribute('src', 'about:blank');
  1830. };
  1831. tbb.updateState = function(win, tabId) {
  1832. var button = win.document.getElementById(;
  1833. if ( !button ) {
  1834. return;
  1835. }
  1836. var icon = this.tabs[tabId];
  1837. button.setAttribute('badge', icon && icon.badge || '');
  1838. button.classList.toggle('off', !icon || !icon.img);
  1839. var iconId = icon && icon.img ? icon.img : 'off';
  1840. icon = 'url(' + vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-' + iconId + '.png') + ')';
  1841. = icon;
  1842. };
  1843. tbb.populatePanel = function(doc, panel) {
  1844. panel.setAttribute('id', this.viewId);
  1845. var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe');
  1846. iframe.setAttribute('type', 'content');
  1847. panel.appendChild(iframe);
  1848. var toPx = function(pixels) {
  1849. return pixels.toString() + 'px';
  1850. };
  1851. var scrollBarWidth = 0;
  1852. var resizeTimer = null;
  1853. var resizePopupDelayed = function(attempts) {
  1854. if ( resizeTimer !== null ) {
  1855. return false;
  1856. }
  1857. // Sanity check
  1858. attempts = (attempts || 0) + 1;
  1859. if ( attempts > 1/*000*/ ) {
  1860. //console.error('uMatrix> resizePopupDelayed: giving up after too many attempts');
  1861. return false;
  1862. }
  1863. resizeTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(resizePopup, 10, attempts);
  1864. return true;
  1865. };
  1866. var resizePopup = function(attempts) {
  1867. resizeTimer = null;
  1868. = 'none';
  1869. var body = iframe.contentDocument.body;
  1870. //
  1871. // Don't resize if committed size did not change.
  1872. if (
  1873. popupCommittedWidth === body.clientWidth &&
  1874. popupCommittedHeight === body.clientHeight
  1875. ) {
  1876. return;
  1877. }
  1878. // We set a limit for height
  1879. var height = Math.min(body.clientHeight, 600);
  1880. //
  1881. // Voodoo programming: this recipe works
  1882.'height', toPx(height));
  1883.'height', toPx(height));
  1884. // Adjust width for presence/absence of vertical scroll bar which may
  1885. // have appeared as a result of last operation.
  1886. var contentWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
  1887. var width = body.clientWidth;
  1888. if ( contentWindow.scrollMaxY !== 0 ) {
  1889. width += scrollBarWidth;
  1890. }
  1891.'width', toPx(width));
  1892. // scrollMaxX should always be zero once we know the scrollbar width
  1893. if ( contentWindow.scrollMaxX !== 0 ) {
  1894. scrollBarWidth = contentWindow.scrollMaxX;
  1895. width += scrollBarWidth;
  1896.'width', toPx(width));
  1897. }
  1898. if ( iframe.clientHeight !== height || panel.clientWidth !== width ) {
  1899. if ( resizePopupDelayed(attempts) ) {
  1900. return;
  1901. }
  1902. // resizePopupDelayed won't be called again, so commit
  1903. // dimentsions.
  1904. }
  1905. popupCommittedWidth = body.clientWidth;
  1906. popupCommittedHeight = body.clientHeight;
  1907. };
  1908. var onResizeRequested = function() {
  1909. var body = iframe.contentDocument.body;
  1910. if ( body.getAttribute('data-resize-popup') !== 'true' ) {
  1911. return;
  1912. }
  1913. body.removeAttribute('data-resize-popup');
  1914. resizePopupDelayed();
  1915. };
  1916. var onPopupReady = function() {
  1917. var win = this.contentWindow;
  1918. if ( !win || !== ) {
  1919. return;
  1920. }
  1921. if ( typeof tbb.onBeforePopupReady === 'function' ) {
  1923. }
  1924. resizePopupDelayed();
  1925. var body = win.document.body;
  1926. body.removeAttribute('data-resize-popup');
  1927. var mutationObserver = new win.MutationObserver(onResizeRequested);
  1928. mutationObserver.observe(body, {
  1929. attributes: true,
  1930. attributeFilter: [ 'data-resize-popup' ]
  1931. });
  1932. };
  1933. iframe.addEventListener('load', onPopupReady, true);
  1934. };
  1935. })();
  1936. /******************************************************************************/
  1937. // Firefox 28 and less
  1938. (function() {
  1939. var tbb = vAPI.toolbarButton;
  1940. if ( tbb.init !== null ) {
  1941. return;
  1942. }
  1943. var CustomizableUI = null;
  1944. var forceLegacyToolbarButton = vAPI.localStorage.getBool('forceLegacyToolbarButton');
  1945. if ( !forceLegacyToolbarButton ) {
  1946. try {
  1947. CustomizableUI = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', null).CustomizableUI;
  1948. } catch (ex) {
  1949. }
  1950. }
  1951. if ( CustomizableUI !== null ) {
  1952. return;
  1953. }
  1954. tbb.codePath = 'legacy';
  1955. = 'umatrix-legacy-button'; // NOTE: must match legacy-toolbar-button.css
  1956. tbb.viewId = + '-panel';
  1957. var sss = null;
  1958. var styleSheetUri = null;
  1959. var addLegacyToolbarButtonLater = function(details) {
  1960. details.tryCount = details.tryCount ? details.tryCount + 1 : 1;
  1961. if ( details.tryCount > 8 ) {
  1962. return false;
  1963. }
  1964. vAPI.setTimeout(function(details) {
  1965. addLegacyToolbarButton(details.window, details.tryCount);
  1966. },
  1967. 200,
  1968. details
  1969. );
  1970. return true;
  1971. };
  1972. var addLegacyToolbarButton = function(window, tryCount) {
  1973. var document = window.document;
  1974. //
  1975. // Already installed?
