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  567. <h1 id="rename-and-link">rename and link</h1>
  568. <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> If you're receiving errors from software when files are
  569. moved / renamed / linked then you should consider changing the create
  570. policy to one which is <strong>not</strong> path preserving, enabling
  571. <code>ignorepponrename</code>, or contacting the author of the offending software
  572. and requesting that <code>EXDEV</code> (cross device / improper link) be properly
  573. handled.</p>
  574. <p><code>rename</code> and <code>link</code> are arguably the most complicated functions to
  575. create in a union filesystem. <code>rename</code> only works within a single
  576. filesystem or device. If a <code>rename</code> can not be done due to the source
  577. and destination paths existing on different mount points it will
  578. return an error (EXDEV, cross device / improper link). So if a
  579. <code>rename</code>'s source and target are on different filesystems within the
  580. pool it creates an issue.</p>
  581. <p>Originally mergerfs would return EXDEV whenever a rename was requested
  582. which was cross directory in any way. This made the code simple and
  583. was technically compliant with POSIX requirements. However, many
  584. applications fail to handle EXDEV at all and treat it as a normal
  585. error or otherwise handle it poorly. Such apps include: gvfsd-fuse
  586. v1.20.3 and prior, Finder / CIFS/SMB client in Apple OSX 10.9+,
  587. NZBGet, Samba's recycling bin feature.</p>
  588. <p>As a result a compromise was made in order to get most software to
  589. work while still obeying mergerfs' policies. The behavior is explained
  590. below.</p>
  591. <ul>
  592. <li>If using a <strong>create</strong> policy which tries to preserve directory paths (epff,eplfs,eplus,epmfs)<ul>
  593. <li>Using the <strong>rename</strong> policy get the list of files to rename</li>
  594. <li>For each file attempt rename:<ul>
  595. <li>If failure with ENOENT (no such file or directory) run <strong>create</strong> policy</li>
  596. <li>If create policy returns the same branch as currently evaluating then clone the path</li>
  597. <li>Re-attempt rename</li>
  598. </ul>
  599. </li>
  600. <li>If <strong>any</strong> of the renames succeed the higher level rename is considered a success</li>
  601. <li>If <strong>no</strong> renames succeed the first error encountered will be returned</li>
  602. <li>On success:</li>
  603. <li>Remove the target from all branches with no source file</li>
  604. <li>Remove the source from all branches which failed to rename</li>
  605. </ul>
  606. </li>
  607. <li>If using a <strong>create</strong> policy which does <strong>not</strong> try to preserve directory paths<ul>
  608. <li>Using the <strong>rename</strong> policy get the list of files to rename</li>
  609. <li>Using the <strong>getattr</strong> policy get the target path</li>
  610. <li>For each file attempt rename:</li>
  611. <li>If the source branch != target branch:<ul>
  612. <li>Clone target path from target branch to source branch</li>
  613. </ul>
  614. </li>
  615. <li>rename</li>
  616. <li>If <strong>any</strong> of the renames succeed the higher level rename is considered a success</li>
  617. <li>If <strong>no</strong> renames succeed the first error encountered will be returned</li>
  618. <li>On success:</li>
  619. <li>Remove the target from all branches with no source file</li>
  620. <li>Remove the source from all branches which failed to rename</li>
  621. </ul>
  622. </li>
  623. </ul>
  624. <p>The removals are subject to normal entitlement checks. If the unlink
  625. fails it will fail silently.</p>
  626. <p>The above behavior will help minimize the likelihood of EXDEV being
  627. returned but it will still be possible.</p>
  628. <p><strong>link</strong> uses the same strategy but without the removals.</p>
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