mirror of https://github.com/matrix-org/go-neb.git
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Parse github webhook requests into suitable HTML messages
Parse github webhook requests into suitable HTML messages
Verifies requests using an optional secret token. This commit doesn't implement sending of these messages.kegan/webhooks
4 changed files with 271 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ |
package webhook |
import ( |
"crypto/hmac" |
"crypto/sha1" |
"encoding/hex" |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus" |
"github.com/google/go-github/github" |
"html" |
"io/ioutil" |
"net/http" |
"strings" |
) |
// OnReceiveRequest processes incoming github webhook requests. The secretToken
// parameter is optional.
func OnReceiveRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r http.Request, secretToken string) { |
// Verify the HMAC signature if NEB was configured with a secret token
eventType := r.Header.Get("X-GitHub-Event") |
signatureSHA1 := r.Header.Get("X-Hub-Signature") |
content, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) |
if err != nil { |
log.WithError(err).Print("Failed to read Github webhook body") |
w.WriteHeader(400) |
return |
} |
// Verify request if a secret token has been supplied.
if secretToken != "" { |
sigHex := strings.Split(signatureSHA1, "=")[1] |
var sigBytes []byte |
sigBytes, err = hex.DecodeString(sigHex) |
if err != nil { |
log.WithError(err).WithField("X-Hub-Signature", sigHex).Print( |
"Failed to decode signature as hex.") |
w.WriteHeader(400) |
return |
} |
if !checkMAC([]byte(content), sigBytes, []byte(secretToken)) { |
log.WithFields(log.Fields{ |
"X-Hub-Signature": signatureSHA1, |
}).Print("Received Github event which failed MAC check.") |
w.WriteHeader(403) |
return |
} |
} |
log.WithFields(log.Fields{ |
"event_type": eventType, |
"signature": signatureSHA1, |
}).Print("Received Github event") |
htmlStr, repo, err := parseGithubEvent(eventType, content) |
if err != nil { |
log.WithError(err).Print("Failed to parse github event") |
w.WriteHeader(500) |
return |
} |
if err := handleWebhookEvent(eventType, htmlStr, repo); err != nil { |
log.WithError(err).Print("Failed to handle Github webhook event") |
w.WriteHeader(500) |
return |
} |
w.WriteHeader(200) |
} |
// checkMAC reports whether messageMAC is a valid HMAC tag for message.
func checkMAC(message, messageMAC, key []byte) bool { |
mac := hmac.New(sha1.New, key) |
mac.Write(message) |
expectedMAC := mac.Sum(nil) |
return hmac.Equal(messageMAC, expectedMAC) |
} |
// parseGithubEvent parses a github event type and JSON data and returns an explanatory
// HTML string and the github repository this event affects, or an error.
func parseGithubEvent(eventType string, data []byte) (string, *github.Repository, error) { |
if eventType == "pull_request" { |
var ev github.PullRequestEvent |
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ev); err != nil { |
return "", nil, err |
} |
return pullRequestHTMLMessage(ev), ev.Repo, nil |
} else if eventType == "issues" { |
var ev github.IssuesEvent |
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ev); err != nil { |
return "", nil, err |
} |
return issueHTMLMessage(ev), ev.Repo, nil |
} else if eventType == "push" { |
var ev github.PushEvent |
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ev); err != nil { |
return "", nil, err |
} |
// The 'push' event repository format is subtly different from normal, so munge the bits we need.
