uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2015 The uBlock Origin authors Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
// For non-background page
'use strict';
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/456
// Skip if already injected.
// >>>>>>>> start of HUGE-IF-BLOCK
if ( typeof vAPI === 'object' && vAPI.randomToken instanceof Function === false ) {
/******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/
vAPI.randomToken = function() { const now = Date.now(); return String.fromCharCode(now % 26 + 97) + Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * now).toString(36); };
vAPI.sessionId = vAPI.randomToken(); vAPI.setTimeout = vAPI.setTimeout || self.setTimeout.bind(self);
vAPI.shutdown = { jobs: [], add: function(job) { this.jobs.push(job); }, exec: function() { // Shutdown asynchronously, to ensure shutdown jobs are called from
// the top context.
self.requestIdleCallback(( ) => { const jobs = this.jobs.slice(); this.jobs.length = 0; while ( jobs.length !== 0 ) { (jobs.pop())(); } }); }, remove: function(job) { let pos; while ( (pos = this.jobs.indexOf(job)) !== -1 ) { this.jobs.splice(pos, 1); } } };
vAPI.messaging = { port: null, portTimer: null, portTimerDelay: 10000, extended: undefined, extensions: [], msgIdGenerator: 1, pending: new Map(), shuttingDown: false,
shutdown: function() { this.shuttingDown = true; this.destroyPort(); },
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/403
// Spurious disconnection can happen, so do not consider such events
// as world-ending, i.e. stay around. Except for embedded frames.
disconnectListener: function() { this.port = null; if ( window !== window.top ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); } }, disconnectListenerBound: null,
messageListener: function(details) { if ( details instanceof Object === false ) { return; }
// Response to specific message previously sent
if ( details.msgId !== undefined ) { const resolver = this.pending.get(details.msgId); if ( resolver !== undefined ) { this.pending.delete(details.msgId); resolver(details.msg); return; } }
// Unhandled messages
this.extensions.every(ext => ext.canProcessMessage(details) !== true); }, messageListenerBound: null,
canDestroyPort: function() { return this.pending.size === 0 && ( this.extensions.length === 0 || this.extensions.every(e => e.canDestroyPort()) ); },
mustDestroyPort: function() { if ( this.extensions.length === 0 ) { return; } this.extensions.forEach(e => e.mustDestroyPort()); this.extensions.length = 0; },
portPoller: function() { this.portTimer = null; if ( this.port !== null && this.canDestroyPort() ) { return this.destroyPort(); } this.portTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(this.portPollerBound, this.portTimerDelay); this.portTimerDelay = Math.min(this.portTimerDelay * 2, 60 * 60 * 1000); }, portPollerBound: null,
destroyPort: function() { if ( this.portTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.portTimer); this.portTimer = null; } const port = this.port; if ( port !== null ) { port.disconnect(); port.onMessage.removeListener(this.messageListenerBound); port.onDisconnect.removeListener(this.disconnectListenerBound); this.port = null; } this.mustDestroyPort(); // service pending callbacks
if ( this.pending.size !== 0 ) { const pending = this.pending; this.pending = new Map(); for ( const resolver of pending.values() ) { resolver(); } } },
createPort: function() { if ( this.shuttingDown ) { return null; } if ( this.messageListenerBound === null ) { this.messageListenerBound = this.messageListener.bind(this); this.disconnectListenerBound = this.disconnectListener.bind(this); this.portPollerBound = this.portPoller.bind(this); } try { this.port = browser.runtime.connect({name: vAPI.sessionId}) || null; } catch (ex) { this.port = null; } // Not having a valid port at this point means the main process is
// not available: no point keeping the content scripts alive.
if ( this.port === null ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); return null; } this.port.onMessage.addListener(this.messageListenerBound); this.port.onDisconnect.addListener(this.disconnectListenerBound); this.portTimerDelay = 10000; if ( this.portTimer === null ) { this.portTimer = vAPI.setTimeout( this.portPollerBound, this.portTimerDelay ); } return this.port; },
getPort: function() { return this.port !== null ? this.port : this.createPort(); },
send: function(channel, msg) { // Too large a gap between the last request and the last response means
// the main process is no longer reachable: memory leaks and bad
// performance become a risk -- especially for long-lived, dynamic
// pages. Guard against this.
if ( this.pending.size > 50 ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); } const port = this.getPort(); if ( port === null ) { return Promise.resolve(); } const msgId = this.msgIdGenerator++; const promise = new Promise(resolve => { this.pending.set(msgId, resolve); }); port.postMessage({ channel, msgId, msg }); return promise; },
// Dynamically extend capabilities.
extend: function() { if ( this.extended === undefined ) { this.extended = vAPI.messaging.send('vapi', { what: 'extendClient' }).then(( ) => { return self.vAPI instanceof Object && this.extensions.length !== 0; }).catch(( ) => { }); } return this.extended; }, };
vAPI.shutdown.add(( ) => { vAPI.messaging.shutdown(); window.vAPI = undefined; });
/******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/
} // <<<<<<<< end of HUGE-IF-BLOCK
DO NOT: - Remove the following code - Add code beyond the following code Reason: - https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/pull/3721
- uBO never uses the return value from injected content scripts
void 0;