- [Lynx](https://getlynx.dev) - URL shortener with many functions such as multiple accounts, ShareX support and an attractive but simple interface. ([Demo](https://demo.getlynx.dev), [Source Code](https://github.com/Lynx-Shortener/Lynx)) `MIT``Nodejs/Docker`
- [rs-short](https://git.42l.fr/42l/rs-short) - A lightweight link shortener written in Rust, with features such as caching, spambot protection and phishing detection. ([Demo](https://s.42l.fr/)) `MPL-2.0``Rust`
- [Shlink](https://shlink.io) - URL shortener with REST API and command line interface. Includes official progressive web application and docker images. ([Source Code](https://github.com/shlinkio/shlink), [Clients](https://shlink.io/apps)) `MIT``PHP/Docker`
- [Simple-URL-Shortener](https://github.com/azlux/Simple-URL-Shortener) - KISS URL shortener, public or private (with account). Minimalist and lightweight. No dependencies. ([Demo](https://u.azlux.fr)) `MIT``PHP`