_See also: [dbdb.io - Database of Databases](https://dbdb.io/)_
- [Adminer](https://www.adminer.org/) - Database management in a single PHP file. Available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and others. ([Source Code](https://github.com/vrana/adminer)) `Apache-2.0/GPL-2.0``PHP`
- [Azimutt](https://azimutt.app) - Visual database exploration made for real world databases (big and messy). Explore your database schema as well as data, document them, extend them and even get analysis and guidelines. ([Demo](https://azimutt.app/gallery/gospeak), [Source Code](https://github.com/azimuttapp/azimutt)) `MIT``Elixir/Nodejs/Docker`
- [Baserow](https://baserow.io/) - Create your own database without technical experience (alternative to Airtable). ([Source Code](https://gitlab.com/bramw/baserow)) `MIT``Docker`
- [Bytebase](https://www.bytebase.com/) - Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, TiDB, ClickHouse, and Snowflake. ([Demo](https://demo.bytebase.com), [Source Code](https://github.com/bytebase/bytebase)) `MIT``Docker/K8S/Go`
[URL shortening](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_shortening) is the action of shortening a [URL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Locator) to make it substantially shorter and still direct to the required page. Before hosting one, please see [disadvantages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_shortening#Disadvantages) of URL shorteners.
- [Chhoto URL](https://github.com/SinTan1729/chhoto-url) - Simple, lightning-fast URL shortener with no bloat (fork of simply-shorten). `MIT``Rust/Docker`
- [Just Short It!](https://github.com/miawinter98/just-short-it) - A KISS, single-user URL shortener that runs in just one container. `MIT``Docker`