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31 lines
982 B

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. #
  3. # This script assumes a linux environment
  4. DES=$1/assets
  5. printf "*** Packaging assets in $DES... "
  6. rm -rf $DES
  7. mkdir $DES
  8. cp ./assets/assets.json $DES/
  9. if [ -n "${TRAVIS_TAG}" ]; then
  10. pushd .. > /dev/null
  11. git clone --depth 1
  12. popd > /dev/null
  13. fi
  14. mkdir $DES/thirdparties
  15. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  16. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  17. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  18. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  19. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  20. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  21. cp -R ../uAssets/thirdparties/ $DES/thirdparties/
  22. mkdir $DES/umatrix
  23. cp -R ../uAssets/recipes/* $DES/umatrix/
  24. echo "done."