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package clients
import (
log ""
mevt ""
// BotClient represents one of the bot's sessions, with a specific User and Device ID.
// It can be used for sending messages and retrieving information about the rooms that
// the client has joined.
type BotClient struct {
config api.ClientConfig
olmMachine *crypto.OlmMachine
stateStore *NebStateStore
// InitOlmMachine initializes a BotClient's internal OlmMachine given a client object and a Neb store,
// which will be used to store room information.
func (botClient *BotClient) InitOlmMachine(client *mautrix.Client, nebStore *matrix.NEBStore) (err error) {
var cryptoStore crypto.Store
cryptoLogger := CryptoMachineLogger{}
if sdb, ok := database.GetServiceDB().(*database.ServiceDB); ok {
// Create an SQL crypto store based on the ServiceDB used
db, dialect := sdb.GetSQLDb()
accountID := botClient.config.UserID.String() + "-" + client.DeviceID.String()
sqlCryptoStore := crypto.NewSQLCryptoStore(db, dialect, accountID, client.DeviceID, []byte(client.DeviceID.String()+"pickle"), cryptoLogger)
// Try to create the tables if they are missing
if err = sqlCryptoStore.CreateTables(); err != nil {
cryptoStore = sqlCryptoStore
cryptoLogger.Debug("Using SQL backend as the crypto store")
} else {
deviceID := client.DeviceID.String()
if deviceID == "" {
deviceID = "_empty_device_id"
cryptoStore, err = crypto.NewGobStore(deviceID + ".gob")
if err != nil {
cryptoLogger.Debug("Using gob storage as the crypto store")
botClient.stateStore = &NebStateStore{&nebStore.InMemoryStore}
olmMachine := crypto.NewOlmMachine(client, cryptoLogger, cryptoStore, botClient.stateStore)
if err = olmMachine.Load(); err != nil {
botClient.olmMachine = olmMachine
return nil
// Register registers a BotClient's Sync and StateMember event callbacks to update its internal state
// when new events arrive.
func (botClient *BotClient) Register(syncer mautrix.ExtensibleSyncer) {
syncer.OnEventType(mevt.StateMember, func(_ mautrix.EventSource, evt *mevt.Event) {
func (botClient *BotClient) syncCallback(resp *mautrix.RespSync, since string) bool {
botClient.olmMachine.ProcessSyncResponse(resp, since)
if err := botClient.olmMachine.CryptoStore.Flush(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Could not flush crypto store")
return true
// DecryptMegolmEvent attempts to decrypt an incoming message using the session information
// already present in the OlmMachine. The corresponding decrypted event is then returned.
// If it fails, usually because the session is not known, an error is returned.
func (botClient *BotClient) DecryptMegolmEvent(evt *mevt.Event) (*mevt.Event, error) {
return botClient.olmMachine.DecryptMegolmEvent(evt)
// SendMessageEvent sends the given content to the given room ID using this BotClient as a message event.
// If the target room has enabled encryption, a megolm session is created if one doesn't already exist
// and the message is sent after being encrypted.
func (botClient *BotClient) SendMessageEvent(roomID id.RoomID, evtType mevt.Type, content interface{},
extra ...mautrix.ReqSendEvent) (*mautrix.RespSendEvent, error) {
olmMachine := botClient.olmMachine
if olmMachine.StateStore.IsEncrypted(roomID) {
// Check if there is already a megolm session
if sess, err := olmMachine.CryptoStore.GetOutboundGroupSession(roomID); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if sess == nil || sess.Expired() || !sess.Shared {
// No error but valid, shared session does not exist
memberIDs, err := botClient.stateStore.GetJoinedMembers(roomID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Share group session with room members
if err = olmMachine.ShareGroupSession(roomID, memberIDs); err != nil {
return nil, err
enc, err := olmMachine.EncryptMegolmEvent(roomID, mevt.EventMessage, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
content = enc
evtType = mevt.EventEncrypted
return botClient.Client.SendMessageEvent(roomID, evtType, content, extra...)
// Sync loops to keep syncing the client with the homeserver by calling the /sync endpoint.
func (botClient *BotClient) Sync() {
// Get the state store up to date
resp, err := botClient.SyncRequest(30000, "", "", true, mevt.PresenceOnline)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error performing initial sync")
for {
if e := botClient.Client.Sync(); e != nil {
log.ErrorKey: e,
"user_id": botClient.config.UserID,
}).Error("Fatal Sync() error")
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
} else {
log.WithField("user_id", botClient.config.UserID).Info("Stopping Sync()")