fullName := *ev.Repo.Owner.Name + "/" + *ev.Repo.Name |
repo := github.Repository{ |
Owner: &github.User{ |
Login: ev.Repo.Owner.Name, |
}, |
Name: ev.Repo.Name, |
FullName: &fullName, |
} |
return pushHTMLMessage(ev), &repo, nil |
} else if eventType == "issue_comment" { |
var ev github.IssueCommentEvent |
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ev); err != nil { |
return "", nil, err |
} |
return issueCommentHTMLMessage(ev), ev.Repo, nil |
} else if eventType == "pull_request_review_comment" { |
var ev github.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent |
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &ev); err != nil { |
return "", nil, err |
} |
return prReviewCommentHTMLMessage(ev), ev.Repo, nil |
} |
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized event type") |
} |
func handleWebhookEvent(eventType string, htmlStr string, repo *github.Repository) error { |
return nil |
} |
func pullRequestHTMLMessage(p github.PullRequestEvent) string { |
var actionTarget string |
if p.PullRequest.Assignee != nil && p.PullRequest.Assignee.Login != nil { |
actionTarget = fmt.Sprintf(" to %s", *p.PullRequest.Assignee.Login) |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
"[<u>%s</u>] %s %s <b>pull request #%d</b>: %s [%s]%s - %s", |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Sender.Login), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Action), |
*p.Number, |
html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.Title), |
html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.State), |
html.EscapeString(actionTarget), |
html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.HTMLURL), |
) |
} |
func issueHTMLMessage(p github.IssuesEvent) string { |
var actionTarget string |
if p.Issue.Assignee != nil && p.Issue.Assignee.Login != nil { |
actionTarget = fmt.Sprintf(" to %s", *p.Issue.Assignee.Login) |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
"[<u>%s</u>] %s %s <b>issue #%d</b>: %s [%s]%s - %s", |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Sender.Login), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Action), |
*p.Issue.Number, |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.Title), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.State), |
html.EscapeString(actionTarget), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.HTMLURL), |
) |
} |
func issueCommentHTMLMessage(p github.IssueCommentEvent) string { |
var kind string |
if p.Issue.PullRequestLinks == nil { |
kind = "issue" |
} else { |
kind = "pull request" |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
"[<u>%s</u>] %s commented on %s's <b>%s #%d</b>: %s - %s", |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Comment.User.Login), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.User.Login), |
kind, |
*p.Issue.Number, |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.Title), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Issue.HTMLURL), |
) |
} |
func prReviewCommentHTMLMessage(p github.PullRequestReviewCommentEvent) string { |
assignee := "None" |
if p.PullRequest.Assignee != nil { |
assignee = html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.Assignee.Login) |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
"[<u>%s</u>] %s made a line comment on %s's <b>pull request #%d</b> (assignee: %s): %s - %s", |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Sender.Login), |
html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.User.Login), |
*p.PullRequest.Number, |
assignee, |
html.EscapeString(*p.PullRequest.Title), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Comment.HTMLURL), |
) |
} |
func pushHTMLMessage(p github.PushEvent) string { |
// /refs/heads/alice/branch-name => alice/branch-name
branch := strings.Replace(*p.Ref, "refs/heads/", "", -1) |
// this branch was deleted, no HeadCommit object and deleted=true
if p.HeadCommit == nil && p.Deleted != nil && *p.Deleted { |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
`[<u>%s</u>] %s <font color="red"><b>deleted</font> %s</b>`, |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(*p.Pusher.Name), |
html.EscapeString(branch), |
) |
} |
if p.Commits != nil && len(p.Commits) > 1 { |
// multi-commit message
// [<repo>] <username> pushed <num> commits to <branch>: <git.io link>
// <up to 3 commits>
var cList []string |
for _, c := range p.Commits { |
cList = append(cList, fmt.Sprintf( |
`%s: %s`, |
html.EscapeString(nameForAuthor(c.Author)), |
html.EscapeString(*c.Message), |
)) |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf( |
`[<u>%s</u>] %s pushed %d commits to <b>%s</b>: %s<br>%s`, |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(nameForAuthor(p.HeadCommit.Committer)), |
len(p.Commits), |
html.EscapeString(branch), |
html.EscapeString(*p.HeadCommit.URL), |
strings.Join(cList, "<br>"), |
) |
} |
// single commit message
// [<repo>] <username> pushed to <branch>: <msg> - <git.io link>
return fmt.Sprintf( |
`[<u>%s</u>] %s pushed to <b>%s</b>: %s - %s`, |
html.EscapeString(*p.Repo.FullName), |
html.EscapeString(nameForAuthor(p.HeadCommit.Committer)), |
html.EscapeString(branch), |
html.EscapeString(*p.HeadCommit.Message), |
html.EscapeString(*p.HeadCommit.URL), |
) |
} |
func nameForAuthor(a *github.CommitAuthor) string { |
if a == nil { |
return "" |
} |
if a.Login != nil { // prefer to use their GH username than the name they commited as
return *a.Login |
} |
return *a.Name |
} |
Reference in new issue