# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Rodolphe Bréard <rodolphe@breard.tf> # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Default hooks for ACMEd # You should not edit this file since it may be overridden by a newer one. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # http-01 challenge in "/var/www/{{ identifier }}/" #
[[hook]] name = "http-01-echo-mkdir" type = ["challenge-http-01"] cmd = "mkdir" args = [ "-m", "0755", "-p", "{{ env.HTTP_ROOT | default('/var/www') }}/{{ identifier }}/.well-known/acme-challenge" ] allow_failure = true
[[hook]] name = "http-01-echo-echo" type = ["challenge-http-01"] cmd = "echo" args = ["{{ proof }}"] stdout = "{{ env.HTTP_ROOT | default('/var/www') }}/{{ identifier }}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{ file_name }}"
[[hook]] name = "http-01-echo-chmod" type = ["challenge-http-01"] cmd = "chmod" args = [ "a+r", "{{ env.HTTP_ROOT | default('/var/www') }}/{{ identifier }}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{ file_name }}" ] allow_failure = true
[[hook]] name = "http-01-echo-clean" type = ["challenge-http-01-clean"] cmd = "rm" args = [ "-f", "{{ env.HTTP_ROOT | default('/var/www') }}/{{ identifier }}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{ file_name }}" ] allow_failure = true
[[group]] name = "http-01-echo" hooks = [ "http-01-echo-mkdir", "http-01-echo-echo", "http-01-echo-chmod", "http-01-echo-clean" ]
# # tls-alpn-01 challenge with tacd #
[[hook]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-start-tcp" type = ["challenge-tls-alpn-01"] cmd = "tacd" args = [ "--pid-file", "{{ env.TACD_PID_ROOT | default('/run') }}/tacd_{{ identifier }}.pid", "--domain", "{{ identifier_tls_alpn }}", "--acme-ext", "{{ proof }}", "--listen", "{{ env.TACD_PORT | default('5001') }}" ]
[[hook]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-start-unix" type = ["challenge-tls-alpn-01"] cmd = "tacd" args = [ "--pid-file", "{{ env.TACD_PID_ROOT | default('/run') }}/tacd_{{ identifier }}.pid", "--domain", "{{ identifier_tls_alpn }}", "--acme-ext", "{{ proof }}", "--listen", "unix:{{ env.TACD_SOCK_ROOT | default('/run') }}/tacd_{{ identifier }}.sock" ]
[[hook]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-kill" type = ["challenge-tls-alpn-01-clean"] cmd = "pkill" args = [ "-F", "{{ env.TACD_PID_ROOT | default('/run') }}/tacd_{{ identifier }}.pid", ] allow_failure = true
[[hook]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-rm" type = ["challenge-tls-alpn-01-clean"] cmd = "rm" args = [ "-f", "{{ env.TACD_PID_ROOT | default('/run') }}/tacd_{{ identifier }}.pid", ] allow_failure = true
[[group]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-tcp" hooks = ["tls-alpn-01-tacd-start-tcp", "tls-alpn-01-tacd-kill", "tls-alpn-01-tacd-rm"]
[[group]] name = "tls-alpn-01-tacd-unix" hooks = ["tls-alpn-01-tacd-start-unix", "tls-alpn-01-tacd-kill", "tls-alpn-01-tacd-rm"]
# # Git storage hook #
[[hook]] name = "git-init" type = ["file-pre-create", "file-pre-edit"] cmd = "git" args = [ "init", "{{ file_directory }}" ]
[[hook]] name = "git-add" type = ["file-post-create", "file-post-edit"] cmd = "git" args = [ "-C", "{{ file_directory }}", "add", "{{ file_name }}" ] allow_failure = true
[[hook]] name = "git-commit" type = ["file-post-create", "file-post-edit"] cmd = "git" args = [ "-C", "{{ file_directory }}", "-c", "user.name='{{ env.GIT_USERNAME | default('ACMEd') }}'", "-c", "user.email='{{ env.GIT_EMAIL | default('acmed@localhost') }}'", "commit", "-m", "{{ file_name }}", "--only", "{{ file_name }}" ] allow_failure = true
[[group]] name = "git" hooks = ["git-init", "git-add", "git-commit"]