  1976. if ( document.getElementById( !== null ) {
  1977. return;
  1978. }
  1979. var toolbox = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox') ||
  1980. document.getElementById('mail-toolbox');
  1981. if (
  1982. toolbox === null &&
  1983. addLegacyToolbarButtonLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount })
  1984. ) {
  1985. return;
  1986. }
  1987. // palette might take a little longer to appear on some platforms,
  1988. // give it a small delay and try again.
  1989. var palette = toolbox.palette;
  1990. if (
  1991. palette === null &&
  1992. addLegacyToolbarButtonLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount })
  1993. ) {
  1994. return;
  1995. }
  1996. var navbar = document.getElementById('nav-bar');
  1997. if (
  1998. navbar === null &&
  1999. addLegacyToolbarButtonLater({ window: window, tryCount: tryCount })
  2000. ) {
  2001. return;
  2002. }
  2003. var toolbarButton = document.createElement('toolbarbutton');
  2004. toolbarButton.setAttribute('id',;
  2005. // type = panel would be more accurate, but doesn't look as good
  2006. toolbarButton.setAttribute('type', 'menu');
  2007. toolbarButton.setAttribute('removable', 'true');
  2008. toolbarButton.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional');
  2009. toolbarButton.setAttribute('label', tbb.label);
  2010. toolbarButton.setAttribute('tooltiptext', tbb.label);
  2011. var toolbarButtonPanel = document.createElement('panel');
  2012. // NOTE: Setting level to parent breaks the popup for PaleMoon under
  2013. // linux (mouse pointer misaligned with content). For some reason.
  2014. // toolbarButtonPanel.setAttribute('level', 'parent');
  2015. tbb.populatePanel(document, toolbarButtonPanel);
  2016. toolbarButtonPanel.addEventListener('popupshowing', tbb.onViewShowing);
  2017. toolbarButtonPanel.addEventListener('popuphiding', tbb.onViewHiding);
  2018. toolbarButton.appendChild(toolbarButtonPanel);
  2019. if ( palette !== null && palette.querySelector('#' + === null ) {
  2020. palette.appendChild(toolbarButton);
  2021. }
  2022. tbb.closePopup = function() {
  2023. // `hidePopup` reported as not existing while testing legacy button
  2024. // on FF 41.0.2.
  2025. //
  2026. if ( typeof toolbarButtonPanel.hidePopup === 'function' ) {
  2027. toolbarButtonPanel.hidePopup();
  2028. }
  2029. };
  2030. // Find the place to put the button
  2031. var toolbars = toolbox.externalToolbars.slice();
  2032. for ( var child of toolbox.children ) {
  2033. if ( child.localName === 'toolbar' ) {
  2034. toolbars.push(child);
  2035. }
  2036. }
  2037. for ( var toolbar of toolbars ) {
  2038. var currentsetString = toolbar.getAttribute('currentset');
  2039. if ( !currentsetString ) {
  2040. continue;
  2041. }
  2042. var currentset = currentsetString.split(/\s*,\s*/);
  2043. var index = currentset.indexOf(;
  2044. if ( index === -1 ) {
  2045. continue;
  2046. }
  2047. // Found our button on this toolbar - but where on it?
  2048. var before = null;
  2049. for ( var i = index + 1; i < currentset.length; i++ ) {
  2050. before = toolbar.querySelector('[id="' + currentset[i] + '"]');
  2051. if ( before !== null ) {
  2052. break;
  2053. }
  2054. }
  2055. toolbar.insertItem(, before);
  2056. break;
  2057. }
  2058. //
  2059. // We are done if our toolbar button is already installed in one of the
  2060. // toolbar.
  2061. if ( palette !== null && toolbarButton.parentElement !== palette ) {
  2062. return;
  2063. }
  2064. // No button yet so give it a default location. If forcing the button,
  2065. // just put in in the palette rather than on any specific toolbar (who
  2066. // knows what toolbars will be available or visible!)
