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  692. <h1 id="usage-and-functionality">Usage and Functionality</h1>
  693. <h2 id="can-mergerfs-be-used-with-filesystems-which-already-have-data">Can mergerfs be used with filesystems which already have data?</h2>
  694. <p>Yes. mergerfs is really just a proxy and does <strong>NOT</strong> interfere with
  695. the normal form or function of the filesystems, mounts, or paths it
  696. manages. It literally is interacting with your filesystems as any
  697. other application does. It can not do anything that any other random
  698. piece of software can't do.</p>
  699. <p>mergerfs is <strong>not</strong> a traditional filesystem that takes control over
  700. the underlying disk or block device. mergerfs is <strong>not</strong> RAID. It does
  701. <strong>not</strong> manipulate the data that passes through it. It does <strong>not</strong>
  702. shard data across filesystems. It only shards some <strong>behavior</strong> and
  703. aggregates others.</p>
  704. <h2 id="can-filesystems-be-removed-from-the-pool-without-affecting-them">Can filesystems be removed from the pool without affecting them?</h2>
  705. <p>Yes. See previous question's answer.</p>
  706. <h2 id="can-mergerfs-be-removed-without-affecting-the-data">Can mergerfs be removed without affecting the data?</h2>
  707. <p>Yes. See the previous question's answer.</p>
  708. <h2 id="can-filesystems-be-moved-to-another-pool">Can filesystems be moved to another pool?</h2>
  709. <p>Yes. See the previous question's answer.</p>
  710. <h2 id="can-filesystems-be-part-of-multiple-pools">Can filesystems be part of multiple pools?</h2>
  711. <p>Yes.</p>
  712. <h2 id="how-do-i-migrate-data-into-or-out-of-the-pool-when-addingremoving-filesystems">How do I migrate data into or out of the pool when adding/removing filesystems?</h2>
  713. <p>There is no need to do so. See the previous questions.</p>
  714. <h2 id="how-do-i-remove-a-filesystem-but-keep-the-data-in-the-pool">How do I remove a filesystem but keep the data in the pool?</h2>
  715. <p>Nothing special needs to be done. Remove the branch from mergerfs'
  716. config and copy (rsync) the data from the removed filesystem into the
  717. pool. The same as if it were you transfering data from one filesystem
  718. to another.</p>
  719. <p>If you wish to continue using the pool with all data available while
  720. performing the transfer simply create a temporary pool without the
  721. branch in question and then copy the data from the branch to the
  722. temporary pool. It would probably be a good idea to set the branch
  723. mode to <code>RO</code> prior to doing this to ensure no new content is written
  724. to the filesystem while performing the copy. However, it is typically
  725. good practice to run rsync or rclone again after the first copy
  726. finishes to ensure nothing is left behind.</p>
  727. <p>NOTE: Above recommends to "copy" rather than "move" because you want
  728. to ensure that your data is transfered before wiping the drive or
  729. filesystem.</p>
  730. <h2 id="can-filesystems-still-be-used-directly-outside-of-mergerfs-while-pooled">Can filesystems still be used directly? Outside of mergerfs while pooled?</h2>
  731. <p>Yes, out-of-band interaction is generally fine. Remember that mergerfs
  732. is just a userland application like any other software so its
  733. interactions with the underlying filesystems is no different. It would
  734. be like two normal applications interacting with the
  735. filesystem. However, it's not recommended to write to the same file
  736. from within the pool and from without at the same time. Especially if
  737. using page caching (<code>cache.files!=off</code>) or writeback caching
  738. (<code>cache.writeback=true</code>). That said this risk is really not
  739. really different from the risk of two applications writing to
  740. the same file under normal conditions.</p>
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