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Remove some docs from README. Point to gh-pages for the docs

Kegan Dougal 9 years ago
  1. 66


@ -108,72 +108,16 @@ Go-NEB needs to be "configured" with clients and services before it will do anyt
If you run Go-NEB with a `CONFIG_FILE` environment variable, it will load that file and use it for services, clients, etc. There is a [sample configuration file](config.sample.yaml) which explains all the options. In most cases, these are *direct mappings* to the corresponding HTTP API.
## Configuring Clients
Go-NEB needs to connect as a matrix user to receive messages. Go-NEB can listen for messages as multiple matrix users. The users are configured using an HTTP API and the config is stored in the database. To create a user:
curl -X POST localhost:4050/admin/configureClient --data-binary '{
"UserID": "@goneb:localhost:8448",
"HomeserverURL": "http://localhost:8008",
"AccessToken": "<access_token>",
"Sync": true,
"AutoJoinRooms": true,
"DisplayName": "My Bot"
- `UserID` is the complete user ID of the client to connect as. The user MUST already exist.
- `HomeserverURL` is the complete Homeserver URL for the given user ID.
- `AccessToken` is the user's access token.
- `Sync`, if `true`, will start a `/sync` stream so this client will receive incoming messages. This is required for services which need a live stream to the server (e.g. to respond to `!commands` and expand issues). It is not required for services which do not respond to Matrix users (e.g. webhook notifications).
- `AutoJoinRooms`, if `true`, will automatically join rooms when an invite is received. This option is only valid when `Sync: true`.
- `DisplayName`, if set, will set the given user's profile display name to the string given.
Go-NEB needs to connect as a matrix user to receive messages. Go-NEB can listen for messages as multiple matrix users. The users are configured using an HTTP API and the config is stored in the database.
Go-NEB will respond with the previous configuration for this client, if one exists, as well as echo back the complete configuration for the client:
"OldClient": {},
"NewClient": {
"UserID": "@goneb:localhost:8448",
"HomeserverURL": "http://localhost:8008",
"AccessToken": "<access_token>",
"Sync": true,
"AutoJoinRooms": true,
"DisplayName": "My Bot"
- [HTTP API Docs](
- [JSON Request Body Docs](
## Configuring Services
Services contain all the useful functionality in Go-NEB. They require a client to operate. Services are configured using an HTTP API and the config is stored in the database. Services use one of the matrix users configured on Go-NEB to send/receive matrix messages.
Every service MUST have the following fields:
- `Type` : The type of service. This determines which code is executed.
- `Id` : An arbitrary string which you can use to identify this service.
- `UserID` : A user ID of a client which has been previously configured on Go-NEB. If this user does not exist, an error will be returned.
- `Config` : A JSON object. The contents of this object depends on the service.
The information about a Service can be retrieved based on their `Id` like so:
curl -X POST localhost:4050/admin/getService --data-binary '{
"Id": "myserviceid"
This will return:
# HTTP 200 OK
"Type": "echo",
"Id": "myserviceid",
"UserID": "@goneb:localhost:8448",
"Config": {}
If the service is not found, this will return:
# HTTP 404 Not Found
{ "message": "Service not found" }
If you configure an existing Service (based on ID), the entire service will be replaced with the new information.
- [HTTP API Docs](
- [JSON Request Body Docs](
### Echo Service
The simplest service. This will echo back any `!echo` command. To configure one:
