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Filesystems are complex, as are the interactions software have with them, and therefore difficult to debug. When reporting on a suspected issue please include as much of the below information as possible otherwise it will be difficult or impossible to diagnose. Also please read the documentation as it provides details on many previously encountered questions/issues.

Please make sure you are using the latest release or have tried it in comparison. Old versions, which are often included in distros like Debian and Ubuntu, are not ever going to be updated and the issue you are encountering may have been addressed already.

For commercial support or feature requests please contact me directly.

Information to include in bug reports

  • Information about the broader problem along with any attempted solutions.
  • Solution already ruled out and why.
  • Version of mergerfs: mergerfs --version
  • mergerfs settings / arguments: from fstab, systemd unit, command line, OMV plugin, etc.
  • Version of the OS: uname -a and lsb_release -a
  • List of branches, their filesystem types, sizes (before and after issue): df -h
  • All information about the relevant paths and files: permissions, ownership, etc.
  • All information about the client app making the requests: version, uid/gid
  • Runtime environment:
    • Is mergerfs running within a container?
    • Are the client apps using mergerfs running in a container?
  • A strace of the app having problems:
    • strace -fvTtt -s 256 -o /tmp/app.strace.txt <cmd>
  • A strace of mergerfs while the program is trying to do whatever it is failing to do:
    • strace -fvTtt -s 256 -p <mergerfsPID> -o /tmp/mergerfs.strace.txt
  • Precise directions on replicating the issue. Do not leave anything out.
  • Try to recreate the problem in the simplest way using standard programs: ln, mv, cp, ls, dd, etc.

Contact / Issue submission