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  • disk, drive, disk drive: A physical data storage device. Such as a hard drive or solid-state drive. Usually requires the use of a filesystem to be useful. mergerfs does not deal with disks.
  • filesystem: Lowlevel software which provides a way to organize data and provide access to said data in a standard way. A filesystem is a higher level abstraction that may or may not be stored on a disk. mergerfs deals exclusively with filesystems.
  • path: A location within a filesystem. mergerfs can work with any path within a filesystem and not simply the root.
  • branch: A base path used in a mergerfs pool. mergerfs can accomidate multiple paths pointing to the same filesystem.
  • pool: The mergerfs mount. The union of the branches. The instance of mergerfs. You can mount multiple mergerfs pools. Even with the same branches.
  • relative path: The path in the pool relative to the branch and mount. foo/bar is the relative path of mergerfs mount /mnt/mergerfs/foo/bar.
  • function: A filesystem call such as open, unlink, create, getattr, rmdir, etc. The requests your software make to the filesystem.
  • category: A collection of functions based on basic behavior (action, create, search).
  • policy: The algorithm used to select a file or files when performing a function.
  • path preservation: Aspect of some policies which includes checking the path for which a file would be created.
  • out-of-band: out-of-band in our context refers to interacting with the underlying filesystem directly instead of going through mergerfs (or NFS or Samba).