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17 lines
502 B

10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. sudo: false
  2. env:
  3. matrix:
  4. - BROWSER=chromium EXT=zip
  5. - BROWSER=webext EXT=xpi
  6. script: ./tools/make-${BROWSER}.sh all
  7. deploy:
  8. provider: releases
  9. prerelease: true
  10. api_key:
  11. secure: eQgPAHH6PKu2dLK+NafxwLl66t0cyW5x5NZFquOwsNMal5nsfof7lyXj2F0Q0vUpGeI21MOipBI8UGv5oXPoiXnr0fhEbEBz65C9vypK61WkDCQVGVeZVNGQwSXUm6gD2EzpPgTCIs52+7dKCDJ3stXzdimOiOTYs4WMNKKarFM=
  12. file: dist/build/uMatrix.${BROWSER}.${EXT}
  13. skip_cleanup: true
  14. on:
  15. repo: gorhill/uMatrix
  16. tags: true
  17. all_branches: true