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  608. <h1 id="options">Options</h1>
  609. <p>These options are the same regardless of whether you use them with the
  610. <code>mergerfs</code> commandline program, in fstab, or in a config file.</p>
  611. <h3 id="types">types</h3>
  612. <ul>
  613. <li>BOOL = 'true' | 'false'</li>
  614. <li>INT = [MIN_INT,MAX_INT]</li>
  615. <li>UINT = [0,MAX_INT]</li>
  616. <li>SIZE = 'NNM'; NN = INT, M = 'K' | 'M' | 'G' | 'T'</li>
  617. <li>STR = string (may refer to an enumerated value, see details of
  618. argument)</li>
  619. <li>FUNC = filesystem function</li>
  620. <li>CATEGORY = function category</li>
  621. <li>POLICY = mergerfs function policy</li>
  622. </ul>
  623. <h3 id="mount-options">mount options</h3>
  624. <ul>
  625. <li><strong>config</strong>: Path to a config file. Same arguments as below in
  626. key=val / ini style format.</li>
  627. <li><strong>branches</strong>: Colon delimited list of branches.</li>
  628. <li><strong>minfreespace=SIZE</strong>: The minimum space value used for creation
  629. policies. Can be overridden by branch specific option. Understands
  630. 'K', 'M', and 'G' to represent kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte
  631. respectively. (default: 4G)</li>
  632. <li><strong>moveonenospc=BOOL|POLICY</strong>: When enabled if a <strong>write</strong> fails with
  633. <strong>ENOSPC</strong> (no space left on device) or <strong>EDQUOT</strong> (disk quota
  634. exceeded) the policy selected will run to find a new location for
  635. the file. An attempt to move the file to that branch will occur
  636. (keeping all metadata possible) and if successful the original is
  637. unlinked and the write retried. (default: false, true = mfs)</li>
  638. <li><strong>inodecalc=passthrough|path-hash|devino-hash|hybrid-hash</strong>: Selects
  639. the inode calculation algorithm. (default: hybrid-hash)</li>
  640. <li><strong>dropcacheonclose=BOOL</strong>: When a file is requested to be closed
  641. call <code>posix_fadvise</code> on it first to instruct the kernel that we no
  642. longer need the data and it can drop its cache. Recommended when
  643. <strong>cache.files=partial|full|auto-full|per-process</strong> to limit double
  644. caching. (default: false)</li>
  645. <li><strong>direct-io-allow-mmap=BOOL</strong>: On newer kernels (&gt;= 6.6) it is
  646. possible to disable file page caching while still allowing for
  647. shared mmap support. mergerfs will enable this feature if available
  648. but an option is provided to turn it off for testing and debugging
  649. purposes. (default: true)</li>
  650. <li><strong>symlinkify=BOOL</strong>: When enabled and a file is not writable and its
  651. mtime or ctime is older than <strong>symlinkify_timeout</strong> files will be
  652. reported as symlinks to the original files. Please read more below
  653. before using. (default: false)</li>
  654. <li><strong>symlinkify_timeout=UINT</strong>: Time to wait, in seconds, to activate
  655. the <strong>symlinkify</strong> behavior. (default: 3600)</li>
  656. <li><strong>nullrw=BOOL</strong>: Turns reads and writes into no-ops. The request
  657. will succeed but do nothing. Useful for benchmarking
  658. mergerfs. (default: false)</li>
  659. <li><strong>lazy-umount-mountpoint=BOOL</strong>: mergerfs will attempt to "lazy
  660. umount" the mountpoint before mounting itself. Useful when
  661. performing live upgrades of mergerfs. (default: false)</li>
  662. <li><strong>ignorepponrename=BOOL</strong>: Ignore path preserving on
  663. rename. Typically rename and link act differently depending on the
  664. policy of <code>create</code> (read below). Enabling this will cause rename and
  665. link to always use the non-path preserving behavior. This means
  666. files, when renamed or linked, will stay on the same
  667. filesystem. (default: false)</li>
  668. <li><strong>export-support=BOOL</strong>: Sets a low-level FUSE feature intended to
  669. indicate the filesystem can support being exported via
  670. NFS. (default: true)</li>
  671. <li><strong>security_capability=BOOL</strong>: If false return ENOATTR when xattr
