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  401. <a href="#what-should-mergerfs-not-be-used-for" class="md-nav__link">
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  403. What should mergerfs NOT be used for?
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  408. <a href="#its-mentioned-that-there-are-some-security-issues-with-mhddfs-what-are-they-how-does-mergerfs-address-them" class="md-nav__link">
  409. <span class="md-ellipsis">
  410. It's mentioned that there are some security issues with mhddfs. What are they? How does mergerfs address them?
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  420. Technical Behavior and Limitations
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  427. Usage and Functionality
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  432. <a href="../limit_drive_spinup/" class="md-nav__link">
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  434. Limit drive spinup
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  484. <a href="#what-should-mergerfs-not-be-used-for" class="md-nav__link">
  485. <span class="md-ellipsis">
  486. What should mergerfs NOT be used for?
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  492. <span class="md-ellipsis">
  493. It's mentioned that there are some security issues with mhddfs. What are they? How does mergerfs address them?
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  507. <h1 id="recommendations-and-warnings">Recommendations and Warnings</h1>
  508. <h2 id="what-should-mergerfs-not-be-used-for">What should mergerfs NOT be used for?</h2>
  509. <ul>
  510. <li>databases: Even if the database stored data in separate files
  511. (mergerfs wouldn't offer much otherwise) the higher latency of the
  512. indirection will kill performance. If it is a lightly used SQLITE
  513. database then it may be fine but you'll need to test.</li>
  514. <li>VM images: For the same reasons as databases. VM images are accessed
  515. very aggressively and mergerfs will introduce too much latency (if
  516. it works at all).</li>
  517. <li>As replacement for RAID: mergerfs is just for pooling branches. If
  518. you need that kind of device performance aggregation or high
  519. availability you should stick with RAID.</li>
  520. </ul>
  521. <h2 id="its-mentioned-that-there-are-some-security-issues-with-mhddfs-what-are-they-how-does-mergerfs-address-them">It's mentioned that there are some security issues with mhddfs. What are they? How does mergerfs address them?</h2>
  522. <p><a href="">mhddfs</a> manages running as
  523. <strong>root</strong> by calling
  524. <a href="">getuid()</a>
  525. and if it returns <strong>0</strong> then it will
  526. <a href="">chown</a> the file. Not only is that a
  527. race condition but it doesn't handle other situations. Rather than
  528. attempting to simulate POSIX ACL behavior the proper way to manage
  529. this is to use <a href="">seteuid</a> and
  530. <a href="">setegid</a>, in effect, becoming the
  531. user making the original call, and perform the action as them. This is
  532. what mergerfs does and why mergerfs should always run as root.</p>
  533. <p>In Linux setreuid syscalls apply only to the thread. GLIBC hides this
  534. away by using realtime signals to inform all threads to change
  535. credentials. Taking after <strong>Samba</strong>, mergerfs uses
  536. <strong>syscall(SYS_setreuid,...)</strong> to set the callers credentials for that
  537. thread only. Jumping back to <strong>root</strong> as necessary should escalated
  538. privileges be needed (for instance: to clone paths between
  539. filesystems).</p>
  540. <p>For non-Linux systems, mergerfs uses a read-write lock and changes
  541. credentials only when necessary. If multiple threads are to be user X
  542. then only the first one will need to change the processes
  543. credentials. So long as the other threads need to be user X they will
  544. take a readlock allowing multiple threads to share the
  545. credentials. Once a request comes in to run as user Y that thread will
  546. attempt a write lock and change to Y's credentials when it can. If the
  547. ability to give writers priority is supported then that flag will be
  548. used so threads trying to change credentials don't starve. This isn't
  549. the best solution but should work reasonably well assuming there are
  550. few users.</p>
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