  2067. if ( navbar !== null && !vAPI.localStorage.getBool('legacyToolbarButtonAdded') ) {
  2068. //
  2069. // Find a child customizable palette, if any.
  2070. navbar = navbar.querySelector('.customization-target') || navbar;
  2071. navbar.appendChild(toolbarButton);
  2072. navbar.setAttribute('currentset', navbar.currentSet);
  2073. document.persist(, 'currentset');
  2074. vAPI.localStorage.setBool('legacyToolbarButtonAdded', 'true');
  2075. }
  2076. };
  2077. var onPopupCloseRequested = function({target}) {
  2078. if ( typeof tbb.closePopup === 'function' ) {
  2079. tbb.closePopup(target);
  2080. }
  2081. };
  2082. var shutdown = function() {
  2083. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2084. var toolbarButton = win.document.getElementById(;
  2085. if ( toolbarButton ) {
  2086. toolbarButton.parentNode.removeChild(toolbarButton);
  2087. }
  2088. }
  2089. if ( sss === null ) {
  2090. return;
  2091. }
  2092. if ( sss.sheetRegistered(styleSheetUri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET) ) {
  2093. sss.unregisterSheet(styleSheetUri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET);
  2094. }
  2095. sss = null;
  2096. styleSheetUri = null;
  2097. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener(
  2098. + ':closePopup',
  2099. onPopupCloseRequested
  2100. );
  2101. };
  2102. tbb.attachToNewWindow = function(win) {
  2103. addLegacyToolbarButton(win);
  2104. };
  2105. tbb.init = function() {
  2106. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  2107. + ':closePopup',
  2108. onPopupCloseRequested
  2109. );
  2110. sss = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService);
  2111. styleSheetUri ="css/legacy-toolbar-button.css"), null, null);
  2112. // Register global so it works in all windows, including palette
  2113. if ( !sss.sheetRegistered(styleSheetUri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET) ) {
  2114. sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(styleSheetUri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET);
  2115. }
  2116. cleanupTasks.push(shutdown);
  2117. };
  2118. })();
  2119. /******************************************************************************/
  2120. // Firefox Australis < 36.
  2121. (function() {
  2122. var tbb = vAPI.toolbarButton;
  2123. if ( tbb.init !== null ) {
  2124. return;
  2125. }
  2126. if (, '36.0') >= 0 ) {
  2127. return null;
  2128. }
  2129. if ( vAPI.localStorage.getBool('forceLegacyToolbarButton') ) {
  2130. return null;
  2131. }
  2132. var CustomizableUI = null;
  2133. try {
  2134. CustomizableUI = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', null).CustomizableUI;
  2135. } catch (ex) {
  2136. }
  2137. if ( CustomizableUI === null ) {
  2138. return;
  2139. }
  2140. tbb.codePath = 'australis';
  2141. tbb.CustomizableUI = CustomizableUI;
  2142. tbb.defaultArea = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
  2143. var styleURI = null;
  2144. var onPopupCloseRequested = function({target}) {
  2145. if ( typeof tbb.closePopup === 'function' ) {
  2146. tbb.closePopup(target);
  2147. }
  2148. };
  2149. var shutdown = function() {
  2150. CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(;
  2151. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2152. var panel = win.document.getElementById(tbb.viewId);
  2153. panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);
  2154. win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  2155. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
  2156. .removeSheet(styleURI, 1);
  2157. }
  2158. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener(
  2159. + ':closePopup',
  2160. onPopupCloseRequested
  2161. );
  2162. };
  2163. tbb.onBeforeCreated = function(doc) {
  2164. var panel = doc.createElement('panelview');
  2165. this.populatePanel(doc, panel);
  2166. doc.getElementById('PanelUI-multiView').appendChild(panel);
  2167. doc.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  2168. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
  2169. .loadSheet(styleURI, 1);
  2170. };
  2171. tbb.onBeforePopupReady = function() {
  2172. //
  2173. // Add `portrait` class if width is constrained.
