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  1. /*******************************************************************************
  2. µMatrix - a Chromium browser extension to black/white list requests.
  3. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill
  4. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  5. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  6. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  7. (at your option) any later version.
  8. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  9. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  11. GNU General Public License for more details.
  12. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  13. along with this program. If not, see {}.
  14. Home:
  15. */
  16. /* global µMatrix, vAPI */
  17. /* jshint boss: true */
  18. /******************************************************************************/
  19. /******************************************************************************/
  20. // Default handler
  21. (function() {
  22. 'use strict';
  23. var µm = µMatrix;
  24. /******************************************************************************/
  25. // Default is for commonly used message.
  26. function onMessage(request, sender, callback) {
  27. // Async
  28. switch ( request.what ) {
  29. case 'getAssetContent':
  30. return µm.assets.getLocal(request.url, callback);
  31. default:
  32. break;
  33. }
  34. // Sync
  35. var response;
  36. switch ( request.what ) {
  37. case 'forceReloadTab':
  38. µm.forceReload(request.tabId);
  39. break;
  40. case 'getUserSettings':
  41. response = µm.userSettings;
  42. break;
  43. case 'gotoExtensionURL':
  44. µm.utils.gotoExtensionURL(request.url);
  45. break;
  46. case 'gotoURL':
  47. µm.utils.gotoURL(request);
  48. break;
  49. case 'reloadHostsFiles':
  50. µm.reloadHostsFiles(request.switches, request.update);
  51. break;
  52. case 'userSettings':
  53. response = µm.changeUserSettings(, request.value);
  54. break;
  55. default:
  56. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  57. }
  58. callback(response);
  59. }
  60. /******************************************************************************/
  61. vAPI.messaging.setup(onMessage);
  62. /******************************************************************************/
  63. })();
  64. /******************************************************************************/
  65. /******************************************************************************/
  66. (function() {
  67. // popup.js
  68. var µm = µMatrix;
  69. /******************************************************************************/
  70. var smartReload = function(tabs) {
  71. var i = tabs.length;
  72. while ( i-- ) {
  73. µm.smartReloadTabs(µm.userSettings.smartAutoReload, tabs[i].id);
  74. }
  75. };
  76. /******************************************************************************/
  77. // Constructor is faster than object literal
  78. var RowSnapshot = function(srcHostname, desHostname, desDomain) {
  79. this.domain = desDomain;
  80. this.temporary = µm.tMatrix.evaluateRowZXY(srcHostname, desHostname);
  81. this.permanent = µm.pMatrix.evaluateRowZXY(srcHostname, desHostname);
  82. this.counts = RowSnapshot.counts.slice();
  83. this.totals = RowSnapshot.counts.slice();
  84. };
  85. RowSnapshot.counts = (function() {
  86. var i = Object.keys(µm.Matrix.getColumnHeaders()).length;
  87. var aa = new Array(i);
  88. while ( i-- ) {
  89. aa[i] = 0;
  90. }
  91. return aa;
  92. })();
  93. /******************************************************************************/
  94. var matrixSnapshot = function(tabId, details) {
  95. var µmuser = µm.userSettings;
  96. var r = {
  97. tabId: tabId,
  98. url: '',
  99. hostname: '',
  100. domain: '',
  101. blockedCount: 0,
  102. scope: '*',