  672. security.capability is queried. (default: true)</li>
  673. <li><strong>xattr=passthrough|noattr|nosys</strong>: Runtime control of
  674. xattrs. Default is to passthrough xattr requests. 'noattr' will
  675. short circuit as if nothing exists. 'nosys' will respond with ENOSYS
  676. as if xattrs are not supported or disabled. (default: passthrough)</li>
  677. <li><strong>link_cow=BOOL</strong>: When enabled if a regular file is opened which
  678. has a link count &gt; 1 it will copy the file to a temporary file and
  679. rename over the original. Breaking the link and providing a basic
  680. copy-on-write function similar to cow-shell. (default: false)</li>
  681. <li><strong>statfs=base|full</strong>: Controls how statfs works. 'base' means it
  682. will always use all branches in statfs calculations. 'full' is in
  683. effect path preserving and only includes branches where the path
  684. exists. (default: base)</li>
  685. <li><strong>statfs_ignore=none|ro|nc</strong>: 'ro' will cause statfs calculations to
  686. ignore available space for branches mounted or tagged as 'read-only'
  687. or 'no create'. 'nc' will ignore available space for branches tagged
  688. as 'no create'. (default: none)</li>
  689. <li><strong>nfsopenhack=off|git|all</strong>: A workaround for exporting mergerfs
  690. over NFS where there are issues with creating files for write while
  691. setting the mode to read-only. (default: off)</li>
  692. <li><strong>branches-mount-timeout=UINT</strong>: Number of seconds to wait at
  693. startup for branches to be a mount other than the mountpoint's
  694. filesystem. (default: 0)</li>
  695. <li><strong>follow-symlinks=never|directory|regular|all</strong>: Turns symlinks into
  696. what they point to. (default: never)</li>
  697. <li><strong>link-exdev=passthrough|rel-symlink|abs-base-symlink|abs-pool-symlink</strong>:
  698. When a link fails with EXDEV optionally create a symlink to the file
  699. instead.</li>
  700. <li><strong>rename-exdev=passthrough|rel-symlink|abs-symlink</strong>: When a rename
  701. fails with EXDEV optionally move the file to a special directory and
  702. symlink to it.</li>
  703. <li><strong>readahead=UINT</strong>: Set readahead (in kilobytes) for mergerfs and
  704. branches if greater than 0. (default: 0)</li>
  705. <li><strong>posix_acl=BOOL</strong>: Enable POSIX ACL support (if supported by kernel
  706. and underlying filesystem). (default: false)</li>
  707. <li><strong>async_read=BOOL</strong>: Perform reads asynchronously. If disabled or
  708. unavailable the kernel will ensure there is at most one pending read
  709. request per file handle and will attempt to order requests by
  710. offset. (default: true)</li>
  711. <li><strong>fuse_msg_size=UINT</strong>: Set the max number of pages per FUSE
  712. message. Only available on Linux &gt;= 4.20 and ignored
  713. otherwise. (min: 1; max: 256; default: 256)</li>
  714. <li><strong>threads=INT</strong>: Number of threads to use. When used alone
  715. (<code>process-thread-count=-1</code>) it sets the number of threads reading
  716. and processing FUSE messages. When used together it sets the number
  717. of threads reading from FUSE. When set to zero it will attempt to
  718. discover and use the number of logical cores. If the thread count is
  719. set negative it will look up the number of cores then divide by the
  720. absolute value. ie. threads=-2 on an 8 core machine will result in 8
  721. / 2 = 4 threads. There will always be at least 1 thread. If set to
  722. -1 in combination with <code>process-thread-count</code> then it will try to
  723. pick reasonable values based on CPU thread count. NOTE: higher
  724. number of threads increases parallelism but usually decreases
  725. throughput. (default: 0)</li>
  726. <li><strong>read-thread-count=INT</strong>: Alias for <code>threads</code>.</li>
  727. <li><strong>process-thread-count=INT</strong>: Enables separate thread pool to
  728. asynchronously process FUSE requests. In this mode
  729. <code>read-thread-count</code> refers to the number of threads reading FUSE
