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<h1>Package query</h1>
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<div id="short-nav"> <dl> <dd><code>import "github.com/google/go-querystring/query"</code></dd> </dl> <dl> <dd><a href="index.html#pkg-overview" class="overviewLink">Overview</a></dd> <dd><a href="index.html#pkg-index" class="indexLink">Index</a></dd> </dl> </div> <!-- The package's Name is printed as title by the top-level template --> <div id="pkg-overview" class="toggleVisible"> <div class="collapsed"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Overview section">Overview ▹</h2> </div> <div class="expanded"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Overview section">Overview ▾</h2> <p> Package query implements encoding of structs into URL query parameters. </p> <p> As a simple example: </p> <pre>type Options struct { Query string `url:"q"` ShowAll bool `url:"all"` Page int `url:"page"` }
opt := Options{ "foo", true, 2 } v, _ := query.Values(opt) fmt.Print(v.Encode()) // will output: "q=foo&all=true&page=2" </pre> <p> The exact mapping between Go values and url.Values is described in the documentation for the Values() function. </p>
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<!-- Table of contents for API; must be named manual-nav to turn off auto nav. --> <div id="manual-nav"> <dl> <dd><a href="index.html#Values">func Values(v interface{}) (url.Values, error)</a></dd> <dd><a href="index.html#Encoder">type Encoder</a></dd> </dl> </div><!-- #manual-nav -->
<h4>Package files</h4> <p> <span style="font-size:90%"> <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/google/go-querystring/query/encode.go">encode.go</a> </span> </p> </div><!-- .expanded --> </div><!-- #pkg-index -->
<div id="pkg-callgraph" class="toggle" style="display: none"> <div class="collapsed"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to show Internal Call Graph section">Internal call graph ▹</h2> </div> <!-- .expanded --> <div class="expanded"> <h2 class="toggleButton" title="Click to hide Internal Call Graph section">Internal call graph ▾</h2> <p> In the call graph viewer below, each node is a function belonging to this package and its children are the functions it calls—perhaps dynamically. </p> <p> The root nodes are the entry points of the package: functions that may be called from outside the package. There may be non-exported or anonymous functions among them if they are called dynamically from another package. </p> <p> Click a node to visit that function's source code. From there you can visit its callers by clicking its declaring <code>func</code> token. </p> <p> Functions may be omitted if they were determined to be unreachable in the particular programs or tests that were analyzed. </p> <!-- Zero means show all package entry points. --> <ul style="margin-left: 0.5in" id="callgraph-0" class="treeview"></ul> </div> </div> <!-- #pkg-callgraph -->
<h2 id="Values">func <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/google/go-querystring/query/encode.go?s=4057:4103#L103">Values</a></h2> <pre>func Values(v interface{}) (<a href="../../../../net/url/index.html">url</a>.<a href="../../../../net/url/index.html#Values">Values</a>, <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#error">error</a>)</pre> <p> Values returns the url.Values encoding of v. </p> <p> Values expects to be passed a struct, and traverses it recursively using the following encoding rules. </p> <p> Each exported struct field is encoded as a URL parameter unless </p> <pre>- the field's tag is "-", or - the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option </pre> <p> The empty values are false, 0, any nil pointer or interface value, any array slice, map, or string of length zero, and any time.Time that returns true for IsZero(). </p> <p> The URL parameter name defaults to the struct field name but can be specified in the struct field's tag value. The "url" key in the struct field's tag value is the key name, followed by an optional comma and options. For example: </p> <pre>// Field is ignored by this package. Field int `url:"-"`
// Field appears as URL parameter "myName". Field int `url:"myName"`
// Field appears as URL parameter "myName" and the field is omitted if // its value is empty Field int `url:"myName,omitempty"`
// Field appears as URL parameter "Field" (the default), but the field // is skipped if empty. Note the leading comma. Field int `url:",omitempty"` </pre> <p> For encoding individual field values, the following type-dependent rules apply: </p> <p> Boolean values default to encoding as the strings "true" or "false". Including the "int" option signals that the field should be encoded as the strings "1" or "0". </p> <p> time.Time values default to encoding as RFC3339 timestamps. Including the "unix" option signals that the field should be encoded as a Unix time (see time.Unix()) </p> <p> Slice and Array values default to encoding as multiple URL values of the same name. Including the "comma" option signals that the field should be encoded as a single comma-delimited value. Including the "space" option similarly encodes the value as a single space-delimited string. Including the "semicolon" option will encode the value as a semicolon-delimited string. Including the "brackets" option signals that the multiple URL values should have "[]" appended to the value name. "numbered" will append a number to the end of each incidence of the value name, example: name0=value0&name1=value1, etc. </p> <p> Anonymous struct fields are usually encoded as if their inner exported fields were fields in the outer struct, subject to the standard Go visibility rules. An anonymous struct field with a name given in its URL tag is treated as having that name, rather than being anonymous. </p> <p> Non-nil pointer values are encoded as the value pointed to. </p> <p> Nested structs are encoded including parent fields in value names for scoping. e.g: </p> <pre>"user[name]=acme&user[addr][postcode]=1234&user[addr][city]=SFO" </pre> <p> All other values are encoded using their default string representation. </p> <p> Multiple fields that encode to the same URL parameter name will be included as multiple URL values of the same name. </p>
<h2 id="Encoder">type <a href="http://localhost:6060/src/github.com/google/go-querystring/query/encode.go?s=965:1038#L29">Encoder</a></h2> <pre>type Encoder interface { EncodeValues(key <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#string">string</a>, v *<a href="../../../../net/url/index.html">url</a>.<a href="../../../../net/url/index.html#Values">Values</a>) <a href="../../../../builtin/index.html#error">error</a> }</pre> <p> Encoder is an interface implemented by any type that wishes to encode itself into URL values in a non-standard way. </p>
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