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  727. <h1 id="technical-behavior-and-limitations">Technical Behavior and Limitations</h1>
  728. <h2 id="do-hardlinks-work">Do hardlinks work?</h2>
  729. <p>Yes. There is no option to enable or disable links. They are
  730. fundimentally supported in compatible situations. That said the inode
  731. of a file is not necessarily indicitive of two file names linking to
  732. the same underlying data. See also the option <code>inodecalc</code> for how
  733. inode values are calculated.</p>
  734. <p>What mergerfs does not do is fake hard links across branches. Read the
  735. section <a href="../../config/rename_and_link/">rename &amp; link</a> for how it
  736. works.</p>
  737. <p>Remember that hardlinks will <strong>NOT</strong> work across devices. That
  738. includes between the original filesystem and a mergerfs pool, between
  739. two separate pools of the same underlying filesystems, or bind mounts
  740. of paths within the mergerfs pool. The latter is common when using
  741. Docker or Podman. Multiple volumes (bind mounts) to the same
  742. underlying filesystem are considered different devices. There is no
  743. way to link or rename between them. You should mount in the highest
  744. directory in the mergerfs pool that includes all the paths you need if
  745. you want links and rename to work.</p>
  746. <h2 id="how-does-mergerfs-handle-moving-and-copying-of-files">How does mergerfs handle moving and copying of files?</h2>
  747. <p>This is a <em>very</em> common mistaken assumption regarding how filesystems
  748. work. There is no such thing as "move" or "copy." These concepts are
  749. high level behaviors made up of numerous independent steps and <em>not</em>
  750. individual filesystem functions.</p>
  751. <p>A "move" can include a "copy" so lets describe copy first.</p>
  752. <p>When an application copies a file from "source" to "destination" it
  753. can do so in a number of ways but the basics are the following.</p>
  754. <ol>
  755. <li><code>open</code> the source file.</li>
  756. <li><code>create</code> the destination file.</li>
  757. <li><code>read</code> a chunk of data from source and <code>write</code> to
  758. destination. Continue till it runs out of data to copy.</li>
  759. <li>Copy file metadata (<code>stat</code>) such as ownership (<code>chown</code>),
  760. permissions (<code>chmod</code>), timestamps (<code>utimes</code>), extended attributes
  761. (<code>getxattr</code>, <code>setxattr</code>), etc.</li>
  762. <li><code>close</code> source and destination files.</li>
  763. </ol>
  764. <p>"move" is typically a <code>rename(src,dst)</code> and if that errors with
  765. <code>EXDEV</code> (meaning the source and destination are on different
  766. filesystems) the application will "copy" the file as described above
  767. and then it removes (<code>unlink</code>) the source.</p>
  768. <p>The <code>rename(src,dst)</code>, <code>open(src)</code>, <code>create(dst)</code>, data copying,
  769. metadata copying, <code>unlink(src)</code>, etc. are entirely distinct and
  770. separate events. There is really no practical way to know that what is
  771. ultimately occurring is the "copying" of a file or what the source
  772. file would be. Since the source is not known there is no way to know
  773. how large a created file is destined to become. This is why it is
  774. impossible for mergerfs to choose the branch for a <code>create</code> based on
  775. file size. The only context provided when a file is created, besides
  776. the name, is the permissions, if it is to be read and/or written, and
  777. some low level settings for the operating system.</p>
  778. <p>All of this means that mergerfs can not make decisions when a file is
  779. created based on file size or the source of the data. That information
  780. is simply not available. At best mergerfs could respond to files
  781. reaching a certain size when writing data, a file is closed, or
