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  651. <h1 id="limiting-drive-spinup">Limiting drive spinup</h1>
  652. <h2 id="how-can-i-setup-my-system-to-limit-drive-spinup">How can I setup my system to limit drive spinup?</h2>
  653. <p>TL;DR: You really can't. Not through mergerfs alone. In fact mergerfs
  654. makes an attempt to do so more complicated.</p>
  655. <p>mergerfs is a proxy. Despite having some caching behaviors it is not
  656. designed to cache much more than metadata. It proxies calls between
  657. client software and underlying filesystems. If a client makes a
  658. request such as <code>open</code>, <code>readdir</code>, <code>stat</code>, etc. it must translate that
  659. into something that makes sense across multiple filesystems. For
  660. <code>readdir</code> that means running the call against all branches and
  661. aggregating the output. For <code>open</code> that means finding the file to open
  662. and doing so. The only way to find the file to open is to scan across
  663. all branches and sort the results and pick one. There is no practical
  664. way to do otherwise. Especially given so many mergerfs users expect
  665. out-of-band changes to "just work."</p>
  666. <p>The best way to limit spinup of drives is to limit their usage at the
  667. client level. Meaning keeping software from interacting with the
  668. filesystem (and therefore the drive) all together.</p>
  669. <h3 id="what-if-you-assume-no-out-of-band-changes-and-cache-everything">What if you assume no out-of-band changes and cache everything?</h3>
  670. <p>This would require a significant rewrite of mergerfs. Everything is
  671. done on the fly right now and all those calls to underlying
  672. filesystems can cause a spinup. To work around that a database of some
  673. sort would have to be used to store ALL metadata about the underlying
  674. filesystems and on startup everything scanned and stored. From then on
  675. it would have to carefully update all the same data the filesystems
  676. do. It couldn't be kept in RAM because it would take up too much space
  677. so it'd have to be on a SSD or other storage device. If anything
  678. changed out of band it would break things in weird ways. It could
  679. rescan on occasion but that would require spinning up
  680. everything. Filesystem watches could be used to get updates when the
  681. filesystem changes but that would allow for race conditions and
  682. might keep the drives from spinning down. Something as "simple" as
  683. keeping the current available free space on each filesystem isn't as
  684. easy as one might think given reflinks, snapshots, and other block
  685. level dedup technologies as well as the space used includes not just
  686. raw file usage.</p>
  687. <p>Even if all metadata (including xattrs) is cached some software will
  688. open files (media like videos and audio) to check their
  689. metadata. Granted a Plex or Jellyfin scan which may do that is
  690. different from a random directory listing but is still something to
  691. consider. Those "deep" scans can't be kept from waking drives.</p>
  692. <h3 id="what-if-you-only-query-already-active-drives">What if you only query already active drives?</h3>
  693. <p>Let's assume that is plausible (it isn't because some drives actually
  694. will spin up if you ask if they are spun down... yes... really) you
  695. would have to either cache all the metadata on the filesystem or treat
  696. it like the filesystem doesn't exist. The former has all the problems
  697. mentioned prior and the latter would break a lot of things.</p>
  698. <h3 id="is-there-anything-that-can-be-done-where-mergerfs-is-involved">Is there anything that can be done where mergerfs is involved?</h3>
  699. <p>Yes, but whether it works for you depends on your tolerance for the
  700. complexity.</p>
  701. <ol>
  702. <li>Cleanly separate writing, storing, and consuming the data.</li>
  703. <li>Use a SSD or dedicated and limited pool of drives for downloads / torrents.</li>
  704. <li>When downloaded move the files to the primary storage pool.</li>
  705. <li>When setting up software like Plex, Jellyfin, etc. point to the
  706. underlying filesystems. Not mergerfs.</li>
  707. <li>Add a bunch of bcache, lvmcache, dm-cache, or similar block level
  708. cache to your setup. After a bit of use, assuming sufficient
  709. storage space, you can limit the likelihood of the underlying
  710. spinning disks from needing to be hit.</li>
  711. </ol>
  712. <p>Remember too that while it may be a tradeoff you are willing to live
  713. with there is decent evidence that spinning down drives puts increased
  714. wear on them and can lead to their death earlier than otherwise.</p>
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