  103. headers: µm.Matrix.getColumnHeaders(),
  104. tSwitches: {},
  105. pSwitches: {},
  106. rows: {},
  107. rowCount: 0,
  108. diff: [],
  109. userSettings: {
  110. colorBlindFriendly: µmuser.colorBlindFriendly,
  111. displayTextSize: µmuser.displayTextSize,
  112. popupCollapseDomains: µmuser.popupCollapseDomains,
  113. popupCollapseSpecificDomains: µmuser.popupCollapseSpecificDomains,
  114. popupHideBlacklisted: µmuser.popupHideBlacklisted,
  115. popupScopeLevel: µmuser.popupScopeLevel
  116. }
  117. };
  118. // Allow examination of behind-the-scene requests
  119. // TODO: Not portable
  120. if ( details.tabURL ) {
  121. if ( details.tabURL.lastIndexOf(vAPI.getURL(''), 0) === 0 ) {
  122. tabId = µm.behindTheSceneTabId;
  123. } else if ( details.tabURL === µm.behindTheSceneURL ) {
  124. tabId = µm.behindTheSceneTabId;
  125. }
  126. }
  127. var pageStore = µm.pageStatsFromTabId(tabId);
  128. if ( !pageStore ) {
  129. return r;
  130. }
  131. var headers = r.headers;
  132. r.url = pageStore.pageUrl;
  133. r.hostname = pageStore.pageHostname;
  134. r.domain = pageStore.pageDomain;
  135. r.blockedCount = pageStore.requestStats.blocked.all;
  136. if ( µmuser.popupScopeLevel === 'site' ) {
  137. r.scope = r.hostname;
  138. } else if ( µmuser.popupScopeLevel === 'domain' ) {
  139. r.scope = r.domain;
  140. }
  141. var switchNames = µm.Matrix.getSwitchNames();
  142. for ( var switchName in switchNames ) {
  143. if ( switchNames.hasOwnProperty(switchName) === false ) {
  144. continue;
  145. }
  146. r.tSwitches[switchName] = µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, r.scope);
  147. r.pSwitches[switchName] = µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(switchName, r.scope);
  148. }
  149. // These rows always exist
  150. r.rows['*'] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, '*', '*');
  151. r.rows['1st-party'] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, '1st-party', '1st-party');
  152. r.rowCount += 1;
  153. var µmuri = µm.URI;
  154. var reqKey, reqType, reqHostname, reqDomain;
  155. var desHostname;
  156. var row, typeIndex;
  157. var anyIndex = headers['*'];
  158. var pageRequests = pageStore.requests;
  159. var reqKeys = pageRequests.getRequestKeys();
  160. var iReqKey = reqKeys.length;
  161. var pos;
  162. while ( iReqKey-- ) {
  163. reqKey = reqKeys[iReqKey];
  164. reqType = pageRequests.typeFromRequestKey(reqKey);
  165. reqHostname = pageRequests.hostnameFromRequestKey(reqKey);
  166. // rhill 2013-10-23: hostname can be empty if the request is a data url
  167. //
  168. if ( reqHostname === '' ) {
  169. reqHostname = pageStore.pageHostname;
  170. }
  171. reqDomain = µmuri.domainFromHostname(reqHostname) || reqHostname;
  172. // We want rows of self and ancestors
  173. desHostname = reqHostname;
  174. for ( ;; ) {
  175. // If row exists, ancestors exist
  176. if ( r.rows.hasOwnProperty(desHostname) !== false ) {
  177. break;
  178. }
  179. r.rows[desHostname] = new RowSnapshot(r.scope, desHostname, reqDomain);
  180. r.rowCount += 1;
  181. if ( desHostname === reqDomain ) {
  182. break;
  183. }
  184. pos = desHostname.indexOf('.');
  185. if ( pos === -1 ) {
  186. break;
  187. }
  188. desHostname = desHostname.slice(pos + 1);
  189. }
  190. typeIndex = headers[reqType];
  191. row = r.rows[reqHostname];
  192. row.counts[typeIndex] += 1;
  193. row.counts[anyIndex] += 1;
  194. row = r.rows[reqDomain];
  195. row.totals[typeIndex] += 1;
  196. row.totals[anyIndex] += 1;
  197. row = r.rows['*'];
  198. row.totals[typeIndex] += 1;
  199. row.totals[anyIndex] += 1;
  200. }
  201. r.diff = µm.tMatrix.diff(µm.pMatrix, r.hostname, Object.keys(r.rows));
  202. return r;
  203. };
  204. /******************************************************************************/
