#!/usr/bin/env sh # Here is the script to deploy the cert to G-Core CDN service (https://gcore.com/) using the G-Core Labs API (https://apidocs.gcore.com/cdn). # Returns 0 when success. # # Written by temoffey <temofffey@gmail.com> # Public domain, 2019 # Update by DreamOfIce <admin@dreamofice.cn> in 2023 #export DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_USERNAME=myusername #export DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_PASSWORD=mypassword ######## Public functions ##################### #domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain gcore_cdn_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" _fullchain=$(tr '\r\n' '*#' <"$_cfullchain" | sed 's/*#/#/g;s/##/#/g;s/#/\\n/g') _key=$(tr '\r\n' '*#' <"$_ckey" | sed 's/*#/#/g;s/#/\\n/g') _debug _fullchain "$_fullchain" _debug _key "$_key" if [ -z "$DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_USERNAME" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_username" ]; then _err "Please define the target username: export DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_USERNAME=username" return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_username="$DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_USERNAME" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_username "$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_username" fi if [ -z "$DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_PASSWORD" ]; then if [ -z "$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_password" ]; then _err "Please define the target password: export DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_PASSWORD=password" return 1 fi else Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_password="$DEPLOY_GCORE_CDN_PASSWORD" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_password "$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_password" fi _info "Get authorization token" _request="{\"username\":\"$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_username\",\"password\":\"$Le_Deploy_gcore_cdn_password\"}" _debug _request "$_request" export _H1="Content-Type:application/json" _response=$(_post "$_request" "https://api.gcore.com/auth/jwt/login") _debug _response "$_response" _regex=".*\"access\":\"\([-._0-9A-Za-z]*\)\".*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _token=$(echo "$_response" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _token "$_token" if [ -z "$_token" ]; then _err "Error G-Core Labs API authorization" return 1 fi _info "Find CDN resource with cname $_cdomain" export _H2="Authorization:Bearer $_token" _response=$(_get "https://api.gcore.com/cdn/resources") _debug _response "$_response" _regex="\"primary_resource\":null}," _debug _regex "$_regex" _response=$(echo "$_response" | sed "s/$_regex/$_regex\n/g") _debug _response "$_response" _regex="^.*\"cname\":\"$_cdomain\".*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _resource=$(echo "$_response" | _egrep_o "$_regex") _debug _resource "$_resource" _regex=".*\"id\":\([0-9]*\).*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _resourceId=$(echo "$_resource" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _resourceId "$_resourceId" _regex=".*\"sslData\":\([0-9]*\).*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _sslDataOld=$(echo "$_resource" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _sslDataOld "$_sslDataOld" _regex=".*\"originGroup\":\([0-9]*\).*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _originGroup=$(echo "$_resource" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _originGroup "$_originGroup" if [ -z "$_resourceId" ] || [ -z "$_originGroup" ]; then _err "Not found CDN resource with cname $_cdomain" return 1 fi _info "Add new SSL certificate" _date=$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") _request="{\"name\":\"$_cdomain ($_date)\",\"sslCertificate\":\"$_fullchain\",\"sslPrivateKey\":\"$_key\"}" _debug _request "$_request" _response=$(_post "$_request" "https://api.gcore.com/cdn/sslData") _debug _response "$_response" _regex=".*\"id\":\([0-9]*\).*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _sslDataAdd=$(echo "$_response" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _sslDataAdd "$_sslDataAdd" if [ -z "$_sslDataAdd" ]; then _err "Error new SSL certificate add" return 1 fi _info "Update CDN resource" _request="{\"originGroup\":$_originGroup,\"sslData\":$_sslDataAdd}" _debug _request "$_request" _response=$(_post "$_request" "https://api.gcore.com/cdn/resources/$_resourceId" '' "PUT") _debug _response "$_response" _regex=".*\"sslData\":\([0-9]*\).*$" _debug _regex "$_regex" _sslDataNew=$(echo "$_response" | sed -n "s/$_regex/\1/p") _debug _sslDataNew "$_sslDataNew" if [ "$_sslDataNew" != "$_sslDataAdd" ]; then _err "Error CDN resource update" return 1 fi if [ -z "$_sslDataOld" ] || [ "$_sslDataOld" = "null" ]; then _info "Not found old SSL certificate" else _info "Delete old SSL certificate" _response=$(_post '' "https://api.gcore.com/cdn/sslData/$_sslDataOld" '' "DELETE") _debug _response "$_response" fi _info "Certificate successfully deployed" return 0 }