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  629. <h1 id="benchmarking">Benchmarking</h1>
  630. <p>Filesystems are complicated. They do many things and many of those are
  631. interconnected. Additionally, the OS, drivers, hardware, etc. can all
  632. impact performance. Therefore, when benchmarking, it is <strong>necessary</strong>
  633. that the test focuses as narrowly as possible.</p>
  634. <p>For most throughput is the key benchmark. To test throughput <code>dd</code> is
  635. useful but <strong>must</strong> be used with the correct settings in order to
  636. ensure the filesystem or device is actually being tested. The OS can
  637. and will cache data. Without forcing synchronous reads and writes
  638. and/or disabling caching the values returned will not be
  639. representative of the device's true performance.</p>
  640. <p>When benchmarking through mergerfs ensure you only use 1 branch to
  641. remove any possibility of the policies complicating the
  642. situation. Benchmark the underlying filesystem first and then mount
  643. mergerfs over it and test again. If you're experiencing speeds below
  644. your expectation you will need to narrow down precisely which
  645. component is leading to the slowdown. Preferably test the following in
  646. the order listed (but not combined).</p>
  647. <ol>
  648. <li>Enable <code>nullrw</code> mode with <code>nullrw=true</code>. This will effectively make
  649. reads and writes no-ops. Removing the underlying device /
  650. filesystem from the equation. This will give us the top theoretical
  651. speeds.</li>
  652. <li>Mount mergerfs over <code>tmpfs</code>. <code>tmpfs</code> is a RAM disk. Extremely high
  653. speed and very low latency. This is a more realistic best case
  654. scenario. Example: <code>mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G tmpfs /tmp/tmpfs</code></li>
  655. <li>Mount mergerfs over a local device. NVMe, SSD, HDD, etc. If you
  656. have more than one I'd suggest testing each of them as drives
  657. and/or controllers (their drivers) could impact performance.</li>
  658. <li>Finally, if you intend to use mergerfs with a network filesystem,
  659. either as the source of data or to combine with another through
  660. mergerfs, test each of those alone as above.</li>
  661. </ol>
  662. <p>Once you find the component which has the performance issue you can do
  663. further testing with different options to see if they impact
  664. performance. For reads and writes the most relevant would be:
  665. <code>cache.files</code>, <code>async_read</code>. Less likely but relevant when using NFS
  666. or with certain filesystems would be <code>security_capability</code>, <code>xattr</code>,
  667. and <code>posix_acl</code>. If you find a specific system, device, filesystem,
  668. controller, etc. that performs poorly contact trapexit so he may
  669. investigate further.</p>
  670. <p>Sometimes the problem is really the application accessing or writing
  671. data through mergerfs. Some software use small buffer sizes which can
  672. lead to more requests and therefore greater overhead. You can test
  673. this out yourself by replacing <code>bs=1M</code> in the examples below with <code>ibs</code>
  674. or <code>obs</code> and using a size of <code>512</code> instead of <code>1M</code>. In one example
  675. test using <code>nullrw</code> the write speed dropped from 4.9GB/s to 69.7MB/s
  676. when moving from <code>1M</code> to <code>512</code>. Similar results were had when testing
  677. reads. Small writes overhead may be improved by leveraging a write
  678. cache but in casual tests little gain was found. More tests will need
  679. to be done before this feature would become available. If you have an
  680. app that appears slow with mergerfs it could be due to this. Contact
  681. trapexit so he may investigate further.</p>
  682. <h3 id="write-benchmark">write benchmark</h3>
  683. <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span id="__span-0-1"><a id="__codelineno-0-1" name="__codelineno-0-1" href="#__codelineno-0-1"></a>$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/mergerfs/1GB.file bs=1M count=1024 oflag=nocache conv=fdatasync status=progress
  684. </span></code></pre></div>
  685. <h3 id="read-benchmark">read benchmark</h3>
  686. <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span id="__span-1-1"><a id="__codelineno-1-1" name="__codelineno-1-1" href="#__codelineno-1-1"></a>$ dd if=/mnt/mergerfs/1GB.file of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1024 iflag=nocache conv=fdatasync status=progress
  687. </span></code></pre></div>
  688. <h3 id="other-benchmarks">other benchmarks</h3>
  689. <p>If you are attempting to benchmark other behaviors you must ensure you
  690. clear kernel caches before runs. In fact it would be a good deal to
  691. run before the read and write benchmarks as well just in case.</p>
  692. <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span id="__span-2-1"><a id="__codelineno-2-1" name="__codelineno-2-1" href="#__codelineno-2-1"></a>sync
  693. </span><span id="__span-2-2"><a id="__codelineno-2-2" name="__codelineno-2-2" href="#__codelineno-2-2"></a>echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  694. </span></code></pre></div>
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