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  636. <h1 id="configuration-and-policies">Configuration and Policies</h1>
  637. <h2 id="what-settings-should-i-use">What settings should I use?</h2>
  638. <p>Depends on what features you want. Generally, there are no "good",
  639. "bad", "inefficient", or "optimal" settings. Options are almost
  640. exclusively functional. Meaning they change the behavior of the
  641. software. It is best to read over the available options and choose
  642. what fits your use case. If something is not clear from the
  643. documentation please reach out and the documentation will be improved.</p>
  644. <p>The settings described in the <a href="../../quickstart/">Quick Start</a> are
  645. sufficient for most users.</p>
  646. <p>Filesystems are complex and use cases numerous. There simply is no way
  647. to provide a singular setup that works for all situations. Since
  648. mergerfs <a href="../usage_and_functionality/">does not impact</a> the underlying
  649. filesystems and can be added or removed without any impact it is
  650. extremely easy to test and experiment with different settings.</p>
  651. <h2 id="how-can-i-ensure-files-are-collocated-on-the-same-branch">How can I ensure files are collocated on the same branch?</h2>
  652. <p>Many people like the idea of ensuring related files, such as all the
  653. files to a TV show season or songs in an album, are stored on the same
  654. storage device. However, most people have no actual need for this
  655. behavior.</p>
  656. <ol>
  657. <li>If you backup your data it is extremely likely your backup solution
  658. can restore only those files you are missing.</li>
  659. <li>Software such as <strong>Sonarr</strong> can manage the downloading and post
  660. processing of bespoke episodes which may be missing in a
  661. season. Either by downloading the episode individually if available
  662. or by downloading a full season.</li>
  663. <li>There is no benefit to keeping files collocated with regard to
  664. drive spinup, caching, or other secondary concern.</li>
  665. </ol>
  666. <p>The main use case for wanting collocation is where the branch is going
  667. to be removed from the pool and you wish to have all data from some
  668. logical set on that device. Such as you intend to take a drive out of
  669. the pool to take on a trip and want a whole show on the
  670. drive. However, even in these situations you typically end up needing
  671. to curate the files anyway because it has show A but not show B.</p>
  672. <p>All that said you can accomplish collocation to varying degrees using
  673. the following methods:</p>
  674. <ol>
  675. <li>Use
  676. <a href="">mergerfs.consolidate</a>
  677. when consolidation is needed.</li>
  678. <li>Use a <code>msp</code> create policy.</li>
  679. <li>Use <code>epmfs</code> or other <code>ep</code> create policy and manually create paths
  680. on the branches directly.</li>
  681. <li>Use a <code>ep</code> <code>create</code> policy and <code>rand</code> for <code>mkdir</code>.</li>
  682. </ol>
  683. <h2 id="how-can-i-balance-files-across-the-pool">How can I balance files across the pool?</h2>
  684. <p>Similar to collocation there is generally little reason to balance
  685. files.</p>
  686. <ol>
  687. <li>Since prediction of a filesystem's death or loss of data is near
  688. impossible there is little reason to balance in hopes of limiting
  689. data loss.</li>
  690. <li>While performance could be impacted by having too much reading or
  691. writing happen to singular underlying filesystems balancing won't
  692. help unless you have the ability to manage the access patterns to
  693. the pool.</li>
  694. <li>Over time most configurations will lead to a random distribution of
  695. files across the branches which is effectively "balancing."</li>
  696. </ol>
  697. <p>If you wish to move files around or balance the pool you can:</p>
  698. <ol>
  699. <li>Use <code>rand</code> or <code>pfrd</code> create policies and just use your system as
  700. normal.</li>
  701. <li>Write simple scripts using rsync or similar to move files around as
  702. you wish.</li>
  703. <li>Use
  704. <a href="">mergerfs.balance</a>. Keep
  705. in mind that this tool is really just an example of how to
  706. accomplish such a task.</li>
  707. </ol>
  708. <h2 id="why-are-all-my-files-ending-up-on-1-filesystem">Why are all my files ending up on 1 filesystem?!</h2>
  709. <p>Did you start with empty filesystems? Did you explicitly configure a
  710. <code>category.create</code> policy? Are you using an <code>existing path</code> / <code>path
  711. preserving</code> policy?</p>
  712. <p>The default create policy is <code>epmfs</code>. That is a path preserving
  713. algorithm. With such a policy for <code>mkdir</code> and <code>create</code> with a set of
  714. empty filesystems it will select only 1 filesystem when the first
  715. directory is created. Anything, files or directories, created in that
  716. directory will be placed on the same branch because it is preserving
  717. paths.</p>
  718. <p>This may catch new users off guard but this policy is the safest
  719. policy to start with as it will not change the general layout of the
  720. underlying filesystems. If you do not care about path preservation
  721. (most shouldn't) and wish your files to be spread across all your
  722. filesystems change to <code>rand</code>, <code>pfrd</code>, <code>mfs</code> or similar
  723. <a href="../../config/functions_categories_and_policies/">policy</a>. If you do
  724. want path preservation you'll need to perform the manual act of
  725. creating paths on the filesystems you want the data to land on before
  726. writing said data.</p>
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