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  560. <h1 id="tips-and-notes">Tips and Notes</h1>
  561. <ul>
  562. <li>This document is literal and reasonably thorough. If a suspected
  563. feature isn't mentioned it doesn't exist. If certain <code>libfuse</code>
  564. arguments aren't listed they probably shouldn't be used.</li>
  565. <li>Ensure you're using the latest version. Especially before submitting
  566. bug reports.</li>
  567. <li>Run mergerfs as <code>root</code>. mergerfs is designed and intended to be run
  568. as <code>root</code> and may exhibit incorrect behavior if run otherwise.</li>
  569. <li>If you do not see some directories and files you expect, policies
  570. seem to skip branches, you get strange permission errors, etc. be
  571. sure the underlying filesystems' permissions are all the same. Use
  572. <code>mergerfs.fsck</code> to audit the filesystem for out of sync permissions.</li>
  573. <li>If you still have permission issues be sure you are using POSIX ACL
  574. compliant filesystems. mergerfs doesn't generally make exceptions
  575. for FAT, NTFS, or other non-POSIX filesystem.</li>
  576. <li>Unless using Linux v6.6 or above do <strong>not</strong> use <code>cache.files=off</code> if
  577. you expect applications (such as rtorrent) to use
  578. <a href="">mmap</a>. Enabling <code>dropcacheonclose</code>
  579. is recommended when <code>cache.files=auto-full</code>.</li>
  580. <li><a href="">Kodi</a>, <a href="">Plex</a>,
  581. <a href="">Subsonic</a>, etc. can use directory
  582. <a href="">mtime</a> to more efficiently
  583. determine whether to scan for new content rather than simply
  584. performing a full scan. If using the default <code>getattr</code> policy of
  585. <code>ff</code> it's possible those programs will miss an update on account of
  586. it returning the first directory found's <code>stat</code> info and it is a
  587. later directory on another mount which had the <code>mtime</code> recently
  588. updated. To fix this you will want to set
  589. <code>func.getattr=newest</code>. Remember though that this is just <code>stat</code>. If
  590. the file is later <code>open</code>'ed or <code>unlink</code>'ed and the policy is
  591. different for those then a completely different file or directory
  592. could be acted on.</li>
  593. <li>Some policies mixed with some functions may result in strange
  594. behaviors. Not that some of these behaviors and race conditions
  595. couldn't happen outside mergerfs but that they are far more
  596. likely to occur on account of the attempt to merge multiple sources
  597. of data which could be out of sync due to the different policies.</li>
  598. <li>For consistency it's generally best to set <code>category</code> wide policies
  599. rather than individual <code>func</code>'s. This will help limit the
  600. confusion of tools such as
  601. <a href="">rsync</a>. However, the flexibility
  602. is there if needed.</li>
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