- [cryptonote](https://cryptonote.me/) - Simple open source web application that lets users encrypt and share messages that can only be read once. ([Source Code](https://github.com/alainmeier/cryptonote)) `BSD``Ruby`
- [cryptonote](https://cryptonote.me/) - Simple open source web application that lets users encrypt and share messages that can only be read once. ([Source Code](https://github.com/alainmeier/cryptonote)) `BSD``Ruby`
- [CryptPad](https://cryptpad.fr/) - CryptPad is the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor. ([Source Code](https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad)) `AGPL-3.0``Nodejs`
- [EdPaste](https://github.com/Edraens/EdPaste) - Self-hosted pastebin written in Laravel (PHP Framework). ([Demo](https://paste.edra.ovh/)) `MIT``PHP`
- [EdPaste](https://github.com/Edraens/EdPaste) - Self-hosted pastebin written in Laravel (PHP Framework). ([Demo](https://paste.edra.ovh/)) `MIT``PHP`
- [fiche](https://github.com/solusipse/fiche) - Command line pastebin, all you need is netcat. ([Demo](http://termbin.com/)) `MIT``C`
- [fiche](https://github.com/solusipse/fiche) - Command line pastebin, all you need is netcat. ([Demo](http://termbin.com/)) `MIT``C`
- [GIST](https://gitnet.fr/deblan/gist) - GIST is an open-source application to share code. ([Demo](https://gist.deblan.org/)) `GPL-3.0``PHP`
- [GIST](https://gitnet.fr/deblan/gist) - GIST is an open-source application to share code. ([Demo](https://gist.deblan.org/)) `GPL-3.0``PHP`