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  622. <h1 id="related-projects">Related Projects</h1>
  623. <h2 id="projects-using-mergerfs">Projects using mergerfs</h2>
  624. <ul>
  625. <li><a href=""></a>: A turnkey software emulation Linux
  626. distribution. Used to pool user and local storage. Also includes my
  627. other project <a href="">Opera</a>. A 3DO emulator.</li>
  628. <li><a href="">OpenMediaVault</a>: A network attached
  629. storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. They provide plugins
  630. to manage mergerfs.</li>
  631. <li><a href="">CasaOS</a>: "A simple, easy to use, elegant open
  632. source home cloud system." Has added initial integration with
  633. mergerfs to create pools from existing filesystems.</li>
  634. <li><a href="">ZimaOS</a>: A more
  635. commercially focused NAS OS by the authors of CasaOS at <a href="">Ice
  636. Whale</a>.</li>
  637. <li><a href="">Cosmos Cloud</a>: Cosmos "take the chore out
  638. of selfhosting, with automated maintenance and fully secured setup
  639. out of the box. It even integrates to your existing setup."</li>
  640. </ul>
  641. <h2 id="software-and-services-commonly-used-with-mergerfs">Software and services commonly used with mergerfs</h2>
  642. <ul>
  643. <li><a href="">snapraid</a>: a backup program designed for
  644. disk arrays, storing parity information for data recovery in the
  645. event of up to six disk failures.</li>
  646. <li><a href="">rclone</a>: a command-line program to manage
  647. files on cloud storage. It is a feature-rich alternative to cloud
  648. vendors' web storage interfaces. rclone's
  649. <a href="">union</a> feature is based on mergerfs
  650. policies.</li>
  651. <li><a href="">ZFS</a>: A popular filesystem and volume
  652. management platform originally part of Sun Solaris and later ported
  653. to other operating systems. It is common to use ZFS with
  654. mergerfs. ZFS for important data and mergerfs pool for replacable
  655. media.</li>
  656. <li><a href="">Proxmox</a>: Proxmox is a popular, Debian
  657. based, virtualization platform. Users tend to install mergerfs on
  658. the host and pass the mount into containers.</li>
  659. <li><a href="">UnRAID</a>: "Unraid is a powerful, easy-to-use
  660. operating system for self-hosted servers and network-attached
  661. storage." While UnRAID has its own union filesystem it isn't
  662. uncommon to see UnRAID users leverage mergerfs given the differences
  663. in the technologies. There is a <a href="">plugin available by
  664. Rysz</a>
  665. to ease installation and setup.</li>
  666. <li><a href="">TrueNAS SCALE</a>: An
  667. enterprise focused NAS operating system with OpenZFS support. A Some
  668. users are requesting mergerfs be <a href="">made part
  669. of</a>
  670. TrueNAS.</li>
  671. <li>For a time there were a number of Chia miners recommending mergerfs.</li>
  672. <li><a href=""></a>: VPS provider. Includes
  673. details <a href="">on their
  674. wiki</a>:
  675. on how to setup mergerfs.</li>
  676. <li><a href="">QNAP</a>: A company
  677. known for their turnkey, consumer focused NAS devices. Someone has
  678. created builds of mergerfs for different QNAP devices.</li>
  679. </ul>
  680. <h2 id="distributions-including-mergerfs">Distributions including mergerfs</h2>
  681. <p>mergerfs can be found in the
  682. <a href="">repositories</a> of <a href="">many
  683. Linux</a> distributions
  684. and FreeBSD.</p>
  685. <p>Note: Any non-rolling release based distro is likely to have
  686. out-of-date versions.</p>
  687. <ul>
  688. <li><a href="">Debian</a></li>
  689. <li><a href="">Ubuntu</a></li>
  690. <li><a href="">Fedora</a></li>
  691. <li><a href="">T2</a></li>
  692. <li><a href=";branch=edge&amp;repo=&amp;arch=&amp;maintainer=">Alpine</a></li>
  693. <li><a href="">Gentoo</a></li>
  694. <li><a href="">Arch (AUR)</a></li>
  695. <li><a href=";q=mergerfs">Void</a></li>
  696. <li><a href=";query=mergerfs">NixOS</a></li>
  697. <li><a href="">Guix</a></li>
  698. <li><a href="">Slackware</a></li>
  699. <li><a href="">FreeBSD</a></li>
  700. </ul>
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