This pull adds StackStorm ( to the list of cloud orchestration tools. This tool ingests events from different tools in an environment and triggers additional actions/workflows based on the user configuration. In addition, actions can be run arbitrary using ChatOps, adding additional context around operations management into the same human conversation happening in a Chat Room.
Thank you for your consideration.
Certificate based SSH allows us to launch a server at time X and grant
SSH access to that server later at time X + Y without touching the
authorized keys file. Further it allows us to generate certificates that
expire at some predefined time meaning that users can be granted access
to a system for a short period of time.
Olelo is a wiki that stores pages in a Git repository, supports many markup styles and has an extensible, hackable architecture!
* Edit, move or delete pages;
* Page attribute editor;
* Support for hierarchical wikis (directory structure);
* File upload;
* History, commit and diff view;
* Locales (Czech, English, French, German);
* Support for many markup languages (Creole, Markdown, Textile, ...);
* RSS/Atom changelog for whole wiki or pages; Section editing for Creole;
* Embedded LaTeX formulas; Syntax highlighting;
* Image resizing, SVG to PNG/JPEG conversion;
* Auto-generated table of contents;
* Previews;
* View pages as S5 presentation;
* Privacy features: Access control lists, Private wiki, Read-only wiki.