uMatrix - a browser extension to black/white list requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix
/* global punycode */
'use strict';
µMatrix.Matrix = (function() {
var µm = µMatrix; var selfieVersion = 1;
var Matrix = function() { this.reset(); this.sourceRegister = ''; this.decomposedSourceRegister = ['']; this.specificityRegister = 0; };
Matrix.Transparent = 0; Matrix.Red = 1; Matrix.Green = 2; Matrix.Gray = 3;
Matrix.Indirect = 0x00; Matrix.Direct = 0x80;
Matrix.RedDirect = Matrix.Red | Matrix.Direct; Matrix.RedIndirect = Matrix.Red | Matrix.Indirect; Matrix.GreenDirect = Matrix.Green | Matrix.Direct; Matrix.GreenIndirect = Matrix.Green | Matrix.Indirect; Matrix.GrayDirect = Matrix.Gray | Matrix.Direct; Matrix.GrayIndirect = Matrix.Gray | Matrix.Indirect;
var typeBitOffsets = new Map([ [ '*', 0 ], [ 'doc', 2 ], [ 'cookie', 4 ], [ 'css', 6 ], [ 'image', 8 ], [ 'media', 10 ], [ 'script', 12 ], [ 'xhr', 14 ], [ 'frame', 16 ], [ 'other', 18 ] ]);
var stateToNameMap = new Map([ [ 1, 'block' ], [ 2, 'allow' ], [ 3, 'inherit' ] ]);
var nameToStateMap = { 'block': 1, 'allow': 2, 'noop': 2, 'inherit': 3 };
var switchBitOffsets = new Map([ [ 'matrix-off', 0 ], [ 'https-strict', 2 ], /* 4 is now unused, formerly assigned to UA spoofing */ [ 'referrer-spoof', 6 ], [ 'noscript-spoof', 8 ], [ 'no-workers', 10 ] ]);
var switchStateToNameMap = new Map([ [ 1, 'true' ], [ 2, 'false' ] ]);
var nameToSwitchStateMap = new Map([ [ 'true', 1 ], [ 'false', 2 ] ]);
Matrix.columnHeaderIndices = (function() { var out = new Map(), i = 0; for ( var type of typeBitOffsets.keys() ) { out.set(type, i++); } return out; })();
Matrix.switchNames = new Set(switchBitOffsets.keys());
// For performance purpose, as simple tests as possible
var reHostnameVeryCoarse = /[g-z_-]/; var reIPv4VeryCoarse = /\.\d+$/;
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5952
// 4.3: "MUST be represented in lowercase"
// Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address#Literal_IPv6_addresses_in_network_resource_identifiers
var isIPAddress = function(hostname) { if ( reHostnameVeryCoarse.test(hostname) ) { return false; } if ( reIPv4VeryCoarse.test(hostname) ) { return true; } return hostname.charAt(0) === '['; };
var punycodeIf = function(hn) { return reNotASCII.test(hn) ? punycode.toASCII(hn) : hn; };
var unpunycodeIf = function(hn) { return hn.indexOf('xn--') !== -1 ? punycode.toUnicode(hn) : hn; };
var reNotASCII = /[^\x20-\x7F]/;
var toBroaderHostname = function(hostname) { if ( hostname === '*' ) { return ''; } if ( isIPAddress(hostname) ) { return toBroaderIPAddress(hostname); } var pos = hostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { return '*'; } return hostname.slice(pos + 1); };
var toBroaderIPAddress = function(ipaddress) { // Can't broaden IPv6 (for now)
if ( ipaddress.charAt(0) === '[' ) { return '*'; } var pos = ipaddress.lastIndexOf('.'); return pos !== -1 ? ipaddress.slice(0, pos) : '*'; };
Matrix.toBroaderHostname = toBroaderHostname;
// Find out src-des relationship, using coarse-to-fine grained tests for
// speed. If desHostname is 1st-party to srcHostname, the domain is returned,
// otherwise the empty string.
