#!/usr/bin/env sh # Deployment script for F5 BIGIP # # IDNs are currently not supported (Only domain names that follow the [A-Za-z][0-9]()*+,-:;<=>?@[]^_|~. regex are supported) # # As ClientSSL profiles do not support * in their names, domain names with wildcards are replaced with a _ character, which can result in a conflict if a domain name similar to _.example.com is used # however you can set a custom ClientSSL profile name to workaround this issue or use a regular subdomain as CN with wildcard or _ as alternative name # # All of the environment variables are optional # DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE = yes/no - Whether to create ClientSSL profile or just install the cert/key/chain into certificate store (defaults to: no) # (this also means that everytime a new cert/key/chain is generated you will have to add it manually to a clientssl profile) # DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE - Changes the name of the ClientSSL profile. The limit is 255 chars (imposed by bigip itself) (defaults to: SSL-ACME-${domain}) # DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS - allows you to change the ClientSSL profile settings (defaults to: cipher-group f5-secure ciphers none options {no-tlsv1 no-tlsv1.1 dont-insert-empty-fragments}) # DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP = yes/no - Whether to keep 2 cert/key/chain combos (the installed one and a backup) at all times or delete the previously installed ones straight away (defaults to: yes) f5_bigip_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" _domain="$(echo "${_cdomain}" | sed 's/\*/_/g')" _getdeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE if [ -z "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" ]; then DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE="no" elif [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" != "yes" ] && [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" != "no" ]; then _err "DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE can only contain yes or no" return 1 fi _savedeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" if [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" = "no" ]; then _getdeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE _getdeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS if [ -z "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE}" ]; then DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE="SSL-ACME-${_domain}" fi # Since the path length limit is 255 and we are using the /Common/ partition, the length of SSL profile can only be 247 (including) (255 - 8) if [ ${#DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} -gt 247 ]; then _err "The maximum Client SSL profile name length is 247" return 1 fi if [ -z "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS}" ]; then DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS="cipher-group f5-secure ciphers none options {no-tlsv1 no-tlsv1.1 dont-insert-empty-fragments}" fi _savedeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE}" _savedeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS}" fi _getdeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP if [ -z "$DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP" ]; then DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP="yes" elif [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP}" != "yes" ] && [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP}" != "no" ]; then _err "DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP can only contain yes or no" return 1 fi _savedeployconf DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP "$DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP" TMSH_CMD=$(command -v tmsh) f5_bigip_tmsh } f5_bigip_tmsh() { _now=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d) _next_cert="${_domain}-cert-${_now}" _next_key="${_domain}-key-${_now}" _next_chain="${_domain}-chain-${_now}" if [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" = "no" ]; then _current_cert=$(tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} cert 2>/dev/null | grep cert | awk '{print $2}') _current_key=$(tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} key 2>/dev/null | grep key | awk '{print $2}') _current_chain=$(tmsh list ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} chain 2>/dev/null | grep chain | awk '{print $2}') fi _info "Installing new cert/key/chain into store" ${TMSH_CMD} install sys crypto cert ${_next_cert} from-local-file "${_ccert}" ${TMSH_CMD} install sys crypto key ${_next_key} from-local-file "${_ckey}" ${TMSH_CMD} install sys crypto cert ${_next_chain} from-local-file "${_cfullchain}" if [ "${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_DISABLE}" = "no" ]; then _info "Cleaning up old cert/key/chain from the store" f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "cert" ${_current_cert} f5_bigip_cleanup "key" "key" ${_current_key} f5_bigip_cleanup "cert" "chain" ${_current_chain} if [ -z "$(${TMSH_CMD} list ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} 2>/dev/null)" ]; then _info "Creating new ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} ClientSSL profile" ${TMSH_CMD} create ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} \ cert-key-chain add { ACME { cert ${_next_cert} key ${_next_key} chain ${_next_chain} } } \ ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE_SETTINGS} else _info "Updating ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} ClientSSL profile with new cert/key/chain" ${TMSH_CMD} modify ltm profile client-ssl ${DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE} \ cert-key-chain replace-all-with { ACME { cert ${_next_cert} key ${_next_key} chain ${_next_chain} } } fi fi ${TMSH_CMD} save sys config } f5_bigip_cleanup() { _cert_mgmt_type=$1 _cert_type=$2 _current=$3 if [ -n "$_current" ]; then if [ "$DEPLOY_F5_BIGIP_BACKUP" = "yes" ]; then # Backup enabled leave 1 previous type as backup and delete everything older than it _old_date_list=$(${TMSH_CMD} list sys crypto ${_cert_mgmt_type} | grep ${_domain}-${_cert_type} | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F'-' '{print $(NF-2) "-" $(NF-1) "-" $NF}' | sort -r | tail -n +3) if [ -n "${_old_date_list}" ]; then while IFS= read -r _old_date; do _old_name="${_domain}-${_cert_type}-${_old_date}" _debug "Deleting ${_cert_mgmt_type} ${_old_name}" ${TMSH_CMD} delete sys crypto ${_cert_mgmt_type} ${_old_name} done <<< "${_old_date_list}" fi else # Backup disabled, remove current type _debug "Deleting ${_cert_mgmt_type} ${_current}" ${TMSH_CMD} delete sys crypto ${_cert_mgmt_type} ${_current} fi fi }