  205. var matrixSnapshotFromTabId = function(details, callback) {
  206. if ( details.targetTabId ) {
  207. callback(matrixSnapshot(details.targetTabId, details));
  208. return;
  209. }
  210. vAPI.tabs.get(null, function(tab) {
  211. callback(matrixSnapshot(, details));
  212. });
  213. };
  214. /******************************************************************************/
  215. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  216. // Async
  217. switch ( request.what ) {
  218. case 'matrixSnapshot':
  219. matrixSnapshotFromTabId(request, callback);
  220. return;
  221. default:
  222. break;
  223. }
  224. // Sync
  225. var response;
  226. switch ( request.what ) {
  227. case 'disconnected':
  228. //
  229. if ( µm.userSettings.smartAutoReload ) {
  230. vAPI.tabs.get(null, smartReload);
  231. }
  232. break;
  233. case 'toggleMatrixSwitch':
  234. µm.tMatrix.setSwitchZ(
  235. request.switchName,
  236. request.srcHostname,
  237. µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ(request.switchName, request.srcHostname) === false
  238. );
  239. break;
  240. case 'blacklistMatrixCell':
  241. µm.tMatrix.blacklistCell(
  242. request.srcHostname,
  243. request.desHostname,
  244. request.type
  245. );
  246. break;
  247. case 'whitelistMatrixCell':
  248. µm.tMatrix.whitelistCell(
  249. request.srcHostname,
  250. request.desHostname,
  251. request.type
  252. );
  253. break;
  254. case 'graylistMatrixCell':
  255. µm.tMatrix.graylistCell(
  256. request.srcHostname,
  257. request.desHostname,
  258. request.type
  259. );
  260. break;
  261. case 'applyDiffToPermanentMatrix': // aka "persist"
  262. if ( µm.pMatrix.applyDiff(request.diff, µm.tMatrix) ) {
  263. µm.saveMatrix();
  264. }
  265. break;
  266. case 'applyDiffToTemporaryMatrix': // aka "revert"
  267. µm.tMatrix.applyDiff(request.diff, µm.pMatrix);
  268. break;
  269. case 'revertTemporaryMatrix':
  270. µm.tMatrix.assign(µm.pMatrix);
  271. break;
  272. default:
  273. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  274. }
  275. callback(response);
  276. };
  277. vAPI.messaging.listen('popup.js', onMessage);
  278. })();
  279. /******************************************************************************/
  280. /******************************************************************************/
  281. // content scripts
  282. (function() {
  283. var µm = µMatrix;
  284. /******************************************************************************/
  285. var contentScriptSummaryHandler = function(tabId, details) {
  286. // TODO: Investigate "Error in response to tabs.executeScript: TypeError:
  287. // Cannot read property 'locationURL' of null" (2013-11-12). When can this
  288. // happens?
  289. if ( !details || !details.locationURL ) {
  290. return;
  291. }
  292. var pageURL = µm.pageUrlFromTabId(tabId);
  293. var pageStats = µm.pageStatsFromPageUrl(pageURL);
  294. var µmuri = µm.URI.set(details.locationURL);
  295. var frameURL = µmuri.normalizedURI();
  296. var frameHostname = µmuri.hostname;
  297. var urls, url, r;
  298. //
  299. // Look-up here whether inline scripting is blocked for the frame.
  300. var inlineScriptBlocked = µm.mustBlock(µm.scopeFromURL(pageURL), frameHostname, 'script');
  301. // scripts
  302. //
  303. if ( pageStats && inlineScriptBlocked ) {
  304. urls = details.scriptSources;
  305. for ( url in urls ) {
  306. if ( !urls.hasOwnProperty(url) ) {
  307. continue;
  308. }
  309. if ( url === '{inline_script}' ) {
  310. url = frameURL + '{inline_script}';
  311. }
  312. r = µm.filterRequest(pageURL, 'script', url);
  313. pageStats.recordRequest('script', url, r !== false, r);
  314. }
  315. }
  316. // TODO: as of 2014-05-26, not sure this is needed anymore, since µMatrix
  317. // no longer uses chrome.contentSettings API (I think that was the reason
  318. // this code was put in).