  782. renamed.</p>
  783. <p>Related: if a user wished to have mergerfs perform certain activities
  784. based on the name of a file it is common and even best practice for a
  785. program to write to a temporary file first and then rename to its
  786. final destination. That temporary file name will typically be random
  787. and have no indication of the type of file being written. At best
  788. something could be done on rename.</p>
  789. <h2 id="does-ficlone-or-ficlonerange-work">Does FICLONE or FICLONERANGE work?</h2>
  790. <p>Unfortunately not. FUSE, the technology mergerfs is based on, does not
  791. support the <code>clone_file_range</code> feature needed for it to work. mergerfs
  792. won't even know such a request is made. The kernel will simply return
  793. an error back to the application making the request.</p>
  794. <p>Should FUSE gain the ability mergerfs will be updated to support it.</p>
  795. <h2 id="why-do-i-get-an-out-of-space-no-space-left-on-device-enospc-error-even-though-there-appears-to-be-lots-of-space-available">Why do I get an "out of space" / "no space left on device" / ENOSPC error even though there appears to be lots of space available?</h2>
  796. <p>First make sure you've read the sections above about policies, path
  797. preservation, branch filtering, and the options <code>minfreespace</code>,
  798. <code>moveonenospc</code>, <code>statfs</code>, and <code>statfs_ignore</code>.</p>
  799. <p>mergerfs is simply presenting a union of the content within multiple
  800. branches. The reported free space is an aggregate of space available
  801. within the pool (behavior modified by <code>statfs</code> and
  802. <code>statfs_ignore</code>). It does not represent a contiguous space. In the
  803. same way that read-only filesystems, those with quotas, or reserved
  804. space report the full theoretical space available.</p>
  805. <p>Due to path preservation, branch tagging, read-only status, and
  806. <code>minfreespace</code> settings it is perfectly valid that <code>ENOSPC</code> / "out of
  807. space" / "no space left on device" be returned. It is doing what was
  808. asked of it: filtering possible branches due to those settings. Only
  809. one error can be returned and if one of the reasons for filtering a
  810. branch was <code>minfreespace</code> then it will be returned as
  811. such. <code>moveonenospc</code> is only relevant to writing a file which is too
  812. large for the filesystem it's currently on.</p>
  813. <p>It is also possible that the filesystem selected has run out of
  814. inodes. Use <code>df -i</code> to list the total and available inodes per
  815. filesystem.</p>
  816. <p>If you don't care about path preservation then simply change the
  817. <code>create</code> policy to one which isn't. <code>mfs</code> is probably what most are
  818. looking for. The reason it's not default is because it was originally
  819. set to <code>epmfs</code> and changing it now would change people's setup. Such a
  820. setting change will likely occur in mergerfs 3.</p>
  821. <h2 id="why-does-the-total-available-space-in-mergerfs-not-equal-outside">Why does the total available space in mergerfs not equal outside?</h2>
  822. <p>Are you using ext2/3/4? With reserve for root? mergerfs uses available
  823. space for statfs calculations. If you've reserved space for root then
  824. it won't show up.</p>
  825. <p>You can remove the reserve by running: <code>tune2fs -m 0 &lt;device&gt;</code></p>
  826. <h2 id="i-notice-massive-slowdowns-of-writes-when-enabling-cachefiles">I notice massive slowdowns of writes when enabling cache.files.</h2>
  827. <p>When file caching is enabled in any form (<code>cache.files!=off</code>) it will
  828. issue <code>getxattr</code> requests for <code>security.capability</code> prior to <em>every
  829. single write</em>. This will usually result in performance degradation,
  830. especially when using a network filesystem (such as NFS or SMB.)