  2174. try {
  2175. this.contentDocument.body.classList.toggle(
  2176. 'portrait',
  2177. CustomizableUI.getWidget( === CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL
  2178. );
  2179. } catch (ex) {
  2180. /* noop */
  2181. }
  2182. };
  2183. tbb.init = function() {
  2184. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  2185. + ':closePopup',
  2186. onPopupCloseRequested
  2187. );
  2188. var style = [
  2189. '#' + + '.off {',
  2190. 'list-style-image: url(',
  2191. vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-off.png'),
  2192. ');',
  2193. '}',
  2194. '#' + + ' {',
  2195. 'list-style-image: url(',
  2196. vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19.png'),
  2197. ');',
  2198. '}',
  2199. '#' + this.viewId + ', #' + this.viewId + ' > iframe {',
  2200. 'width: 160px;',
  2201. 'height: 290px;',
  2202. 'overflow: hidden !important;',
  2203. '}',
  2204. '#' + + '[badge]:not([badge=""])::after {',
  2205. 'position: absolute;',
  2206. 'margin-left: -16px;',
  2207. 'margin-top: 3px;',
  2208. 'padding: 1px 2px;',
  2209. 'font-size: 9px;',
  2210. 'font-weight: bold;',
  2211. 'color: #fff;',
  2212. 'background: #000;',
  2213. 'content: attr(badge);',
  2214. '}'
  2215. ];
  2216. styleURI =
  2217. 'data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(style.join('')),
  2218. null,
  2219. null
  2220. );
  2221. this.closePopup = function(tabBrowser) {
  2222. CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(
  2223. tabBrowser.ownerDocument.getElementById(this.viewId)
  2224. );
  2225. };
  2226. CustomizableUI.createWidget(this);
  2227. cleanupTasks.push(shutdown);
  2228. };
  2229. })();
  2230. /******************************************************************************/
  2231. // Firefox Australis >= 36.
  2232. (function() {
  2233. var tbb = vAPI.toolbarButton;
  2234. if ( tbb.init !== null ) {
  2235. return;
  2236. }
  2237. if (, '36.0') < 0 ) {
  2238. return null;
  2239. }
  2240. if ( vAPI.localStorage.getBool('forceLegacyToolbarButton') ) {
  2241. return null;
  2242. }
  2243. var CustomizableUI = null;
  2244. try {
  2245. CustomizableUI = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', null).CustomizableUI;
  2246. } catch (ex) {
  2247. }
  2248. if ( CustomizableUI === null ) {
  2249. return null;
  2250. }
  2251. tbb.codePath = 'australis';
  2252. tbb.CustomizableUI = CustomizableUI;
  2253. tbb.defaultArea = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
  2254. var CUIEvents = {};
  2255. var badgeCSSRules = [
  2256. 'background: #000',
  2257. 'color: #fff'
  2258. ].join(';');
  2259. var updateBadgeStyle = function() {
  2260. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2261. var button = win.document.getElementById(;
  2262. if ( button === null ) {
  2263. continue;
  2264. }
  2265. var badge = button.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
  2266. button,
  2267. 'class',
  2268. 'toolbarbutton-badge'
  2269. );
  2270. if ( !badge ) {
  2271. continue;
  2272. }
  2273. = badgeCSSRules;
  2274. }
  2275. };
  2276. var updateBadge = function() {
  2277. var wId =;
  2278. var buttonInPanel = CustomizableUI.getWidget(wId).areaType === CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL;
  2279. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2280. var button = win.document.getElementById(wId);
  2281. if ( button === null ) {
  2282. continue;
  2283. }
  2284. if ( buttonInPanel ) {
  2285. button.classList.remove('badged-button');
  2286. continue;
  2287. }
  2288. button.classList.add('badged-button');
  2289. }
  2290. if ( buttonInPanel ) {
  2291. return;
  2292. }
  2293. // Anonymous elements need some time to be reachable
  2294. vAPI.setTimeout(updateBadgeStyle, 250);
  2295. }.bind(CUIEvents);
  2296. //
  2297. CUIEvents.onCustomizeEnd = updateBadge;
  2298. CUIEvents.onWidgetAdded = updateBadge;
  2299. CUIEvents.onWidgetUnderflow = updateBadge;
  2300. var onPopupCloseRequested = function({target}) {
  2301. if ( typeof tbb.closePopup === 'function' ) {
  2302. tbb.closePopup(target);
  2303. }
  2304. };
  2305. var shutdown = function() {
  2306. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2307. var panel = win.document.getElementById(tbb.viewId);
  2308. if ( panel !== null && panel.parentNode !== null ) {
  2309. panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);
  2310. }
  2311. win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  2312. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
  2313. .removeSheet(styleURI, 1);
  2314. }
  2315. CustomizableUI.removeListener(CUIEvents);
  2316. CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(;
  2317. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.removeMessageListener(
  2318. + ':closePopup',
  2319. onPopupCloseRequested
  2320. );
  2321. };
  2322. var styleURI = null;
  2323. tbb.onBeforeCreated = function(doc) {
  2324. var panel = doc.createElement('panelview');
  2325. this.populatePanel(doc, panel);
  2326. doc.getElementById('PanelUI-multiView').appendChild(panel);
  2327. doc.defaultView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
  2328. .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
  2329. .loadSheet(styleURI, 1);
  2330. };
  2331. tbb.onCreated = function(button) {
  2332. button.setAttribute('badge', '');
  2333. vAPI.setTimeout(updateBadge, 250);
  2334. };
  2335. tbb.onBeforePopupReady = function() {
  2336. //
  2337. // Add `portrait` class if width is constrained.
