You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

233 lines
7.3 KiB

package services
import (
log ""
var cachingClient *http.Client
const minPollingIntervalSeconds = 60 // 1 min (News feeds can be genuinely spammy)
type rssBotService struct {
id string
serviceUserID string
Feeds map[string]struct { // feed_url => { }
PollIntervalMins int `json:"poll_interval_mins"`
Rooms []string `json:"rooms"`
NextPollTimestampSecs int64 // Internal: When we should poll again
FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs int64 // Internal: The last time the feed was updated
} `json:"feeds"`
func (s *rssBotService) ServiceUserID() string { return s.serviceUserID }
func (s *rssBotService) ServiceID() string { return }
func (s *rssBotService) ServiceType() string { return "rssbot" }
// Register will check the liveness of each RSS feed given. If all feeds check out okay, no error is returned.
func (s *rssBotService) Register(oldService types.Service, client *matrix.Client) error {
if len(s.Feeds) == 0 {
// this is an error UNLESS the old service had some feeds in which case they are deleting us :(
var numOldFeeds int
oldFeedService, ok := oldService.(*rssBotService)
if !ok {
log.WithField("service", oldService).Error("Old service isn't a rssBotService")
} else {
numOldFeeds = len(oldFeedService.Feeds)
if numOldFeeds == 0 {
return errors.New("An RSS feed must be specified.")
return nil
// Make sure we can parse the feed
for feedURL, feedInfo := range s.Feeds {
fp := gofeed.NewParser()
fp.Client = cachingClient
if _, err := fp.ParseURL(feedURL); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to read URL %s: %s", feedURL, err.Error())
if len(feedInfo.Rooms) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Feed %s has no rooms to send updates to", feedURL)
return nil
func (s *rssBotService) PostRegister(oldService types.Service) {
if len(s.Feeds) == 0 { // bye-bye :(
logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"service_id": s.ServiceID(),
"service_type": s.ServiceType(),
logger.Info("Deleting service: No feeds remaining.")
if err := database.GetServiceDB().DeleteService(s.ServiceID()); err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Error("Failed to delete service")
func (s *rssBotService) OnPoll(cli *matrix.Client) time.Time {
logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"service_id": s.ServiceID(),
"service_type": s.ServiceType(),
now := time.Now().Unix() // Second resolution
// Work out which feeds should be polled
var pollFeeds []string
for u, feedInfo := range s.Feeds {
if feedInfo.NextPollTimestampSecs == 0 || now >= feedInfo.NextPollTimestampSecs {
// re-query this feed
pollFeeds = append(pollFeeds, u)
if len(pollFeeds) == 0 {
return s.nextTimestamp()
// Query each feed and send new items to subscribed rooms
for _, u := range pollFeeds {
feed, items, err := s.queryFeed(u)
if err != nil {
logger.WithField("feed_url", u).WithError(err).Error("Failed to query feed")
// Loop backwards since [0] is the most recent and we want to send in chronological order
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
item := items[i]
if err := s.sendToRooms(cli, u, feed, item); err != nil {
"feed_url": u,
log.ErrorKey: err,
"item": item,
}).Error("Failed to send item to room")
// Persist the service to save the next poll times
if _, err := database.GetServiceDB().StoreService(s); err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).Error("Failed to persist next poll times for service")
return s.nextTimestamp()
func (s *rssBotService) nextTimestamp() time.Time {
// return the earliest next poll ts
var earliestNextTs int64
for _, feedInfo := range s.Feeds {
if earliestNextTs == 0 || feedInfo.NextPollTimestampSecs < earliestNextTs {
earliestNextTs = feedInfo.NextPollTimestampSecs
return time.Unix(earliestNextTs, 0)
// Query the given feed, update relevant timestamps and return NEW items
func (s *rssBotService) queryFeed(feedURL string) (*gofeed.Feed, []gofeed.Item, error) {
log.WithField("feed_url", feedURL).Info("Querying feed")
var items []gofeed.Item
fp := gofeed.NewParser()
fp.Client = cachingClient
feed, err := fp.ParseURL(feedURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, items, err
// Work out which items are new, if any (based on the last updated TS we have)
// If the TS is 0 then this is the first ever poll, so let's not send 10s of events
// into the room and just do new ones from this point onwards.
if s.Feeds[feedURL].FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs != 0 {
for _, i := range feed.Items {
if i == nil || i.PublishedParsed == nil {
if i.PublishedParsed.Unix() > s.Feeds[feedURL].FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs {
items = append(items, *i)
now := time.Now().Unix() // Second resolution
// Work out when this feed was last updated
var feedLastUpdatedTs int64
if feed.UpdatedParsed != nil {
feedLastUpdatedTs = feed.UpdatedParsed.Unix()
} else if len(feed.Items) > 0 {
i := feed.Items[0]
if i != nil && i.PublishedParsed != nil {
feedLastUpdatedTs = i.PublishedParsed.Unix()
// Work out when to next poll this feed
nextPollTsSec := now + minPollingIntervalSeconds
if s.Feeds[feedURL].PollIntervalMins > int(minPollingIntervalSeconds/60) {
nextPollTsSec = now + int64(s.Feeds[feedURL].PollIntervalMins*60)
// TODO: Handle the 'sy' Syndication extension to control update interval.
// See and
s.updateFeedInfo(feedURL, nextPollTsSec, feedLastUpdatedTs)
return feed, items, nil
func (s *rssBotService) updateFeedInfo(feedURL string, nextPollTs, feedUpdatedTs int64) {
for u := range s.Feeds {
if u != feedURL {
f := s.Feeds[u]
f.NextPollTimestampSecs = nextPollTs
f.FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs = feedUpdatedTs
s.Feeds[u] = f
func (s *rssBotService) sendToRooms(cli *matrix.Client, feedURL string, feed *gofeed.Feed, item gofeed.Item) error {
logger := log.WithField("feed_url", feedURL).WithField("title", item.Title)
logger.Info("New feed item")
for _, roomID := range s.Feeds[feedURL].Rooms {
if _, err := cli.SendMessageEvent(roomID, "", itemToHTML(feed, item)); err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).WithField("room_id", roomID).Error("Failed to send to room")
return nil
// SomeOne posted a new article: Title Of The Entry ( )
func itemToHTML(feed *gofeed.Feed, item gofeed.Item) matrix.HTMLMessage {
return matrix.GetHTMLMessage("m.notice", fmt.Sprintf(
"<i>%s</i> posted a new article: %s ( %s )",
html.EscapeString(feed.Title), html.EscapeString(item.Title), html.EscapeString(item.Link),
func init() {
lruCache := lrucache.New(1024*1024*20, 0) // 20 MB cache, no max-age
cachingClient = httpcache.NewTransport(lruCache).Client()
types.RegisterService(func(serviceID, serviceUserID, webhookEndpointURL string) types.Service {
r := &rssBotService{
id: serviceID,
serviceUserID: serviceUserID,
return r