  730. messages which are dispatched to process threads. -1 means disabled
  731. otherwise acts like <code>read-thread-count</code>. (default: -1)</li>
  732. <li><strong>process-thread-queue-depth=UINT</strong>: Sets the number of requests any
  733. single process thread can have queued up at one time. Meaning the
  734. total memory usage of the queues is queue depth multiplied by the
  735. number of process threads plus read thread count. 0 sets the depth
  736. to the same as the process thread count. (default: 0)</li>
  737. <li><strong>pin-threads=STR</strong>: Selects a strategy to pin threads to CPUs
  738. (default: unset)</li>
  739. <li><strong>flush-on-close=never|always|opened-for-write</strong>: Flush data cache
  740. on file close. Mostly for when writeback is enabled or merging
  741. network filesystems. (default: opened-for-write)</li>
  742. <li><strong>scheduling-priority=INT</strong>: Set mergerfs' scheduling
  743. priority. Valid values range from -20 to 19. See <code>setpriority</code> man
  744. page for more details. (default: -10)</li>
  745. <li><strong>fsname=STR</strong>: Sets the name of the filesystem as seen in
  746. <strong>mount</strong>, <strong>df</strong>, etc. Defaults to a list of the source paths
  747. concatenated together with the longest common prefix removed.</li>
  748. <li><strong>func.FUNC=POLICY</strong>: Sets the specific FUSE function's policy. See
  749. below for the list of value types. Example: <strong>func.getattr=newest</strong></li>
  750. <li><strong>func.readdir=seq|cosr|cor|cosr:INT|cor:INT</strong>: Sets <code>readdir</code>
  751. policy. INT value sets the number of threads to use for
  752. concurrency. (default: seq)</li>
  753. <li><strong>category.action=POLICY</strong>: Sets policy of all FUSE functions in the
  754. action category. (default: epall)</li>
  755. <li><strong>category.create=POLICY</strong>: Sets policy of all FUSE functions in the
  756. create category. (default: epmfs)</li>
  757. <li><strong></strong>: Sets policy of all FUSE functions in the
  758. search category. (default: ff)</li>
  759. <li><strong>cache.statfs=UINT</strong>: 'statfs' cache timeout in seconds. (default: 0)</li>
  760. <li><strong>cache.attr=UINT</strong>: File attribute cache timeout in
  761. seconds. (default: 1)</li>
  762. <li><strong>cache.entry=UINT</strong>: File name lookup cache timeout in
  763. seconds. (default: 1)</li>
  764. <li><strong>cache.negative_entry=UINT</strong>: Negative file name lookup cache
  765. timeout in seconds. (default: 0)</li>
  766. <li><strong>cache.files=libfuse|off|partial|full|auto-full|per-process</strong>: File
  767. page caching mode (default: libfuse)</li>
  768. <li><strong>cache.files.process-names=LIST</strong>: A pipe | delimited list of
  769. process <a href="">comm</a>
  770. names to enable page caching for when
  771. <code>cache.files=per-process</code>. (default: "rtorrent|qbittorrent-nox")</li>
  772. <li><strong>cache.writeback=BOOL</strong>: Enable kernel writeback caching (default:
  773. false)</li>
  774. <li><strong>cache.symlinks=BOOL</strong>: Cache symlinks (if supported by kernel)
  775. (default: false)</li>
  776. <li><strong>cache.readdir=BOOL</strong>: Cache readdir (if supported by kernel)
  777. (default: false)</li>
  778. <li><strong>parallel-direct-writes=BOOL</strong>: Allow the kernel to dispatch
  779. multiple, parallel (non-extending) write requests for files opened
  780. with <code>cache.files=per-process</code> (if the process is not in <code>process-names</code>)
  781. or <code>cache.files=off</code>. (This requires kernel support, and was added in v6.2)</li>
  782. </ul>
  783. <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Options are evaluated in the order listed so if the options
  784. are <strong>func.rmdir=rand,category.action=ff</strong> the <strong>action</strong> category
  785. setting will override the <strong>rmdir</strong> setting.</p>
  786. <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Always look at the documentation for the version of mergerfs
  787. you're using. Not all features are available in older releases.</p>
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