**NOTE:** the globbing is done at mount time. If a new directory is added matching the glob after the fact it will not be included.
**NOTE:** the globbing is done at mount or xattr update time. If a new directory is added matching the glob after the fact it will not be included.
Filesystem calls are broken up into 3 categories: action, create, search. There are also some calls which have no policy attached due to state being kept between calls. These categories can be assigned a policy which dictates how [mergerfs](http://github.com/trapexit/mergerfs) behaves. Any policy can be assigned to a category though some aren't terribly practical. For instance: rand (Random) may be useful for **create** but could lead to very odd behavior if used for **search**.
`ioctl` behaves differently if its acting on a directory. It'll use the `getattr` policy to find and open the directory before issuing the `ioctl`. In other cases where something may be searched (to confirm a directory exists across all source mounts) then `getattr` will be used.