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[bot] build markdown from awesome-selfhosted-data 3a4ec53

awesome-selfhosted-bot 4 months ago
  1. 4


@ -998,7 +998,6 @@ _Related: [Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels](#games---administr
- [MTA:SA]( `⚠` - Multi Theft Auto (MTA) is a software project that adds network play functionality to Rockstar North's Grand Theft Auto game series, in which this functionality is not originally found. ([Source Code]( `GPL-3.0` `C++`
- [piqueserver]( - Server for openspades, the first-person shooter in a destructible voxel world. ([Clients]( `GPL-3.0` `Python/C++`
- [Posio]( - Geography multiplayer game. `MIT` `Python`
- [QuakeJS]( - QuakeJS is a port of ioquake3 to Javascript that can be played in a browser. `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [Quizmaster]( - A web-app for conducting a quiz, including a page for players to enter their answers. `Apache-2.0` `Scala`
- [Red Eclipse 2]( - A FOSS Arena First-Person Shooter Similar to Unreal Tournament. ([Source Code]( `Zlib/MIT/CC-BY-SA-4.0` `C/C++/deb`
- [Romm]( `⚠` - RomM (Rom Manager) is a web based retro roms manager integrated with IGDB. `GPL-3.0` `Docker`
@ -1295,7 +1294,6 @@ Software that does not fit in another section.
- [AlertHub]( `⚠` - AlertHub is a simple tool to get alerted from GitHub releases. `MIT` `Nodejs/Docker`
- [Anchr]( - Anchr is a toolbox for tiny tasks on the internet, including bookmark collections, URL shortening and (encrypted) image uploads. ([Source Code]( `GPL-3.0` `Nodejs`
- [Apache Solr]( - Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene. ([Source Code]( `Apache-2.0` `Java/Docker/K8S`
- [asciiflow]( - Flow Diagram Drawing Tool. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [asciinema]( - Web app for hosting asciicasts. ([Demo]( `Apache-2.0` `Elixir/Docker`
- [Baby Buddy]( - Helps caregivers track baby sleep, feedings, diaper changes, and tummy time. ([Demo]( `BSD-2-Clause` `Python`
- [Bracket]( - Flexible tournament system to build a tournament setup, add teams, schedule matches, keep track of scores and present ranking live to the public. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Docker/Nodejs`
@ -1429,7 +1427,6 @@ _Related: [Wikis](#wikis)_
- [Joplin]( - Joplin is a note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support for mobile and desktop platforms. Runs client-side and syncs through self hosted Nextcloud or similar (alternative to Evernote). ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [kiwix-serve]( - HTTP daemon for serving wikis from ZIM files. ([Source Code]( `GPL-3.0` `C++`
- [Livebook]( - Realtime collaborative notebook app based on Markdown that supports running Elixir code snippets, TeX and Mermaid Diagrams. Easily deployed using Docker or Elixir. ([Source Code]( `Apache-2.0` `Elixir/Docker`
- [Markdown Edit]( - Online markdown editor/viewer. `MIT` `Javascript`
- [Meemo]( - Personal notes stream with Markdown support. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [Memos]( - An open source, self-hosted knowledge base that works with a SQLite db file. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Docker/Go`
- [minimalist-web-notepad]( - Minimalist clone. ([Demo]( `Apache-2.0` `PHP`
@ -1920,7 +1917,6 @@ _Related: [Software Development - Project Management](#software-development---pr
- [Focalboard]( - Define, organize, track and manage work across individuals and teams (alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana). ([Source Code](, [Clients]( `MIT/AGPL-3.0/Apache-2.0` `Nodejs/Go/Docker`
- [Kanbana]( - Create boards to track users and projects from flat markdown files (fork of Crepido). `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [Kanboard]( - Simple and open source visual task board. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `PHP`
- [Minimalist Online Markdown Editor]( - The simplest and slickest online Markdown editor. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Nodejs`
- [myTinyTodo]( - Simple way to manage your todo list in AJAX style. Uses PHP, jQuery, SQLite/MySQL. GTD compliant. ([Demo](, [Source Code]( `GPL-2.0` `PHP`
- [Nullboard]( - Single-page minimalist kanban board; compact, highly readable and quick to use. `BSD-2-Clause` `Javascript`
- [Our Shopping List]( - Simple shared list application. Typical uses include shopping lists of course, and any other small todo-list that needs to be used collaboratively. ([Demo]( `AGPL-3.0` `Docker`
