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<h1>Package twotier</h1>
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<div id="short-nav"> <dl> <dd><code>import ""</code></dd> </dl> <dl> <dd><a href="index.html#pkg-overview" class="overviewLink">Overview</a></dd> <dd><a href="index.html#pkg-index" class="indexLink">Index</a></dd> </dl> </div> <!-- The package's Name is printed as title by the top-level template --> <div id="pkg-overview" class="toggleVisible"> <div class="collapsed"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Overview section">Overview ▹</h2> </div> <div class="expanded"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Overview section">Overview ▾</h2> <p> Package twotier provides a wrapper for two httpcache.Cache instances, allowing you to use both a small and fast cache for popular objects and fall back to a larger and slower cache for less popular ones. </p>
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<div id="pkg-index" class="toggleVisible"> <div class="collapsed"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Index section">Index ▹</h2> </div> <div class="expanded"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Index section">Index ▾</h2>
<!-- Table of contents for API; must be named manual-nav to turn off auto nav. --> <div id="manual-nav"> <dl> <dd><a href="index.html#TwoTier">type TwoTier</a></dd> <dd> <a href="index.html#New">func New(first httpcache.Cache, second httpcache.Cache) *TwoTier</a></dd> <dd> <a href="index.html#TwoTier.Delete">func (c *TwoTier) Delete(key string)</a></dd> <dd> <a href="index.html#TwoTier.Get">func (c *TwoTier) Get(key string) ([]byte, bool)</a></dd> <dd> <a href="index.html#TwoTier.Set">func (c *TwoTier) Set(key string, value []byte)</a></dd> </dl> </div><!-- #manual-nav -->
<h4>Package files</h4> <p> <span style="font-size:90%"> <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">twotier.go</a> </span> </p> </div><!-- .expanded --> </div><!-- #pkg-index -->
<div id="pkg-callgraph" class="toggle" style="display: none"> <div class="collapsed"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Internal Call Graph section">Internal call graph ▹</h2> </div> <!-- .expanded --> <div class="expanded"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Internal Call Graph section">Internal call graph ▾</h2> <p> In the call graph viewer below, each node is a function belonging to this package and its children are the functions it calls—perhaps dynamically. </p> <p> The root nodes are the entry points of the package: functions that may be called from outside the package. There may be non-exported or anonymous functions among them if they are called dynamically from another package. </p> <p> Click a node to visit that function's source code. From there you can visit its callers by clicking its declaring <code>func</code> token. </p> <p> Functions may be omitted if they were determined to be unreachable in the particular programs or tests that were analyzed. </p> <!-- Zero means show all package entry points. --> <ul style="margin-left: 0.5in" id="callgraph-0" class="treeview"></ul> </div> </div> <!-- #pkg-callgraph -->
<h2 id="TwoTier">type <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">TwoTier</a></h2> <pre>type TwoTier struct { <span class="comment">// contains filtered or unexported fields</span> }</pre> <p> TwoTier creates a two-tiered cache out of two httpcache.Cache instances. Reads are favored from first, and writes affect both first and second. </p>
<h3 id="New">func <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">New</a></h3> <pre>func New(first <a href="../../../gregjones/httpcache/index.html">httpcache</a>.<a href="../../../gregjones/httpcache/index.html#Cache">Cache</a>, second <a href="../../../gregjones/httpcache/index.html">httpcache</a>.<a href="../../../gregjones/httpcache/index.html#Cache">Cache</a>) *<a href="index.html#TwoTier">TwoTier</a></pre> <p> New creates a TwoTier. Both first and second must be non-nil. </p>
<h3 id="TwoTier.Delete">func (*TwoTier) <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">Delete</a></h3> <pre>func (c *<a href="index.html#TwoTier">TwoTier</a>) Delete(key <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#string">string</a>)</pre> <p> Delete removes the value associated with a key from both the first and second tier caches. </p>
<h3 id="TwoTier.Get">func (*TwoTier) <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">Get</a></h3> <pre>func (c *<a href="index.html#TwoTier">TwoTier</a>) Get(key <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#string">string</a>) ([]<a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#byte">byte</a>, <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#bool">bool</a>)</pre> <p> Get returns the []byte representation of a cached response and a bool set to true if the key was found. It tries the first tier cache, and if that's not successful, copies the result from the second tier into the first tier. </p>
<h3 id="TwoTier.Set">func (*TwoTier) <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/">Set</a></h3> <pre>func (c *<a href="index.html#TwoTier">TwoTier</a>) Set(key <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#string">string</a>, value []<a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#byte">byte</a>)</pre> <p> Set stores the []byte representation of a response for a given key into the second tier cache, and deletes the cache entry from the first tier cache. </p>
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