  2338. try {
  2339. this.contentDocument.body.classList.toggle(
  2340. 'portrait',
  2341. CustomizableUI.getWidget( === CustomizableUI.TYPE_MENU_PANEL
  2342. );
  2343. } catch (ex) {
  2344. /* noop */
  2345. }
  2346. };
  2347. tbb.closePopup = function(tabBrowser) {
  2348. CustomizableUI.hidePanelForNode(
  2349. tabBrowser.ownerDocument.getElementById(tbb.viewId)
  2350. );
  2351. };
  2352. tbb.init = function() {
  2353. vAPI.messaging.globalMessageManager.addMessageListener(
  2354. + ':closePopup',
  2355. onPopupCloseRequested
  2356. );
  2357. CustomizableUI.addListener(CUIEvents);
  2358. var style = [
  2359. '#' + + '.off {',
  2360. 'list-style-image: url(',
  2361. vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-off.png'),
  2362. ');',
  2363. '}',
  2364. '#' + + ' {',
  2365. 'list-style-image: url(',
  2366. vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-19.png'),
  2367. ');',
  2368. '}',
  2369. '#' + this.viewId + ', #' + this.viewId + ' > iframe {',
  2370. 'width: 160px;',
  2371. 'height: 290px;',
  2372. 'overflow: hidden !important;',
  2373. '}'
  2374. ];
  2375. styleURI =
  2376. 'data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(style.join('')),
  2377. null,
  2378. null
  2379. );
  2380. CustomizableUI.createWidget(this);
  2381. cleanupTasks.push(shutdown);
  2382. };
  2383. })();
  2384. /******************************************************************************/
  2385. // No toolbar button.
  2386. (function() {
  2387. // Just to ensure the number of cleanup tasks is as expected: toolbar
  2388. // button code is one single cleanup task regardless of platform.
  2389. if ( vAPI.toolbarButton.init === null ) {
  2390. cleanupTasks.push(function(){});
  2391. }
  2392. })();
  2393. /******************************************************************************/
  2394. if ( vAPI.toolbarButton.init !== null ) {
  2395. vAPI.toolbarButton.init();
  2396. }
  2397. /******************************************************************************/
  2398. /******************************************************************************/
  2399. vAPI.contextMenu = {
  2400. contextMap: {
  2401. frame: 'inFrame',
  2402. link: 'onLink',
  2403. image: 'onImage',
  2404. audio: 'onAudio',
  2405. video: 'onVideo',
  2406. editable: 'onEditableArea'
  2407. }
  2408. };
  2409. /******************************************************************************/
  2410. vAPI.contextMenu.displayMenuItem = function({target}) {
  2411. var doc = target.ownerDocument;
  2412. var gContextMenu = doc.defaultView.gContextMenu;
  2413. if ( !gContextMenu.browser ) {
  2414. return;
  2415. }
  2416. var menuitem = doc.getElementById(vAPI.contextMenu.menuItemId);
  2417. var currentURI = gContextMenu.browser.currentURI;
  2418. //
  2419. // TODO: Should the element picker works on any kind of pages?
  2420. if ( !currentURI.schemeIs('http') && !currentURI.schemeIs('https') ) {
  2421. menuitem.setAttribute('hidden', true);
  2422. return;
  2423. }
  2424. var ctx = vAPI.contextMenu.contexts;
  2425. if ( !ctx ) {
  2426. menuitem.setAttribute('hidden', false);
  2427. return;
  2428. }
  2429. var ctxMap = vAPI.contextMenu.contextMap;
  2430. for ( var context of ctx ) {
  2431. if (
  2432. context === 'page' &&
  2433. !gContextMenu.onLink &&
  2434. !gContextMenu.onImage &&
  2435. !gContextMenu.onEditableArea &&
  2436. !gContextMenu.inFrame &&
  2437. !gContextMenu.onVideo &&
  2438. !gContextMenu.onAudio
  2439. ) {
  2440. menuitem.setAttribute('hidden', false);
  2441. return;
  2442. }
  2443. if (
  2444. ctxMap.hasOwnProperty(context) &&
  2445. gContextMenu[ctxMap[context]]
  2446. ) {
  2447. menuitem.setAttribute('hidden', false);
  2448. return;
  2449. }
  2450. }
  2451. menuitem.setAttribute('hidden', true);
  2452. };
  2453. /******************************************************************************/
  2454. vAPI.contextMenu.register = (function() {
  2455. var register = function(doc) {
  2456. if ( !this.menuItemId ) {
  2457. return;
  2458. }
  2459. // Already installed?
