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  699. <h1 id="caching">caching</h1>
  700. <h2 id="cachefiles">cache.files</h2>
  701. <p>Controls how <a href="">page caching</a>
  702. works for mergerfs itself. Not the underlying filesystems.</p>
  703. <ul>
  704. <li><code>cache.files=off</code>: Disables page caching for mergerfs.</li>
  705. <li><code>cache.files=partial</code>: Enables page caching. Files are cached
  706. while open.</li>
  707. <li><code>cache.files=full</code>: Enables page caching. Files are cached across
  708. opens.</li>
  709. <li><code>cache.files=auto-full</code>: Enables page caching. Files are cached
  710. across opens if mtime and size are unchanged since previous open.</li>
  711. <li><code>cache.files=per-process</code>: Enable page caching (equivalent to
  712. <code>cache.files=partial</code>) only for processes whose 'comm' name matches
  713. one of the values defined in cache.files.process-names. If the name
  714. does not match the file open is equivalent to <code>cache.files=off</code>.</li>
  715. </ul>
  716. <p>Generally, enabling the page cache actually <em>harms</em>
  717. performance<sup id="fnref:1"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn:1">1</a></sup>. In part because it can lead to buffer bloat due to
  718. the kernel caching both the underlying filesystem's file content as
  719. well as the file through mergerfs. However, if you want to confirm
  720. performance differences it is recommended that you perform some
  721. benchmark to confirm which option works best for your setup.</p>
  722. <p>Why then would you want to enable page caching if it consumes ~2x the
  723. RAM as normal and is on average slower? Because it is the only way to
  724. support
  725. <a href="">mmap</a>. <code>mmap</code> is a
  726. way for programs to treat a file as if it is a contiguous RAM buffer
  727. which is regularly used by a number of programs such as those that
  728. leverage <strong>sqlite3</strong>. Despite <code>mmap</code> not being supported by all
  729. filesystems it is unfortunately common for software to not have an
  730. option to use regular file IO instead of <code>mmap</code>.</p>
  731. <p>The good thing is that in Linux v6.6<sup id="fnref:2"><a class="footnote-ref" href="#fn:2">2</a></sup> and above FUSE can now
  732. transparently enable page caching when mmap is requested. This means
  733. it should be safe to set <code>cache.files=off</code>. However, on Linux v6.5 and
  734. below you will need to configure <code>cache.files</code> as you need.</p>
  735. <h2 id="cacheentry">cache.entry</h2>
  736. <ul>
  737. <li><code>cache.entry=UINT</code>: Sets the number of seconds to cache
  738. entry queries. Defaults to <code>1</code>.</li>
  739. </ul>
  740. <p>The kernel must ask mergerfs about the existence of files. The entry
  741. cache caches that those details which limits the number of requests
  742. sent to mergerfs.</p>
  743. <p>The risk of setting this value, as with most any cache, is related to
  744. <a href="">out-of-band</a> changes. If
  745. the filesystems are changed outside mergerfs there is a risk of files
  746. which have been removed continuing to show as available. It will fail
  747. gracefully if a phantom file is actioned on in some way so there is
  748. little risk in setting the value much higher. Especially if there are
  749. no out-of-band changes.</p>
  750. <h2 id="cachenegative_entry">cache.negative_entry</h2>
  751. <ul>
  752. <li><code>cache.negative_entry=UINT</code>: Sets the number of seconds to cache
  753. negative entry queries. Defaults to <code>1</code>.</li>
  754. </ul>
  755. <p>This is a cache for negative entry query responses. Such as when a
  756. file which does not exist is referenced.</p>
  757. <p>The risk of setting this value, as with most any cache, is related to
  758. <a href="">out-of-band</a> changes. If
  759. the filesystems are changed outside mergerfs there is a risk of files
  760. which have been added outside mergerfs not appearing correctly till
  761. the cache entry times out if there had been a request for the same
  762. name within mergerfs which didn't exist. This is mostly an
  763. inconvenience.</p>
  764. <h2 id="cacheattr">cache.attr</h2>
  765. <ul>
  766. <li><code>cache.attr=UINT</code>: Sets the number of seconds to cache file
  767. attributes. Defaults to <code>1</code>.</li>
  768. </ul>
  769. <p>This is a cache for file attributes and metadata such as that which is
  770. collected by the
  771. <a href="">stat</a> system call
  772. which is used when you run commands such as <code>find</code> or <code>ls -lh</code>. </p>
  773. <p>As with other caches the risk of enabling the attribute cache is if
  774. changes are made to the file out-of-band there could be
  775. inconsistencies between the actual file and the cached details which
  776. could result in different issues depending on how the data is used. If
  777. the simultaneous writing of a file from inside and outside is unlikely
  778. then you should be safe. That said any simultaneous, uncoordinated
