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  560. <h1 id="inodecalc">inodecalc</h1>
  561. <p>Inodes (<code>st_ino</code>) are unique identifiers within a filesystem. Each
  562. mounted filesystem has device ID (st_dev) as well and together they
  563. can uniquely identify a file on the whole of the system. Entries on
  564. the same device with the same inode are in fact references to the same
  565. underlying file. It is a many to one relationship between names and an
  566. inode. Directories, however, do not have multiple links on most
  567. systems due to the complexity they add.</p>
  568. <p>FUSE allows the server (mergerfs) to set inode values but not device
  569. IDs. Creating an inode value is somewhat complex in mergerfs' case as
  570. files aren't really in its control. If a policy changes what directory
  571. or file is to be selected or something changes out of band it becomes
  572. unclear what value should be used. Most software does not to care what
  573. the values are but those that do often break if a value changes
  574. unexpectedly. The tool find will abort a directory walk if it sees a
  575. directory inode change. NFS can return stale handle errors if the
  576. inode changes out of band. File dedup tools will usually leverage
  577. device ids and inodes as a shortcut in searching for duplicate files
  578. and would resort to full file comparisons should it find different
  579. inode values.</p>
  580. <p>mergerfs offers multiple ways to calculate the inode in hopes of
  581. covering different usecases.</p>
  582. <ul>
  583. <li><code>passthrough</code>: Passes through the underlying inode value. Mostly
  584. intended for testing as using this does not address any of the
  585. problems mentioned above and could confuse file deduplication
  586. software as inodes from different filesystems can be the same.</li>
  587. <li><code>path-hash</code>: Hashes the relative path of the entry in question. The
  588. underlying file's values are completely ignored. This means the
  589. inode value will always be the same for that file path. This is
  590. useful when using NFS and you make changes out of band such as copy
  591. data between branches. This also means that entries that do point to
  592. the same file will not be recognizable via inodes. That does not
  593. mean hard links don't work. They will.</li>
  594. <li><code>path-hash32</code>: 32bit version of path-hash.</li>
  595. <li><code>devino-hash</code>: Hashes the device id and inode of the underlying
  596. entry. This won't prevent issues with NFS should the policy pick a
  597. different file or files move out of band but will present the same
  598. inode for underlying files that do too.</li>
  599. <li><code>devino-hash32</code>: 32bit version of devino-hash.</li>
  600. <li><code>hybrid-hash</code>: Performs path-hash on directories and devino-hash on
  601. other file types. Since directories can't have hard links the static
  602. value won't make a difference and the files will get values useful
  603. for finding duplicates. Probably the best to use if not using
  604. NFS. As such it is the default.</li>
  605. <li><code>hybrid-hash32</code>: 32bit version of hybrid-hash.</li>
  606. </ul>
  607. <p>32bit versions are provided as there is some software which does not
  608. handle 64bit inodes well.</p>
  609. <p>While there is a risk of hash collision in tests of a couple of
  610. million entries there were zero collisions. Unlike a typical
  611. filesystem FUSE filesystems can reuse inodes and not refer to the same
  612. entry. The internal identifier used to reference a file in FUSE is
  613. different from the inode value presented. The former is the nodeid and
  614. is actually a tuple of 2 64bit values: nodeid and generation. This
  615. tuple is not client facing. The inode that is presented to the client
  616. is passed through the kernel uninterpreted.</p>
  617. <p>From FUSE docs for <code>use_ino</code>:</p>
  618. <blockquote>
  619. <p>Honor the st_ino field in the functions getattr() and
  620. fill_dir(). This value is used to fill in the st_ino field
  621. in the stat(2), lstat(2), fstat(2) functions and the d_ino
  622. field in the readdir(2) function. The filesystem does not
  623. have to guarantee uniqueness, however some applications
  624. rely on this value being unique for the whole filesystem.
  625. Note that this does <em>not</em> affect the inode that libfuse
  626. and the kernel use internally (also called the "nodeid").</p>
  627. </blockquote>
  628. <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> As of version 2.35.0 the use_ino option has been
  629. removed. mergerfs should always be managing inode values.</p>
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