  2460. if ( doc.getElementById(this.menuItemId) !== null ) {
  2461. return;
  2462. }
  2463. var contextMenu = doc.getElementById('contentAreaContextMenu');
  2464. var menuitem = doc.createElement('menuitem');
  2465. menuitem.setAttribute('id', this.menuItemId);
  2466. menuitem.setAttribute('label', this.menuLabel);
  2467. menuitem.setAttribute('image', vAPI.getURL('img/browsericons/icon19-19.png'));
  2468. menuitem.setAttribute('class', 'menuitem-iconic');
  2469. menuitem.addEventListener('command', this.onCommand);
  2470. contextMenu.addEventListener('popupshowing', this.displayMenuItem);
  2471. contextMenu.insertBefore(menuitem, doc.getElementById('inspect-separator'));
  2472. };
  2473. //
  2474. // Be sure document.readyState is 'complete': it could happen at launch
  2475. // time that we are called by vAPI.contextMenu.create() directly before
  2476. // the environment is properly initialized.
  2477. var registerSafely = function(doc, tryCount) {
  2478. if ( doc.readyState === 'complete' ) {
  2479., doc);
  2480. return;
  2481. }
  2482. if ( typeof tryCount !== 'number' ) {
  2483. tryCount = 0;
  2484. }
  2485. tryCount += 1;
  2486. if ( tryCount < 8 ) {
  2487. vAPI.setTimeout(registerSafely.bind(this, doc, tryCount), 200);
  2488. }
  2489. };
  2490. return registerSafely;
  2491. })();
  2492. /******************************************************************************/
  2493. vAPI.contextMenu.unregister = function(doc) {
  2494. if ( !this.menuItemId ) {
  2495. return;
  2496. }
  2497. var menuitem = doc.getElementById(this.menuItemId);
  2498. if ( menuitem === null ) {
  2499. return;
  2500. }
  2501. var contextMenu = menuitem.parentNode;
  2502. menuitem.removeEventListener('command', this.onCommand);
  2503. contextMenu.removeEventListener('popupshowing', this.displayMenuItem);
  2504. contextMenu.removeChild(menuitem);
  2505. };
  2506. /******************************************************************************/
  2507. vAPI.contextMenu.create = function(details, callback) {
  2508. this.menuItemId =;
  2509. this.menuLabel = details.title;
  2510. this.contexts = details.contexts;
  2511. if ( Array.isArray(this.contexts) && this.contexts.length ) {
  2512. this.contexts = this.contexts.indexOf('all') === -1 ? this.contexts : null;
  2513. } else {
  2514. // default in Chrome
  2515. this.contexts = ['page'];
  2516. }
  2517. this.onCommand = function() {
  2518. var gContextMenu = getOwnerWindow(this).gContextMenu;
  2519. var details = {
  2520. menuItemId:
  2521. };
  2522. if ( gContextMenu.inFrame ) {
  2523. details.tagName = 'iframe';
  2524. // Probably won't work with e10s
  2525. details.frameUrl = gContextMenu.focusedWindow.location.href;
  2526. } else if ( gContextMenu.onImage ) {
  2527. details.tagName = 'img';
  2528. details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL;
  2529. } else if ( gContextMenu.onAudio ) {
  2530. details.tagName = 'audio';
  2531. details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL;
  2532. } else if ( gContextMenu.onVideo ) {
  2533. details.tagName = 'video';
  2534. details.srcUrl = gContextMenu.mediaURL;
  2535. } else if ( gContextMenu.onLink ) {
  2536. details.tagName = 'a';
  2537. details.linkUrl = gContextMenu.linkURL;
  2538. }
  2539. callback(details, {
  2540. id: tabWatcher.tabIdFromTarget(gContextMenu.browser),
  2541. url: gContextMenu.browser.currentURI.asciiSpec
  2542. });
  2543. };
  2544. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2545. this.register(win.document);
  2546. }
  2547. };
  2548. /******************************************************************************/
  2549. vAPI.contextMenu.remove = function() {
  2550. for ( var win of winWatcher.getWindows() ) {
  2551. this.unregister(win.document);
  2552. }
  2553. this.menuItemId = null;
  2554. this.menuLabel = null;
  2555. this.contexts = null;
  2556. this.onCommand = null;
  2557. };
  2558. /******************************************************************************/
  2559. /******************************************************************************/
  2560. var optionsObserver = {
  2561. addonId: '',
  2562. register: function() {
  2563. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'addon-options-displayed', false);
  2564. cleanupTasks.push(this.unregister.bind(this));
  2565. var browser = tabWatcher.currentBrowser();
  2566. if ( browser && browser.currentURI && browser.currentURI.spec === 'about:addons' ) {
  2567. this.observe(browser.contentDocument, 'addon-enabled', this.addonId);
  2568. }
  2569. },
  2570. unregister: function() {
  2571. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'addon-options-displayed');
  2572. },
  2573. setupOptionsButton: function(doc, id, page) {
  2574. var button = doc.getElementById(id);
  2575. if ( button === null ) {
  2576. return;
  2577. }
  2578. button.addEventListener('command', function() {
  2579.{ url: page, index: -1 });
  2580. });
  2581. button.label = vAPI.i18n(id);
  2582. },
  2583. observe: function(doc, topic, addonId) {
  2584. if ( addonId !== this.addonId ) {
  2585. return;
  2586. }
  2587. this.setupOptionsButton(doc, 'showDashboardButton', 'dashboard.html');
  2588. this.setupOptionsButton(doc, 'showLoggerButton', 'logger-ui.html');
  2589. }
  2590. };
  2591. optionsObserver.register();
  2592. /******************************************************************************/
  2593. /******************************************************************************/
  2594. vAPI.lastError = function() {
  2595. return null;
  2596. };
  2597. /******************************************************************************/
  2598. /******************************************************************************/
  2599. // This is called only once, when everything has been loaded in memory after
  2600. // the extension was launched. It can be used to inject content scripts
  2601. // in already opened web pages, to remove whatever nuisance could make it to
  2602. // the web pages before uBlock was ready.
