You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

173 lines
4.8 KiB

package rssbot
import (
mevt ""
const rssFeedXML = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"
<title>Mask Shop</title>
<title>New Item: Majora&#8217;s Mask</title>
<author>The Skullkid!</author>
func createRSSClient(t *testing.T, feedURL string) *Service {
// Replace the cachingClient with a mock so we can intercept RSS requests
rssTrans := testutils.NewRoundTripper(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if req.URL.String() != feedURL {
return nil, errors.New("Unknown test URL")
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(rssFeedXML)),
}, nil
cachingClient = &http.Client{Transport: rssTrans}
// Create the RSS service
srv, err := types.CreateService("id", "rssbot", "@happy_mask_salesman:hyrule", []byte(
`{"feeds": {"`+feedURL+`":{}}}`, // no config yet
if err != nil {
rssbot := srv.(*Service)
// Configure the service to force OnPoll to query the RSS feed and attempt to send results
// to the right room.
f := rssbot.Feeds[feedURL]
f.Rooms = []id.RoomID{"!linksroom:hyrule"}
f.NextPollTimestampSecs = time.Now().Unix()
rssbot.Feeds[feedURL] = f
return rssbot
func TestHTMLEntities(t *testing.T) {
feedURL := "https://thehappymaskshop.hyrule"
rssbot := createRSSClient(t, feedURL)
// Create the Matrix client which will send the notification
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
matrixTrans := struct{ testutils.MockTransport }{}
matrixTrans.RT = func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!linksroom:hyrule/send/") {
// Check content body to make sure it is decoded
var msg mevt.MessageEventContent
if err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&msg); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed to decode request JSON: ", err)
return nil, errors.New("Error handling matrix client test request")
want := "New Item: Majora\u2019s Mask" // 0x2019 = 8217
if !strings.Contains(msg.Body, want) {
t.Errorf("TestHTMLEntities: want '%s' in body, got '%s'", want, msg.Body)
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(`
}, nil
return nil, errors.New("Unhandled matrix client test request")
matrixClient, _ := mautrix.NewClient("https://hyrule", "@happy_mask_salesman:hyrule", "its_a_secret")
matrixClient.Client = &http.Client{Transport: matrixTrans}
// Invoke OnPoll to trigger the RSS feed update
_ = rssbot.OnPoll(matrixClient)
// Check that the Matrix client sent a message
func TestFeedItemFiltering(t *testing.T) {
feedURL := "https://thehappymaskshop.hyrule"
// Create rssbot client
rssbot := createRSSClient(t, feedURL)
feed := rssbot.Feeds[feedURL]
feed.MustInclude.Title = []string{"Zelda"}
rssbot.Feeds[feedURL] = feed
_, items, _ := rssbot.queryFeed(feedURL)
// Expect that we get no items if we filter for 'Zelda' in title
if len(items) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected 0 items, got %v", items)
// Recreate rssbot client
rssbot = createRSSClient(t, feedURL)
feed = rssbot.Feeds[feedURL]
feed.MustInclude.Title = []string{"Majora"}
rssbot.Feeds[feedURL] = feed
_, items, _ = rssbot.queryFeed(feedURL)
// Expect one item if we filter for 'Majora' in title
if len(items) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 item, got %d", len(items))
// Recreate rssbot client
rssbot = createRSSClient(t, feedURL)
feed = rssbot.Feeds[feedURL]
feed.MustNotInclude.Author = []string{"kid"}
rssbot.Feeds[feedURL] = feed
_, items, _ = rssbot.queryFeed(feedURL)
// 'kid' does not match an entire word in the author name, so it's not filtered
if len(items) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected 1 item, got %d", len(items))
// Recreate rssbot client
rssbot = createRSSClient(t, feedURL)
feed = rssbot.Feeds[feedURL]
feed.MustNotInclude.Author = []string{"Skullkid"}
rssbot.Feeds[feedURL] = feed
_, items, _ = rssbot.queryFeed(feedURL)
// Expect no items if we filter for 'Skullkid' not in author name
if len(items) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected 0 items, got %v", items)