var extractFirstPartyDesDomain = function(srcHostname, desHostname) { if ( srcHostname === '*' || desHostname === '*' || desHostname === '1st-party' ) { return ''; } var µmuri = µm.URI; var srcDomain = µmuri.domainFromHostname(srcHostname) || srcHostname; var desDomain = µmuri.domainFromHostname(desHostname) || desHostname; return desDomain === srcDomain ? desDomain : ''; };
Matrix.prototype.reset = function() { this.switches = new Map(); this.rules = new Map(); this.rootValue = Matrix.RedIndirect; this.modifiedTime = 0; if ( this.modifyEventTimer !== undefined ) { clearTimeout(this.modifyEventTimer); } this.modifyEventTimer = undefined; this.modified(); };
Matrix.prototype.modified = function() { this.modifiedTime = Date.now(); if ( this.modifyEventTimer !== undefined ) { return; } this.modifyEventTimer = vAPI.setTimeout( ( ) => { this.modifyEventTimer = undefined; window.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'matrixRulesetChange', { detail: this } ) ); }, 149 ); };
Matrix.prototype.decomposeSource = function(srcHostname) { if ( srcHostname === this.sourceRegister ) { return; } var hn = srcHostname; this.decomposedSourceRegister[0] = this.sourceRegister = hn; var i = 1; for (;;) { hn = toBroaderHostname(hn); this.decomposedSourceRegister[i++] = hn; if ( hn === '' ) { break; } } };
// Copy another matrix to self. Do this incrementally to minimize impact on
// a live matrix.
Matrix.prototype.assign = function(other) { var k, entry; // Remove rules not in other
for ( k of this.rules.keys() ) { if ( other.rules.has(k) === false ) { this.rules.delete(k); } } // Remove switches not in other
for ( k of this.switches.keys() ) { if ( other.switches.has(k) === false ) { this.switches.delete(k); } } // Add/change rules in other
for ( entry of other.rules ) { this.rules.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } // Add/change switches in other
for ( entry of other.switches ) { this.switches.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } this.modified(); return this; };
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9RS4biqyAc
// If value is undefined, the switch is removed
Matrix.prototype.setSwitch = function(switchName, srcHostname, newVal) { var bitOffset = switchBitOffsets.get(switchName); if ( bitOffset === undefined ) { return false; } if ( newVal === this.evaluateSwitch(switchName, srcHostname) ) { return false; } var bits = this.switches.get(srcHostname) || 0; bits &= ~(3 << bitOffset); bits |= newVal << bitOffset; if ( bits === 0 ) { this.switches.delete(srcHostname); } else { this.switches.set(srcHostname, bits); } this.modified(); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.setCell = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type, state) { var bitOffset = typeBitOffsets.get(type), k = srcHostname + ' ' + desHostname, oldBitmap = this.rules.get(k); if ( oldBitmap === undefined ) { oldBitmap = 0; } var newBitmap = oldBitmap & ~(3 << bitOffset) | (state << bitOffset); if ( newBitmap === oldBitmap ) { return false; } if ( newBitmap === 0 ) { this.rules.delete(k); } else { this.rules.set(k, newBitmap); } this.modified(); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.blacklistCell = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { var r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 1 ) { return false; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 0); r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 1 ) { return true; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 1); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.whitelistCell = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { var r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 2 ) { return false; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 0); r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 2 ) { return true; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 2); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.graylistCell = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { var r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 0 || r === 3 ) { return false; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 0); r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 0 || r === 3 ) { return true; } this.setCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type, 3); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.evaluateCell = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { var key = srcHostname + ' ' + desHostname; var bitmap = this.rules.get(key); if ( bitmap === undefined ) { return 0; } return bitmap >> typeBitOffsets.get(type) & 3; };
Matrix.prototype.evaluateCellZ = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { this.decomposeSource(srcHostname);
var bitOffset = typeBitOffsets.get(type), s, v, i = 0; for (;;) { s = this.decomposedSourceRegister[i++]; if ( s === '' ) { break; } v = this.rules.get(s + ' ' + desHostname); if ( v !== undefined ) { v = v >> bitOffset & 3; if ( v !== 0 ) { return v; } } } // srcHostname is '*' at this point
// Preset blacklisted hostnames are blacklisted in global scope
if ( type === '*' && µm.ubiquitousBlacklist.test(desHostname) ) { return 1; }
// https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/65
// Hardcoded global `doc` rule
if ( type === 'doc' && desHostname === '*' ) { return 2; }
return 0; };
Matrix.prototype.evaluateCellZXY = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { // Matrix filtering switch
this.specificityRegister = 0; if ( this.evaluateSwitchZ('matrix-off', srcHostname) ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; }
// TODO: There are cells evaluated twice when the type is '*'. Unsure
// whether it's worth trying to avoid that, as this could introduce
// overhead which may not be gained back by skipping the redundant tests.
