/* FUSE: Filesystem in Userspace Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Miklos Szeredi <miklos@szeredi.hu> This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPLv2. See the file COPYING.LIB */ #include "fuse_lowlevel.h" #include "fuse_kernel.h" #include "fuse_i.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> static int fuse_kern_chan_receive(struct fuse_chan **chp, char *buf, size_t size) { struct fuse_chan *ch = *chp; int err; ssize_t res; struct fuse_session *se = fuse_chan_session(ch); assert(se != NULL); restart: res = read(fuse_chan_fd(ch), buf, size); err = errno; if (fuse_session_exited(se)) return 0; if (res == -1) { /* ENOENT means the operation was interrupted, it's safe to restart */ if (err == ENOENT) goto restart; if (err == ENODEV) { fuse_session_exit(se); return 0; } /* Errors occurring during normal operation: EINTR (read interrupted), EAGAIN (nonblocking I/O), ENODEV (filesystem umounted) */ if (err != EINTR && err != EAGAIN) perror("fuse: reading device"); return -err; } if ((size_t) res < sizeof(struct fuse_in_header)) { fprintf(stderr, "short read on fuse device\n"); return -EIO; } return res; } static int fuse_kern_chan_send(struct fuse_chan *ch, const struct iovec iov[], size_t count) { if (iov) { ssize_t res = writev(fuse_chan_fd(ch), iov, count); int err = errno; if (res == -1) { struct fuse_session *se = fuse_chan_session(ch); assert(se != NULL); /* ENOENT means the operation was interrupted */ if (!fuse_session_exited(se) && err != ENOENT) perror("fuse: writing device"); return -err; } } return 0; } static void fuse_kern_chan_destroy(struct fuse_chan *ch) { int fd = fuse_chan_fd(ch); if (fd != -1) close(fd); } struct fuse_chan * fuse_kern_chan_new(int fd_) { long pagesize; size_t bufsize; struct fuse_chan_ops op = { .receive = fuse_kern_chan_receive, .send = fuse_kern_chan_send, .destroy = fuse_kern_chan_destroy, }; pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); bufsize = ((FUSE_MAX_MAX_PAGES * pagesize) + 0x1000); return fuse_chan_new(&op, fd_, bufsize, NULL); }