  319. // plugins
  320. //
  321. if ( pageStats ) {
  322. urls = details.pluginSources;
  323. for ( url in urls ) {
  324. if ( !urls.hasOwnProperty(url) ) {
  325. continue;
  326. }
  327. r = µm.filterRequest(pageURL, 'plugin', url);
  328. pageStats.recordRequest('plugin', url, r !== false, r);
  329. }
  330. }
  331. //
  332. µm.onPageLoadCompleted(pageURL);
  333. };
  334. /******************************************************************************/
  335. var contentScriptLocalStorageHandler = function(pageURL) {
  336. var µmuri = µm.URI.set(pageURL);
  337. var response = µm.mustBlock(µm.scopeFromURL(pageURL), µmuri.hostname, 'cookie');
  338. µm.recordFromPageUrl(
  339. pageURL,
  340. 'cookie',
  341. µmuri.rootURL() + '/{localStorage}',
  342. response
  343. );
  344. response = response && µm.userSettings.deleteLocalStorage;
  345. if ( response ) {
  346. µm.localStorageRemovedCounter++;
  347. }
  348. return response;
  349. };
  350. /******************************************************************************/
  351. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  352. // Async
  353. switch ( request.what ) {
  354. default:
  355. break;
  356. }
  357. var tabId =;
  358. // Sync
  359. var response;
  360. switch ( request.what ) {
  361. case 'contentScriptHasLocalStorage':
  362. response = contentScriptLocalStorageHandler(request.url);
  363. µm.updateBadgeAsync(tabId);
  364. break;
  365. case 'contentScriptSummary':
  366. contentScriptSummaryHandler(tabId, request);
  367. µm.updateBadgeAsync(tabId);
  368. break;
  369. case 'checkScriptBlacklisted':
  370. response = {
  371. scriptBlacklisted: µm.mustBlock(
  372. µm.scopeFromURL(request.url),
  373. µm.hostnameFromURL(request.url),
  374. 'script'
  375. )
  376. };
  377. break;
  378. case 'getUserAgentReplaceStr':
  379. response = µm.tMatrix.evaluateSwitchZ('ua-spoof', request.hostname) ?
  380. µm.userAgentReplaceStr :
  381. undefined;
  382. break;
  383. default:
  384. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  385. }
  386. callback(response);
  387. };
  388. vAPI.messaging.listen('contentscript-start.js', onMessage);
  389. vAPI.messaging.listen('contentscript-end.js', onMessage);
  390. /******************************************************************************/
  391. })();
  392. /******************************************************************************/
  393. /******************************************************************************/
  394. // settings.js
  395. (function() {
  396. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  397. var µm = µMatrix;
  398. // Async
  399. switch ( request.what ) {
  400. default:
  401. break;
  402. }
  403. // Sync
  404. var response;
  405. switch ( request.what ) {
  406. default:
  407. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  408. }
  409. callback(response);
  410. };
  411. vAPI.messaging.listen('settings.js', onMessage);
  412. })();
  413. /******************************************************************************/
  414. /******************************************************************************/
  415. // privacy.js
  416. (function() {
  417. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  418. var µm = µMatrix;
  419. // Async
  420. switch ( request.what ) {
  421. default:
  422. break;
  423. }
  424. // Sync
  425. var response;
  426. switch ( request.what ) {
  427. case 'getPrivacySettings':
  428. response = {
  429. userSettings: µm.userSettings,
  430. matrixSwitches: {
  431. 'https-strict': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('https-strict', '*') === 1,
  432. 'ua-spoof': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('ua-spoof', '*') === 1,
  433. 'referrer-spoof': µm.pMatrix.evaluateSwitch('referrer-spoof', '*') === 1
  434. }
  435. };
  436. break;
  437. case 'setMatrixSwitch':
  438. µm.tMatrix.setSwitch(request.switchName, '*', request.state);
  439. if ( µm.pMatrix.setSwitch(request.switchName, '*', request.state) ) {
  440. µm.saveMatrix();
  441. }
  442. break;
  443. default:
  444. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  445. }