  831. Unfortunately at this moment, the kernel is not caching the response.</p>
  832. <p>To work around this situation mergerfs offers a few solutions.</p>
  833. <ol>
  834. <li>Set <code>security_capability=false</code>. It will short circuit any call and
  835. return <code>ENOATTR</code>. This still means though that mergerfs will
  836. receive the request before every write but at least it doesn't get
  837. passed through to the underlying filesystem.</li>
  838. <li>Set <code>xattr=noattr</code>. Same as above but applies to <em>all</em> calls to
  839. getxattr. Not just <code>security.capability</code>. This will not be cached
  840. by the kernel either but mergerfs' runtime config system will still
  841. function.</li>
  842. <li>Set <code>xattr=nosys</code>. Results in mergerfs returning <code>ENOSYS</code> which
  843. <em>will</em> be cached by the kernel. No future xattr calls will be
  844. forwarded to mergerfs. The downside is that also means the xattr
  845. based config and query functionality won't work either.</li>
  846. <li>Disable file caching. If you aren't using applications which use
  847. <code>mmap</code> it's probably simpler to just disable it altogether. The
  848. kernel won't send the requests when caching is disabled.</li>
  849. </ol>
  850. <h2 id="why-use-fuse-why-not-a-kernel-based-solution">Why use FUSE? Why not a kernel based solution?</h2>
  851. <p>As with any solution to a problem, there are advantages and
  852. disadvantages to each one.</p>
  853. <p>A FUSE based solution has all the downsides of FUSE:</p>
  854. <ul>
  855. <li>Higher IO latency due to the trips in and out of kernel space</li>
  856. <li>Higher general overhead due to trips in and out of kernel space</li>
  857. <li>Double caching when using page caching</li>
  858. <li>Misc limitations due to FUSE's design</li>
  859. </ul>
  860. <p>But FUSE also has a lot of upsides:</p>
  861. <ul>
  862. <li>Easier to offer a cross platform solution</li>
  863. <li>Easier forward and backward compatibility</li>
  864. <li>Easier updates for users</li>
  865. <li>Easier and faster release cadence</li>
  866. <li>Allows more flexibility in design and features</li>
  867. <li>Overall easier to write, secure, and maintain</li>
  868. <li>Much lower barrier to entry (getting code into the kernel takes a
  869. lot of time and effort initially)</li>
  870. </ul>
  871. <h2 id="is-my-oss-libfuse-needed-for-mergerfs-to-work">Is my OS's libfuse needed for mergerfs to work?</h2>
  872. <p>No. Normally <code>mount.fuse</code> is needed to get mergerfs (or any FUSE
  873. filesystem to mount using the <code>mount</code> command but in vendoring the
  874. libfuse library the <code>mount.fuse</code> app has been renamed to
  875. <code>mount.mergerfs</code> meaning the filesystem type in <code>fstab</code> can simply be
  876. <code>mergerfs</code>. That said there should be no harm in having it installed
  877. and continuing to using <code>fuse.mergerfs</code> as the type in <code>/etc/fstab</code>.</p>
  878. <p>If <code>mergerfs</code> doesn't work as a type it could be due to how the
  879. <code>mount.mergerfs</code> tool was installed. Must be in <code>/sbin/</code> with proper
  880. permissions.</p>
  881. <h2 id="why-was-splice-support-removed">Why was splice support removed?</h2>
  882. <p>After a lot of testing over the years, splicing always appeared to
  883. at best, provide equivalent performance, and in some cases, worse
  884. performance. Splice is not supported on other platforms forcing a
  885. traditional read/write fallback to be provided. The splice code was
  886. removed to simplify the codebase.</p>
  887. <h2 id="how-does-mergerfs-handle-credentials">How does mergerfs handle credentials?</h2>
  888. <p>mergerfs is a multithreaded application in order to handle requests
  889. from the kernel concurrently. Each FUSE message has a header with
  890. certain details about the request include the process ID (pid) of the
  891. requestion application, the process' effective user id (uid), and
  892. group id (gid). To ensure proper POSIX filesystem behavior and
  893. security mergerfs must change its identity to match that of the
  894. requester when performing the core filesystem function on the
  895. underlying filesystem. On most Unix/POSIX based system a process and
  896. all its threads are under the same uid and gid. However, on Linux each
  897. thread may have its own credentials. This allows mergerfs to be
  898. multithreaded and for each thread to change to the credentials
  899. (seteuid,setegid) as required by the incoming message it is
  900. handling. However, on FreeBSD this is not possible at the moment
  901. (though there has been
  902. <a href="">discussions</a> and
  903. as such must change the credentials of the whole application when
  904. actioning messages. mergerfs does optimize this behavior by only
  905. changing credentials and locking the thread to do so if the process is
  906. currently not the same as what is necessary by the incoming request.</p>
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