#!/bin/bash set -e source $(dirname $0)/helpers.sh # set FILE_URL_WITH_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO with a URL of a file whose HTTP HEADER info provides a Last-Modified entry # to check it do "curl -I -R " export FILE_URL_WITH_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO=https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/lsilva-bpws/PCF_usage/pcf-sandbox-usage-from-2016-09-01-to-2016-09-30_1475771124.json # set FILE_URL_WITHOUT_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO with a URL of a file whose HTTP HEADER info DOES NOT provide a Last-Modified entry # to check it do "curl -I -R " export FILE_URL_WITHOUT_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pivotalservices/concourse-curl-resource/master/test/data/pivotal-1.0.0.txt # set FILE_URL_BASIC_AUTH with a URL of a file that requires basic authentication export FILE_URL_BASIC_AUTH=https://auth-demo.aerobatic.io/protected-standard it_can_get_file_with_last_modified_info() { echo $resource_dir jq -n "{ source: { url: $(echo $FILE_URL_WITH_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO | jq -R .) } }" | $resource_dir/check "$FILE_URL_WITH_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO" | tee /dev/stderr } it_can_get_file_without_last_modified_info() { jq -n "{ source: { url: $(echo $FILE_URL_WITHOUT_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO | jq -R .) } }" | $resource_dir/check "$FILE_URL_WITHOUT_LAST_MODIFIED_INFO" | tee /dev/stderr } it_can_get_file_with_basic_auth() { echo $resource_dir jq -n "{ source: { url: $(echo $FILE_URL_BASIC_AUTH | jq -R .), username: $(echo 'aerobatic' | jq -R .), password: $(echo 'aerobatic' | jq -R .), filename: $(echo 'basicauth.txt' | jq -R .) } }" | $resource_dir/check "$FILE_URL_BASIC_AUTH" | tee /dev/stderr } run it_can_get_file_with_last_modified_info run it_can_get_file_without_last_modified_info run it_can_get_file_with_basic_auth