// And this happens *only* when building the matrix UI, not when
// evaluating net requests.
// Specific-hostname specific-type cell
this.specificityRegister = 1; var r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedDirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenDirect; }
// Specific-hostname any-type cell
this.specificityRegister = 2; var rl = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, desHostname, '*'); if ( rl === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; }
var d = desHostname; var firstPartyDesDomain = extractFirstPartyDesDomain(srcHostname, desHostname);
// Ancestor cells, up to 1st-party destination domain
if ( firstPartyDesDomain !== '' ) { this.specificityRegister = 3; for (;;) { if ( d === firstPartyDesDomain ) { break; } d = d.slice(d.indexOf('.') + 1);
// specific-hostname specific-type cell
r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, d, type); if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; } // Do not override a narrower rule
if ( rl !== 2 ) { rl = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, d, '*'); if ( rl === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } } }
// 1st-party specific-type cell: it's a special row, looked up only
// when destination is 1st-party to source.
r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '1st-party', type); if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; } // Do not override narrower rule
if ( rl !== 2 ) { rl = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '1st-party', '*'); if ( rl === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } } }
// Keep going, up to root
this.specificityRegister = 4; for (;;) { d = toBroaderHostname(d); if ( d === '*' ) { break; }
// specific-hostname specific-type cell
r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, d, type); if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; } // Do not override narrower rule
if ( rl !== 2 ) { rl = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, d, '*'); if ( rl === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } } }
// Any-hostname specific-type cells
this.specificityRegister = 5; r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', type); // Line below is strict-blocking
if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } // Narrower rule wins
if ( rl === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; }
// Any-hostname any-type cell
this.specificityRegister = 6; r = this.evaluateCellZ(srcHostname, '*', '*'); if ( r === 1 ) { return Matrix.RedIndirect; } if ( r === 2 ) { return Matrix.GreenIndirect; } return this.rootValue; };
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C5ZkwrnVfM
Matrix.prototype.evaluateRowZXY = function(srcHostname, desHostname) { let out = []; for ( let type of typeBitOffsets.keys() ) { out.push(this.evaluateCellZXY(srcHostname, desHostname, type)); } return out; };
Matrix.prototype.mustBlock = function(srcHostname, desHostname, type) { return (this.evaluateCellZXY(srcHostname, desHostname, type) & 3) === Matrix.Red; };
Matrix.prototype.srcHostnameFromRule = function(rule) { return rule.slice(0, rule.indexOf(' ')); };
Matrix.prototype.desHostnameFromRule = function(rule) { return rule.slice(rule.indexOf(' ') + 1); };
Matrix.prototype.setSwitchZ = function(switchName, srcHostname, newState) { var bitOffset = switchBitOffsets.get(switchName); if ( bitOffset === undefined ) { return false; } var state = this.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, srcHostname); if ( newState === state ) { return false; } if ( newState === undefined ) { newState = !state; } var bits = this.switches.get(srcHostname) || 0; bits &= ~(3 << bitOffset); if ( bits === 0 ) { this.switches.delete(srcHostname); } else { this.switches.set(srcHostname, bits); } this.modified(); state = this.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, srcHostname); if ( state === newState ) { return true; } this.switches.set(srcHostname, bits | ((newState ? 1 : 2) << bitOffset)); return true; };
// 0 = inherit from broader scope, up to default state
// 1 = non-default state
// 2 = forced default state (to override a broader non-default state)
Matrix.prototype.evaluateSwitch = function(switchName, srcHostname) { var bits = this.switches.get(srcHostname) || 0; if ( bits === 0 ) { return 0; } var bitOffset = switchBitOffsets.get(switchName); if ( bitOffset === undefined ) { return 0; } return (bits >> bitOffset) & 3; };
Matrix.prototype.evaluateSwitchZ = function(switchName, srcHostname) { var bitOffset = switchBitOffsets.get(switchName); if ( bitOffset === undefined ) { return false; }
var s, bits, i = 0; for (;;) { s = this.decomposedSourceRegister[i++]; if ( s === '' ) { break; } bits = this.switches.get(s) || 0; if ( bits !== 0 ) { bits = bits >> bitOffset & 3; if ( bits !== 0 ) { return bits === 1; } } } return false; };
Matrix.prototype.extractAllSourceHostnames = (function() { var cachedResult = new Set(); var matrixId = 0; var readTime = 0;
return function() { if ( matrixId !== this.id || readTime !== this.modifiedTime ) { cachedResult.clear(); for ( var rule of this.rules.keys() ) { cachedResult.add(rule.slice(0, rule.indexOf(' '))); } matrixId = this.id; readTime = this.modifiedTime; } return cachedResult; }; })();
// https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/759
// Backward compatibility: 'plugin' => 'media'
Matrix.prototype.partsFromLine = function(line) { let fields = line.split(/\s+/); if ( fields.length < 3 ) { return; }
// Switches
if ( this.reSwitchRule.test(fields[0]) ) { fields[0] = fields[0].slice(0, -1); if ( switchBitOffsets.has(fields[0]) === false ) { return; } fields[1] = punycodeIf(fields[1]); fields[2] = nameToSwitchStateMap.get(fields[2]); if ( fields[2] === undefined ) { return; } fields.length = 3; return fields; }
// Rules
if ( fields.length < 4 ) { return; } fields[0] = punycodeIf(fields[0]); fields[1] = punycodeIf(fields[1]); if ( fields[2] === 'plugin' ) { fields[2] = 'media'; } if ( typeBitOffsets.get(fields[2]) === undefined ) { return; } if ( nameToStateMap.hasOwnProperty(fields[3]) === false ) { return; } fields[3] = nameToStateMap[fields[3]]; fields.length = 4; return fields; };
Matrix.prototype.reSwitchRule = /^[0-9a-z-]+:$/;
Matrix.prototype.fromArray = function(lines, append) { let matrix = append === true ? this : new Matrix(); for ( let line of lines ) { matrix.addFromLine(line); } if ( append !== true ) { this.assign(matrix); } this.modified(); };
Matrix.prototype.toArray = function() { let out = []; for ( let rule of this.rules.keys() ) { let srcHostname = this.srcHostnameFromRule(rule); let desHostname = this.desHostnameFromRule(rule); for ( let type of typeBitOffsets.keys() ) { let val = this.evaluateCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( val === 0 ) { continue; } out.push( unpunycodeIf(srcHostname) + ' ' + unpunycodeIf(desHostname) + ' ' + type + ' ' + stateToNameMap.get(val) ); } } for ( let srcHostname of this.switches.keys() ) { for ( let switchName of switchBitOffsets.keys() ) { let val = this.evaluateSwitch(switchName, srcHostname); if ( val === 0 ) { continue; } out.push( switchName + ': ' + srcHostname + ' ' + switchStateToNameMap.get(val) ); } } return out; };
Matrix.prototype.fromString = function(text, append) { let matrix = append === true ? this : new Matrix(); let textEnd = text.length; let lineBeg = 0;