  779. manipulation of a file can lead to unexpected results.</p>
  780. <h2 id="cachestatfs">cache.statfs</h2>
  781. <ul>
  782. <li><code>cache.statfs=UINT</code>: Sets the number of seconds to cache <code>statfs</code>
  783. calls used by policies. Defaults to <code>0</code>.</li>
  784. </ul>
  785. <p>A number of policies require looking up the available space of the
  786. branches being considered. This is accomplished by calling
  787. <a href="">statfs</a>. This
  788. call however is a bit expensive so this cache reduces the overhead by
  789. limiting how often the calls are actually made.</p>
  790. <p>This will mean that if the available space of branches changed
  791. somewhat rapidly there is a risk of <code>create</code> or <code>mkdir</code> calls made
  792. within the timeout period ending up on the same branch. This however
  793. should even itself out over time.</p>
  794. <h2 id="cachesymlinks">cache.symlinks</h2>
  795. <ul>
  796. <li><code>cache.symlinks=BOOL</code>: Enable kernel caching of symlink
  797. values. Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
  798. </ul>
  799. <p>As of Linux v4.20 there is an ability to cache the value of symlinks
  800. so that the kernel does not need to make a request to mergerfs every
  801. single time a
  802. <a href="">readlink</a>
  803. request is made. While not a common usage pattern, if software very
  804. regularly queries symlink values, the use of this cache could
  805. significantly improve performance.</p>
  806. <p>mergerfs will not error if the kernel used does not support symlink
  807. caching.</p>
  808. <p>As with other caches the main risk in enabling it is if you are
  809. manipulating symlinks from both within and without the mergerfs
  810. mount. Should the value be changed outside of mergerfs then it will
  811. not be reflected in the mergerfs mount till the cached value is
  812. invalidated.</p>
  813. <h2 id="cachereaddir">cache.readdir</h2>
  814. <ul>
  815. <li><code>cache.readdir=BOOL</code>: Enable kernel caching of readdir
  816. results. Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
  817. </ul>
  818. <p>As of Linux v4.20 it supports readdir caching. This can have a
  819. significant impact on directory traversal. Especially when combined
  820. with entry (<code>cache.entry</code>) and attribute (<code>cache.attr</code>) caching. If
  821. the kernel doesn't support readdir caching setting the option to true
  822. has no effect. This option is configurable at runtime via xattr
  823. user.mergerfs.cache.readdir.</p>
  824. <h2 id="cachewriteback">cache.writeback</h2>
  825. <ul>
  826. <li><code>cache.writeback=BOOL</code>: Enable writeback cache. Defaults to <code>false</code>.</li>
  827. </ul>
  828. <p>When <code>cache.files</code> is enabled the default is for it to perform
  829. writethrough caching. This behavior won't help improve performance as
  830. each write still goes one for one through the filesystem. By enabling
  831. the FUSE writeback cache small writes <em>may</em> be aggregated by the
  832. kernel and then sent to mergerfs as one larger request. This can
  833. greatly improve the throughput for apps which write to files
  834. inefficiently. The amount the kernel can aggregate is limited by the
  835. size of a FUSE message. Read the fuse_msg_size section for more
  836. details.</p>
  837. <p>There is a side effect as a result of enabling writeback
  838. caching. Underlying files won't ever be opened with O_APPEND or
  839. O_WRONLY. The former because the kernel then manages append mode and
  840. the latter because the kernel may request file data from mergerfs to
  841. populate the write cache. The O_APPEND change means that if a file is
  842. changed outside of mergerfs it could lead to corruption as the kernel
  843. won't know the end of the file has changed. That said any time you use
  844. caching you should keep from writing to the same file outside of
  845. mergerfs at the same time.</p>
  846. <p>Note that if an application is properly sizing writes then writeback
  847. caching will have little or no effect. It will only help with writes
  848. of sizes below the FUSE message size (128K on older kernels, 1M on
  849. newer). Even then its effectiveness might not be great. Given the side
  850. effects of enabling this feature it is recommended that its benefits
  851. be proved out with benchmarks.</p>
  852. <div class="footnote">
  853. <hr />
  854. <ol>
  855. <li id="fn:1">
  856. <p>This is not unique to mergerfs and affects all FUSE
  857. filesystems. It is something that the FUSE community hopes to
  858. investigate at some point but as of early 2025 there are a number
  859. of major reworking going on with FUSE which needs to be finished
  860. first.&#160;<a class="footnote-backref" href="#fnref:1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text">&#8617;</a></p>
  861. </li>
  862. <li id="fn:2">
  863. <p><a href=""></a>&#160;<a class="footnote-backref" href="#fnref:2" title="Jump back to footnote 2 in the text">&#8617;</a></p>
  864. </li>
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