You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
5.9 KiB

use crate::acme_proto::Challenge;
use crate::hooks::{self, ChallengeHookData, Hook, HookEnvData, HookType, PostOperationHookData};
use crate::identifier::{Identifier, IdentifierType};
use crate::logs::HasLogger;
use crate::storage::{certificate_files_exists, get_certificate, FileManager};
use acme_common::crypto::{HashFunction, KeyType, SubjectAttribute, X509Certificate};
use acme_common::error::Error;
use log::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt;
use std::time::Duration;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Certificate {
pub account_name: String,
pub identifiers: Vec<Identifier>,
pub subject_attributes: HashMap<SubjectAttribute, String>,
pub key_type: KeyType,
pub csr_digest: HashFunction,
pub kp_reuse: bool,
pub endpoint_name: String,
pub hooks: Vec<Hook>,
pub crt_name: String,
pub env: HashMap<String, String>,
pub random_early_renew: Duration,
pub renew_delay: Duration,
pub file_manager: FileManager,
impl fmt::Display for Certificate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.get_id())
impl HasLogger for Certificate {
fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
warn!("certificate \"{self}\": {msg}");
fn info(&self, msg: &str) {
info!("certificate \"{self}\": {msg}");
fn debug(&self, msg: &str) {
debug!("certificate \"{self}\": {msg}");
fn trace(&self, msg: &str) {
trace!("certificate \"{self}\": {msg}");
impl Certificate {
pub fn get_id(&self) -> String {
format!("{}_{}", self.crt_name, self.key_type)
pub fn get_identifier_from_str(&self, identifier: &str) -> Result<Identifier, Error> {
let identifier = identifier.to_string();
for d in self.identifiers.iter() {
let val = match d.id_type {
// strip wildcards from domain before matching
IdentifierType::Dns => d.value.trim_start_matches("*.").to_string(),
IdentifierType::Ip => d.value.to_owned(),
if identifier == val {
return Ok(d.clone());
Err(format!("{identifier}: identifier not found").into())
fn renew_in(&self, cert: &X509Certificate) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
let expires_in = cert.expires_in()?;
"certificate expires in {} days ({} days delay)",
expires_in.as_secs() / 86400,
self.renew_delay.as_secs() / 86400,
let expires_in = expires_in.saturating_sub(self.renew_delay);
let expires_in = if !self.random_early_renew.is_zero() {
} else {
fn has_missing_identifiers(&self, cert: &X509Certificate) -> bool {
let cert_names = cert.subject_alt_names();
let req_names = self
.map(|v| v.value.to_owned())
let has_miss = req_names.difference(&cert_names).count() != 0;
if has_miss {
let domains = req_names
.join(", ");
"the certificate does not include the following domains: {domains}"
/// Return a comma-separated list of the domains this certificate is valid for.
pub fn identifier_list(&self) -> String {
.map(|d| d.value.as_str())
pub async fn schedule_renewal(&self) -> Result<Duration, Error> {
"checking for renewal (identifiers: {})",
if !certificate_files_exists(&self.file_manager) {
self.debug("certificate does not exist: requesting one");
return Ok(Duration::ZERO);
let cert = get_certificate(&self.file_manager).await?;
if self.has_missing_identifiers(&cert) {
self.debug("the current certificate doesn't include all the required identifiers");
return Ok(Duration::ZERO);
pub async fn call_challenge_hooks(
file_name: &str,
proof: &str,
raw_proof: Option<String>,
identifier: &str,
) -> Result<(ChallengeHookData, HookType), Error> {
let identifier = self.get_identifier_from_str(identifier)?;
let mut hook_data = ChallengeHookData {
challenge: identifier.challenge.to_string(),
identifier: identifier.value.to_owned(),
identifier_tls_alpn: identifier.get_tls_alpn_name().unwrap_or_default(),
file_name: file_name.to_string(),
proof: proof.to_string(),
raw_proof: raw_proof.unwrap_or_default().to_string(),
is_clean_hook: false,
env: HashMap::new(),
let hook_type = match identifier.challenge {
Challenge::Http01 => (HookType::ChallengeHttp01, HookType::ChallengeHttp01Clean),
Challenge::Dns01 => (HookType::ChallengeDns01, HookType::ChallengeDns01Clean),
Challenge::TlsAlpn01 => (
hooks::call(self, &self.hooks, &hook_data, hook_type.0).await?;
Ok((hook_data, hook_type.1))
pub async fn call_challenge_hooks_clean(
data: &ChallengeHookData,
hook_type: HookType,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
hooks::call(self, &self.hooks, data, hook_type).await
pub async fn call_post_operation_hooks(
status: &str,
is_success: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let identifiers = self
.map(|d| d.value.to_owned())
let mut hook_data = PostOperationHookData {
key_type: self.key_type.to_string(),
status: status.to_string(),
certificate_path: crate::storage::get_certificate_path(&self.file_manager).await?,
private_key_path: crate::storage::get_keypair_path(&self.file_manager).await?,
env: HashMap::new(),
hooks::call(self, &self.hooks, &hook_data, HookType::PostOperation).await?;