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  505. <a href="#why-use-fuse-why-not-a-kernel-based-solution" class="md-nav__link">
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  507. Why use FUSE? Why not a kernel based solution?
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  512. <a href="#is-my-oss-libfuse-needed-for-mergerfs-to-work" class="md-nav__link">
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  514. Is my OS's libfuse needed for mergerfs to work?
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  519. <a href="#why-was-splice-support-removed" class="md-nav__link">
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  521. Why was splice support removed?
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  535. <h1 id="general-information-and-overview">General Information and Overview</h1>
  536. <h2 id="how-well-does-mergerfs-scale-is-it-production-ready">How well does mergerfs scale? Is it "production ready?"</h2>
  537. <p>Users have reported running mergerfs on everything from a Raspberry Pi
  538. to dual socket Xeon systems with &gt;20 cores. I'm aware of at least a
  539. few companies which use mergerfs in production. <a href="">Open Media
  540. Vault</a> includes mergerfs as its sole
  541. solution for pooling filesystems. The author of mergerfs had it
  542. running for over 300 days managing 16+ devices with reasonably heavy
  543. 24/7 read and write usage. Stopping only after the machine's power
  544. supply died.</p>
  545. <p>Most serious issues (crashes or data corruption) have been due to
  546. <a href=";-Bugs">kernel
  547. bugs</a>. All
  548. of which are fixed in stable releases.</p>
  549. <h2 id="why-use-fuse-why-not-a-kernel-based-solution">Why use FUSE? Why not a kernel based solution?</h2>
  550. <p>As with any solution to a problem, there are advantages and
  551. disadvantages to each one.</p>
  552. <p>A FUSE based solution has all the downsides of FUSE:</p>
  553. <ul>
  554. <li>Higher IO latency due to the trips in and out of kernel space</li>
  555. <li>Higher general overhead due to trips in and out of kernel space</li>
  556. <li>Double caching when using page caching</li>
  557. <li>Misc limitations due to FUSE's design</li>
  558. </ul>
  559. <p>But FUSE also has a lot of upsides:</p>
  560. <ul>
  561. <li>Easier to offer a cross platform solution</li>
  562. <li>Easier forward and backward compatibility</li>
  563. <li>Easier updates for users</li>
  564. <li>Easier and faster release cadence</li>
  565. <li>Allows more flexibility in design and features</li>
  566. <li>Overall easier to write, secure, and maintain</li>
  567. <li>Much lower barrier to entry (getting code into the kernel takes a
  568. lot of time and effort initially)</li>
  569. </ul>
  570. <p>FUSE was chosen because of all the advantages listed above. The
  571. negatives of FUSE do not outweigh the positives.</p>
  572. <h2 id="is-my-oss-libfuse-needed-for-mergerfs-to-work">Is my OS's libfuse needed for mergerfs to work?</h2>
  573. <p>No. Normally <code>mount.fuse</code> is needed to get mergerfs (or any FUSE
  574. filesystem to mount using the <code>mount</code> command but in vendoring the
  575. libfuse library the <code>mount.fuse</code> app has been renamed to
  576. <code>mount.mergerfs</code> meaning the filesystem type in <code>fstab</code> can simply be
  577. <code>mergerfs</code>. That said there should be no harm in having it installed
  578. and continuing to using <code>fuse.mergerfs</code> as the type in <code>/etc/fstab</code>.</p>
  579. <p>If <code>mergerfs</code> doesn't work as a type it could be due to how the
  580. <code>mount.mergerfs</code> tool was installed. Must be in <code>/sbin/</code> with proper
  581. permissions.</p>
  582. <h2 id="why-was-splice-support-removed">Why was splice support removed?</h2>
  583. <p>After a lot of testing over the years, splicing always appeared to
  584. at best, provide equivalent performance, and in some cases, worse
  585. performance. Splice is not supported on other platforms forcing a
  586. traditional read/write fallback to be provided. The splice code was
  587. removed to simplify the codebase.</p>
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