@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ Some [Content Management System](#content-management-systems-cms) solutions also
- [feedmixer](https://github.com/cristoper/feedmixer) - FeedMixer is a WSGI (Python3) micro web service which takes a list of feed URLs and returns a new feed consisting of the most recent n entries from each given feed(Returns Atom, RSS, or JSON). ([Demo](https://mretc.net/feedmixer/json?f=http://hnrss.org/newest&f=http://americancynic.net/atom.xml&n=1)) `WTFPL``Python`
- [FHEM](https://fhem.de/fhem.html) - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. ([Source Code](https://svn.fhem.de/trac)) `GPL-3.0``Perl`
- [Gekko](https://gekko.wizb.it/) - Gekko is a Bitcoin TA trading and backtesting bot which support multiple exchanges and cryptocurrencies. ([Source Code](https://github.com/askmike/gekko)) `MIT``Nodejs`
- [Gladys](https://gladysproject.com) - Gladys is an open-source home assistant which runs on your Raspberry Pi. ([Source Code](https://github.com/GladysProject/Gladys)) `MIT``Nodejs`
- [Headphones](https://github.com/rembo10/headphones) - Automated music downloader for NZB and Torrent, written in Python. It supports SABnzbd, NZBget, Transmission, µTorrent, Deluge and Blackhole. `GPL-3.0``Python`
- [Healthchecks](https://healthchecks.io/) - Django app which listens for pings and sends alerts when pings are late. ([Source Code](https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks)) `BSD-3-Clause``Python`