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Merge pull request #94 from matrix-org/kegan/rss-notify-on-failures

Add a flag `IsFailing` to let clients know if their RSS feeds are down
Kegsay 9 years ago
committed by GitHub
  1. 57


@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ type rssBotService struct {
Feeds map[string]struct { // feed_url => { }
PollIntervalMins int `json:"poll_interval_mins"`
Rooms []string `json:"rooms"`
IsFailing bool `json:"is_failing"` // True if rss bot is unable to poll this feed
FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs int64 `json:"last_updated_ts_secs"` // The time of the last successful poll
NextPollTimestampSecs int64 // Internal: When we should poll again
FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs int64 // Internal: The last time the feed was updated
RecentGUIDs []string // Internal: The most recently seen GUIDs. Sized to the number of items in the feed.
} `json:"feeds"`
@ -190,11 +191,11 @@ func (s *rssBotService) nextTimestamp() time.Time {
// Don't allow times in the past. Set a min re-poll threshold of 20s to avoid
// Don't allow times in the past. Set a min re-poll threshold of 60s to avoid
// tight-looping on feeds which 500.
now := time.Now().Unix()
if earliestNextTs <= now {
earliestNextTs = now + 20
earliestNextTs = now + 60
return time.Unix(earliestNextTs, 0)
@ -208,6 +209,9 @@ func (s *rssBotService) queryFeed(feedURL string) (*gofeed.Feed, []gofeed.Item,
fp.Client = cachingClient
feed, err := fp.ParseURL(feedURL)
if err != nil {
f := s.Feeds[feedURL]
f.IsFailing = true
s.Feeds[feedURL] = f
return nil, items, err
@ -233,19 +237,6 @@ func (s *rssBotService) queryFeed(feedURL string) (*gofeed.Feed, []gofeed.Item,
now := time.Now().Unix() // Second resolution
// Work out when this feed was last updated
var feedLastUpdatedTs int64
if feed.UpdatedParsed != nil {
feedLastUpdatedTs = feed.UpdatedParsed.Unix()
} else if len(feed.Items) > 0 {
i := feed.Items[0]
if i != nil && i.PublishedParsed != nil {
feedLastUpdatedTs = i.PublishedParsed.Unix()
} else {
feedLastUpdatedTs = time.Now().Unix()
// Work out when to next poll this feed
nextPollTsSec := now + minPollingIntervalSeconds
if s.Feeds[feedURL].PollIntervalMins > int(minPollingIntervalSeconds/60) {
@ -254,7 +245,20 @@ func (s *rssBotService) queryFeed(feedURL string) (*gofeed.Feed, []gofeed.Item,
// TODO: Handle the 'sy' Syndication extension to control update interval.
// See and
s.updateFeedInfo(feedURL, feed.Items, nextPollTsSec, feedLastUpdatedTs)
// map items to guid strings
var guids []string
for _, itm := range feed.Items {
guids = append(guids, itm.GUID)
// Update the service config to persist the new times
f := s.Feeds[feedURL]
f.NextPollTimestampSecs = nextPollTsSec
f.FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs = now
f.RecentGUIDs = guids
f.IsFailing = false
s.Feeds[feedURL] = f
return feed, items, nil
@ -280,25 +284,6 @@ func (s *rssBotService) newItems(feedURL string, allItems []*gofeed.Item) (items
func (s *rssBotService) updateFeedInfo(feedURL string, allFeedItems []*gofeed.Item, nextPollTs, feedUpdatedTs int64) {
// map items to guid strings
var guids []string
for _, i := range allFeedItems {
guids = append(guids, i.GUID)
for u := range s.Feeds {
if u != feedURL {
f := s.Feeds[u]
f.NextPollTimestampSecs = nextPollTs
f.FeedUpdatedTimestampSecs = feedUpdatedTs
f.RecentGUIDs = guids
s.Feeds[u] = f
func (s *rssBotService) sendToRooms(cli *matrix.Client, feedURL string, feed *gofeed.Feed, item gofeed.Item) error {
logger := log.WithField("feed_url", feedURL).WithField("title", item.Title)
logger.Info("New feed item")