while ( lineBeg < textEnd ) { let lineEnd = text.indexOf('\n', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd === -1 ) { lineEnd = text.indexOf('\r', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd === -1 ) { lineEnd = textEnd; } } let line = text.slice(lineBeg, lineEnd).trim(); lineBeg = lineEnd + 1; let pos = line.indexOf('# '); if ( pos !== -1 ) { line = line.slice(0, pos).trim(); } if ( line === '' ) { continue; } matrix.addFromLine(line); }
if ( append !== true ) { this.assign(matrix); }
this.modified(); };
Matrix.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toArray().join('\n'); };
Matrix.prototype.addFromLine = function(line) { let fields = this.partsFromLine(line); if ( fields !== undefined ) { // Switches
if ( fields.length === 3 ) { return this.setSwitch(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); } // Rules
if ( fields.length === 4 ) { return this.setCell(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]); } } };
Matrix.prototype.removeFromLine = function(line) { let fields = this.partsFromLine(line); if ( fields !== undefined ) { // Switches
if ( fields.length === 3 ) { return this.setSwitch(fields[0], fields[1], 0); } // Rules
if ( fields.length === 4 ) { return this.setCell(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], 0); } } };
Matrix.prototype.fromSelfie = function(selfie) { if ( selfie.version !== selfieVersion ) { return false; } this.switches = new Map(selfie.switches); this.rules = new Map(selfie.rules); this.modified(); return true; };
Matrix.prototype.toSelfie = function() { return { version: selfieVersion, switches: Array.from(this.switches), rules: Array.from(this.rules) }; };
Matrix.prototype.diff = function(other, srcHostname, desHostnames) { var out = []; var desHostname, type; var switchName, i, thisVal, otherVal; for (;;) { for ( switchName of switchBitOffsets.keys() ) { thisVal = this.evaluateSwitch(switchName, srcHostname); otherVal = other.evaluateSwitch(switchName, srcHostname); if ( thisVal !== otherVal ) { out.push({ 'what': switchName, 'src': srcHostname }); } } i = desHostnames.length; while ( i-- ) { desHostname = desHostnames[i]; for ( type of typeBitOffsets.keys() ) { thisVal = this.evaluateCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type); otherVal = other.evaluateCell(srcHostname, desHostname, type); if ( thisVal === otherVal ) { continue; } out.push({ 'what': 'rule', 'src': srcHostname, 'des': desHostname, 'type': type }); } } srcHostname = toBroaderHostname(srcHostname); if ( srcHostname === '' ) { break; } } return out; };
Matrix.prototype.applyDiff = function(diff, from) { var changed = false; var i = diff.length; var action, val; while ( i-- ) { action = diff[i]; if ( action.what === 'rule' ) { val = from.evaluateCell(action.src, action.des, action.type); changed = this.setCell(action.src, action.des, action.type, val) || changed; continue; } if ( switchBitOffsets.has(action.what) ) { val = from.evaluateSwitch(action.what, action.src); changed = this.setSwitch(action.what, action.src, val) || changed; continue; } } return changed; };
Matrix.prototype.copyRuleset = function(entries, from, deep) { let changed = false; for ( let entry of entries ) { let srcHn = entry.srcHn; for (;;) { if ( entry.switchName !== undefined && switchBitOffsets.has(entry.switchName) ) { let val = from.evaluateSwitch(entry.switchName, srcHn); if ( this.setSwitch(entry.switchName, srcHn, val) ) { changed = true; } } else if ( entry.desHn && entry.type ) { let val = from.evaluateCell(srcHn, entry.desHn, entry.type); if ( this.setCell(srcHn, entry.desHn, entry.type, val) ) { changed = true; } } if ( !deep ) { break; } srcHn = toBroaderHostname(srcHn); if ( srcHn === '' ) { break; } } } return changed; };
return Matrix;
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlNrQGmj6oQ