  446. callback(response);
  447. };
  448. vAPI.messaging.listen('privacy.js', onMessage);
  449. })();
  450. /******************************************************************************/
  451. /******************************************************************************/
  452. // user-rules.js
  453. (function() {
  454. var µm = µMatrix;
  455. /******************************************************************************/
  456. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  457. // Async
  458. switch ( request.what ) {
  459. default:
  460. break;
  461. }
  462. // Sync
  463. var response;
  464. switch ( request.what ) {
  465. case 'getUserRules':
  466. response = {
  467. temporaryRules: µm.tMatrix.toString(),
  468. permanentRules: µm.pMatrix.toString()
  469. };
  470. break;
  471. case 'setUserRules':
  472. if ( typeof request.temporaryRules === 'string' ) {
  473. µm.tMatrix.fromString(request.temporaryRules);
  474. }
  475. if ( typeof request.permanentRules === 'string' ) {
  476. µm.pMatrix.fromString(request.permanentRules);
  477. µm.saveMatrix();
  478. }
  479. response = {
  480. temporaryRules: µm.tMatrix.toString(),
  481. permanentRules: µm.pMatrix.toString()
  482. };
  483. break;
  484. default:
  485. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  486. }
  487. callback(response);
  488. };
  489. vAPI.messaging.listen('user-rules.js', onMessage);
  490. })();
  491. /******************************************************************************/
  492. /******************************************************************************/
  493. // hosts-files.js
  494. (function() {
  495. var µm = µMatrix;
  496. /******************************************************************************/
  497. var getLists = function(callback) {
  498. var r = {
  499. available: null,
  500. cache: null,
  501. current: µm.liveHostsFiles,
  502. blockedHostnameCount: µm.ubiquitousBlacklist.count,
  503. autoUpdate: µm.userSettings.autoUpdate
  504. };
  505. var onMetadataReady = function(entries) {
  506. r.cache = entries;
  507. callback(r);
  508. };
  509. var onAvailableHostsFilesReady = function(lists) {
  510. r.available = lists;
  511. µm.assets.metadata(onMetadataReady);
  512. };
  513. µm.getAvailableHostsFiles(onAvailableHostsFilesReady);
  514. };
  515. /******************************************************************************/
  516. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  517. var µm = µMatrix;
  518. // Async
  519. switch ( request.what ) {
  520. case 'getLists':
  521. return getLists(callback);
  522. case 'purgeAllCaches':
  523. return µm.assets.purgeAll(callback);
  524. default:
  525. break;
  526. }
  527. // Sync
  528. var response;
  529. switch ( request.what ) {
  530. case 'purgeCache':
  531. µm.assets.purge(request.path);
  532. break;
  533. default:
  534. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  535. }
  536. callback(response);
  537. };
  538. vAPI.messaging.listen('hosts-files.js', onMessage);
  539. })();
  540. /******************************************************************************/
  541. /******************************************************************************/
  542. // info.js
  543. (function() {
  544. /******************************************************************************/
  545. // map(pageURL) => array of request log entries
  546. var getRequestLog = function(pageURL) {
  547. var requestLogs = {};
  548. var pageStores = µMatrix.pageStats;
  549. var pageURLs = pageURL ? [pageURL] : Object.keys(pageStores);
  550. var pageStore, pageRequestLog, logEntries, j, logEntry;
  551. for ( var i = 0; i < pageURLs.length; i++ ) {
  552. pageURL = pageURLs[i];
  553. pageStore = pageStores[pageURL];
  554. if ( !pageStore ) {
  555. continue;
  556. }
  557. pageRequestLog = [];
  558. logEntries = pageStore.requests.getLoggedRequests();
  559. j = logEntries.length;
  560. while ( j-- ) {
  561. // rhill 2013-12-04: `logEntry` can be null since a ring buffer is
  562. // now used, and it might not have been filled yet.