  2603. vAPI.onLoadAllCompleted = function() {
  2604. for ( var browser of tabWatcher.browsers() ) {
  2605. browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(
  2606. + '-load-completed'
  2607. );
  2608. }
  2609. };
  2610. /******************************************************************************/
  2611. /******************************************************************************/
  2612. // Likelihood is that we do not have to punycode: given punycode overhead,
  2613. // it's faster to check and skip than do it unconditionally all the time.
  2614. var punycodeHostname = punycode.toASCII;
  2615. var isNotASCII = /[^\x21-\x7F]/;
  2616. vAPI.punycodeHostname = function(hostname) {
  2617. return isNotASCII.test(hostname) ? punycodeHostname(hostname) : hostname;
  2618. };
  2619. vAPI.punycodeURL = function(url) {
  2620. if ( isNotASCII.test(url) ) {
  2621. return, null, null).asciiSpec;
  2622. }
  2623. return url;
  2624. };
  2625. /******************************************************************************/
  2626. /******************************************************************************/
  2627. = (function() {
  2628. var extensionBranchPath = 'extensions.' +;
  2629. var cloudBranchPath = extensionBranchPath + '.cloudStorage';
  2630. //
  2631. // We must use get/setComplexValue in order to properly handle strings
  2632. // with unicode characters.
  2633. var iss = Ci.nsISupportsString;
  2634. var argstr = Components.classes[';1']
  2635. .createInstance(iss);
  2636. var options = {
  2637. defaultDeviceName: '',
  2638. deviceName: ''
  2639. };
  2640. // User-supplied device name.
  2641. try {
  2642. options.deviceName = Services.prefs
  2643. .getBranch(extensionBranchPath + '.')
  2644. .getComplexValue('deviceName', iss)
  2645. .data;
  2646. } catch(ex) {
  2647. }
  2648. var getDefaultDeviceName = function() {
  2649. var name = '';
  2650. try {
  2651. name = Services.prefs
  2652. .getBranch('services.sync.client.')
  2653. .getComplexValue('name', iss)
  2654. .data;
  2655. } catch(ex) {
  2656. }
  2657. return name || window.navigator.platform || window.navigator.oscpu;
  2658. };
  2659. var start = function(dataKeys) {
  2660. var extensionBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch(extensionBranchPath + '.');
  2661. var syncBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch('services.sync.prefs.sync.');
  2662. // Mark config entries as syncable
  2663. = '';
  2664. var dataKey;
  2665. for ( var i = 0; i < dataKeys.length; i++ ) {
  2666. dataKey = dataKeys[i];
  2667. if ( extensionBranch.prefHasUserValue('cloudStorage.' + dataKey) === false ) {
  2668. extensionBranch.setComplexValue('cloudStorage.' + dataKey, iss, argstr);
  2669. }
  2670. syncBranch.setBoolPref(cloudBranchPath + '.' + dataKey, true);
  2671. }
  2672. };
  2673. var push = function(datakey, data, callback) {
  2674. var branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(cloudBranchPath + '.');
  2675. var bin = {
  2676. 'source': options.deviceName || getDefaultDeviceName(),
  2677. 'tstamp':,
  2678. 'data': data,
  2679. 'size': 0
  2680. };
  2681. bin.size = JSON.stringify(bin).length;
  2682. = JSON.stringify(bin);
  2683. branch.setComplexValue(datakey, iss, argstr);
  2684. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  2685. callback();
  2686. }
  2687. };
  2688. var pull = function(datakey, callback) {
  2689. var result = null;
  2690. var branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(cloudBranchPath + '.');
  2691. try {
  2692. var json = branch.getComplexValue(datakey, iss).data;
  2693. if ( typeof json === 'string' ) {
  2694. result = JSON.parse(json);
  2695. }
  2696. } catch(ex) {
  2697. }
  2698. callback(result);
  2699. };
  2700. var getOptions = function(callback) {
  2701. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  2702. return;
  2703. }
  2704. options.defaultDeviceName = getDefaultDeviceName();
  2705. callback(options);
  2706. };
  2707. var setOptions = function(details, callback) {
  2708. if ( typeof details !== 'object' || details === null ) {
  2709. return;
  2710. }
  2711. var branch = Services.prefs.getBranch(extensionBranchPath + '.');
  2712. if ( typeof details.deviceName === 'string' ) {
  2713. = details.deviceName;
  2714. branch.setComplexValue('deviceName', iss, argstr);
  2715. options.deviceName = details.deviceName;
  2716. }
  2717. getOptions(callback);
  2718. };
  2719. return {
  2720. start: start,
  2721. push: push,
  2722. pull: pull,
  2723. getOptions: getOptions,
  2724. setOptions: setOptions
  2725. };
  2726. })();
  2727. /******************************************************************************/
  2728. /******************************************************************************/
  2729. vAPI.browserData = {};
  2730. /******************************************************************************/
  2731. //
  2732. vAPI.browserData.clearCache = function(callback) {
  2734. // PURGE_DISK_ALL:2
  2736. // However I verified that no argument does clear the cache data.
