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package database
import (
// A ServiceDB stores the configuration for the services
type ServiceDB struct {
db *sql.DB
// Open a SQL database to use as a ServiceDB. This will automatically create
// the necessary database tables if they aren't already present.
func Open(databaseType, databaseURL string) (serviceDB *ServiceDB, err error) {
db, err := sql.Open(databaseType, databaseURL)
if err != nil {
if _, err = db.Exec(schemaSQL); err != nil {
serviceDB = &ServiceDB{db: db}
// StoreMatrixClientConfig stores the Matrix client config for a bot service.
// If a config already exists then it will be updated, otherwise a new config
// will be inserted. The previous config is returned.
func (d *ServiceDB) StoreMatrixClientConfig(config types.ClientConfig) (oldConfig types.ClientConfig, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
oldConfig, err = selectMatrixClientConfigTxn(txn, config.UserID)
now := time.Now()
if err == nil {
return updateMatrixClientConfigTxn(txn, now, config)
} else if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return insertMatrixClientConfigTxn(txn, now, config)
} else {
return err
// LoadServiceUserIds loads the user ids used by the bots in the database and
// the rooms those bots should be joined to.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadServiceUserIds() (userIDsToRooms map[string][]string, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
userIDsToRooms, err = selectServiceUserIDsTxn(txn)
return err
// LoadMatrixClientConfig loads a Matrix client config from the database.
// Returns sql.ErrNoRows if the client isn't in the database.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadMatrixClientConfig(userID string) (config types.ClientConfig, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
config, err = selectMatrixClientConfigTxn(txn, userID)
return err
// LoadService loads a service from the database.
// Returns sql.ErrNoRows if the service isn't in the database.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadService(serviceID string) (service types.Service, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
service, err = selectServiceTxn(txn, serviceID)
return err
// LoadServicesInRoom loads all the bot services configured for a room.
// Returns the empty list if there aren't any services configured.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadServicesInRoom(serviceUserID, roomID string) (services []types.Service, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
serviceIDs, err := selectRoomServicesTxn(txn, serviceUserID, roomID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, serviceID := range serviceIDs {
service, err := selectServiceTxn(txn, serviceID)
if err != nil {
return err
services = append(services, service)
return nil
// LoadThirdPartyAuth loads third-party credentials that the given userID
// has linked to the given resource. Returns sql.ErrNoRows if there are no
// credentials for the given resource/user combination.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadThirdPartyAuth(resource, userID string) (tpa types.ThirdPartyAuth, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
tpa, err = selectThirdPartyAuthTxn(txn, resource, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StoreThirdPartyAuth stores the ThirdPartyAuth for the given Service. Updates the
// time added/updated values.
// If the auth already exists then it will be updated, otherwise a new auth
// will be inserted. The previous auth is returned.
func (d *ServiceDB) StoreThirdPartyAuth(tpa types.ThirdPartyAuth) (old types.ThirdPartyAuth, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
old, err = selectThirdPartyAuthTxn(txn, tpa.Resource, tpa.UserID)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return insertThirdPartyAuthTxn(txn, tpa)
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return updateThirdPartyAuthTxn(txn, tpa)
// StoreService stores a service into the database either by inserting a new
// service or updating an existing service. Returns the old service if there
// was one.
func (d *ServiceDB) StoreService(service types.Service, client *matrix.Client) (oldService types.Service, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
oldService, err = selectServiceTxn(txn, service.ServiceID())
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return err
now := time.Now()
var newRoomIDs []string
var oldRoomIDs []string
if oldService == nil {
if err := insertServiceTxn(txn, now, service); err != nil {
return err
newRoomIDs = service.RoomIDs()
} else {
if err := updateServiceTxn(txn, now, service); err != nil {
return err
if service.ServiceUserID() == oldService.ServiceUserID() {
oldRoomIDs, newRoomIDs = difference(
oldService.RoomIDs(), service.RoomIDs(),
} else {
oldRoomIDs = oldService.RoomIDs()
newRoomIDs = service.RoomIDs()
for _, roomID := range oldRoomIDs {
if err := deleteRoomServiceTxn(
txn, oldService.ServiceUserID(), roomID, service.ServiceID(),
); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Leave the old rooms.
for _, roomID := range newRoomIDs {
if err := insertRoomServiceTxn(
txn, now, service.ServiceUserID(), roomID, service.ServiceID(),
); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Making HTTP requests inside the database transaction is unfortunate.
// But it is the easiest way of making sure that the changes we
// made to the database get rolled back if the requests fail.
if _, err := client.JoinRoom(roomID, ""); err != nil {
// TODO: What happens to the rooms that we successfully joined?
// Should we leave them now?
return err
return nil
// LoadAuthRealm loads an AuthRealm from the database.
// Returns sql.ErrNoRows if the realm isn't in the database.
func (d *ServiceDB) LoadAuthRealm(realmID string) (realm types.AuthRealm, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
realm, err = selectRealmTxn(txn, realmID)
return err
// StoreAuthRealm stores the given AuthRealm, clobbering based on the realm ID.
// This function updates the time added/updated values. The previous realm, if any, is
// returned.
func (d *ServiceDB) StoreAuthRealm(realm types.AuthRealm) (old types.AuthRealm, err error) {
err = runTransaction(d.db, func(txn *sql.Tx) error {
old, err = selectRealmTxn(txn, realm.ID())
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return insertRealmTxn(txn, time.Now(), realm)
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return updateRealmTxn(txn, time.Now(), realm)
func runTransaction(db *sql.DB, fn func(txn *sql.Tx) error) (err error) {
txn, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = txn.Commit()
err = fn(txn)
// difference returns the elements that are only in the first list and
// the elements that are only in the second. As a side-effect this sorts
// the input lists in-place.
func difference(a, b []string) (onlyA, onlyB []string) {
for {
if len(b) == 0 {
onlyA = append(onlyA, a...)
if len(a) == 0 {
onlyB = append(onlyB, b...)
xA := a[0]
xB := b[0]
if xA < xB {
onlyA = append(onlyA, xA)
a = a[1:]
} else if xA > xB {
onlyB = append(onlyB, xB)
b = b[1:]
} else {
a = a[1:]
b = b[1:]