  563. if ( logEntry = logEntries[j] ) {
  564. pageRequestLog.push(logEntry);
  565. }
  566. }
  567. requestLogs[pageURL] = pageRequestLog;
  568. }
  569. return requestLogs;
  570. };
  571. /******************************************************************************/
  572. var clearRequestLog = function(pageURL) {
  573. var pageStores = µMatrix.pageStats;
  574. var pageURLs = pageURL ? [pageURL] : Object.keys(pageStores);
  575. var pageStore;
  576. for ( var i = 0; i < pageURLs.length; i++ ) {
  577. if ( pageStore = pageStores[pageURLs[i]] ) {
  578. pageStore.requests.clearLogBuffer();
  579. }
  580. }
  581. };
  582. /******************************************************************************/
  583. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  584. var µm = µMatrix;
  585. // Async
  586. switch ( request.what ) {
  587. default:
  588. break;
  589. }
  590. // Sync
  591. var response;
  592. switch ( request.what ) {
  593. case 'getPageURLs':
  594. response = {
  595. pageURLs: Object.keys(µm.pageUrlToTabId),
  596. behindTheSceneURL: µm.behindTheSceneURL
  597. };
  598. break;
  599. case 'getStats':
  600. var pageStore = µm.pageStats[request.pageURL];
  601. response = {
  602. globalNetStats: µm.requestStats,
  603. pageNetStats: pageStore ? pageStore.requestStats : null,
  604. cookieHeaderFoiledCounter: µm.cookieHeaderFoiledCounter,
  605. refererHeaderFoiledCounter: µm.refererHeaderFoiledCounter,
  606. hyperlinkAuditingFoiledCounter: µm.hyperlinkAuditingFoiledCounter,
  607. cookieRemovedCounter: µm.cookieRemovedCounter,
  608. localStorageRemovedCounter: µm.localStorageRemovedCounter,
  609. browserCacheClearedCounter: µm.browserCacheClearedCounter
  610. };
  611. break;
  612. case 'getRequestLogs':
  613. response = getRequestLog(request.pageURL);
  614. break;
  615. case 'clearRequestLogs':
  616. clearRequestLog(request.pageURL);
  617. break;
  618. default:
  619. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  620. }
  621. callback(response);
  622. };
  623. vAPI.messaging.listen('info.js', onMessage);
  624. })();
  625. /******************************************************************************/
  626. /******************************************************************************/
  627. // about.js
  628. (function() {
  629. var µm = µMatrix;
  630. /******************************************************************************/
  631. var restoreUserData = function(userData) {
  632. var countdown = 3;
  633. var onCountdown = function() {
  634. countdown -= 1;
  635. if ( countdown === 0 ) {
  637. }
  638. };
  639. var onAllRemoved = function() {
  640. // Be sure to adjust `countdown` if adding/removing anything below
  641. µm.XAL.keyvalSetMany(userData.settings, onCountdown);
  642. µm.XAL.keyvalSetOne('userMatrix', userData.rules, onCountdown);
  643. µm.XAL.keyvalSetOne('liveHostsFiles', userData.hostsFiles, onCountdown);
  644. };
  645. // If we are going to restore all, might as well wipe out clean local
  646. // storage
  647. µm.XAL.keyvalRemoveAll(onAllRemoved);
  648. };
  649. /******************************************************************************/
  650. var resetUserData = function() {
  651. var onAllRemoved = function() {
  653. };
  654. µm.XAL.keyvalRemoveAll(onAllRemoved);
  655. };
  656. /******************************************************************************/
  657. var onMessage = function(request, sender, callback) {
  658. // Async
  659. switch ( request.what ) {
  660. default:
  661. break;
  662. }
  663. // Sync
  664. var response;
  665. switch ( request.what ) {
  666. case 'getAllUserData':
  667. response = {
  668. app: 'µMatrix',
  669. version:,
  670. when:,
  671. settings: µm.userSettings,
  672. rules: µm.pMatrix.toString(),
  673. hostsFiles: µm.liveHostsFiles
  674. };
  675. break;
  676. case 'getSomeStats':
  677. response = {
  678. version:,
  679. storageUsed: µm.storageUsed
  680. };
  681. break;
  682. case 'restoreAllUserData':
  683. restoreUserData(request.userData);
  684. break;
  685. case 'resetAllUserData':
  686. resetUserData();
  687. break;
  688. default:
  689. return vAPI.messaging.UNHANDLED;
  690. }
  691. callback(response);
  692. };
  693. vAPI.messaging.listen('about.js', onMessage);
  694. /******************************************************************************/
  695. /******************************************************************************/
  696. })();
  697. /******************************************************************************/