  2737. // There is no cache2 for older versions of Firefox.
  2738. if ( Services.cache2 ) {
  2739. Services.cache2.clear();
  2740. } else if ( Services.cache ) {
  2741. Services.cache.evictEntries(Services.cache.STORE_ON_DISK);
  2742. }
  2743. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  2744. callback();
  2745. }
  2746. };
  2747. /******************************************************************************/
  2748. vAPI.browserData.clearOrigin = function(/* domain */) {
  2749. // TODO
  2750. };
  2751. /******************************************************************************/
  2752. /******************************************************************************/
  2753. //
  2754. //
  2755. //
  2756. vAPI.cookies = {};
  2757. /******************************************************************************/
  2758. vAPI.cookies.CookieEntry = function(ffCookie) {
  2759. this.domain =;
  2760. =;
  2761. this.path = ffCookie.path;
  2762. = ffCookie.isSecure === true;
  2763. this.session = ffCookie.expires === 0;
  2764. this.value = ffCookie.value;
  2765. };
  2766. /******************************************************************************/
  2767. vAPI.cookies.start = function() {
  2768. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'cookie-changed', false);
  2769. Services.obs.addObserver(this, 'private-cookie-changed', false);
  2770. cleanupTasks.push(this.stop.bind(this));
  2771. };
  2772. /******************************************************************************/
  2773. vAPI.cookies.stop = function() {
  2774. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'cookie-changed');
  2775. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, 'private-cookie-changed');
  2776. };
  2777. /******************************************************************************/
  2778. vAPI.cookies.observe = function(subject, topic, reason) {
  2779. //if ( topic !== 'cookie-changed' && topic !== 'private-cookie-changed' ) {
  2780. // return;
  2781. //}
  2782. //
  2783. if ( reason === 'cleared' && typeof this.onAllRemoved === 'function' ) {
  2784. this.onAllRemoved();
  2785. return;
  2786. }
  2787. if ( subject === null ) {
  2788. return;
  2789. }
  2790. if ( subject instanceof Ci.nsICookie2 === false ) {
  2791. try {
  2792. subject = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
  2793. } catch (ex) {
  2794. return;
  2795. }
  2796. }
  2797. if ( reason === 'deleted' ) {
  2798. if ( typeof this.onRemoved === 'function' ) {
  2799. this.onRemoved(new this.CookieEntry(subject));
  2800. }
  2801. return;
  2802. }
  2803. if ( typeof this.onChanged === 'function' ) {
  2804. this.onChanged(new this.CookieEntry(subject));
  2805. }
  2806. };
  2807. /******************************************************************************/
  2808. // Meant and expected to be asynchronous.
  2809. vAPI.cookies.getAll = function(callback) {
  2810. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) {
  2811. return;
  2812. }
  2813. var onAsync = function() {
  2814. var out = [];
  2815. var enumerator = Services.cookies.enumerator;
  2816. var ffcookie;
  2817. while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() ) {
  2818. ffcookie = enumerator.getNext();
  2819. if ( ffcookie instanceof Ci.nsICookie ) {
  2820. out.push(new this.CookieEntry(ffcookie));
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. callback(out);
  2824. };
  2825. vAPI.setTimeout(onAsync.bind(this), 0);
  2826. };
  2827. /******************************************************************************/
  2828. vAPI.cookies.remove = function(details, callback) {
  2829. var uri =, null, null);
  2830. var cookies = Services.cookies;
  2831. cookies.remove(uri.asciiHost,, uri.path, false, {});
  2832. cookies.remove( '.' + uri.asciiHost,, uri.path, false, {});
  2833. if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
  2834. callback({
  2835. domain: uri.asciiHost,
  2836. name:,
  2837. path: uri.path
  2838. });
  2839. }
  2840. };
  2841. /******************************************************************************/
  2842. /******************************************************************************/
  2843. })();
  2844. /******************************************************************************/