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This feature, when enabled, will cause symlinks to be interpreted by mergerfs as their target.

When there is a getattr/stat request for a file mergerfs will check if the file is a symlink and depending on the follow-symlinks setting will replace the information about the symlink with that of that which it points to.

When unlink'ing or rmdir'ing the followed symlink it will remove the symlink itself and not that which it points to.

  • follow-symlinks=never: Behave as normal. Symlinks are treated as such.
  • follow-symlinks=directory: Resolve symlinks only which point to directories.
  • follow-symlinks=regular: Resolve symlinks only which point to regular files.
  • follow-symlinks=all: Resolve all symlinks to that which they point to. Symlinks which do not point to anything are left as is.
  • Defaults to never.

WARNING: This feature should be considered experimental. There might be edge cases yet found. If you find any odd behaviors please file a ticket on github.